#!/bin/sh MODULE=$(basename $(pwd)) if [ ! -x /usr/bin/svn ]; then echo "subversion is missing - aborting" return 1 fi if [ ! -d $MODULE ]; then echo "Base directory of $MODULE checkout is missing - aborting" exit 2 fi pushd $MODULE svn update VERSION=$(grep "version" $MODULE/CMakeLists.txt | awk -F'(' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1+0"."$2+0"."$3+0}') SVNREV=$(svn info | awk '/Revision:/ { print $2 }') popd # Adjust the version information and svn rev in the spec file to what we get from the svn checkout. sed -i "s/Version:.*/Version: ${VERSION}.svn.$SVNREV/" $MODULE.spec tar cjf $MODULE.tar.bz2 $MODULE [ -f pre_checkin.sh ] && sh pre_checkin.sh osc ci -m "Update to ${VERSION/git/svn.$SVNREV}" --skip-validation