------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 14 13:17:22 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Update to (24.8.3 final) * Release notes: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.8.3/RC1 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.8.3/RC2 - Update bundled dependencies: * curl 8.10.1 -> 8.11.0 - New translation: Tagalog ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 27 22:34:11 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Update to (24.8.2 final) * Release notes: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.8.2/RC1 - Update bundled dependencies: * curl 8.9.1 -> 8.10.1 * tiff 4.6.0t -> 4.7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 12 12:53:09 UTC 2024 - Martin Schreiner - Use system cmis where feasible, as our RPM version of cmis-devel has been patched to work with Boost 1.86, which LibreOffice also uses. - Update to (jsc#PED-10362): * This release already includes the fix for CVE-2024-5261 (bsc#1226975) upstream. * Release notes: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.8.1/RC1 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.8.1/RC2 - Update bundled dependencies: * curl 8.9.0 -> 8.9.1 * poppler 24.06.0 -> 24.08.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 22 15:14:06 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Make the libassuan requirement more generic (bsc#1229103) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 22 10:23:08 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Update to (24.8.0 final) https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.8.0/Beta1, https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.8.0/RC1, https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.8.0/RC2 and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.8.0/RC3 - Removed patches: * cve-2024-5261.patch * icu-74-compatibility.patch * pdfium-optional.patch * use-fixmath-shared-library.patch + not needed with this version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 18 16:19:37 UTC 2024 - Bernhard Wiedemann - Add reproducible-clucene.patch to use new clucene function to make index files reproducible (boo#1047218) - Normalize .jar and .zip mtimes with strip-nondeterminism ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 11 21:03:49 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Update to (24.2.5 final) https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.5/RC1 and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.5/RC2 - Added patch: * pdfium-optional.patch + fix build of pdfium with system abseil-cpp ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 10 17:49:13 UTC 2024 - Martin Schreiner - Remove recommendation on libreoffice-qt5 to keep the same behaviour as we do for libreoffice-qt6, which is not recommending it by default (bsc#1227145). - Add patch for CVE-2024-5261 (bsc#1226975): * cve-2024-5261.patch - This patch won't be needed when LibreOffice 24.8 is released, as it's been merged upstream. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 2 19:16:57 UTC 2024 - Martin Schreiner - libreoffice no longer recommends libreoffice-qt6 (bsc#1227145). Add libreoffice-kdeintegration: a common package for KDE integration, depended upon by both libreoffice-qt6 and libreoffice-qt5. - Re-enable Firebird support for Leap 15.X and SLE-15 (bsc#1225597). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 17 19:22:02 UTC 2024 - Martin Schreiner - Add QT6 support to Tumbleweed/SLFO. Remaining builds still enable either QT5 (Leap or SLE 15-SP4 and newer) or GTK3 (all of them). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 6 15:20:45 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Update to (24.2.4 final) https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.4/RC1 and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.4/RC2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 23 14:36:16 UTC 2024 - Martin Schreiner - bsc#1224309: LibreOffice fails to build with ICU 75. - Add patch to fix bsc#1224309. * icu-74-compatibility.patch - Add required 'sed' usage during %prep to fix bsc#1224309. - These two changes have been applied on both Gentoo and Arch Linux, but originally they come from upstream. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 2 11:55:42 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Update to (24.2.3 final) https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.3/RC1 and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.3/RC2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 25 11:28:55 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Update to (24.2.2 final): https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.2/RC1 and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.2/RC2 - Fixes large file support detection, as needed on i586 (boo#1219035). This allows building with autoconf 2.72 - Removed patch: * 0001-Allow-building-with-Java-8.patch + integrated upstream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 2 19:41:04 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Update to (24.2.1 final): https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.1/RC1 and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/24.2.1/RC2 - Allow building with gcc >= 12 on system where it is the default ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 2 13:12:07 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Fix build on SLE12 and SLE15 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 1 08:59:56 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba - Added patch: * 0001-Allow-building-with-Java-8.patch + patch submitted upstream restoring the possibility to build with JDK >= 8 - Removed patch: * 0001-Revert-java-9-changes.patch + not needed with the new patch above ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 21 18:45:44 UTC 2024 - Cor Blom - Update to (24.2.0 final): https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/24.2 - Armenian translation added - Update patch handling to be compatible with rpm 4.20 - Removed 0002-Revert-Require-HarfBuzz-5.1.0.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 8 17:18:14 UTC 2023 - Fridrich Strba - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.4/RC1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 8 09:38:49 UTC 2023 - Fridrich Strba - Update bundled dependencies: curl-8.2.1.tar.xz -> curl-8.4.0.tar.xz harfbuzz-8.0.0.tar.xz -> harfbuzz-8.2.2.tar.xz - Build using OpenSSL instead of NSS, since the bundled curl does not support the NSS backend any more ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 22 15:26:15 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.3/RC2 - Update bundled dependencies: libcmis-0.6.0.tar.xz -> libcmis-0.6.1.tar.xz ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 13 10:58:05 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.3/RC1 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.2/RC2 - Update bundled dependencies: libcmis-0.5.2.tar.xz -> libcmis-0.6.0.tar.xz poppler-23.06.0.tar.xz -> poppler-23.09.0.tar.xz ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 26 08:58:30 UTC 2023 - Jan Engelhardt - Add bundled() markers ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 5 10:56:02 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.2/RC1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 22 10:39:01 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - libreoffice-draw requires libreoffice-impress from 7.5 onwards, bsc#1215595 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 8 14:19:13 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.1/RC2 * curl-8.1.2.tar.xz -> curl-8.2.1.tar.xz ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 30 15:17:53 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.1/RC1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 21 12:15:02 UTC 2023 - Fridrich Strba - Update to (official 7.6.0 release): https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/7.6 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.0/RC3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 8 21:34:27 UTC 2023 - Fridrich Strba - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/7.6 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.0/RC2 - Update bundled dependencies: * boost_1_80_0.tar.xz - > boost_1_82_0.tar.xz * curl-8.0.1.tar.xz -> curl-8.1.2.tar.xz * icu4c-72_1-data.zip -> icu4c-73_2-data.zip * icu4c-72_1-src.tgz -> icu4c-73_2-src.tgz * libassuan-2.5.5.tar.bz2 -> libassuan-2.5.6.tar.bz2 * poppler-22.12.0.tar.xz -> poppler-23.06.0.tar.xz * poppler-data-0.4.11.tar.gz -> poppler-data-0.4.12.tar.gz - New bundled dependencies: * graphite2-minimal-1.3.14.tgz * harfbuzz-8.0.0.tar.xz + needed for SLE12-SP2, where harfbuzz is really old - Removed patches: * atklistener-32bit-type-mismatch.patch + integrated upstream * fix_harfbuzz_on_sle12_sp5.patch + not needed, since SLE12-SP5 uses now the bundled harfbuzz - Added patch: * python34-no-f-strings.patch + Applied on SLE12-SP5 + Do not format using F-strings, since it is python 3.6+ feature and SLE12-SP5 has python 3.4 - Refreshed patch: * 0002-Revert-Require-HarfBuzz-5.1.0.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 7 18:15:51 UTC 2023 - Fridrich Strba - Added patch: * atklistener-32bit-type-mismatch.patch + fix type mismatch on i586 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 24 11:04:08 UTC 2023 - Andreas Schwab - Add missing dependencies on jre-64 for riscv64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 13 12:37:59 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/7.6 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.6.0/RC1 - Update bundled dependencies: * pdfium-5408.tar.bz2 -> pdfium-5778.tar.bz2 * skia-m103-b301ff025004c9cd82816c86c547588e6c24b466.tar.xz -> skia-m111-a31e897fb3dcbc96b2b40999751611d029bf5404.tar.xz - Removed upstreamed patches: * bsc1198666.patch * bsc1200085.patch * bsc1204040.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 5 08:47:04 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.4/RC2 - Build on all available architectures ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 31 08:08:51 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.4/RC1 - Update bundled dependencies: * gpgme-1.16.0.tar.bz2 -> gpgme-1.18.0.tar.bz2 * curl-7.86.0.tar.xz -> curl-8.0.1.tar.xz * icu4c-71_1-src.tgz -> icu4c-72_1-src.tgz * icu4c-71_1-data.zip -> icu4c-72_1-data.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 28 19:46:01 UTC 2023 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1204040 - LO-L3: PPTX: shadow effect for table offset too far to the right * bsc1204040.patch - Fix bsc#1198666 - LO-L3: Need to be able to set the default tab size for each text object * bsc1198666.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 24 07:49:40 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.3/RC2 - Refresh patches: * 0002-Revert-Require-HarfBuzz-5.1.0.patch * bsc1200085.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 23 14:26:46 UTC 2023 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1200085 - LO-L3: FILEOPEN PPTX: extra paragraph after some 2-line text with link * bsc1200085.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 21 13:57:23 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.3/RC1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 20 10:53:47 UTC 2023 - Martin Liška - Do not use binutils-gold as the package is unmaintained and will be removed in the future (boo#1210687). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 5 15:11:41 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.2/RC2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 22 16:13:39 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Fix build on SLE-15-SP4 and SLE-12-SP5 - Refresh patches: * 0001-Revert-java-9-changes.patch * 0002-Revert-Require-HarfBuzz-5.1.0.patch * fix_harfbuzz_on_sle12_sp5.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 21 13:32:12 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.2/RC1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 1 10:44:06 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/7.5 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.1/RC2 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.1/RC1 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.0/RC3 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.0/RC2 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.5.0/RC1 - Add fix-sdk-idl.patch - Update bundled dependencies: * pdfium-5058.tar.bz2 -> pdfium-5408.tar.bz2 * boost_1_79_0.tar.xz -> boost_1_80_0.tar.xz - Refreshed patches: * fix_math_desktop_file.patch * use-fixmath-shared-library.patch - Removed patches: * Remove_dependency_on_BitArray_h.patch * boost-181.patch * bsc1204825.patch * bsc1205866.patch * libreoffice- * riscv64-support.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 6 08:55:57 UTC 2023 - Guillaume GARDET - Update _constraints to match current requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 1 10:47:11 UTC 2023 - Andreas Schwab - riscv64-support.patch: Add backport of riscv64 support - No gold on riscv64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 28 23:37:14 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller - add boost-181.patch to fix build with boost 1.81.x ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 27 12:47:10 UTC 2023 - Bjørn Lie - Add Remove_dependency_on_BitArray_h.patch: Remove dependency on BitArray.h from zxing-1.2.0. In zxing-1.4.0, numerous headers are no longer public. Rework the ConvertToSVGFormat method so it uses bitmatrix.get instead of bitmatrix.getRow, similar to the ToSVG method in zxing itself. See https://github.com/zxing-cpp/zxing-cpp/issues/361 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 19 13:51:27 UTC 2023 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1205866 - LO-L3: Connector lines from PPTX "break"/bend too often * bsc1205866.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 17 11:52:18 UTC 2023 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.4/RC2 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.4/RC1 - Updated bundled dependencies: * poppler-22.09.0.tar.xz -> poppler-22.12.0.tar.xz ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 6 20:46:55 UTC 2023 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1204825 - LO-L3: PPTX: text box shows that does not show in PowerPoint * bsc1204825.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 13 17:25:49 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Use fixmath shared library * use-fixmath-shared-library.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 23 15:44:20 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.3/RC2 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.3/RC1 - Updated bundled dependencies: * curl-7.83.1.tar.xz -> curl-7.86.0.tar.xz - Added patches: * fix_harfbuzz_on_sle12_sp5.patch * fix_webp_on_sle12_sp5.patch - Refresh fix_gtk_popover_on_3.20.patch - Removed upstreamed patches: * bsc1202866.patch * bsc1201095.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 28 09:38:35 UTC 2022 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1202866 - LO-L3: PPTX: indentation of list items far too far to the left (overruns bullet items) * bsc1202866.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 26 08:41:00 UTC 2022 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1201095 - LO-L3: Text box shows that does not show in PowerPoint * bsc1201095.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 13 10:07:43 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.2/RC3 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.2/RC2 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.2/RC1 - Update bundled libraries: * poppler-22.01.0.tar.xz -> poppler-22.09.0.tar.xz - Remove upstreamed patches: * poppler-22.09.0.patch * bsc1203502.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 27 19:27:10 UTC 2022 - Andreas Stieger - Change egrep/fgrep calls to grep -E/-F, respectively boo#1203092 add libreoffice- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 21 12:34:50 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Revert changes that cause problems with the libreoffice window in KDE, bsc#1203502 * bsc1203502.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 16 13:39:02 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.1/RC2 - Fix build on SLE-15-SP3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 15 10:20:54 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Fix build with poppler 22.09 on TW * poppler-22.09.0.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 31 07:45:42 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.1/RC1 * provides fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-3140, bsc#1203209 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 23 13:46:00 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to You can check for 7.4 release notes here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/7.4 You can check for each minor release notes here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.0/RC3 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.0/RC2 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.4.0/RC1 - Updated bundled libraries: * boost_1_77_0.tar.xz -> boost_1_79_0.tar.xz * icu4c-70_1-data.zip -> icu4c-71_1-data.zip * icu4c-70_1-src.tgz -> icu4c-71_1-src.tgz * pdfium-4699.tar.gz2 -> pdfium-5058.tar.bz2 * poppler-21.11.0.tar.xz -> poppler-22.01.0.tar.xz * poppler-data-0.4.10.tar.gz -> poppler-data-0.4.11.tar.gz * skia-m97-a7230803d64ae9d44f4e1282444801119a3ae967.tar.xz -> skia-m103-b301ff025004c9cd82816c86c547588e6c24b466.tar.xz - Remove upstreamed patches: * bsc1198665.patch * poppler-22-03-0.patch * poppler-22-04-0.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 18 14:23:35 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Use system jars by specifying the path for each jar. Fixes bsc#1195634 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 15 13:35:15 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Use bundled openjpeg2 on SLE-12-SP5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 10 14:00:00 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to version You can find the complete release notes here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.3.4/RC2 https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.3.4/RC1 - Remove upstreamed patches: * bsc1192616.patch * bsc1197497.patch - Updated bundled dependencies: * curl-7.79.1.tar.xz -> curl-7.83.1.tar.xz ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 10 13:03:44 UTC 2022 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1198665 - LO-L3: PPTX: text on top of circular object misplaced * bsc1198665.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 17 09:45:36 UTC 2022 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1197497 - LO-L3: Loading XLSX with 1M rows is ultra slow (or crashes Calc) * bsc1197497.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 2 13:57:03 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to version You can find the complete release notes here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.3.3/RC2 - Add system_curl build condition ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 2 06:51:08 UTC 2022 - Martin Liška - Revert: Filter out binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath with $ORIGIN argument, $ORIGIN is interpreted by rpmlint now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 27 09:22:38 UTC 2022 - Martin Liška - Filter out binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath with $ORIGIN argument. It is pretty fine and it is newly reported by rpmlint. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 26 15:34:26 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Add poppler-22-04-0.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 19 10:40:59 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to version You can find the complete release notes here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.3.3/RC1 * Fixes bsc#1196499 * provides fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-26305, bsc#1201868 CVE-2022-26307, bsc#1201872 - Remove upstreamed patches: * bsc1195881.patch * bsc1196212.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 13 10:50:07 UTC 2022 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1192616 - LO-L3: Extraneous/missing lines in table in Impress versus PowerPoint * bsc1192616.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 6 10:09:59 UTC 2022 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1195881 - LO-L3: Bullets appear larger and green (instead of black) * bsc1195881.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 31 10:33:24 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to version * tdf#147143 Word selection error in Arabic text [Noel Grandin] * tdf#147744 Calc crashes when pasting simple formula in a filtered column [Kohei Yoshida] * tdf#147767 CALC: Paste data with very small font from website [Noel Grandin] * tdf#147928 Crash when inserting comment and undoing in Writer (gtk3 only) [Caolán McNamara] * tdf#147961 Crash: Typing "++" and press Enter (AutoCorrect Create Table) [Noel Grandin] * tdf#148053 Typing or pasting ZWNJ leads to Writer crash (debug build only) [Caolán McNamara] You can find the complete release notes here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/7.3.2/RC2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 25 12:13:06 UTC 2022 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1196212 - LO-L3: Text with tabs appears quite different in Impress than in PowerPoint * bsc1196212.