2014-04-07 15:34:15 +00:00
Mon Apr 7 15:33:22 UTC 2014 - ddiss@suse.com
- updated to 1.16.0
+ Make Log::Reader not report a corruption when the last record in a
log file is truncated.
+ Fix issue 224: variable created but not utilized.
+ Remove comment that referenced a removed feature.
2014-02-05 16:49:19 +00:00
Wed Feb 5 16:14:12 UTC 2014 - ddiss@suse.com
- updated to 1.15.0
+ switched from mmap based writing to simpler stdio based writing. Has
a minor impact (0.5 microseconds) on microbenchmarks for asynchronous
writes. Synchronous writes speed up from 30ms to 10ms on linux/ext4.
Should be much more reliable on diverse platforms.
+ compaction errors now immediately put the database into a read-only
mode (until it is re-opened). As a downside, a disk going out of
space and then space being created will require a re-open to recover
from, whereas previously that would happen automatically. On the
plus side, many corruption possibilities go away.
+ force the DB to enter an error-state so that all future writes fail
when a synchronous log write succeeds but the sync fails.
+ repair now regenerates sstables that exhibit problems
+ fix issue 218 - Use native memory barriers on OSX
+ fix issue 212 - QNX build is broken
+ fix build on iOS with xcode 5
+ make tests compile and pass on windows
- refreshed 0001-debian-ports.patch
+ moved OS_MACOSX hunk
2013-12-20 09:02:11 +00:00
Wed Dec 18 17:49:35 CET 2013 - ro@suse.de
- add support for other archs (taken from debian, 0001-debian-ports.patch)
2013-11-03 22:48:42 +00:00
Sun Nov 3 22:51:28 UTC 2013 - ddiss@suse.com
- Changed shared libs group to System/Libraries.
2013-10-13 14:23:31 +00:00
Sun Oct 13 07:59:03 UTC 2013 - i@marguerite.su
- ran spec-cleaner. too casual the specfile was.
- make check/make clean is no more for OBS.
- add Provides/Obsoletes to libleveldb1.
* no one know that name, provide leveldb itself
* required by python-leveldb and python3-leveldb
2013-10-08 15:16:35 +00:00
Tue Oct 8 10:42:43 UTC 2013 - ddiss@suse.com
- Updated to 1.14.0
Tue Jul 16 11:13:01 UTC 2013 - ddiss@suse.com
- Updated to 1.12.0
+ removed shared_library.patch, now upstream.
Wed Feb 8 17:29:24 UTC 2012 - mrueckert@suse.de
- added shared library patch
- update to shared/static library packaging policy
Wed Feb 8 16:55:02 UTC 2012 - mrueckert@suse.de
- initial package