2023-06-02 11:26:48 +00:00
Fri Jun 02 11:11:11 UTC 2023 - msuchanek@suse.com
- Update to version 0~git.20230513:
* Set minimum required libplist version to 2.3.0
* Remove plist-related code in favor of new libplist API
* termcolors: Rename COLOR_* macros to FG_* due to conflict with ncurses
* Updated README with pkg-config requirement
* utils: Use libplist's plist_from_memory instead of duplicating format detection
* Add support for Apple's OPACK encoding and TLV format
* utils: Fix bad malloc result check in buffer_read_from_filename and test arguments for NULL
2021-10-14 20:42:12 +00:00
Sat Oct 9 14:31:39 UTC 2021 - Sebastian Wagner <sebix+novell.com@sebix.at>
- initial package for git repo version 20210925.
Package is required for a revent libimobiledevice version