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 25 11:45:21 UTC 2022 - Cor Blom - Also enable gtk3_kde5. The gtk3 interface is more stable than the qt5/kf5 one, this option makes it possible to use gtk3 in kde with the kde filepicker (boo#1197017) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 17 10:10:22 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update gpgme minimum version - Only use curl tarball when needed - Remove wrong comment ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 14 10:38:05 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 9 16:33:59 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Refresh patches: * 0001-Revert-java-9-changes.patch * fix_gtk_popover_on_3.20.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 5 14:30:08 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie - Add poppler-22-03-0.patch: Fix build with poppler 22.03.0. Patch lifted from arch linux. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 4 09:49:17 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 28 16:46:05 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to - Remove upstreamed patch: * 0001-configure.ac-Update-kf5-include-lib-check-to-work-wi.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 17 10:10:53 UTC 2022 - Christophe Giboudeaux - Add upstream change to fix KDE Frameworks detection (boo#1196017) * 0001-configure.ac-Update-kf5-include-lib-check-to-work-wi.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 14 10:22:01 UTC 2022 - Danilo Spinella - Update to - Removed uneeded patches: * 0001-Missing-includes-for-libstdc-12.patch * bsc1183308.patch * fix-wayland-scaling-in-plasma.patch * pld-skia-patches.patch * skia-freetype2.11.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 5 15:29:22 UTC 2022 - Michael Gorse - Add 0001-Missing-includes-for-libstdc-12.patch: fix the build with gcc 12. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 14 13:09:06 UTC 2022 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1183308: LO-L3: Simple, seven page slide deck of 3.7MB takes looong to open, start presentation mode, or move back to slide 1 * bsc1183308.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 20 15:57:19 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Update to ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 16 15:07:26 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Removed unrecognized option `--disable-vlc` This option has been removed from upstream in commit https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/108283 There's no real change in our build given that the VLC avmedia backend was explicitly disabled. * Fix provided by Marina Latini - Fix gtk popover usage on gtk 3.20 * patch provided by Gustavo Boiko fix_gtk_popover_on_3.20.patch - Revert upstream commit https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/116884 * patch provided by Gustavo Boiko fix_math_desktop_file.patch - Fix generated list of files for python scripts - Use older syntax for Supplements on SLE12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 7 17:01:43 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Add and update minimum version of dependencies - Refresh 0001-Revert-java-9-changes.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 6 23:21:53 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Update to ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 2 12:23:17 UTC 2021 - Cor Blom - Fix UI scaling on HIDPI Wayland/KDE screens https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137924 + fix-wayland-scaling-in-plasma.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 24 16:33:53 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Update to ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 10 09:42:34 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Update to - Drop patches: * bsc1187982.patch * bsc1189813.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 22 20:04:38 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1187982: LO-L3: PPTX: one column becomes two within one text frame * bsc1187982.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 12 14:59:50 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Update to ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 30 13:53:39 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Update to - Refresh pld-skia-patches.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 29 14:07:19 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1189813: LO-L3: Shadow effect for tables in PPTX partly incorrect * bsc1189813.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 24 13:39:16 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Add vendored poppler to use for all codestreams except Tumbleweed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 23 11:45:36 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Use vendored boost for all codestreams except Tumbleweed. Update boost vendored version. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 14 10:26:02 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella - Update to * LO minor release - Added patch: * pld-skia-patches.patch * skia-freetype2.11.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 17 15:18:30 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Keep upstream desktop file names (bsc#1183655) and display math icon (bsc#1180479) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 3 09:05:09 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Update to 7.2.0 * LO major release - Dropped patches: * use-comphelper.patch * bsc1184961.patch * bsc1185505.patch * bsc1185797.patch * bsc1182969.patch * bsc1187173.patch * tdf142839.patch * multicolumn-crash-fix.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 29 13:27:48 UTC 2021 - Dominique Leuenberger - Source profile.d/alljava.sh from either /etc (if found) or /usr/etc). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 8 13:22:19 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Update to * 7.1.5 final release - Dropped patches: * bsc1185505.patch * bsc1185797.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 28 08:00:24 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1187173 and bsc#1186871: fix component handling for ucpdav1 when --with-webdav=serf * bsc1187173.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 22 18:11:32 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Avoid crash getting default item for OWN_ATTR_TEXTCOLUMNS * multicolumn-crash-fix.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 17 19:38:40 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix tdf#142839: a regression caused by "Multi column textbox in editengine" * tdf142839.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 15 12:28:58 UTC 2021 - Guillaume GARDET - Use asimdrdm CPU flag for aarch64 to select only powerful buildhosts ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 14 14:46:36 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1182969: LO-L3: PPTX: one column becomes two within one text frame (two occurrences) * bsc1182969.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 10 12:31:56 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Update to (bsc#1178806) * 7.1.4 final release - Dropped patches: * bsc1184961.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 27 11:27:04 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Fix bsc#1185797: Searching in PPTX document makes LibreOffice crash * bsc1185797.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 26 13:32:48 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1185505 - LO-L3: Text highlight "bleeds" when saving as PPTX * bsc1185505.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 19 10:26:14 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Recommend libreoffice-qt5 only when it is actually created ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 18 06:59:06 UTC 2021 - Martin Liška - Add gcc11-fix-error.patch as fix for boo#1186110. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 14 07:04:57 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - libreoffice requires at least java 1.8.0 to run properly - mention some forgotten issues in the changelog ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 4 11:31:27 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Add bsc1184961.patch to fix bsc#1184961 more cleanly - Drop 0001-Revert-rhbz-1931423.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 3 09:14:37 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Update to * 7.1.3 final release - Drop merged patches: * 0002-fix-the-endif-placement-for-GTK_CHECK_VERSION.patch * bsc1182970.patch - Add temporary 0001-Revert-rhbz-1931423.patch (bsc#1184961, bsc#1184527) * libreoffice oomath does not ask to save changes when closing document ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 20 09:31:35 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Install qt5 plugin when the desktop environment needs it (boo#1184596) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 6 12:48:51 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Adjust the package to work on SLE-12-SP5 * bundle boost and icu * add patches 0001-Revert-java-9-changes.patch and 0002-fix-the-endif-placement-for-GTK_CHECK_VERSION.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 1 10:52:06 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1182970 - LO-L3: PPTX: image styles that clip images into curvy shapes missing (and images shown rectangular) * bsc1182970.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 25 14:25:20 UTC 2021 - Tomáš Chvátal - Version update to * 7.1.2 final release - Drop merged patches: * bsc1174465.diff * bsc1181644.diff * bsc1176547_1.diff * bsc1176547_2.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 1 11:04:00 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Update to (fixes bsc#1182790) * 7.1.1 final release - Drop merged patch bsc1177955.diff - Fix bsc#1176547 - Image shown with different aspect ratio * bsc1176547_1.diff * bsc1176547_2.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 26 15:00:29 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1181644 - LO-L3: Text changes are reproducibly lost (PPTX, SmartArt) * bsc1181644.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 19 13:35:18 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1174465 - LO-L3: Impress in TW ( messes up bullet points * bsc1174465.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 12 08:07:45 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Adjust to new Box2D and enable KDE on SLE15SP3 or newer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 1 13:08:22 UTC 2021 - Markéta Machová - Update to (bsc#1176198, bsc#1176197, bsc#1175552) * RC3 7.1 series - Update bundled dependencies - New patch use-comphelper.patch to fix build - Rebased patch bsc1177955.diff - Dropped merged patches: * 0001-Upgrade-liborcus-to-0.16.0.patch * bsc1178944.diff * bsc1178943.diff * bsc1178807.diff * bsc1179025.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 28 21:17:13 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1177955 - LO-L3: SmartArt: text wrongly aligned, background boxes not quite right,... * bsc1177955.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 23 22:55:19 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Update to 7.0.4 * .4 bugfix release of 7.0 series - Removed patch: * icu68.patch + integrated upstream ------------------------------------------------------------------ Thu Jan 21 07:22:58 UTC 2021 - Yifan Jiang - Update SUSE.soc to reflect current SUSE branding, add following colors (bsc#1181122): * SUSE Mint * SUSE Midnight Blue * SUSE Waterhole Blue * SUSE Persimmon See also https://brand.suse.com/brand-system/color-palette ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 14 08:44:52 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1179025 - LO-L3: LibreOffice crashes opening a PPTX * bsc1179025.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 12 10:32:53 UTC 2021 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1178807 - LO-L3: Text box from PowerPoint renders vertically instead of horizontally * bsc1178807.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 2 11:07:57 UTC 2021 - Callum Farmer - Add icu68.patch: fix build with ICU 68 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Dec 19 21:58:35 UTC 2020 - Andras Timar - LO-L3: Shadow effect(s) for table completely missing - part 1 and 2 * bsc1178944.diff * bsc1178943.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 27 09:44:55 UTC 2020 - Dominique Leuenberger - Disable firebird integration for the time being (boo#1179203). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 29 14:37:53 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 7.0.3: * .3 bugfix release of 7.0 series ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 14 09:14:38 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to work with latest orcus/ixion: * 0001-Upgrade-liborcus-to-0.16.0.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 6 08:26:14 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * RC2 of 7.0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 3 11:13:13 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to (bsc#1172941, bsc#1162022): * RC2 release of 7.0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 25 08:24:31 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update BR to match up configure.ac ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 20 08:55:05 UTC 2020 - Martin Liška - Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 17 06:42:35 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * RC1 of 7.0.1 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 6 05:24:29 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * Final stable release for 7.0.0 version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 21 07:00:42 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * RC2 7.0 series update ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 3 07:42:49 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * RC1 7.0 series containing many additional fixes - Remove merged patches: * libreoffice-clipped-sidebar-paragraph-widget.patch * libreoffice-select-correct-item-in-gallery.patch * libreoffice-stuck-widgets-in-sidebar.patch * pyuno-nopwd.patch * poppler-0.86.patch - Also contains fixes for bsc#1155141 and bsc#1136234 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 1 20:15:15 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya - Update libreoffice-stuck-widgets-in-sidebar.patch with an additional fix from upstream (tdf#134360). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 30 14:05:33 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya - Add patches from upstream to fix regressions: * libreoffice-stuck-widgets-in-sidebar.patch: some sidebar widgets getting stuck in a disabled state (boo#1173410, tdf#134360). * libreoffice-select-correct-item-in-gallery.patch: select the item in gallery before dragging it (boo#1173409, tdf#134285). * libreoffice-clipped-sidebar-paragraph-widget.patch: fix too wide and clipped paragraph widget in sidebar (boo#1173404, tdf#134357). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 29 12:51:10 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update SUSE.soc bsc#1173471 to match up current SUSE branding colors ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 24 11:32:28 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Enable skia build; building with gcc atm ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 19 12:38:18 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix bsc#1116658: * pyuno-nopwd.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 18 11:40:25 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * Beta candidate with all the new 7.0 series content - Remove merged patches: * bsc1146025.diff * bsc1157627.diff * bsc1160687-2.diff * bsc1160687-3.diff * bsc1160687-4.diff * bsc1160687-5.diff * bsc1160687-6.diff * bsc1160687-7.diff * bsc1160687-8.diff * bsc1165849-1.diff * bsc1165849-2.diff * bsc1165849-3.diff * bsc1165870.diff * bsc1172053.diff * bsc1172189.diff * replace-boost-bimap-in-sdext-pdfimport.patch * fix_old_boost_spirit_namespace.patch - Rebase patch install-with-hardlinks.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 18 07:58:11 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Remove mime-info and application-registry dirs bsc#1062631 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 15 15:05:08 UTC 2020 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1172053 - LO-L3: Image disappears during roundtrip 365->Impress->365 * bsc1172053.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 10 19:18:41 UTC 2020 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1172189 - LO-L3: Impress crashes midway opening a PPTX document * bsc1172189.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 10 16:17:32 UTC 2020 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1157627 - LO-L3: Some XML-created shapes simply lost upon PPTX import (= earth loses countries) * bsc1157627.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 1 18:25:46 UTC 2020 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1146025 - LO-L3: Colored textboxes in PPTX look very odd (SmartArt) * bsc1146025.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 26 11:25:10 UTC 2020 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1165849 - LO-L3: Shadow size for rectangle is only a fraction of Office 365 * bsc1165849-1.diff * bsc1165849-2.diff * bsc1165849-3.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 21 09:12:27 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to bsc#1172795 bsc#1172796: * CVE-2020-12802: libreoffice: 'stealth mode' remote resource restrictions bypass * CVE-2020-12803: libreoffice: forms in ODF documents can be submitted to file:// URIs * 6.4.4 release - Remove merged patch bsc1160687-1.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 12 08:57:23 UTC 2020 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1160687 - LO-L3: Elements on title page mixed up * bsc1160687-1.diff * bsc1160687-2.diff * bsc1160687-3.diff * bsc1160687-4.diff * bsc1160687-5.diff * bsc1160687-6.diff * bsc1160687-7.diff * bsc1160687-8.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 5 12:36:00 UTC 2020 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1165870 - LO-L3: Image shadow that should be invisible shown as extraneous line below * bsc1165870.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 8 11:13:30 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to bsc#1171997 CVE-2020-12801: * 6.4.3 RC2 release - Drop merged patch adapt-o3tl-span-to-removal-of-std-span-cbegin-et-al.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 30 08:41:19 UTC 2020 - Martin Liška - Add replace-boost-bimap-in-sdext-pdfimport.patch and adapt-o3tl-span-to-removal-of-std-span-cbegin-et-al.patch in order to fix boo#1167463. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 27 12:04:43 UTC 2020 - Michael Gorse - Add poppler-0.86.patch: fix the build with poppler 0.86. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 15 07:08:09 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to jsc#SLE-11174 jsc#SLE-11175 jsc#SLE-11176 bsc#1167223: * 6.4.2 RC2 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 9 15:56:40 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * 6.4.2 RC1 release - Remove merged patch: * soffice.sh_Avoid-exporting-empty-LC_ALL.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 19 11:46:11 UTC 2020 - Adam Majer - fix_old_boost_spirit_namespace.patch: fixes build with older boost versions by moving to modern Boost.Spirit namespace usage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 17 08:03:45 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * 6.4.1 RC1 release * Add sfir and breeze dark svg iconsets - Remove merged patch: * lo-Fix-build-with-poppler-0.83.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 12 11:03:39 UTC 2020 - Marina Latini - Fix autocorrect names for Italian In Italian there are also other locales that should be included in this list like fur_IT lld_IT sc_IT and vec_IT ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 9 04:51:53 UTC 2020 - Thomas Williams - Remove unneeded (and counterintuitive) mysql/mariadb dep from core RPMs. Move it instead to the -base package, where it's really used. