Thu Feb 22 12:45:26 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@opensuse.org>

- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.

Wed Jan 10 17:43:49 UTC 2024 - Bernhard Wiedemann <bwiedemann@suse.com>

- Add kubernetes-sort-custom-column-print-flags.patch
  for reproducible builds

Mon Mar 27 09:24:52 UTC 2023 - Robert Munteanu <rombert@apache.org>

- Stronger conflicts for completion packages 

Mon Mar 27 08:46:30 UTC 2023 - Robert Munteanu <rombert@apache.org>

- Split individual completions into separate packages

Wed Mar  1 06:45:10 UTC 2023 - Priyanka Saggu <priyanka.saggu@suse.com>

- update patch files to reflect upstream registry changes from k8s.gcr.io to registry.k8s.io
  * kubeadm-opensuse-registry.patch
  * revert-coredns-image-renaming.patch

Thu Feb 23 08:57:30 UTC 2023 - priyanka.saggu@suse.com

- Update to version 1.22.17:
  * Release commit for Kubernetes v1.22.17
  * backport change all k8s.gcr.io to registry.k8s.io on release-1.22
  * Fix endpoint reconciler failing to delete masterlease
  * use etcd 3.5.6-0 after promotion
  * changelog: CVE-2022-3294 and CVE-2022-3162 were fixed in v1.23.14
  * hack/scripts: use registry.k8s.io
  * kubeadm: mutate ClusterConfiguration.imageRepository to "registry.k8s.io"
  * kubeadm: use registry.k8s.io instead of k8s.gcr.io
  * kubeadm: allow RSA and ECDSA format keys in preflight check
  * Limit redirect proxy handling to redirected responses
  * Reduce default gzip compression level from 4 to 1 in apiserver
  * client-go: make retry in Request thread safe
  * exec auth: support TLS config caching
  * client-go exec: make sure round tripper can be unwrapped
  * Automated cherry pick of #111009: Windows: ensure runAsNonRoot does case-insensitive comparison (#112213)
  * Fix problem in updating VolumeAttached in node status
  * Add etcd initialization in openapi tests
  * Tolerate sub-microsecond eventTime changes on update
  * fix a memory leak problem when calling DryRunPreemption
  * Fix kubelet panic when accessing metrics/resource endpoint
  * Fixing logic for kubelet permissions check on windows
  * kubeadm: fix the bug that configurable KubernetesVersion not respected during kubeadm join
  * Bump cAdvisor to v0.39.4
  * Fix: filter out unsatisfied nodes when calling AddPod in PodTopologySpread
  * kubeadm: fix the bug that configurable KubernetesVersion not respected during kubeadm join
  * GIT-110239: fix activeDeadlineSeconds enforcement bug
  * fix: --chunk-size with selector returns missing result
  * Fixed winkernel proxy failing to query v1 endpoints created by dockershim CNIs
  * Winkernel proxier cache HNS data to improve syncProxyRules performance
  * apiserver: printers should use int64
  * Revert "Automated cherry pick of #109124: Winkernel proxier cache HNS data to improve syncProxyRules"
  * Prune defaults for CRD serving
  * fix image pulling failure when IMDS is unavailalbe in kubelet startup
  * test: update graceful node shutdown e2e with watch
  * Ignore EndpointSlices that are already marked for deletion
  * kubelet: Mark ready condition as false explicitly for terminal pods
  * agnhost: bump version 2.39
  * kubelet: add e2e test to verify probe readiness
  * kubelet: only shutdown probes for pods that are terminated
  * kubelet: Pod probes should be handled by pod worker
  * Reject proxy requests to as well
  * etcd-client starts retrying transient errors from the etcd cluster
  * ipvs: fix prevent concurrent map read and map write
  * restore endpoints topology fallback in kube-proxy, fix issue 110208
  * fix audit union loop variables in closures
  * Updating e2e test to check EndpointSlices and Endpoints as well
  * e2e: services with evicted pods doesn't have endpoints
  * e2e test for evicted pods
  * endpoints controller: don't consider terminal endpoints
  * endpointslices: terminal pods doesn't receive enpoints
  * add pod util to verify pod is terminal
  * untangled HNS caching fix with healthCheck feature
  * Fix requests scope classification
  * authn: fix cache mutation by AuthenticatedGroupAdder
  * Winkernel proxier cache HNS data to improve syncProxyRules performance
  * fix: exclude non-ready nodes and deleted nodes from azure load balancers
  * Fix OpenAPI loading error caused by empty APIService
  * tests: Updates the should delete a collection of pods test
  * component-base: replace url in rest client metrics
  * Fix name for Pods of NonIndexed Jobs
  * Correct event registration for multiple scheduler plugins.
  * Avoid updating Services with stale specs Fix the bug that service specs in servicesToUpdate may have been updated by clients.
  * Fix: abort nominating a pod that was already scheduled to a node
  * cpu manager policy set to none, no one remove container id from container map, lead memory leak
  * kubeadm: add etcd flag for member data consistency
  * Copy request in timeout handler
  * kube-up: use registry.k8s.io for containerd-related jobs
  * Skip updating Endpoints and EndpointSlice if no relevant fields change
  * ipvs: remove port opener
  * iptables: remove port opener
  * kubelet: If the container status is created, we are waiting
  * rootcacertpublisher: drop the namespace label from metrics to reduce its cardinality
  * Include pod UID in secret/configmap cache key
  * Move kubelet secret and configmap manager calls to sync_Pod functions
  * Extract containerID from systemd-style cgroupPath in cri_stats_provider And fix test to generate UUID without dash
  * test: Add E2E for job completions with cpu reservation
  * test: Add E2E for init container pod deletion
  * kubelet: Delay writing a terminal phase until the pod is terminated
  * azure_file: try to get secret namespace from ClaimRef
  * azure_file: add namespace tests for InTree to CSI conversion
  * Update Go to 1.16.15
  * cluster/gce: update konnectivity image tags to v0.0.30
  * wrap error from RunCordonOrUncordon
  * bump sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client@v0.0.30
  * fix dryrun when ca file exists
  * fix regression introduced by PR 100320
  * Fix nodes volumesAttached status not updated
  * remove InitFlags for pod_workers test
  * cronjob_controllerv2: do not filter jobs to be reconciled by labels
  * kubelet: Clean up a static pod that has been terminated before starting
  * Add an e2e test for updating a static pod while it restarts
  * kubelet: fix podstatus not containing pod full name
  * increase Azure ACR credential provider timeout
  * Updating EndpointSlice strategy to retain node name in topology until field is set
  * Ignore container notfound error while getPodstatuses
  * fix: do not return early in the node informer when there is no change of the topology label.
  * Add PDB selector patch integration test
  * Revert v1beta1 PodDisruptionBudget select patchStrategy
  * kubeadm: fix the bug that 'kubeadm init --dry-run --upload-certs' command failed with 'secret not found' error
  * tests: Wait for pod collection to enter a Running state

