------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 3 19:09:28 UTC 2009 - coolo@novell.com - updated patches to apply with fuzz=0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 29 17:07:48 UTC 2009 - puzel@novell.com - move pcap-filter and pcap-linktype out from -devel subpackage (bnc#550372) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 26 14:50:36 CEST 2009 - poeml@suse.de - don't obsolete an old libpcap (0.9.x) package on openSUSE 11.0 or older (bnc#507083) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 19 18:14:56 CET 2009 - puzel@suse.cz - add fix-usb-nic.patch (bnc#455774) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 20 16:37:53 CET 2009 - puzel@suse.cz - fix-any-interface-handling.patch (bnc#463182) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 14 16:38:27 CET 2009 - prusnak@suse.cz - updated to 1.0.0 * Compile with IPv6 support by default * Compile with large file support on by default * Add pcap-config script, which deals with -I/-L flags for compiling * DLT: Add IPMB * DLT: Add LAPD * DLT: Add AX25 (AX.25 w/KISS header) * DLT: Add JUNIPER_ST * 802.15.4 support * Variable length 802.11 header support * X2E data type support * SITA ACN Interface support - see README.sita * Support for zerocopy BPF on platforms that support it * Better support for dealing with VLAN tagging/stripping on Linux * Fix dynamic library support on OSX * Return PCAP_ERROR_IFACE_NOT_UP if the interface isn't 'UP', so applications can print better diagnostic information * Return PCAP_ERROR_PERM_DENIED if we don't have permission to open a device, so applications can tell the user they need to go play with permissions * On Linux, ignore ENETDOWN so we can continue to capture packets if the interface goes down and comes back up again. * On Linux, support new tpacket frame headers (2.6.27+) * On Mac OS X, add scripts for changing permissions on /dev/pbf* and launchd plist * On Solaris, support 'passive mode' on systems that support it * Fixes to autoconf and general build environment * Man page reorganization + cleanup * Autogenerate VERSION numbers better - dropped obsoleted shared.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 13 12:34:56 CET 2009 - olh@suse.de - obsolete old -XXbit packages (bnc#437293) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 15 17:08:47 CEST 2008 - dmueller@suse.de - adjust buildrequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 4 17:07:17 CEST 2008 - prusnak@suse.cz - updated to CVS-20080503 * support for USB and Bluetooth capture ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 20 16:34:47 CEST 2008 - prusnak@suse.cz - renamed libpcap package to libpcap0 - added ppp.patch and s390.patch (small issues) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 10 12:54:45 CEST 2008 - ro@suse.de - added baselibs.conf file to build xxbit packages for multilib support ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 8 17:44:31 CET 2008 - prusnak@suse.cz - update to 0.9.8 * Change build process to put public libpcap headers into pcap subdir * DLT: Add value for IPMI IPMB packets * DLT: Add value for u10 Networks boards * Require for pf definitions - allows reading of pflog formatted libpcap files on an OS other than where the file was generated - added pcap-bpf.patch * add two structs needed for tahi testsuite ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 26 15:57:36 CEST 2007 - prusnak@suse.cz - updated to 0.9.7 * added flags/configuration for cloning bpf device. * added DLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDR support (PPI) * introduced support for the DAG ERF type TYPE_COLOR_MC_HDLC_POS * added basic BPF filtering support for DLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDR * add support for DLT_JUNIPER_ISM * allocate DLT_ for 802.15.4 without any header munging * header for 802.16 MAC Common Part Sublayer plus a radiotap radio header - branch -devel subpackage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 12 11:00:38 CEST 2007 - prusnak@suse.cz - updated to 0.9.6 * added Bluetooth support * added USB capturing support * added support for the binary USB sniffing interface * added additional filter operations for 802.11 frame types * added support for filtering on MTP2 frame types * added LINKTYPE_ for IEEE 802.15.4, with address fields padded * added LINKTYPE_ value corresponding to DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS * added DLT for IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) MAC Common Part Sublayer * added DLT for Bluetooth HCI UART transport layer * fixed discarding of unread packets when changing filters * fixed a