Tue Nov 26 23:05:27 UTC 2013 - Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com

- update to 0~20131015
	* updated dependencies
	* improved pymsiecf as integer functions
	* worked on setup.py, largely for MSI builds

Tue Aug 27 07:13:44 UTC 2013 - Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com

- update to 0~20130806
	* fixes for building with stand-alone libuna and libbfio
	* bug fix in pymsiecf file object libbfio glue code
	* worked on tests
- use libyal packages from factory where possible

Wed Jul 31 16:18:31 UTC 2013 - Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com

- updated to v0~20130529
	* updated dependencies
	* worked on pymsiecf simple inheritance of leak, redirected and url items
	* worked on hash calculation
	* worked on tests
	* bug fix in record scan due to recent dependency update
	* textual changes
	* updates and bug fixes in pymsiecf
	* fixed codepage 1255 restriction
	* fixed codepage 949 and 950 restriction
- change to gz compression to simplyfy download/convert
- use libyal packages from factory where possible

Thu Apr 18 11:44:43 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de

- fixed: python-libmsiecf required unprovidable libmsiecf%soname

Fri Apr  5 02:00:59 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de

- Cleanups: Set RPM group, license, summary and description
  metadata; remove unused %py_requires; do not bloat shlib package
  with documentation
- Use system libraries instead of bundled ones where possible
- Name the tools package according to upstream's recommendation
- Drop unnecessary -fno-strict-aliasing

Wed Mar 27 17:06:20 UTC 2013 - Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com

- initial package (version 0~20130317) for build.opensuse.org