Wed Mar 16 12:35:07 UTC 2022 - rbrown@suse.com

- Update to version 1.22.7:
  * Update Go to 1.16.14
  * add namespace in azurefile volumeid
  * fix: azurefile volumeid conflict in csi migration
  * Execute sync before taking the snapshot
  * Mark device as uncertain if unmount device succeeds
  * Set max results if its not set
  * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.22.md for v1.22.6
  * Update k/utils to v0.0.0-20211116205334-6203023598ed
  * [go] update to Go 1.16.13
  * Enabling kube-proxy metrics on windows kernel mode
  * fix: ignore the case when comparing azure tags in service annotation
  * fix: remove outdated ipv4 route when the corresponding node is deleted
  * fix: delete non existing disk issue
  * fix containers order after applying
  * generated: ./hack/update-vendor.sh
  * upgrade sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 to v4.2.1
  * fix: azuredisk parameter lowercase translation issue
  * fix: do not delete the lb that does not exist
  * removed unnecessary log line
  * Fix header mutation race in timeout filter
  * use node informer to check volumes attachment status before backoff
  * When volume is not marked in-use, do not backoff
  * kubeadm: remove the restriction that the ca.crt can only contain one certificate
  * flake fix: remove the error handler for cronjob integration test
  * vendor: bump cAdvisor to v0.39.3
  * Fix the leak of vSphere client sessions
  * fix nil pointer in create secret commands
  * client-go: Clear the ResourceVersionMatch on paged list calls
  * Update GCE manifest to use konnectivity 0.0.27
  * Update to apiserver-network-proxy v0.0.27
  * add gce loadbalancer no-op finalizer and existingFwdRule tests
  * disable gce service handling if has rbs forwarding rule
  * add ELBRbsFinalizer
  * add gce elb rbs opt-in annotation
  * Improving performance of EndpointSlice controller metrics cache
  * fix the error when cleaning up jobs for cronjob
  * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.22.md for v1.22.5
  * Add test to confirm containers won't start
  * Check for failed sandbox and failed workload containers
  * mount-utils: Detect potential stale file handle
  * [go1.16] Update to go1.16.12
  * Skip creating HNS loadbalancer with empty endpoints
  * dependencies: Update golang.org/x/net to v0.0.0-20211209124913-491a49abca63
  * kubeadm: avoid requiring a CA key during kubeconfig expiration checks
  * kubeadm: print the CA of kubeconfig files in "check expiration"
  * kubeadm: validate local etcd certficates during expiration checks
  * kubelet: set failed phase during graceful shutdown
  * [go1.16] Update to go1.16.11
  * fix: ignore the case when updating tags
  * Ensure deletion of pods in queues and cache
  * kubelet: Rejected pods should be filtered from admission
  * kube-scheduler: Increase the duration to expire an assumed pod
  * Skip check for all topology labels when using system default spreading
  * workqueue: fix leak in queue preventing objects from being GCed
  * Fix workqueue memory leak
  * Ignore 'wait: no child processes' error when calling mount/umount
  * Reduce calls to docker from dockershim for stats
  * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.22.md for v1.22.4
  * Add warning about using unsupported CRON_TZ
  * Fix flake caused by sampling signal counter too early.
  * Ensure there is one running static pod with the same full name
  * NodeConformance: Respect grace period when updating static pod
  * Fix concurrent map writes error in kube-apiserver
  * e2e: node: release-1.22: backport findKubeletServiceName
  * node: e2e: add test for the checkpoint recovery
  * devicemanager: checkpoint: support pre-1.20 data
  * fix: remove VMSS and VMSS instances from SLB backend pool only when necessary
  * fix: leave the probe path empty for TCP probes
  * fix: skip instance not found when decoupling vmss from lb