bug in pcap_open_live() ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 2 16:40:08 CEST 2007 - pth@suse.de - Use correct version for naming the shared library (#270226) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 29 11:33:50 CEST 2007 - rguenther@suse.de - add flex and bison BuildRequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 16 15:18:20 CET 2007 - prusnak@suse.cz - implemented socket timeout (socket-timeout.diff) [#234034] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 3 15:25:29 CET 2007 - prusnak@suse.cz - update to 0.9.5 * Support for LAPD frames with vISDN * Support for ERF on channelized T1/E1 cards via DAG API * Better failure detection on PacketGetAdapterNames() * Fixes for MPLS packet generation (link layer) * OP_PACKET now matches the beginning of the packet, instead of beginning+link-layer * Fix allocation of buffer for list of link-layer types * Add support for DLT_JUNIPER_VP * Don't double-count received packets on Linux systems ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 25 21:37:40 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 9 17:34:05 CET 2006 - mjancar@suse.cz - update to 0.9.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 10 00:31:47 CEST 2005 - kkeil@suse.de - Reverse the -fno-strict-aliasing work around ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Aug 7 10:47:54 CEST 2005 - aj@suse.de - Compile with -fno-strict-aliasing to work around compiler bug for now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 5 01:02:50 CEST 2005 - ro@suse.de - do not package all of libdir (debuginfo) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 2 18:35:42 CEST 2005 - mjancar@suse.cz - update to 0.9.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 12 23:18:22 CEST 2005 - ro@suse.de - added return value to non-void functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 18 01:57:38 CET 2004 - ro@suse.de - fixed file list ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 24 17:30:55 CEST 2004 - kkeil@suse.de - add DLT_PPP_WITHDIRECTION from libpcap cvs to handle PPP filters in a compatible way Thanks to Hannes Gredler for implementing it ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 04 16:45:40 CEST 2004 - postadal@suse.cz - updated to version 0.8.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 09 18:02:42 CET 2004 - postadal@suse.cz - updated to version 0.8.1 * the include file include/net/bpf.h renamed to include/pcap-bpf - fixed config (LIBOBJS issue) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 10 01:27:25 CET 2004 - schwab@suse.de - Use autoreconf. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 24 12:55:09 CEST 2003 - postadal@suse.cz - update to version 0.7.2 * support frame relay * support for ARPHRD_RAWHDLC * support eg (Octane/O2xxx/O3xxx Gigabit) devices * add new reserved DLT types ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 20 14:39:56 CEST 2002 - postadal@suse.de - security fix (get spurious packets before kernel filter kicks in) - update to 0.7.1 * pcap_stats() has been documented as to what its counters mean on each platform * Added pcap_findalldevs() call to get list of interfaces in a MI way ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 13 21:04:35 CET 2002 - postadal@suse.cz - fixed Makefile.in to created shared library ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 10 10:04:40 CET 2002 - cihlar@suse.cz - use %{_lib} ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 23 14:15:48 CET 2001 - cihlar@suse.cz - update to 0.6.2 - it should handle isdn without patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 7 13:44:02 CET 2000 - schwab@suse.de - Compile with -fpic so that it can be included in a shared library. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 11 09:58:55 CEST 2000 - smid@suse.cz - new version 0.5.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 8 08:26:58 MEST 2000 - cihlar@suse.cz - Group sorted ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 21 15:41:02 CEST 2000 - smid@suse.cz - buildroot added ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 2 15:32:37 CET 2000 - uli@suse.de - moved man page to %{_mandir} ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 13 17:23:57 CEST 1999 - bs@suse.de - ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 9 12:15:28 CEST 1999 - bs@suse.de - fixed call of Check at the end of %install section ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 11 14:04:46 MEST 1999 - @suse.de - new package: libpcap now an extra package, because many network tools use it (so far it was included in .srpm packages that needed it, like tcpdump)