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Tue Nov 2 21:57:20 UTC 2021 - Bjørn Lie <>
- Update to version 1.0.0~alpha.4:
+ Depend on meson 0.59.0.
+ Action Row:
- Drop use-underline property.
- Stop supporting mnemonics on subtitles.
- Support markup on the title and subtitle.
- Fix layout with empty title and subtitle.
- Don't expand horizontally by default.
- Fix row titles inside GtkMessageDialog.
+ Avatar: Crop non-square custom images to fill the avatar.
+ Carousel: Fix a crash when scrolling in an empty carousel.
+ Clamp: Set the proper accessible role.
+ Combo Row: Fix row colors while the popover is open.
+ Demo
- Add a style classes demo.
- Add about dialog.
- Add an inspector item to the primary menu.
- Change appid to org.gnome.Adwaita1.Demo to version it.
- Add an icon, metainfo and desktop file.
- Make the desktop file visible for nightly flatpaks.
- Make non-unique.
- Tighten flatpak permissions.
- Various polish.
+ Expander Row
- Drop use-underline property.
- Rename adw_expander_row_add() to adw_expander_row_add_row().
+ Inspector: Fix color scheme resetting when opening inspector.
+ Preferences Window: Fix a memory leak.
+ Status Page:
- Allow setting the icon from a paintable and not just icon
- Set the proper accessible role.
- Reduce margins with the .compact style class.
+ Style Manager:
- Fix styles breaking when setting
- Fix crash on systems with xdg-desktop-portal but no settings
- Fix a memory leak.
+ Stylesheet:
- New style classes:
. .card to have a style similar to a boxed list for a
standalone widget. Can be combined with .activatable to
have hover and active states, or can be added to GtkButton
to have them automatically.
. button.opaque to allow custom colored buttons in the style
of that look like .suggested-action or .destructive-action.
. tabbar.inline and searchbar.inline - to opt out from using
header bar colors for AdwTabBar and GtkSearchBar.
- Boxed lists:
. Rename .content to .boxed-list to match HIG, keep .content
as an alias.
. Stop supporting .content with GtkListView as it was broken
. Fix focus ring offsets.
- Sidebars:
. Use the same background as the window.
. Make .navigation-sidebar handle background, so it's
sufficient to achieve the proper style.
. Deprecate the .sidebar style class.
- Buttons:
. Stop supporting button.flat.suggested-acton and
button.flat.destructive-action. Special case those styles
for GtkMessageDialog buttons instead.
. Support .pill on GtkMenuButton
. Support .suggested-action and .destructive-action on
GtkMenuButton and AdwSplitButton.
. Use toolbar-style buttons for GtkSearchBar.
. Fix AdwSplitButton styles in high contrast mode.
. Reduce disabled flat button opacity to make them easier to
tell apart from the regular state.
- Popovers:
. Drop popover.combo, make handle this case
. Unify GtkDropDown and AdwComboRow popup styles with menus.
. Fix a double border with menu radios in high contrast mode.
- Refresh UI colors.
- Refresh scrollbar style.
- Unify progress bar and level bar sizes and styles.
- Make checks and radios larger.
- Refresh border radii across the board.
- Refresh scroll overshoot effect.
- Remove notebook header background.
- Export all UI colors and allow overriding them.
- Use accent color for active drop styles.
- Ensure proper opacity for the high contrast mode.
- Simplify recoloring for GtkScale, GtkCheckButton, GtkSwitch,
GtkColumnView and AdwTabBar.
- Various toolbar button fixes.
- Make entry.error and .warning style icons and progress bar
- Fix disabled state on GtkScale, GtkNotebook and
- Fix GtkMessageDialog paddings.
- Fix margins on GtkWindowControls icon.
- Stop removing toolbar.osd rounding in overlays.
- Remove a GtkGridView override specific to gtk4-icon-browser.
+ Tab Bar:
- Fix artifacts when maximizing the window.
- Fix hover.
- Handle middle click on button release and not press.
- Show close button correctly when raising the window and the
pointer is already over a tab.
+ View Switcher: Fix screen readers reading page titles 4 times.
+ Add API to allow checking libadwaita version in runtime.
+ Various fixes and cleanups.
+ Updated translations.
Tue Sep 28 11:42:39 UTC 2021 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
- Update to version 1.0.0~alpha.3:
+ Depend on GTK 4.4.0.
+ Add a GtkInspector extension for simulating different system
appearance settings.
+ Introduce AdwStyleManager for managing color schemes
(light/dark) and high contrast mode.
+ Introduce AdwApplication to handle automatic initialization and
style loading.
+ Avatar:
- Replace adw_avatar_draw_to_pixbuf() with
adw_avatar_draw_to_texture() that returns a GdkTexture
- Remove the size parameter, use the avatar's current size
+ Carousel: Allow to shrink carousel if children are expanded.