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 6 09:55:01 UTC 2020 - Wolfgang Bauer - Add soffice.sh_Avoid-exporting-empty-LC_ALL.patch to fix broken handling of non-ASCII characters in the KDE filedialog (boo#1161816) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 30 10:24:05 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Move the animation library to core package bsc#1162152 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 23 10:21:31 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * RC 3 of 6.4 release - Require java 1.8 or newer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 15 12:17:45 UTC 2020 - Bjørn Lie - Add lo-Fix-build-with-poppler-0.83.patch: Fix build with poppler-0.83. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 14 08:06:37 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * RC2 of 6.4 release - Drop merged patch 0001-tdf-129879-Fix-wrong-order-of-buttons.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 8 12:29:11 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix button ordering in Qt interface: * 0001-tdf-129879-Fix-wrong-order-of-buttons.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 5 03:59:38 UTC 2020 - Michael Gorse - Set LANG during check; needed for a UTF8-related test to pass. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 10:05:16 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * Various minor fixes for the RC1 of 6.4 branch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 3 08:58:06 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * Various features for 6.4 libreoffice series - Remove upstreamed patch mdds-1-5.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 30 11:37:48 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Drop disable-kde4 switch as it is no longer known by configure ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 24 11:30:53 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to jsc#SLE-8705: * 6.3.3 stable release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 18 09:56:13 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add mssing krasa_jaga_svg icons to filelist ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 17 11:59:59 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * 6.3 series stability fixes - Remove merged 0001-Check-for-EMOJI-content-only-on-ICU-57-and-newer.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 7 07:42:34 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - As gtk2 will be removed in future releases we are disabling it on 6.3 too to test out if we expose some regressions while we can revert back and enable it again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 27 19:53:32 UTC 2019 - Jonathan Brielmaier - Enable build on ppc64le. - Let the test suite run on ppc64le and disable the failing tests. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 19 08:36:59 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * Fixes for full 6.3.2 release included ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 11 08:03:08 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix building on SLE12: * 0001-Check-for-EMOJI-content-only-on-ICU-57-and-newer.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 9 08:17:52 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * Contain fixes for the bellow CVE issues and also few stability tweaks - Drop merged patches: * old-boost.patch * old-boost2.patch - Add Silesian language ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 9 08:14:37 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to bsc#1149944 VUL-0: CVE-2019-9854 Unsafe URL assembly flaw bsc#1149943 VUL-0: CVE-2019-9855 path equivalence handling flaw bsc#1152684 VUL-1: CVE-2019-9853: libreoffice: macro execution bypassed the security settings - Drop merged patch: * 0001-Fix-buidling-with-older-boost.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 29 01:37:24 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * 6.3.1 RC1 - Remove merged patch: * gcc.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 23 07:36:16 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add one more patch for the old boost: * old-boost2.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 20 10:27:08 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix building on SLE12: * old-boost.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 19 11:49:21 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix build with SLE12 boost: * 0001-Fix-buidling-with-older-boost.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 16 11:43:53 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Fix syntax for RPM on SLE12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 16 08:31:36 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to build with mdds-1.5: * mdds-1-5.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 13 13:56:08 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to bsc#1146098 CVE-2019-9850 bsc#1146105 CVE-2019-9851 bsc#1146107 CVE-2019-9852: * Various bugfixes of 6.2 branch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 8 08:23:33 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * 6.3 RC4 - Make librelogo standalone subpkg bsc#1144522 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 1 15:03:55 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * 6.3 RC3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 31 11:31:01 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix building on older openSUSE releases: * gcc.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 19 08:19:37 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * RC2 of 6.3 release * Contains partial fixes for bsc#1061210 later split to two independent bugs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 8 10:36:15 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * First release of 6.3 series bringing more new features - Remove merged patch: * 0001-Use-sort-on-finds-to-improve-deterministic-build.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 6 20:40:44 UTC 2019 - Andras Timar - Fix bsc#1133534 LO-L3: [PPTX] SmartArt: Basic rendering of Trapezoid List * bsc1133534.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 1 10:29:34 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to bsc#1141862 CVE-2019-9848 bsc#1141861 CVE-2019-9849: * Various bugfixes on the 6.2 branch - Remove merged patches: * bsc1124869.patch * bsc1127760.patch * bsc1121874.patch * bsc1135228.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 28 09:36:45 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * Various feature fixes on the 6.2 branch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 24 07:22:08 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - If there is no firebird engine we still need java to run hsqldb bsc#1135189 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 21 06:33:21 UTC 2019 - Andras Timar - LO-L3: PPTX: Rectangle turns from green to blue and loses transparency when transparency is set * bsc1135228.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 16 12:40:39 UTC 2019 - Andras Timar - LO-L3: Slide deck compression doesn't, hmm, compress too much * bsc1127760.patch - LO-L3: Psychedelic graphics in LibreOffice (but not PowerPoint) * bsc1124869.patch - LO-L3: Image from PPTX shown in a square, not a circle * bsc1121874.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 15 13:43:40 UTC 2019 - Martin Liška - Strip lto from %_lto_cflags as the project has --enable-lto option ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 6 08:54:09 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Fake the epoch to make zip files reproducible ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 15 09:14:47 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to fate#327121: * Bugfix release 6.2.3 - Remove merged patches: * old-boost.patch * libreoffice-postgresql.patch * 0001-Fix-LTO-segfault-in-libtest_sw_uwriter-test.patch * boost_169.patch * kde5.patch * old-icu.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 4 11:34:54 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix diff in generated helpfiles with rebuilds: * 0001-Use-sort-on-finds-to-improve-deterministic-build.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 22 10:52:26 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update the old-icu.patch based on the upstream feedback ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 19 10:44:31 UTC 2019 - Adam Majer - old-boost.patch: update patch to fix build with Boost from SLE-12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 18 12:27:36 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * Few more tweaks over previous RC1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 15 15:05:42 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix build with old icu from Leap 42: * old-icu.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 14 14:44:58 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix build on Leap 42: * kde5.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 12 10:07:34 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to bsc#1128845: * bundle of 6.2 series fixes - Remove merged patches: * 0001-Speed-up-languagepack-installation.patch * kde5-32bit-build-fix.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 10 15:51:32 UTC 2019 - Adam Majer - boost_169.patch: fix build with Boost 1.69 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 8 09:23:06 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Require firebird as default driver for base if enabled ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 7 09:13:48 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix bsc#1127857: * 0001-Fix-LTO-segfault-in-libtest_sw_uwriter-test.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 4 12:37:41 UTC 2019 - Reinhard Max - libreoffice-postgresql.patch: pg_config is meant for linking server extensions, clients should use pkg-config instead to build against libpq. This fixes build with PostgreSQL 11. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 4 10:00:18 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Switch to gcc7 on SLE12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 27 10:20:14 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * mostly just bundles update that we are not using ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 26 09:17:17 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix 32bit build: * kde5-32bit-build-fix.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 25 12:55:35 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patches speeding up install: * 0001-Speed-up-languagepack-installation.patch * libreoffice-no-destdircheck.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 22 09:53:08 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * Fixes focus issue wrt bsc#1123455 * More stability fixes * Additional fixes for the KDE wrapper - Remove merged patches: * java112.patch * kde5-detection.patch * kde5-font-width.patch * bsc1124658.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 11 08:02:25 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to fix bsc#1124658: * bsc1124658.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 1 12:46:07 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * 6.1.5 bugfix release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 25 09:12:12 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Switch to full KDE stack for KDE Frameworks integration instead of gtk3 KDE wrapper bsc#1123131 - Add patch to fix detection of KDE session on wayland: * kde5-detection.patch - Add patch to fix selection of condensed fonts instead of regular ones: * kde5-font-width.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 24 13:19:29 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to build with java-11.2: * java112.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 24 08:10:57 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Version update to * 6.2.0 rc3 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 23 14:10:31 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Reduce disk constraints to 25G it should be enough ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 23 13:41:21 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * 6.2.0 rc2 release - Switch to the new web based help system bsc#1116451 - Remove upstreamed patches: * libreoffice-java-sched.patch * 0001-call-System.runFinalizersOnExit-by-reflection-since-.patch * boost_1_69.patch * libreoffice-poppler-0.72.patch * bsc1112114.patch - Enable new approach for mariadb connector again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 23 13:11:42 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Version update to * 6.1.5 bugfix release rc1 - Drop merged patch: * bsc1112113.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 22 11:12:15 UTC 2019 - Andras Timar - [Bug 1112114] LO-L3: [PPTX] SmartArt: Basic rendering of the Organizational Chart * bsc1112114.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 18 20:41:07 UTC 2019 - bjorn.lie@gmail.com - Replace libreoffice-poppler-0.71.patch with libreoffice-poppler-0.72.patch and apply it conditionally. Fix build with poppler 0.72. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 21 15:01:49 UTC 2018 - Andras Timar - [Bug 1112113] LO-L3: [PPTX] SmartArt: Basic rendering of Accent Process and Continuous Block Process * bsc1112113.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 13 11:23:56 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Version update to release: * many various fixes and compatibility tweaks - Remove merged patches: * bsc1110348.patch * bsc1112112.patch * bsc1117300.patch * bsc882383.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 3 22:27:53 UTC 2018 - bjorn.lie@gmail.com - Add libreoffice-poppler-0.71.patch: Fix build with poppler 0.71 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 29 10:41:59 UTC 2018 - jdelvare@suse.com - bsc#1117300 - [DATA LOSS] Saving a new document can silently overwrite an existing document * bsc1117300.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 29 10:10:00 UTC 2018 - adam.majer@suse.de - boost_1_69.patch: Fix compilation with Boost 1.69 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 28 12:51:12 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Install also C++ libreofficekit headers bsc#1117195 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 26 14:38:54 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bsc#882383 - LO-L3: Chart in PPTX lacks color and is too large * bsc882383.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 12 08:50:57 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bsc#1112112 - LO-L3: [PPTX] SmartArt: Basic rendering of several list types * bsc1112112.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 5 19:57:23 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bsc#1110348 LO-L3: [PPTX] Charts having weird/darker/ugly background versus Office 365 and strange artefacts where overlapping * bsc1110348.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 31 11:08:05 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Honorably mention all the now dropped patches from 6.0 series that are merged by the 6.1 already and as such never entered TW: * bnc1088262.patch * bsc1088263.patch * bsc1095601.patch * bsc1095639.patch * bsc1098891.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 30 11:36:48 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Remove libreofficekit files that are not supposed to be installed when the feature is disabled ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 30 08:36:24 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * 6.1.3 Final * In this release we have fixes for bsc#1079744 bsc#1088266 bsc#1095755 bsc#1110345 bsc#1107012 * bsc#1124062 CVE-2018-16858 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 25 14:17:16 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Use turkish spellcheck that is now provided by myspell-dictionaries ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 12 11:48:13 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to fate#326624: * 6.1.3 RC1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 25 11:13:11 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Version update to * 6.1.2 RC1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 18 08:20:09 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Switch to serf from neon package that is quite dead - Remove sysstray configure option as the code was removed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 17 09:30:11 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to * 6.1.1 RC2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 29 08:00:51 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * RC1 of the 6.1.1 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 24 07:35:25 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix the bundled assuan version to be 2.5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 13 09:47:41 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - No longer run chrpath on bundled gnupg as it is not needed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 7 13:03:50 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Rewrite description to reflect we ship also offline help ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Aug 5 11:07:00 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * RC3 of 6.1.0 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 2 10:24:32 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bsc#1095639 LO-L3: Exporting to PPTX results in vertical labels being shown horizontally * bsc1095639.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 1 09:12:38 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bsc#1098891 LO-L3: Table in PPTX misplaced and partly blue * bsc1098891.patch - bsc#1088263 LO-L3: Labels in chart change (from white and other colors) to black when saving as PPTX * bsc1088263.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 27 08:58:56 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bsc#1095601 - LO-L3: Exporting to PPTX shifts arrow shapes quite a bit * bsc1095601.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 26 13:22:21 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Reenable firebird integration ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 23 08:43:51 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add new language Kabyle ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 20 12:17:37 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * RC2 of the 6.1 series ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 12 14:08:29 UTC 2018 - fstrba@suse.com - Added patch: * 0001-call-System.runFinalizersOnExit-by-reflection-since-.patch + Call the System.runFinalizersOnExit method by reflection, since it is removed in jdk11 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 9 08:07:42 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 2 11:19:26 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix ca_valencia myspell dictionary name ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 27 06:08:27 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#1088262 LO-L3: Table borders appear black in LibreOffice (while white in PowerPoint) * bnc1088262.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 22 08:54:24 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Expand disk constraints to not fail on arm64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 21 12:37:33 UTC 2018 - adam.majer@suse.de - Enable display of commands in build logs - Diable header-only Boost:System usage on older Leap - old-boost.patch: Fix building with older Boost version - Bumb disk space constraints. We need more than 32GB. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 21 08:59:06 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop merged patch bnc1094359.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 21 08:55:26 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to * Bunch of fixes from the upstream - Try to implement safeguarding to avoid bsc#1050305 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jun 17 07:56:09 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add more translations: * Belarusian * Bodo * Dogri * Frisian * Gaelic * Paraguayan_Guaraní * Upper_Sorbian * Konkani * Kashmiri * Luxembourgish * Monglolian * Manipuri * Burnese * Occitan * Kinyarwanda * Santali * Sanskrit * Sindhi * Sidamo * Tatar * Uzbek * Upper Sorbian * Venetian * Amharic * Asturian * Tibetian * Bosnian * English GB * English ZA * Indonesian * Icelandic * Georgian * Khmer * Lao * Macedonian * Nepali * Oromo * Albanian * Tajik * Uyghur * Vietnamese * Kurdish ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 16 12:08:53 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - The kde integration now properly installed by upstream, no need to do it in %install phase ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 16 09:20:57 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to build all languages see bsc#1096360 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 15 09:40:55 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update to * Various buildfixes as found by our testing - Reenable KDE integration on 32bit - Drop merged patch libreoffice-libxmlsec.