------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 19 01:53:28 UTC 2022 - jkowalczyk@suse.com - Update to version 1.24.3: * Do not skip job requeue in conflict error * kubeadm: fix the bug that configurable KubernetesVersion not respected during kubeadm join * endpointslices: node missing on Pod scenario * fix metrics for placeholder slice * fix a bug on endpointslices tests comparing the wrong metrics * kubeadm: fix the bug that configurable KubernetesVersion not respected during kubeadm join * GIT-110239: fix activeDeadlineSeconds enforcement bug * kubeadm: handle dup unix:// prefix in node annotaiton * fix: --chunk-size with selector returns missing result * Fix unnecessary recreation of placeholder EndpointSlice * kubeadm: fix error adding extra prefix unix:// * e2e: add storage capability for offline volume expansion * add missing error handling steps * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.24.md for v1.24.2 * apiserver: printers should use int64 * fix image pulling failure when IMDS is unavailalbe in kubelet startup * e2e: ensure single image for populator containers * fix: exclude non-ready nodes and deleted nodes from azure load balancers - Require only BuildRequires: golang(API) = 1.18 pinned Go major version. Remove potentially conflicting BuildRequires: go >= x.y.z. The plan for future updates is BuildRequires: golang(API) >= 1.18 minimum Go major version. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 22 01:44:55 UTC 2022 - jkowalczyk@suse.com - Update to version 1.24.2: * move the ignore logic higher up to the reconciler * Ignore EndpointSlices that are already marked for deletion * test: update graceful node shutdown e2e with watch * kubelet: Mark ready condition as false explicitly for terminal pods * agnhost: bump version 2.39 * Update Go to 1.18.3 * add service e2e tests * kubelet: add e2e test to verify probe readiness * kubelet: only shutdown probes for pods that are terminated * kubelet: Pod probes should be handled by pod worker * cpu manager policy set to none, no one remove container id from container map, lead memory leak * fix audit union loop variables in closures * Updating e2e test to check EndpointSlices and Endpoints as well * e2e: services with evicted pods doesn't have endpoints * e2e test for evicted pods * endpoints controller: don't consider terminal endpoints * endpointslices: terminal pods doesn't receive enpoints * add pod util to verify pod is terminal * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.24.md for v1.24.1 * Add test for checking ephemeral volume expansion * Fix resizing of ephemeral volumes * Winkernel proxier cache HNS data to improve syncProxyRules performance * GCE Windows: Copy the CNI binaries from the right folder ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 21 22:17:54 UTC 2022 - jkowalczyk@suse.com - Update to version 1.24.1: * kubeadm: remove checking legacy taint for kubeadm-kinder-latest-on-1-24 * Fix requests scope classification * Update Go to 1.18.2 * Integration test for openapi scale & status * Remove warning log for merging meta and scale type * authn: fix cache mutation by AuthenticatedGroupAdder * GCE: skip updating and deleting external loadbalancers if service is managed outside of service controller * Wait for cache to sync in job's TestWatchOrphanPods * Fix ServiceIPStaticSubrange assigns duplicate IP addresses * Fix OpenAPI loading error caused by empty APIService * kubeadm: only taint CP nodes when the legacy "master" taint is present * Test Foreground deletion in job integration * Fix removing finalizer from finished jobs * Don't mark job as failed until expectations are satisfied * Integration test for backoff limit and finalizers * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.24.md for v1.24.0 * Do not wrap lines if we can't read term size ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 5 23:57:02 UTC 2022 - Jeff Kowalczyk - Initial package