Mon Feb  7 16:21:21 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>

- avoid bashism in client-common postinstall script (bsc#1195391)

Fri Dec 17 10:02:26 UTC 2021 - Richard Brown <rbrown@suse.com>

- Tidy up merge marker

Wed Dec 08 15:23:39 UTC 2021 - rbrown@suse.com

- Update to version 1.22.4:
  * defer close the rotated log open
  * proxy/iptables: fix all-vs-ready endpoints a bit
  * proxy/iptables: Remove a no-op check
  * proxy/iptables: Add more stuff to the unit test
  * proxy/iptables: Fix TestOnlyLocalNodePortsNoClusterCIDR
  * proxy/iptables: test that we create a consistent set of iptables rules
  * proxy/iptables: Misc improvements to unit test
  * proxy/iptables: Improve the sorting logic in TestOverallIPTablesRulesWithMultipleServices
  * proxy/iptables: Fix sync_proxy_rules_iptables_total metric
  * Fixed nil pointer dereference
  * Add tests for checking bind mounts
  * Check subpath file
  * Add check for subpaths
  * Fixed unit test SELinux support
  * Add shortcut for SELinux detection
  * Don't guess SELinux support on error
  * Manual cherry pick of kube-openapi changes for release-1.22 Bump kube-openapi against kube-openapi/release-1.22 branch
  * kube-proxy: fix stale detection logic
  * Use separate pathSpec for local and remote to properly handle cleaning paths
  * [go1.16] Update to go1.16.10
  * Automated cherry pick of #105122: added keys for structured logging (#105137)
  * Update debian, debian-iptables, setcap images to pick up CVE-2021-33910 fixes
  * Fixing how EndpointSlice Mirroring handles Service selector transitions
  * Add unit tests to cover scheduler's setup
  * sched: ensure feature gate is honored when instantiating scheduler
  * Fix race condition in logging when request times out
  * use original requests in NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation instead of NonZero
  * Remove nodes with Cluster Autoscaler taint from LB backends.
  * Fix issue in node status updating VolumeAttached list
  * Support cgroupv2 in node problem detector test
  * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.22.md for v1.22.3
  * Free APF seats for watches handled by an aggregated apiserver.
  * parameter 'disabled-metrics' is invalid
  * Run storage hostpath e2e test client pod as privileged
  * support more than 100 disk mounts on Windows
  * [go1.16] Update to go1.16.9
  * Clear initial UDP conntrack entries for loadBalancerIPs
  * Verifying the auth headers are set for upgraded aggregated API requests
  * apiserver aggregator upgrade unit test
  * Aggregator uses the regular transport even if the request requires upgrades
  * Fix PreferNominatedNode test
  * Remove Error Message Check Dynamic PV Tests
  * go fmt
  * Add e2e test to verify kubelet restart behaviour
  * kubelet: set terminated podWorker status for terminated pods
  * Fix quota controller hotloop in integration tests
  * remove StartedPodsErrorsTotal metrice message
  * Copy VolumeSnapshotContent annotations in snapshottable.go test
  * Fix bugs in e2e pod test
  * Ensure terminal pods maintain terminal status
  * Do not sync Waiting statuses for Terminated pods
  * Adds CancelRequest function to CommandHeadersRoundTripper
  * Fixes kubectl command headers which hangs on kubectl run
  * Revert "Build non-static binaries with PIE buildmode"
  * Ignore VMs in vmss delete backend pools
  * Fix CSR test to accept certs shorter than the requested duration
  * fix: skip not found nodes when reconciling LB backend address pools
  * fix: consolidate logs for instance not found error
  * Remove a duplicate StorageClass creation call
  * Update Containerd version - GCE Windows
  * e2e scheduling priorities: do not reference control loop variable
  * storege e2etest: Delete restored PVC/Pod in snapshottable
  * pkg/kubelet/cm/memorymanager: Fix ErrorS key/value pair
  * v1.22: Fix test flake in old svc registry
  * 'New' Event namespace validate failed
  * kubelet: Handle UID reuse in pod worker
  * Add test for recreating a static pod
  * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.22.md for v1.22.2
  * Refine locking in API Priority and Fairness config controller
  * kube-controller-manager: properly check generic ephemeral volume feature
  * Fix null JSON round tripping
  * Propagate conversion errors
  * integration test
  * fix 104329: check for headless before trying to release the ClusterIPs
  * fix detach disk issue on deleting node
  * kubelet: fix sandbox creation error suppression when pods are quickly deleted
  * remove listx from OWNERS_ALIASES