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 12 13:04:49 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Make sure to install the KDE5/Qt5 UI/filepicker ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 8 09:32:50 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Conflict with gnome subpackage on the gtk2 subpkg as it was split of from there bsc#1096673 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 7 11:01:54 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update to * 6.1 series first beta, many fixes and features around * Notably kde5_gtk3 integration, on by default now - Remove merged patches: * 0001-Use-PYTHON_FOR_BUILD-instead-of-calling-python-direc.patch * libreoffice-icu61.patch * kde5-configure-checks.patch * bnc1060128.patch * bnc1039203.patch * bnc1094359.patch - Disable firebird everywhere for now as it causes issues - Try to implement safeguarding to avoid bsc#1050305 - Disable base-drivers-mysql as it needs mysqlcppcon that is only for mysql and not mariadb, causes issues bsc#1094779 * Users can still connect using jdbc/odbc - Fix java detection on machines with too many cpus * libreoffice-java-sched.patch - Remove galaxy icon theme replaced by colibri - Add karasa jaga icon theme ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 31 10:29:55 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#1094359 LO-L3: LO Writer: Text in boxes not visible * bnc1094359.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 17 05:25:15 UTC 2018 - bosim@opensuse.org - Add supplements for xfce4-session for libreoffice-gtk3 to install that package when xfce is present (boo#1092699). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 16 10:58:54 UTC 2018 - bjorn.lie@gmail.com - Add condtional for Libreoffice Supplement in libreoffice-base, no longer install libreoffice-base by default for future versions of openSUSE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 9 08:59:02 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Extend the icu patch with more patches wrt bsc#1091772 * libreoffice-icu61.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 9 07:57:58 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Bump to bsc#1091606 CVE-2018-10583: * 2 more fixes on top of ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 25 08:46:16 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Do not require update-desktop-files on 15+ bsc#1090737 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 25 06:27:49 UTC 2018 - guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org - Remove aarch64 condition in _constraints ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 23 08:32:48 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop patch bnc1083525.patch merged upstream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 20 12:39:00 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix build with new icu 61+ bsc#1091772 * libreoffice-icu61.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 20 08:52:11 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Another bugfix update containing >60 bugfixes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 17 10:32:11 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - LO-L3: DOCX import: missing table background color * bnc1083525.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 17 09:26:37 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Do not enable LTO on older codestreams, too old toolchain ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 13 10:49:46 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Provide and obsolete all the gtk3 disabled stuff if we disable gtk3 to ease migration ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 12 07:57:17 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop patch libreoffice-lto-failtest.patch as the problem was with memcpy in wrong phases, fixed by cflag -flifetime-dse=1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 11 07:47:35 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Provide and obsolete also libreoffice-branding-SLE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 11 06:01:49 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Use pkgconfig(libpg) instead of posgresql-devel dependency ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 10 11:27:05 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Bring back offline help per popular demand as lto saves space we could use with it bsc#915996 - Update patch to not call python directly during help generating: * 0001-Use-PYTHON_FOR_BUILD-instead-of-calling-python-direc.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 10 11:00:15 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Use gpg keys to verify downloaded archives ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 9 08:30:30 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to disable test failing with LTO: * libreoffice-lto-failtest.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 6 14:27:40 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Switch to memory-constraints macros to limit threads as needed - Enable LTO on libreoffice, 16% smaller binaries, less memory used ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 3 12:26:41 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Reduce the ifarch condition based on new exclusivearch - Name directly dependencies that were accidentaly pulled by gtk3 before ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 3 11:52:09 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Conditionalize gtk3 build as it requires "newer" gnome than the one we ship on SLE12 currently ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 3 11:39:13 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update glib2 requirement to match what code actually uses ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 3 11:27:47 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Reduce archs to only those that are really capable of finishing the build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 3 09:18:42 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update to fate#324870: * Final 6.0.3 tag for release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 26 12:23:45 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable firebird engine on SLE for now ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 26 08:09:03 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Also drop boost_string_fixes.patch merged in upstream differently ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 22 11:46:48 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Another bugfix release milestone - Drop patch orcus-0.13.3.patch merged upstream - Drop patch bnc955545.patch merged upstream - Drop patch bnc1081079.patch merged upstream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 14 09:30:47 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Require liberation-fonts instead of Recommends wrt bsc#1083213 * Basically we need ANY font, but liberation-fonts are the Arial/etc. compatible and thus you can view the MS Word documents - Drop Build/Require on xorg-x11-fonts ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 8 10:23:52 UTC 2018 - alarrosa@suse.com - Require libreoffice-branding >= 6.0. Otherwise, an update of the libreoffice package keeps the 5.0 branding (including the 5.0 splash screen), which is not nice. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 7 10:22:42 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Install gtk3 subpkg on mate desktop wrt bsc#1083993 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 5 15:47:27 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - Remove upstreamed patches * bnc1061210.patch * bnc954772.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 5 10:24:22 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to release: * fixes bsc#1089706 CVE-2018-10120 * second bugfix release closing around 80 TDF issues ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 28 08:02:05 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - LO-L3: Saving PPTX chart changes $12K to 12,345 format * bnc1081079.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 22 11:10:32 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - LO-L3: Cutting object (Rectangle) in Navigator cuts the whole slide instead * bnc955545.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 21 10:27:05 UTC 2018 - andras.timar@collabora.com - LO-L3: Wrong transition time * bnc1039203.patch - LO-L3: Slide with chart has some strange (too large?) elements (PPTX) * bnc1060128.patch - LO-L3: Table(s) from DOCX show wrong position/color/...? * bnc1061210.patch - LO-L3: Copy and Paste in Table ignores formatting completely * bnc954772.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 20 14:03:07 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to build properly with orcus-0.13.3: * orcus-0.13.3.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 17 11:19:03 UTC 2018 - adam.majer@suse.de - boost_string_fixes.patch: Boost in Leap 42.3 and SLE-12 is lacking some functionality found in newer versions. Workaround the problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 12 09:24:51 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Make sure we execute everything with python3 * 0001-Use-PYTHON_FOR_BUILD-instead-of-calling-python-direc.patch - Bump version of bundled gpgme to 1.9.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 9 11:59:11 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * various fixes all around * Fixes data exposure bsc#1080249 CVE-2018-1055 CVE-2018-6871 * Also fixes bsc#1089705 CVE-2018-10119 - Bump the version of libgpg-error - Drop the libreoffice-poppler-0.62.patch merged upstream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 9 11:57:46 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Various fuzzying fixes/etc * Fixes data exposure bsc#1080249 CVE-2018-1055 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 2 11:30:20 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable one more test that fails ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 2 11:18:53 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Do not depend on procps ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 29 09:45:20 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * RC3 phase of libreoffice 6.0.0 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 24 14:02:23 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Require xorg-x11-fonts otherwise nothing is shown ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 24 12:34:09 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Do not pull in liberation2-fonts wrt bsc#1077375#c5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 17 19:29:11 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable 2 db tests that are really flaky in OBS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 16 09:56:39 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix the lo-provides filtering to allow proper provides to be generated ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 15 18:45:31 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * More fixes in RC2 of 6.0.0 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 15 09:55:10 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add requires on kdelibs4 to avoid crashes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 4 21:30:45 UTC 2018 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Add libreoffice-poppler-0.62.patch: Fix build with poppler 0.62, where UTF8.h (explcitly marked as an experimental header) was renamed to UnicodeMapFuncs.h. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 2 12:51:58 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - For now disable qt5 integration as it is utterly broken * just keep the kde4 one ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 20 20:03:58 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * RC1 of 6 series, now tests seem to pass ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 13 12:25:38 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Proper release containing few additional fuzzing fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 12 08:52:45 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Reintroduce kde4 subpackage (now qt4 build with openssl-1.1) - Add the gtk2 subpackage to not pull-in the gtk2 on current desktop * Also supplement as needed for SLE12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 11 14:38:26 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Supplement properly the qt5 and the plasma5-workspace ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 11 12:09:26 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix providing libgpg-error0 bsc#1072061 when bundling ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 11 10:19:31 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Various fixes on 5.4 branch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 8 09:42:28 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Many fixes in gpg4libre and all around ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 7 09:36:31 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Seems we no longer need the _r.so directly, no mentions in code ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 6 14:37:31 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Do not upse otherproviders() as it is not needed with new rpms ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 30 12:00:33 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Merge up all the icon themes as they have intermixed deps - Tweak up langpack generating to work with new gettext .mo files * Those macros are pretty ugly ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 29 14:16:30 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to not bother checking qt4 bugs: * kde5-configure-checks.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 29 11:55:23 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Start updating to release * Code for Qt5 UI * No longer flickering opengl backend * Tons of updates * Collada and gltf are removed upstream * Online help re-integrated even better - Remove merged patches: * 0001-Adapt-getcompver.awk-to-Java-9.patch * 0001-This-hunk-breaks-jdk9-build.patch * 0002-Detect-libjawt-automatically-on-java9-too.patch * java-encoding.patch * gnome-documents-check-ntimeoutid.patch - Drop no longer needed patches: * libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch * disable-flaky-hsqldb-test.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 18 18:42:01 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to release * Various fixes in 5.4 branch * Contains also fixes for bnc#947117, bnc#1035589, bnc#954776, bnc#1021675 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 16 12:53:43 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable the CppunitTest_desktop_lib as it fails on the utf encoding ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 3 12:21:12 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable the verbosity of the build again, getting complaints of build log is too long... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 2 13:36:04 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Switch to bundled gpgme on old distros where it is not possible to update - Rebase scp2-user-config-suse.diff to apply again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 2 09:24:49 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix pyuno paths wrt bsc#1059720 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 12 10:52:03 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Make sure now plasma5 gets gtk3 UI not the generic one ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 11 12:20:25 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable kde4 integration on Tumbleweed as libqt4 is build with openssl-1.0 while we need openssl-1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 10 05:54:01 UTC 2017 - fstrba@suse.com - Removed patch: * 0001-tdf-100501-Adapt-to-Java-9-at-least-on-Linux-x86-64.patch + Integrated upstream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 9 15:02:46 UTC 2017 - fstrba@suse.com - The commons-codec, commons-lang and commons-httpclient are not actually needed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 9 10:49:18 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Various bugfixes on 5.4 branch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 2 09:12:37 UTC 2017 - carmen@carmenbianca.eu - Added Esperanto to list of languages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 12 08:41:51 UTC 2017 - fstrba@suse.com - Added patches: * 0001-This-hunk-breaks-jdk9-build.patch + Remove a patch hunk that breaks rhino build * 0002-Detect-libjawt-automatically-on-java9-too.patch + Fix detection of JDK9's libjawt.so * 0001-Adapt-getcompver.awk-to-Java-9.patch + Adapt getcompver.awk to Java 9 where the version might be single digit * 0001-tdf-100501-Adapt-to-Java-9-at-least-on-Linux-x86-64.patch + Make LibreOffice find Java 9 JVM at runtime * java-encoding.patch + Replace one unnecessary UTF-8 character by an ASCII one ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 28 08:11:19 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Various bugfixes on 5.4 branch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 24 07:46:20 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix fail to build with kde integration disabled wrt bsc#1055393 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 11 09:24:28 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Parse over with spec-cleaner to remove few obsolete declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 4 19:16:58 UTC 2017 - mgorse@suse.com - Add gnome-documents-check-ntimeoutid.patch: fix intermittent crash opening files from gnome-documents (bsc#1047714). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 24 09:02:16 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * More bugfixes on 5.4 branch for the final release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 11 12:44:57 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * More fixes from 5.4.0 release branch - Use system based xmlsec1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 4 10:05:19 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add api keys for google drive to work bsc#1047167 * Copied from chromium ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 24 09:51:43 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update to * First rc of the series, now only serious bugs will be fixed - Drop upstreamed patch 0001-undo-clone.patch - Drop upstreamed patch 0001-watermark.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 21 13:04:49 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add suse color palette bsc#1045339 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 19 13:20:00 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Cleanup the License string ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 13 13:46:31 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to fix bsc#1028504: * 0001-undo-clone.patch - Add patch to fix test failure on 32bit: * 0001-watermark.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 8 14:04:07 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Run tests only on intel 32/64bit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 7 08:39:03 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Ton of fixes over beta1 * Oxygen theme is gone ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 1 12:15:36 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Install libreofficekit headers ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 1 12:03:32 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Artistic was dropped with vigra ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 1 10:05:24 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Switch to normal mirror location ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat May 27 11:22:18 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Feature release 5.4 first beta - Refresh patch disable-flaky-hsqldb-test.patch - Drop merged patches: * bnc959926-Implement-text-rotation-for-Impress-table.patch * gi-annotation-syntax.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 15 15:30:38 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Use nss to avoid issues with mixing openssl and nss ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 11 11:52:17 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to fate#323270: * Update to 5.3.3 release containing bunch of additional fixes - Add direct dep on harfbuzz-icu ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 2 11:32:46 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Also contians fix for bsc#1036975 CVE-2017-8358 * Various fixes in 5.3 branch for rc1 of 5.3.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 24 09:59:01 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Provide and obsolete the help packages wrt bsc#1035087 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 18 06:18:51 UTC 2017 - andras.timar@collabora.com - Fixed bnc#959926 LO-L3: Text not rotated properly in LO Impress tables * bnc959926-Implement-text-rotation-for-Impress-table.