+ Clamp: Fix measuring with for_size = -1.
+ Combo Row: Have a .combo style class.
+ Leaflet:
- Remove hhomogeneous-folded, hhomogeneous-unfolded,
vhomogeneous-folded and vhomogeneous-unfolded properties.
Assume non-homogeneous layout when unfolded and homogeneous
when folded.
- Add a single homogeneous property that corresponds to folded
state and opposite orientation.
- Remove interpolate-size, assume it's set to true.
- Set the fold threshold policy to MINIMUM by default.
+ Preferences Group:
- Fix default visibility of the internal list box.
- Allow markup on title and description.
+ Squeezer
- Fix the child switch threshold in vertical orientation.
- Add switch-threshold-policy, matching AdwFlap and AdwLeaflet.
- Add allow-none property, allowing to hide the last child as
+ Status Page: Make icon optional.
+ Tab View: Fix model updates when page selection changes.
+ View Switchers:
- Remove AdwViewSwitcher:narrow-ellipsize.
- Remove the policy property from AdwViewSwitcherBar and
- Remove the auto policy, applications can use two view
switchers and an AdwSqueezer instead.
- Switch to narrow layouts earlier.
+ Window and Application Window: Rename the child property to
content to avoid the name clash with GtkWindow:child.
+ Stylesheet:
- New style classes:
. headerbar.flat to remove headerbar's background and border.
. separator.spacer to create spacing in toolbars or header
. button.pill for prominent standalone buttons, for example
on status pages.
. statuspage.compact to make AdwStatusPage suitable for
contexts such as sidebars.
. .numeric as an easy way to enable tabular figures in a
+ Use flat buttons by default in header bars and action bars,
matching existing .toolbar.
+ Use stripes for header bars in .devel windows instead of cogs
to make it work better with split header bars and flat header
+ Updated translations.
- Pass -Dinspector=false to meson: do not build the GTK Inspector
right now.
Tue Aug 17 15:50:33 UTC 2021 - Florian "spirit" <>
- Update to version 1.0.0~alpha.2:
+ Stylesheet:
* Large redesign to make it flat and recolorable.
* Replace @theme_suggested_bg_color by @accent_bg_color and
* Replace @theme_suggested_fg_color by @accent_fg_color.
* Add @destructive_bg_color, @destructive_fg_color and
* Add the .accent style class to give the accent color to labels.
* Add the palette colors in the form @hue_n, with hue being blue,
green, yellow, orange, red, purple, brown, light and dark, and n
being a darkness level from 1 to 5.
+ View Switcher:
* Add the AdwViewStack widget to represent views.
* Use AdwViewStack instead of GtkStack.
* Display a badge on buttons to display the pages' value from the
AdwViewStack:badge-number property.
* Keep displaying needs-attention when active.
+ Preferences Page:
* Add the name property.
+ Preferences Window:
* Add the visible-child and visible-child-name properties.
+ Leaflet and Flap:
* Add the AdwFoldThresholdPolicy enumeration.
* Add the fold-threshold-policy property to determine the size at
which the leaflet or flap should fold.
+ Leaflet:
* Fix a crash by NULL-checking a pointer before dereferencing it when
there is no children.
* Annotate the values of the visible-child and visible-child-name
properties as nullable in their accessors.
+ Action Row and Expander Row:
* Annotate the value of the icon-name property as nullable in its
+ Tab View:
* Fix updating the model at the right time after attaching pages.
* Fix emitting notify::selected-page after the model has been
completely updated.
* Prevent pages from receiving pointer events during drag and drop.
+ Combo Row:
* Fix subtitles when the model is empty and when using expressions.
+ Carousel:
* Fix a crash with 2 overlapping animations.
* Fix a crash when scrolling when there is no children.
+ Avatar:
* Fix memory leaks in adw_avatar_draw_to_pixbuf().
* Fix a memory leak in the avatar demo.
+ Fix crashes by freeing shaders at the right time.
+ Specify the translation domain in UI files to avoid leaving them
+ Fix cross-compilation with -Dgtk_doc=true.
+ Stop accepting NULL for most string properties, use the empty string
+ Translation updates:
* German
* Indonesian
* Chinese (China)
Thu Jun 3 10:19:04 UTC 2021 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
- Update to version 1.0.0~alpha.1 (factually a downgrade, but
upstream is still in prorgress of finalizing their versioning
+ First official libadwaita 1 alpha.
- Enable introspection support:
+ Pass -Dintrospection=enabled to meson.
+ Create new typelib-1_0-Adw-1 sub package.
Sat May 15 00:08:38 UTC 2021 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
- Initial package, version 1.1.0