Thu Sep 16 11:22:40 UTC 2021 - rbrown@suse.com

- Update to version 1.22.2:
  * [go1.16] Update to go1.16.8
  * Fix Job tracking with finalizers for more than 500 pods
  * e2e iperf2 change threshold to 10MBps = 80 Mbps
  * legacy-cloud-providers: aws: Add support for consuming web identity credentials
  * Fix the key missing issue for structured log
  * add a test for jsonpath template parsing to prevent regressions
  * revert "fix wrong output when using jsonpath"
  * Fix a small regression in Service updates
  * kubelet: Admission must exclude completed pods and avoid races
  * Don't prematurely close reflectors in case of slow initialization in watch based manager
  * backport 104410 to release-1.22
  * Fix storage class setup in regional_pd.go
  * pkg/kubelet/cm: use SkipFreezeOnSet
  * vendor: bump runc to 1.0.2
  * vendor: bump k8s.io/util to get fix for LRU cache
  * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.22.md for v1.22.1
  * fix: ensure InstanceShutdownByProviderID return false for creating Azure VMs
  * fix: skip case sensitivity when checking Azure NSG rules
  * Copy golang license to staging copies

Wed Sep  1 13:51:37 UTC 2021 - Richard Brown <rbrown@suse.com>

- Tiding up old sources (remove kubernetes-1.22.0.obscpio)

Wed Aug 25 11:31:23 UTC 2021 - rbrown@suse.com

- Update to version 1.22.1:
  * Keep MakeMountArgSensitive and add a new signature that receives flags
  * Update the unit tests to handle mountFlags
  * Add missing interface method in mount_unsupported.go
  * Pass additional flags to subpath mount to avoid flakes in certain conditions
  * device manager: do not clean admitted pods from the state
  * memory manager: do not clean admitted pods from the state
  * cpu manager: do not clean admitted pods from the state
  * Avoid spurious calls to update/delete validation
  * Update to go1.16.7
  * Pass unknown labels in allowedTopologies during CSI translation
  * Fix metrics reporting for the deprecated watch path
  * Update configure-helper.sh
  * Update configure-helper.sh
  * Update configure-helper.sh
  * Remove duplicate dependencies from 1.22 changelog
  * replace e2e WaitForPodsReady by WaitTimeoutForPodReadyInNamespace
  * delete stale UDP conntrack entries for loadbalancer IPs
  * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.22.md for v1.22.0
  * Set idle and readheader timeouts

Fri Aug  6 11:11:31 UTC 2021 - Alexandre Vicenzi <alexandre.vicenzi@suse.com>

- Initial Package