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 6 15:10:59 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * bsc#1034329 CVE-2017-7882 * RC2 for the 5.3.2 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 30 12:57:25 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * RC1 of the 5.3.2 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 18 19:58:29 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * official 5.3.1 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 13 17:12:52 UTC 2017 - mgorse@suse.com - Fix syntax error in 0001-allow-none-gi-support.patch (bsc#1028817). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 10 23:37:48 UTC 2017 - mgorse@suse.com - Add gi-annotation-syntax.patch: the (allow-none) annotations weren't being parsed, leading to breakage on SLE (bsc#1028817) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 27 13:59:24 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * RC1 of 5.3.1 release containing various bugfixes - Drop upstreamed patch 0001-unixODBC-changed-soname-to-.2-so-reflect-it.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 16 12:19:35 UTC 2017 - normand@linux.vnet.ibm.com - bypass upstream bug for aarch64 and ppc64/ppc64le https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105519 removing some fods data files source of test failure. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 14 12:20:48 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fixup pyuno loading as it broke when we dropped the uno patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 4 00:46:52 UTC 2017 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Add conditional liberation2-fonts BuildRequires and Recommends for Tumbleweed, it is better suited for the version of freetype2 we have available. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 1 13:10:25 UTC 2017 - adam.majer@suse.de - use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 1 10:53:18 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Fixes bsc#1034568 CVE-2017-7870 * Fixes bsc#1034192 CVE-2016-10327 * RC3 of the 5.3 targets with additional fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 22 10:52:54 UTC 2017 - andras.timar@collabora.com - Remove upstreamed patch * bnc1010961.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 20 12:03:38 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * RC2 of the 5.3.0 target, stabilizing the lokit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 20 10:53:49 UTC 2017 - andras.timar@collabora.com - Version update to * various bugfixes - Remove upstreamed patches * bnc945446-vertical-text-clone-formatting.patch * bnc955548-crash-fix.patch * bnc980734.diff - Fix L3 bnc#1014896 LO-L3: Libreoffice calc (writer in fact!) freezing when running a hyphenate all * bnc1014896.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 18 21:21:04 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Provide the breeze-dark content in the breeze icontheme ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 17 12:38:47 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop system-pyuno.diff patch as it breaks services tests as the pyuno was not loadable ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 13 09:21:39 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * RC candidate stabilizing ont he beta1 bump ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 9 16:41:37 UTC 2017 - andras.timar@collabora.com - Fix L3 bnc#1010961 LO-L3: Change tracking: everything is a change, and accepting changes * bnc1010961.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 5 15:08:29 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix unixODBC loading bnc#1017925 * 0001-unixODBC-changed-soname-to-.2-so-reflect-it.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 4 20:11:44 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Build firebird driver only for version 3, 2.x series does not pass tests at all - Drop 13.2 support, out of scope as EOL ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 20 12:54:20 UTC 2016 - andras.timar@collabora.com - Fix L3 bnc#980734 LO-L3: LibreOffice missing contents in PPTX deck * bnc980734.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 19 11:42:00 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to 5.3.0.beta2: * Various bugfixes to bring 5.3 to stability ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 13 11:50:28 UTC 2016 - andras.timar@collabora.com - Fix L3 bnc#945446 LO-L3: Clone Formatting ignores vertical text alignment * bnc945446-vertical-text-clone-formatting.patch - Fix L3 bnc#955548 LO-L3: CTRL+Z not working to undo changes performed through Navigator crash fix * bnc955548-crash-fix.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Dec 3 12:15:27 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to 5.3.0.beta1: * Starting of testing of new major release - Refresh patch system-pyuno.diff - Refresh again libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch - Drop upstreamed patches: * libreoffice-firebird3-selftest.patch * libreoffice-firebird3.patch * 0001-allow-none-gi-support.patch - Remove --enable-hardlink-deliver switch that is removed from autotools - Add dep on libzmf, libstaroffice - Update internal xmlsec ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Dec 3 11:46:40 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * various bugfixes mostly containing L3 fixes: - Fix L3 bnc#946674 LO-L3: Undo does not revert bundled font size changes for table cells - Fix L3 bnc#952640 LO-L3: Cut and Paste (at the same position) changes bullet point formatting - Fix L3 bnc#955548 LO-L3: CTRL+Z not working to undo changes performed through Navigator - Fix L3 bnc#959168 LO-L3: Undo on bullet point style change only works when focus is not set - bnc#957991 LO-L3: Improve pivot cache reading performance - Refresh patch libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 21 07:56:22 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Introduce back scp2-user-config-suse.diff wrt bnc#1010654 as otherwise user configs would disappear with maintenance update... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 6 09:10:11 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add provides/obsoletes for brazilian and chinese to be matched on dvd bnc#1008743 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 5 19:59:30 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update to * small fix from .2 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 31 11:43:29 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Various small fixes in the 5.2 branch - Move the firebird db connector to subpackage wrt bsc#1003896 - Refresh a bit patch 0001-allow-none-gi-support.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 28 12:39:04 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to bsc#1026640 CVE-2017-3157: * Various fixes for the 5.2 branch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 25 20:13:08 UTC 2016 - mgorse@suse.com - Add 0001-allow-none-gi-support.patch: don't use "nullable" for introspection, since it isn't available on SLE12 version of gobject-introspection (bsc#1000102). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 12 09:46:37 UTC 2016 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Switch google-carlito-fonts and liberation-fonts Requires to Recommends. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 31 16:34:34 UTC 2016 - wbauer@tmo.at - BuildRequire libopenCOLLADA-devel (the new package name) instead of openCOLLADA-devel, except for Leap which only has the latter ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 29 19:03:53 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Various fixes for the 5.2 branch release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 12 21:02:23 UTC 2016 - wbauer@tmo.at - Build KDE integration on openSUSE 13.2 as well ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 10 11:21:14 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Update _constraints file: set the 25GB HDD / 4GB RAM limit as general requirement (global) which only aarch64 overrides at the moment. Prior, there was no 'default' limit set and all archs were exceptions. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 1 08:41:48 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Fixes contained in rc4 of 5.2.0 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 22 21:40:26 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * More bugfixes for the first series of the 5.2 branch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 14 08:46:19 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Various bugfixes on road to 5.2 this time rc2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 29 08:04:22 UTC 2016 - mkubecek@suse.cz - change BuildRequire from pkgconfig(fbembed) to libfbembed-devel; this is a temporary workaround allowing build both before and after firebird is upgraded to version 3.0 in Factory; once 3.0 is there, this will be changed to pkgconfig(fbembed) or pkgconfig(fbclient), based on %suse_version - libreoffice-firebird3.patch: build against system libfbclient2 if Firebird 3 detected - libreoffice-firebird3-selftest.patch: fix failing selftest when built against Firebird 3 libraries; the failure is caused by database file format change, provide two versions of the test database and let the test select the one that matches Firebird version - firebird_integer_x64le_ods12.odb: rpmbuild doesn't support git patches adding binary files, add the ODS12 test database as a source instead ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 24 19:44:10 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Various bugfixes for the rc1 candidate * Fixes bnc#987553 CVE-2016-4324 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 17 17:25:11 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Reduce constraints based on resource usage reported by OBS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 10 12:00:58 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * More bugfixes on road to 5.2 series * missing-include.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 2 12:07:43 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to fix build missing-include.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 2 08:53:49 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Disable support for sle11, not needed anymore * Cleanup the specfile from all the compat conditionals per above * Disable bundled help and point to upstream wiki always (speeds up build quite a bit) * Use pkgconfig style dependencies instead of the develpkgs * Remove all the bundled tarballs that were aedded for sle11 * Adjust the constraints a bit to reflect reality * Remove merged patches: * scp2-user-config-suse.diff * 0001-Make-HAVE_JAVA6-be-always-false.patch * 0001-mdds-1.0.patch * 0001-liborcus-0.11.patch * 0002-boost-filesystem1.patch * 0003-boost-filesystem2.patch * bnc856729.patch * bnc939998.patch * bnc945443.patch * bnc945445.patch * Refresh patches: * libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch * system-pyuno.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 9 20:39:22 UTC 2016 - andras.timar@collabora.com - fix bnc#939998 - LO-L3: PPT file shows wrong titles * bnc939998.patch - fix bnc#945443 - LO-L3: Undo ignores vertical alignment * bnc945443.patch - fix bnc#945445 - LO-L3: Undo does not revert changes of table separation lines * bnc945445.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 6 13:36:10 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to few small tweaks for the .3.1 release * fate#320521 - Refresh patches: * 0001-liborcus-0.11.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 4 12:07:44 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Split out gtk3 again but this time install it on openSUSE and avoid it on SLE12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 26 09:46:38 UTC 2016 - andras.timar@collabora.com - Version update to * Various small bugfixes all around 5.1 series ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 26 09:10:05 UTC 2016 - andras.timar@collabora.com - fix bnc#856729 - LO-L3: Double borders in Calc * bnc856729.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 23 07:09:45 UTC 2016 - dmueller@suse.com - update constraints file for aarch64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 4 09:17:16 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Various small bugfixes all around 5.1 series - Remove upstreamed patches: * 0001-Fix-patch-to-apply-on-SLE11-just-some-unknown-patch-.patch * 0001-Fix-python2-build-of-pyuno-with-older-py2-versions.patch * 0001-Update-etonyek-patch-to-apply-with-sle11-patch.patch - Refresh patches: * 0001-liborcus-0.11.patch * libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch - Fix sle11 build by not using -r on ln command - Update the subtag registry to latest version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 1 10:40:30 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Install also gdb pretty printers ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 1 10:30:39 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Introduce glade subpackage to match up with fedora and to provide others possibility to work on glade UI for libreoffice ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 19 17:10:52 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove services patch, no longer needed everything tweaked upstream: * libreoffice-disable-services-check.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 11 20:41:35 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to detect boost_filesystem headers: * 0002-boost-filesystem1.patch * 0003-boost-filesystem2.patch - Add patch to fix rounding bug in test on i586: * libreoffice-hotfix-disablebrokenshapetest.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 11 17:17:22 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Various bugfixes for the first bugfix release of 5.1 - Update patch to build on sle11 * 0001-liborcus-0.11.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 8 12:18:38 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to build with liborcus 0.11 * 0001-liborcus-0.11.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 7 20:49:35 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Use mdds-1.0 * 0001-mdds-1.0.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 3 08:47:48 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Appdatastore is everywhere ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 2 16:48:33 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add upstreamed patches to fix patch application on sle11: * 0001-Fix-patch-to-apply-on-SLE11-just-some-unknown-patch-.patch * 0001-Update-etonyek-patch-to-apply-with-sle11-patch.patch * 0001-Fix-python2-build-of-pyuno-with-older-py2-versions.patch - Localy disable the services test that SEGVs on sle11 * libreoffice-disable-services-check.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 2 12:55:31 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Do not bother with kde integration on SLE12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 21 09:49:35 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to enable libreofficekit integration by mimicking what RH does bnc#965296 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 9 09:19:59 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Provide/obsolete the gtk3 subpackage in gnome to allow nice migration - %dir the appdata folder to build on leap and older ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 6 12:54:39 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Un-split the gtk3 from separate module 5.1 should be stable enough ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 6 12:45:55 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Do not install the appdata xml files twice bnc#965294 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 29 13:00:44 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Fixes bnc#967015 CVE-2016-0795 bnc#967014 CVE-2016-0794 * Various small fixes on road to final tag * Update internal tarballs for sle11 build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 21 14:02:08 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix requires on libmysqlclient_r18 on SLE11 - Fix a bug on es provides with en-GB - Provide l10n-pt from pt-PT ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 17 08:04:26 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update to * More small fixes here and there for the RC2 release - Remove upstreamed patches: * libreoffice-graphite.patch * libreoffice-uno-py26.patch * libreoffice-kde4-filelist.patch * libreoffice-old-gtkapi.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 13 01:55:23 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Reenable collada, debian and fedora both build with it so do the same ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 13 01:52:54 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Set ulimit to unlimited prior build to allow better debugging of build crashes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 3 15:00:06 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch attempting to fix build on old gtk2 versions: * libreoffice-old-gtkapi.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 28 16:25:19 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to fix filelist generating after kde3 removal: * libreoffice-kde4-filelist.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 22 14:43:52 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to fix graphite2 bundled build on SLE11: * libreoffice-graphite.patch - Add patch to fix build of pyuno with python2.6: * libreoffice-uno-py26.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 21 11:48:07 UTC 2015 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#951579 - LO-L3: [LibreOffice] Calc 5.0 fails to open ods files * deleted RPATH prevented loading of bundled 3rd party RDF handler libs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 21 10:36:40 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Update few bundled libs for SLE11 - Drop support for gvfs2 - Drop kde/kdeab switches - Drop lockdown enabler ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 17 09:45:29 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * testing the changes for 5.1 series - Remove upstreamed patches: * bnc-679938.diff * bnc-889755.diff * bnc-945047.diff * bnc-954345.diff * use-long-for-test-comparsion.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 15 11:47:08 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to bnc#959716: * Final of the 5.0.4 series ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 14 22:23:15 UTC 2015 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#945047 - LO-L3: LO is duplicating master pages * bnc-945047.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 11 12:13:27 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * rc1 of 5.0.4 with various regression fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 1 13:25:35 UTC 2015 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#954345 - LO-L3: Insert-->Image-->Insert as Link hangs writer * bnc-954345.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 9 09:12:03 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable another hsqldb test: * disable-flaky-hsqldb-test.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Oct 31 20:03:00 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to * Final tag of 5.0.3 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 22 08:11:48 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to fix flaky test: * use-long-for-test-comparsion.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 21 16:58:28 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove upstream merged: * bnc-939996.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 21 14:32:00 UTC 2015 - andras.timar@collabora.com - Fix bnc#939996 - LO-L3: Some bits from DOCX file are not imported * bnc-939996.diff - Fix bnc#889755 - LO-L3: PPTX: chart axis number format incorrect * bnc-889755.diff - bnc#679938 - LO-L3: saving to doc file the chapter name in the header does not change with chapters * bnc-679938.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 21 11:13:33 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to disable flaky hsqldb test: * disable-flaky-hsqldb-test.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 16 08:04:32 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to 5.0.3RC1 as it should fix i586 test failure - Drop upstreamed patch: * kde4filepicker.patch - Update text2number extension to 1.5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 16 07:26:33 UTC 2015 - meissner@suse.com - obsolete libreoffice-mono - pentaho-flow-reporting require is conditional on system_libs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 5 11:14:07 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update icon theme dependencies * https://lists.debian.org/debian-openoffice/2015/09/msg00343.html ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 21 08:55:05 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 5.0.2 final fate#318856 fate#319071 bnc#943075 bnc#945692: * Small tweaks compared to rc1 - For sake of completion this release also contains security fixes for bnc#910806 CVE-2014-8147, bnc#907636 CVE-2014-9093, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-4551, bnc#910805 CVE-2014-8146, bnc#940838 CVE-2015-5214, bnc#936190 CVE-2015-5213, bnc#936188 CVE-2015-5212, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-45513, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-4551, bnc#910805 CVE-2014-8146, bnc#940838 CVE-2015-5214, bnc#936190 CVE-2015-5213, bnc#936188 CVE-2015-5212, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-45513, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-4551, bnc#910805 CVE-2014-8146, bnc#940838 CVE-2015-5214, bnc#936190 CVE-2015-5213, bnc#936188 CVE-2015-5212, bnc#934423 CVE-2015-4551 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 17 13:27:07 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Use gcc48 to build on sle11sp4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 17 12:05:26 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Make debuginfo's smaller on IBS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 17 08:20:21 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix chrpath call after the libs got -lo suffixing ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 15 09:47:21 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to fix qt4 features detection: * kde4filepicker.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 11 11:56:03 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Split out gtk3 UI to separate subpkg that requires gnome subpkg * This is to allow people to test gtk3 while it not being default ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 9 07:34:59 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version update to 5.0.2 rc1: * Various small tweaks and integration of our SLE11 patchsets ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 28 07:33:41 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update constraints to 30 GB on disk ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 26 07:31:26 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 5.0.1 rc2: * breeze icons extension * Credits update * Various small fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 11 08:00:38 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 5.0.1 rc1: * Various small fixes * Has some commits around screen rendering -> could fix kde bugs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 4 10:57:23 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Kill branding-openSUSE, stick to TDF branding. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 4 09:19:53 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 5.0 rc5: * Bunch of final touchups here and there - Remove some upstreamed patches: * old-cairo.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 22 12:12:07 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add explicit requires over libmysqlclient_r18, should cover bnc#829430 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 14 14:56:11 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to build with old cairo (sle11): * old-cairo.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 14 09:00:37 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 5.0 rc3: * Various more fixes closing on the 5.0 release - Removed upstreamed patches: * fix-old-poppler.patch * mdds-old-gcc.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 3 07:04:45 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to fix build on SLE11 and remove obsolete patch: * A mdds-old-gcc.patch * D pack-desktop-files-for-optional-filters.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 1 08:55:34 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update to 5.0 rc2: * Few small fixes and updates in internal libraries ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 23 13:21:48 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 5.0 rc1, remove obsolete patches: * 0001-Fix-could-not-convert-.-const-char-to-const-rtl-OUSt.patch * 0001-writerperfect-fix-gcc-4.7-build.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 22 09:15:38 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - More chrpat love for sle11 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 19 10:33:12 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add python-importlib to build/requirements on py2 distros ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 19 09:40:37 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Provide/obsolete crystal icons so they are purged and not left over - Add few patch to get LO in more buildable state on SLE11, all upstreamed: * 0001-Fix-could-not-convert-.-const-char-to-const-rtl-OUSt.patch * 0001-writerperfect-fix-gcc-4.7-build.patch * fix-old-poppler.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 17 06:54:47 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix breeze icons handling, drop crystal icons. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 13 13:23:20 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 5.0.0.beta3: * Drop merged patch 0001-Make-cpp-poppler-version.h-header-optional.patch * Update some internal tarballs so we keep building - based on these bumps update the buildrequires too ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 3 12:08:54 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Generate python cache files wrt bnc#929793 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 21 11:59:03 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update %post scriptlets to work on sle11 again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 20 08:45:37 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Split out the share -> lib linker to hopefully allow sle11 build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 13 11:31:52 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - One more fix for help handling bnc#915996 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 10 10:01:38 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.4.3 release: * Various small fixes all around ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 6 16:54:47 UTC 2015 - dmueller@suse.com - enable aarch64 build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 6 15:26:10 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Reformat with spec-cleaner ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 3 16:45:27 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable verbose build to pass check on maximal size of log ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 24 11:43:23 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - We need pre/post for libreoffice in langpkgs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 23 15:48:11 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Use old java for detection and old commons-lang/codec to pass brp check on java from sle11 * 0001-Make-HAVE_JAVA6-be-always-false.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 23 08:27:20 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Revert last changeset, it is caused by something else this time: * 0001-Set-source-and-target-params-for-java.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 22 09:27:01 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Set source/target for javac when building to work on SLE11: * 0001-Set-source-and-target-params-for-java.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 21 09:17:33 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to deal with rpath on bundled libs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 17 12:57:07 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix python3_sitelib not being around for py2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 16 12:23:40 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add internal make for too old system - One more stab on poppler switch: * 0001-Make-cpp-poppler-version.h-header-optional.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 16 11:45:39 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Update the old-poppler patch to work correctly: * 0001-Make-cpp-poppler-version.h-header-optional.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 16 11:43:32 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Sort out more external tarballs for the no-system-libs approach ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 16 09:34:00 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add basic external tarballs needed for without-system-libraries ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 16 08:24:22 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to check for poppler more nicely to work on older distros: * 0001-Make-cpp-poppler-version.h-header-optional.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 15 18:50:30 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to pass configure without system libs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 15 12:43:41 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Allow switch between py2 and py3 - Move external dependencies in conditional thus allow build on SLE11 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 15 11:56:26 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add conditional for noarch subpackages - Add switch in configure to detect more of internal/external stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 15 11:42:37 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add conditional for appdatastore thing and redo it to impact the spec less - Add systemlibs switch to be used in attempt to build sle11 build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 14 13:49:22 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Hopefully fix bnc#913042.Redo check phase that sometimes broke .jar generating ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 14 13:43:32 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Silence more scarry messages by bnc#900186 * Fixes autocorr symlinking * Cleans UNO cache in more pretty way ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 9 13:12:21 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Clean up the uno cache removal to not display scarry message bnc#900186 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 9 12:42:00 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove patch to look for help in /usr/share, we symlink it back to lib, so there is no actual need to search for it directly, migth fix bnc#915996: * officecfg-help-in-usr-share.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 8 13:06:41 UTC 2015 - andras.timar@collabora.com - --disable-collada * reportedly it does not work in LibreOffice 4.4 - added version numbers to some BuildRequires lines ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 8 12:26:59 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Require flow engine too on base ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 8 12:24:45 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix build on SLE12 and 13.1 by adding conditional for appdata install ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 8 12:03:19 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Fixup the installed appdata.xml files: they reference a .desktop file that are not installed by libreoffice (boo#926375). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 2 17:11:50 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.4.2: * 2nd bugfix update for the 4.4 series ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 30 14:31:03 UTC 2015 - andras.timar@collabora.com - BuildRequires: libodfgen-devel >= 0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 30 14:20:04 UTC 2015 - andras.timar@collabora.com - added version numbers to some BuildRequires lines - build does not require python3-lxml - build requires librevenge-devel >= 0.0.1 - vlc media backend is broken, don't use it. Only gstreamer should be used. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 20 14:42:33 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Install the .appdata.xml files shipped by upstream: allow LO to be shown in AppStream based software centers. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 5 12:51:02 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Move pretrans to pre ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 26 21:06:18 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.4.1 first bugfix release of the series ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 10 12:49:37 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Reduce bit the compilation preparations as we prepped most of the things by _constraints and it is no longer needed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 9 18:00:17 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - %pre is not enough the script needs to be rewritten in lua ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 9 10:26:08 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Move removal of obsolete dirs from %pretrans to %pre bnc#916181 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 29 14:35:49 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.4.0 final: * First in the 4.4 series * First release to have the new UI elements without old hardcoded sizes * Various improvements all around. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 18 16:11:42 UTC 2015 - arnaud@versini.eu - Add debug symobols ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 13 12:27:39 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.4.0rc2: * Various bugfixes, just bumping to see if we still build fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 6 09:44:02 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - That verbose switch for configure was really really bad idea ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 6 09:05:04 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - generic images.zip for galaxy icons seem gone so remove - Do not supplement kde3 stuff, it is way beyond obsolete ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 5 15:08:25 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove vlc conditional - korea.xcd is no more so remove - Really use mergelib ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 5 12:23:43 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable telepathy, it really is experimental like hell ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 4 15:51:42 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.4.0rc1: * New 4.4 branch release with additional features - Enable collada: * New bundled collada2gltf tarball: 4b87018f7fff1d054939d19920b751a0-collada2gltf-master-cb1d97788a.tar.bz2 - Obsoleted patches: * jvmfwk-disable-gcj.diff * libreoffice-4.3-plasma5-ui-decisions.patch * libreoffice- * office-cfg-linux-common-template-dir.diff * libreoffice-boost-1.56.patch - Refreshed patches: * officecfg-help-in-usr-share.diff * system-pyuno.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 19 09:23:28 UTC 2014 - vcizek@suse.com - Version bump to 4.3.5 release: * Various small fixes * Fix for CVE-2014-9093 bnc#907636 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 4 08:33:55 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - And do it right as it was supposed to be bash variable :) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 4 07:43:13 UTC 2014 - fstrba@suse.com - Fix typo %{libdir} -> %{_libdir} ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 3 11:08:57 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove dangling symlinks from previous versions bnc#884942 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 30 10:08:38 UTC 2014 - dmitry_r@opensuse.org - Fix build with boost 1.56 * libreoffice-boost-1.56.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 17 11:08:24 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.3.4: * Few small fixes * Fix for calc value ordering "regression" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 3 12:48:16 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove no longer needed mergelib patch * libreoffice-mergedlibs-circular-deps.patch - Add patch for plasma5 UI selector support * libreoffice-4.3-plasma5-ui-decisions.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 31 11:58:14 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove errorous self-obsolete in lang pkgs. - Version bump to * Various bugfixes from maintenance branch to copy openSUSE. * Also contains fix for bnc#900214 and bnc#900218 CVE-2014-3693 - Remove fixes merged upstream: * 0001-fdo-82418-prefer-UTF-8-over-UTF-16.patch * 0001-n-708518-sd-check-that-master-page-matches-when-sett.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 17 08:55:21 UTC 2014 - olaf@aepfle.de - Obsolete old libreoffice-ure-devel in sdk and devel-docs in sdk-doc to avoid possible conflicts during zypper dup (bnc#900877) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 16 13:35:20 UTC 2014 - olaf@aepfle.de - Obsolete old libreoffice-ure to avoid conflicts during zypper dup (bnc#900877) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 1 12:24:03 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix the timestamp on docu (remove) - Try to silence postinst warning during verfication - Fix wrong obsolete lines ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 29 13:54:08 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable mergedlibs for now as it is not tested enough and broke - Added patch: * libreoffice-mergedlibs-circular-deps.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 27 15:46:43 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove configure warning ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 27 15:38:07 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to * Various small bugfixes found from 4.3.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 24 08:44:46 UTC 2014 - fcrozat@suse.com - added patches: * 0001-fdo-82418-prefer-UTF-8-over-UTF-16.patch: prefer UTF-8 over UTF-16 when importing CSV (fdo#82418). * 0001-n-708518-sd-check-that-master-page-matches-when-sett.patch: fix regression in bullets (bnc#897903). - Add masterpage_style_parent.odp as new file for regression test for bullets. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 19 13:53:23 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to handle collada coinmp and gltf properly. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 19 11:11:42 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Do not remove folders too early in the link-to-ooo-home * this fixes warning about trying to remove dir ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 29 13:29:59 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to * First bugfix release of series * Among others contains fixes for CVE-2014-3524 and CVE-2014-3575 bnc#893133 and bnc#893141 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 8 12:57:33 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Require some fonts for compat: liberation / carlito fonts. bnc#824908 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 1 08:01:00 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to * Final 4.3.0 release containing handful of last fixes from the ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 29 15:20:41 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to sort out broken help after migration from 13.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 29 15:07:13 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add more provides/obsoletes for lang help files to better handle migration. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 24 08:33:07 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to finish out the py3 migration. - Remove now not needed patch: * wizards-create-temlates-with-python-2.6.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 21 07:09:41 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to fix the themes/icons handling: * libreoffice- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 21 06:58:44 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to * Various small bugfixes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 20 15:29:03 UTC 2014 - arnaud.versini@gmail.com - Use Python3 instead of Python 2 for pyuno. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 11 08:26:26 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add rpmlintrc to sources. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 3 11:21:45 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to * Various small bugfixes - Drop upstreamed patches: * 0001-Package-filter-in-common-pack.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 25 11:04:41 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Install missing libsaxlo. Hacked for now, upstream notified. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 24 10:47:32 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to fix unfilelisted files: * 0001-Package-filter-in-common-pack.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 23 11:11:03 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to * Buildfix with new glm * Various fixes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 20 19:03:50 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - More languages got autotext. Reflect that. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 20 07:25:57 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove no longer provided files from list of artworky things. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 17 09:17:10 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version the glew dependency. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 16 10:39:01 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.3.0beta2: * major version bump with fixes all around everywhere - Added dependencies over glew and glm - Removed patches that were upstreamed: * set-language-in-impress.diff * text-alignment-in-shape.diff * kde4- * impress-table-performance.patch * import-gradfill-for-text-colors.diff * fix-text-rotation.diff * fix-python-wizzards.patch * docx-brightness-contrast-2.diff * docx-brightness-contrast-1.diff * doc-brightness-contrast.diff * discard-more-header-footer-stuff.patch * disable-firebird-unit-test.diff * direct-format-numbering.patch * WW8-import-fix-upper-margin-of-multi-page.patch * VBA-macro-modification-warning.diff * Use-varying-aElement-name.patch * 0001-std-strlen-requires-cstring-include-to-build.patch Temporary switches until upstream allows system version: * --disable-gltf * --disable-coinmp ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 5 14:07:31 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch from upstream fix-python-wizzards.patch to fix crashing python wizzards ; bnc#881294 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 3 07:12:10 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Typo in desc stating there is libreoffice-kde which is not anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 30 09:55:57 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#822625 - LO-L3: Table editing is a pain in Impress (performace issues) * impress-table-performance.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 30 09:30:28 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#863018 - LO-L3: Missing text in imported .doc file * WW8-import-fix-upper-margin-of-multi-page.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 30 09:25:45 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#875717 - LO-L3: DOCX import: font size of numbering is bigger * direct-format-numbering.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 30 09:21:31 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#875718 - LO-L3: DOCX import: extra page numbers * discard-more-header-footer-stuff.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 30 07:33:54 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - Security update CVE-2014-0247 * Use-varying-aElement-name.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 23 18:49:38 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#467278: let the previous fix work under KDE4, too * VBA-macro-modification-warning.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 22 15:53:29 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#467278: Introduce a warning that changes to VBA macros cannot be saved. * VBA-macro-modification-warning.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 20 08:17:29 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#875713 - LO-L3: DOCX import: picture brigtness/contrast not imported * docx-brightness-contrast-1.diff * docx-brightness-contrast-2.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 20 08:11:28 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#875712 - LO-L3: DOC import: picture brigtness/contrast not imported * doc-brightness-contrast.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 20 08:05:13 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#870240 - LO-L3: pptx import file has text rotated on slide * fix-text-rotation.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 20 07:55:57 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#870234 - LO-L3: pptx file has text imported as black instead of white * import-gradfill-for-text-colors.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 20 07:51:16 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#870228 - LO-L3: Text inside the circle is not centered * text-alignment-in-shape.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 20 07:38:00 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - bnc#863021 - LO-L3: Allow setting language for slide or presentation entirely * set-language-in-impress.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 20 07:27:24 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - fix build on openSUSE 12.3: * disable-firebird-unit-test.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 16 10:20:00 UTC 2014 - andras.timar@collabora.com - fix build on openSUSE 12.3: * 0001-std-strlen-requires-cstring-include-to-build.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 6 19:58:50 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to * another bugfix release fixing more than dozen of issues. - Add explicit dep over libxslt - Remove patch applied upstream: * bluez5-support-for-impress-remote.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 5 13:35:28 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Generate autocorr content for various language mutations properly (shamelessly stolen from Fedora). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 5 13:24:33 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Use patch from upstream to handle the mutexes way better. Updated patch kde4- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 5 07:14:50 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Use correct paths for dicts locations. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 25 11:42:31 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - After dict redesign depend on correct dict packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 15 08:32:38 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix haning in KDE by applying upstream fix. Will be included in next release. - added patches: * kde4- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 14 20:00:00 UTC 2014 - tbehrens@suse.com - fix for non-working bluetooth remote control from upstream - added patches: * bluez5-support-for-impress-remote.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 11 14:14:14 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove googledoc extension as it is uttery broken and this is safer. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 11 11:43:01 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Require link-to-ooo-home script properly in postun phase. Fixes bnc#749059. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 10 11:27:52 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.2.3: * Bugfix release of 4.3 series - Fixing 100 bugs and 20 of those with Major or higher importance. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 9 09:52:17 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix whitespace. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 9 09:44:26 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix autotext symlinking to point right path. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 28 12:23:02 CET 2014 - fcrozat@suse.com - Switch Libreoffice Math .desktop to NoDisplay=true [bnc#869648] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 27 08:59:41 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Require ucpp in sdk. Thanks to cbosdonnat for spotting this. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 13 16:46:54 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove patch already applied upstream: * fix-sdk-install.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 13 14:01:35 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.2.2 release: * Bugfix release of 4.2 series - Fixing 29 various issues and from it 16 most annoying ones ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 12 12:02:55 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Make sure we provide compat oo symlinks. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 28 09:11:39 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Uk does not have the mythes too in suse. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 27 09:49:11 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Latvians do not have mythes so remove it from the dep. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 26 14:32:01 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix installing of sdk symlinks needed for working 3rd party plugins. - added patches: * fix-sdk-install.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 25 20:10:44 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.2.1: * Fixes over 100 found bugs found during the first release testing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 19 09:55:10 CET 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - remove duped pt-PT setting ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 12 13:34:12 UTC 2014 - fcrozat@suse.com - Fix vlc macro again (thanks rudi) - Fix typo in description - Fix nl and nn language subpackage incorrectly requiring unexisting thesaurus package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 12 10:25:31 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to provide other older translation packages to avoid various collisions as reported by repo-checker. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 6 14:23:31 UTC 2014 - fcrozat@suse.com - Fix vlc macro in specfile. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 3 14:52:10 UTC 2014 - fcrozat@suse.com - Change how to enable/disable VLC support, allowing to override this with OBS prjconf (needed for SLE). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 2 14:42:45 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Switch to ghost files to work without modifying filelist. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 1 12:09:19 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try hard to support migration from older layout where the help and autotext are dirs not symlinks. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 1 12:05:00 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add condition around uno cache removal so it is properly wiped when needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 1 11:34:26 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Require libreoffice-l10n-en always to be sure we have something that can really launch. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 1 11:21:05 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Requires libreoffice on post for iconpacks so we generate the symlinks. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 31 13:26:17 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to which is the final * Fixes 20 of last crit bugs. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 31 11:38:20 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove patch for split icon search that is no longer working split-icons-search-usr-share.diff - Use symlinking posttrans hack for all noarch pkgs - Fix the symlinking script to work properly ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 30 12:42:48 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add safeguards around the posttrans/postun scripts. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 29 12:04:16 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Workaround issue in rpm parser. Thanks to mls. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 28 20:33:34 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add requires(post) for the post scripts. - Disable the update compat for now as there is something broken there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 27 20:35:11 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to introduce back the posttrans symlink creation needed for proper use of the "noarch" packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 27 10:07:33 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Support update from older releases. Rpm can't handle dir->link. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 26 17:34:58 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - sdk-doc can't be noarch as it is instaled in _libdir. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 26 16:41:10 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Reorder deps to be alphabetic again. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 26 16:35:24 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Explicitely want fbclient pkgconfig to be around. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 26 10:35:11 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Avoid collision with tn and sr translations. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 26 08:59:53 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - sdk-doc can be noarch. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 25 20:14:26 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.2.0 RC3 fixing handful of additionally found bugs. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 25 14:33:26 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add sifr icon theme package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 22 15:47:21 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add missing %dir directives. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 22 15:42:03 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add back rpmlintrc as it is still needed - Update comment about sfir icons ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 17 20:19:39 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Raise doxygen dependency. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 17 20:17:00 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Updated patch install-with-hardlinks.diff to keep sane whitespace ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 17 20:13:38 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Bridges now seem to get the cflags properly so patch is not really needed. bridges-missing-cxxflags.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 17 19:08:20 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to * another RC candidate - Download the data from URLs instead of not providing the link. - Depend on libabw as it is another dep. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 10 10:01:43 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Go back to 20 on constraints as the 25g machines seems to be no avail ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 9 14:15:08 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop the vlc dep on 12.3 and older. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 8 14:52:28 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop the rpmlintrc should not be needed - Raise the constraints more to really ensure build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 8 14:05:14 UTC 2014 - mvyskocil@suse.com - Now builds with external dependencies * flute * libbase * libfonts * libformula * liblayout * libloader * librepository * libserializer * pentaho-libxml * pentaho-reporting-flow-engine * sac - enabled report builder ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 8 12:49:33 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Enable slowcheck again with the added fonts dependency. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 7 15:24:15 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Sort out some whitespace and ordering with spec-cleaner. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 7 15:17:27 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add defattr for the lang pkgs. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 7 15:09:22 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add spell to en pkg. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 6 19:04:53 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix copy&paste ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 6 18:59:34 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Use bsh2 not bsh1 for dep. Thanks to mvyskocil. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 6 18:59:09 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - More filelist moves for langpacks and extra files. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 5 20:07:46 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix branding filelist and remove old help location from filelist ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 4 10:54:18 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop branding-upstream package to merge it back to main one. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 4 09:54:53 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Raise required size for constraints to 20G. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 3 20:43:30 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop base-extensions, empty package too. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 3 19:54:53 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Readjust the link-ooo-home script to delete empty folders if not owned and add few comments there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 3 18:37:07 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove lo_prefix and lo_home vars as they are pointless nowdays - Remove the debug switch to control ccache, it is controled already in obs so it is pointless in spec - Increase Disk requirement for 18 gb, it was 17 here on local build so it should be safe again to build. - Mark more files for /usr/share move ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 2 23:41:44 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try to move all the noarch split content to /usr/share ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 2 21:18:04 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop Draft.jpg nobody knows what it is :) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 18:19:42 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove stlport hacks as it is gone since 4.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 18:17:24 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Do not create compat symlink for broken SLE11 desktop file as it is not built there anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 18:04:30 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Quote the langs variable so we actually use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 17:57:19 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Do not reduce jobs if using icecream. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 17:43:40 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop scsolver readme. It is quite few years dead now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 15:55:01 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop impress extensions as they were deextensified. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 15:51:37 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop patch solenv-java-source-version.diff as it is not used. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 15:50:24 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Disable slowcheck for now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 13:57:30 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix typo on the sed line. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 10:14:46 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.2.0rc for testing purposes - Update the spec file to be only one building everything - Cleanup of spec with removal of old cruft here and there - Remove bundled libs always demand the system versions - Remove bundled tarballs that are no longer used - Removed patches no longer usable: * fix-collision.patch * zip-3.0-add_options_to_help.patch * zip-3.0-iso8859_2.patch * zip-3.0-nonexec-stack.patch * zip-3.0-optflags.patch * zip-3.0-tempfile.patch * zip-notimestamp.patch * solenv-touch-no-dereference.diff * split-help-buildhack-no-vcl.diff * system-poppler-0.12.3.diff * scripting-prefer-internal-rhino.diff * build-help-common.diff - Refreshed patches: * office-cfg-linux-common-template-dir.diff * officecfg-help-in-usr-share.diff * solenv-java-source-version.diff * wizards-create-temlates-with-python-2.6.diff - To be fixed: * split-icons-search-usr-share.diff - Obsoleted specs: * libreoffice-help-en-US.spec * libreoffice-help-group1.spec * libreoffice-help-group2.spec * libreoffice-help-group3.spec * libreoffice-help-group4.spec * libreoffice-help-group5.spec * libreoffice-icon-themes.spec * libreoffice-l10n.spec - Help packs for now moved into l10n packs with proper provides. Can be adjusted later when we get full build for comparsion. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 7 13:52:29 UTC 2013 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to 4.1.3 bugfix release. News: http://blog.documentfoundation.org/2013/11/01/the-document-foundation-announces-libreoffice-4-1-3/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 8 16:45:37 UTC 2013 - tchvatal@suse.com - Version bump to bugfix release only. - Remove upstreamed patch buildfix-neon-0.30.0.diff. - Adjust patch jvmfwk-disable-gcj.diff to reflect current state. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 21 14:56:46 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - update to * first page styles (fdo#66145) * Calc crashes on spell check (fdo#68220) * broken options in ReportBuilder (fdo#67109) * can't save new autocorrect entries (fdo#67743) * checking for extension updates crasher (fdo#67539) * font style is not saved in ODG and ODP (fdo#67665) * broken formula expressions on XLS export (fdo#67571) * can't select other fill than color in Writer (fdo#66827) * soffice.bin segfault in libvclplug_gtklo.so (rhbz#998136) - update libwpd to version 0.9.9: + infinite loop when using WPXBinaryData - build-help-common.diff: allow to bundle the help icons even when help is built separately - buildfix-neon-0.30.0.diff: fix build with neon-0.30.0; only use the SSPI support with internal neon; took from master branch - use the new --with-help=common configure option ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 13 15:21:02 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - update to * non-saved dialogs (fdo#67685) * lost cell range name (fdo#62729) * several performance regressions fixes * allow to connect MariaDB (rhbz#989246) * more on broken XLSX export (bnc#823935) * broken master pages editing (fdo#66924) * messed slide in PPTX import (bnc#593612) * crossing lines in WMF pictures (i#122509) * lost formatting in ODS export (fdo#67684) * misplaced cursor in Web layout (fdo#66577) * shapes anchoring in VML import (bnc#820504) * several problems with time stamps (fdo#67387) * lost lines created in report builder (fdo#33617) * lost sheet protection in XLSX export (fdo#64753) * paragraph style dialog height problems (fdo#67395) * complex hyperlinks broken in PDF export (fdo#33605) * lost background pictures in DOCX export (fdo#60990) * VoiceOver does not follow keyboard focus (fdo#54320) * some fields don't fit into options dialog (fdo#61544) * lost text frame in DOCX export (bnc#822175, fdo#58577) * non-smooth lines around fontwork (fdo#60282, fdo#66745) * embedded fonts renders strangely on first load (fdo#67086) * hyperlinks in table of illustrations (bnc#825976, fdo#39904) * Calc reads any number of spaces as a single space (fdo#67094) * initial MCE support in writerfilter OOXML tokenizer (bnc#820503) * several RTF import/export fixes (fdo#39001, fdo#54900, fdo#64637, fdo#65632, fdo#66274, fdo#66565, fdo#66682, fdo#67365) - remove obsolete patches: + buildfix-sdext-poppler-0.23.0.diff: integrated upstream + build-link-rt.diff: integrated upstream - bridges-missing-cxxflags.diff: lost RPM optflags when compiling bridges; it is still not fixed and breaks build on SLED11 i586 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 12 12:30:27 UTC 2013 - dvaleev@suse.com - disable jfreereport extension for powerpc64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 1 14:46:22 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - set PYTHON variables using python-config on SLED11 because the pkg-config files are not there - set the PYTHON variables only in the main libreoffice.spec because they are not needed to build help - build-link-rt.diff: liblt is linked with librt, so we need to link the libmerged with librt as well; it fixes the build on SLED11 - use -g1 instead of -g to reduce the memory and disk usage with debugging symbols; note that only .o files need about 12GB when compliled with full debugging symbols ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 30 13:06:00 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - update to with very big help from tchvatal@suse.com - Writer + support font localized forms (fdo#62154) + gradient background in text frames (fdo#46029) + easy rotate images in 90 degree increments (fdo#34423) + non-bitmap DrawingML shapes in DOCX import (fdo#43641) + graphical numbering bullets in DOC, DOCX and RTF import/export + several improvements in comments handling (fdo#38246, fdo#34800, fdo#53442) - Calc + two new graph types (fdo#61135) + allow to export charts into ODC (ODF chart) file format + new functions NUMBERVALUE and SKEWP (fdo#57180, fdo#60322) + import/export more than 45 functions that are new in Excel 2013 + import large HTML documents with more than 64k table cells (fdo#35756) - Impress + option to disable the bundled Presenter Console + "Photo Album" allows to create slideshows from a series of pictures - Base + allow to limit query results - Math + new elements docking panel - General + new gallery images from IBM Symphony + improved hyphenation in Calc and Draw + delete multiple styles at once (fdo#46718) + port Agenda and Web wizards from Java to Python + syntax highlighting of the Basic code in local help + use HarfBuzz instead of the deprecated ICU LayoutEngine + lots fixes and improvements in the right-to-left (RTL) support - Experimental feature: + sidebar from AOO/IBM Symphony with resizeable layout from LO team - Filters + include hyperlinks in SVG export (fdo#47576) + embedding fonts in Writer, Calc, and Impress documents + numerous improvements in the OOXML and RTF import/export filters + allow to include audio and video in more formats: WMA, WMV, AAC, FLV, OGX, RMI MIDI, SND + import more file formats: Microsoft Word for Mac 5.1, Write Now 4.0, MacWrite Pro 1.5, and AppleWorks 6.0 - GUI + many more dialogs with resizeable layout + allow to clear list of recently used documents + easier access to the recently used documents from a toolbar + several search bar improvements (fdo#59101, fdo#58526, fdo#63035) - Performance + asynchronous word count + use a hash for auto-correction + use copy-on-write for RTF import stack + load label descriptions only when needed - Infrastructure + L10ntools refactoring + completed the port from dmake to GNU make - Extensions + ability to translate gallery items + use sensible names for gallery files - several API changes, see https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/4.1#API_Changes for more details - about 3000 fixes of reported bugs, including: * VML paths import (bnc#820504) * broken XLSX export (bnc#823935) * date in XLSX import (bnc#819865) * DOCX import crasher (bnc#382137) * table in DOCX import (bnc#816593) * tab stop in DOC import (bnc#793998) * autosave and macro changes (bnc#817477) * recompile cells with #NAME! (bnc#615317) * undo of paragraph attributes (bnc#828598) * date selection in DOCX import (bnc#820509) * table row spacing in DOCX import (bnc#793262) * Wordart text boxes in DOCX import (bnc#820788) * cell value formatting in XLSX import (bnc#821795) * fFilled shape property in RTF import (bnc#825305) * wrong graphics position in DOCX import (bnc#792778) * line shading/background in PPTX import (bnc#794350) * page specific footer in DOC/DOCX export (bnc#654230) * negative seeks in win32 shell extension (bnc#829017) * freeform shape coordinates in RTF import (bnc#823655) * taskbar launchers pointing to "office.bin" (bnc#777070) * detect whether a Bezier shape is open or closed (bnc#780044) * double-clicking editable fields and macro fields (bnc#802888) * missing last character of shape text in DOCX import (bnc#817956) - update global compiler flags: + add -I/usr/include/mysql-connector on openSUSE 12.3 where the system cppconnector has wrong include paths + remove obsolete -fno-omit-frame-pointer; the bridge test has been fixed - set Python flags using python-config instead of pkg-config on openSUSE < 11.3; it is needed to pass configure - updated patches to apply cleanly: + buildfix-sdext-poppler-0.23.0.diff + install-with-hardlinks.diff + office-cfg-linux-common-template-dir.diff + officecfg-help-in-usr-share.diff + split-help-buildhack-no-vcl.diff + split-icons-search-usr-share.diff + system-poppler-0.12.3.diff - update BuildRequires: + add harfbuzz-devel which is used instead of the deprecated ICU LayoutEngine + enforce some system libraries versions: + liborcus-devel >= 0.5.0 + mdds-devel >= 0.8.0 + remove the obsolete dependency on libzip-devel; it is correctly required by liborcus-devel package - temporary disable mono until the support is ported for this LO version - try to increase the memory limits on i586 to 800; let's see if it makes the build reliable - update 3rd-party tarballs: + commons-codec to 1.6: + new Base32 encode + various character encoding issues + and many more fixes and improvements + icu to 51_1 + many fixes and improvements + commons-lang to 2.4 + lots bugfixes and improvements + mdds to 0.8.1: + added .pc file for pkg-config + several bugfixes and improvements + liblangtag to 0.5.1 + several fixes and enhancements + liborcus to 0.5.1 + date&time related fixes and more + libvisio to 0.0.30 + coverity fixes + performance improvements + implemented B-Spline conversion for xml-based formats + avoid NAN in NURBS code which fixes some freehand curves + libwpg to 0.2.2 + coverity fixes + libwps to 0.2.9 + read the page orientation + improvements in table code + various coverity and style fixes + add support of text frames and pictures + raptor2 to 2.0.9 + many fixes and improvements + rasqal to 0.9.30 + many fixes and improvements + redland to 1.0.16 + many fixes and improvements - add 3rd-party tarballs: + libmwaw, version 0.1.10: + allows to read many pre-OSX MAC file formats + libodfgen, version 0.0.2 + generate ODF documents from libwpd and libwps API calls + harfbuzz, version 0.9.17 + OpenType text shaping engine; used instead of the deprecated ICU LayoutEngine - remove obsolete patches: + solenv-carefull-patching-hack.diff: not needed after using GNU make + buildfix-sfx2-dependency.diff: not needed after using GNU make + bridges-missing-cxxflags.diff: fixed better way + build-max-64-jobs.diff: dmake is not longer used + boost-1.53-part1.patch: upstreamed + boost-1.53-part2.patch: upstreamed + redland-rpath-hack.diff: it seems that it is not needed any more - add fix-collision.patch: correctly split files into subpackages - remove obsolete hack for the fake build time - update configure options: + --enable-ext-mysql-connector was renamed to --enable-ext-mariadb-connector + fallback to the internal libraries on older distributions: + --without-system-libmwaw on openSUSE < 13.1 + --without-system-libodfgen on openSUSE < 13.1 + --without-system-harfbuzz on openSUSE < 12.3 - report builder is not longer an extension ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 26 10:06:40 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - add _constrains to force build on hosts with enough memory (4GB physical RAM, 6GB RAM including swap), and disk space (15GB) - print some information about the build environment: free, df, configure setting result ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 16 15:01:51 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - buildfix-sdext-poppler-0.23.0.diff: fix build with system poppler-0.23.0 - fix typo in sdk package description (bnc#827119) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 3 13:42:30 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - do not hide icu and lcms2 dependency on openSUSE 12.1, 12.2, and 12.3 where we use the system libraries ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 2 13:26:21 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - remove the internal libicudata.so, libicui18n.so, libicule.so, libicuuc.so, and liblcms2.so libraries from provides and requires; they are not in the system paths and cause dependency problems for other packages (bnc#823111) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 17 17:34:03 UTC 2013 - fridrich.strba@suse.com - update to (SUSE 4.0-rc5, tag suse-4.0-5, based on upstream * cairo canvas fixes * fix emfplus windows build. * EmfFillPie fix. (fdo#65502) * EMF: avoid ambiguity in debug output. * fixup alpha bitmap generation for Windows * improved label overlap detection. (bnc#816939) * transform the clipping polygon before using it * improved label overlap detection (bnc#816939) * sw: word completion: do not add trailing '.' (fdo#61923) * fixed libcmis handling of related multipart content types * avoid setting user time on unrealized windows. (fdo#56583) * don't display the "broken OLE link" icon except on Windows * fixed import of custom shapes from PPT. (i#119872, bnc#823049) * don't hide cell content behind pivot table buttons, (fdo#60877) * ignore exceptions from checking with the update service. (fdo#64962) - use the system cairo and pixman again on SLED11; the problems with alpha channel handling were fixed (bnc#818291) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 31 15:14:07 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - update to (SUSE 4.0-rc4, tag suse-4.0-4, based on upstream * WebDAV locking (bnc#805901) * VBA Worksheet.Change support * .dif format unreadable (fdo#64920) * broken Window.* VBA macros (i#06278) * EMF transparency handling (bnc#820385) * nested tables in DOC import (fdo#43105) * cannot delete text in shapes (fdo#63311) * black background in PDF export (bnc#795857) * Base reports crasher (fdo#64279, bnc#821586) * allow to access files uploaded to SharePoint (fdo#62219) * impossible to access lowercase external ranges (fdo#64031) * documents containing "Ž" are mangled in RTF format (fdo#64671) * SUMIF function gives Err:504 for external references (fdo#64229) - add sources for: * cairo version 1.10.2 * pixman version 0.24.4 - use the newer cairo and pixman on SLED11; the old system libraries have problems with alpha channel handling; the proper fix and maintenance would cost a lot, so it looks more effective and safe to use this workaround (bnc#818291) * May 24 2013 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - update to (SUSE 4.0-rc3, tag suse-4.0-3, based on upstream * problems with macro DIR$ (fdo#64536) * invalidated java setting (bnc#820196) * image contour editing crasher (fdo#62965) * line alignment in DOCX import (bnc#820792) * typed date decreased by one day (fdo#59850) * missing picture in DOCX import (bnc#819882) * lost custom animations with SVGs (fdo#64512) * missing text boxes in PPT import (bnc#758621) * various problems with VBA Names & Names objects * subform does not properly get focus (fdo#63695) * better size guessing in DOCX import (bnc#779630) * look for alternative about dialog branding again * correct sizes for EMF+ bitmap rendering (bnc#795857) * page breaks between shapes in RTF import (bnc#818997) * broken rotated Draw objects in PDF export (bnc#817250) * text and graphics overlapping in DOC import (bnc#816603) * missing chart boxes and lines in PPTX import (bnc#819614) * form record source events triggered earlier in Base (fdo#63398) * best effort mapping of the OOXML patterns to our hatches (bnc#820786) * crash when browsing CMIS folders with files larger than XGB (fdo#64577) - update libwpd to version 0.9.8: + stability improvement + OLE stream improvements - update libvisio to version 0.0.27 + stability improvements - update libcdr to version 0.0.14 + stability improvements + angle is represented internally in radians (fdo#63734 ) - update libmspub to version 0.0.6 + DropCaps style + wrap and clip path + more gradient types + stability improvements - conflicts with older icon theme packages to make sure that all icon themes are up-to-date * May 17 2013 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - really does not use hardlinks when the save_space feature is not enabled; it can't be used on SLED11-SP1 because the old touch command does not have the --no-dereference option ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 31 10:32:02 UTC 2013 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix build with boost-1.53, is also fixed in next release. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 14 09:41:34 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - wizards-create-temlates-with-python-2.6.diff: Letter and Fax templates can't be created by python-2.6 if ODF file type description uses non-ASCII characters - office-cfg-linux-common-template-dir.diff: keep the default system paths first; the Agenda wizard is not found, otherwise ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 10 09:53:14 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - update to (SUSE 4.0-rc2, tag suse-4.0-2, based on upstream * lots crasher fixes * add mono support again * lots other import/export fixes * added and fixed various VBA API * FileDateTime function (fdo#63306) * broken word completion (fdo#62643) * broken YEARFRAC function (fdo#40100) * legacy diagram PPTX import (bnc#699334) * animations inside SmartArt (bnc#705982) * cut/copy icons in Basic IDE (fdo#30545) * table layout in DOCX import (bnc#780645) * VBA macro fails in PageSetUp (bnc#813528) * Firefox plugin not recognized (fdo#54087) * decimal and group separators were swapped * no sound with statement "beep" (fdo#58807) * shapes location in DOCX import (bnc#816583) * search is always case sensitive (fdo#63779) * unable to save on Samba via GVFS (fdo#54275) * slide show mode inverts outputs (rhbz#906137) * reorder toolbars in formula editor (fdo#63350) * wrong bullet color in PPTX import (bnc#719988) * splitting a table options are mixed (fdo#62670) * pull-down selections in DOCX import (bnc#779630) * shape with background in XLSX import (bnc#798309) * autocorrect options can not be closed (fdo#57905) * import of scattered and bubble charts (bnc#810508) * transparent background in EMF+ import (bnc#812793) * wrong background color in PPTX import (bnc#734733) * allow to use more than 3 sort criteria (fdo#51828) * 'Personas' are called 'Themes' and changed location * frame's background color in DOCX import (bnc#592908) * bullet points are not indented correctly (bnc#793414) * axis labels with percentage in PPTX import (bnc#813291) * do not freeze in picture dialog without JRE (fdo#57553) * better fix for default PDF export directory (bnc#777788) * implement easy access to the recent documents (bnc#816516) * really use the setting how to follow hyperlinks (fdo#51296) * keep migrating user extensions after one failed (deb#703486) * support MS Office and Flat ODF file types in Mozilla plug-in * impossible to assign a macro to a drawing or picture (fdo#62797) * VBA macro fails with error "Incorrect Property Value" (bnc#809017) * broken surrounding text support (STS) for Input Methods (fdo#63802) * VBA macro fails with "objCmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing" (bnc#805071) * several template manager fixes (fdo#60581, fdo#60844, fdo#61389, fdo#61390) * several Base Report Builder fixes (fdo#33091, fdo#36858, fdo#48056, fdo#61564, i#112652, i#108092) * several RTL support fixes (fdo#33302, fdo#38951, fdo#59117, fdo#60533, fdo#60554, fdo#60855, fdo#62050, fdo#62143, fdo#62399, fdo#63878, fdo#37464, fdo#59892) - update libvisio to version 0.0.26: * extend the encoding support * several other fixes and improvements - update libcdr to version 0.0.13: * text color, CDR, txsm, and other fixes - removed obsolete patches: * touch-no-dereference.diff * libreoffice-poppler-0.17.0-reject-fix.diff - system-poppler-0.12.3.diff: easier approach to build with system poppler, version 0.12.3 - enable mono build again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 9 15:08:37 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - use --enable-gstreamer-0-10 configure option to make sure that we use the stable implementation ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 19 11:32:28 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - buildfix-sfx2-dependency.diff: svx headers started to be used in sfx2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 18 10:31:42 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com * solenv-touch-no-dereference.diff: touch --no-dereference in not available on SLED11-SP1 and it is not needed when not using hardlinks ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 17 10:10:05 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - update to (SUSE 4.0-rc1, tag suse-4.0-1, based on upstream * icon style fixes in local help * left margin of bullet (bnc#793414) * color issue in PPTX import (bnc#780830) * file corruption in XLSX export (fdo#49120) * rehash basic unit test framework (bnc#805071) * display the scaled font size in the toolbar (bnc#657905) * use number format, if available, for charts (bnc#734735) * only en-US help pack should contain en-US help (fdo#54278) * shape with background are missed in XLSX import (bnc#798309) * detect follow-on default member of default member object (bnc#809017) * change the font combo tooltip to say font is not available (fate#308255) - enable the MySQL connector extension on the older SUSE distros again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 3 13:17:12 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - update to * slide show mode inverts outputs (rhbz#906137) * splitting a table options are mixed (fdo#62670) * some historical dates were decremented (fdo#44286) * Visio document cannot be opened by Draw (fdo#62299) * Turkish Lira sign should precede numbers (fdo#62384) * left/right-only page styles and first-page (fdo#61952) * hangs when exporting a particular ODS to XLSX (fdo#62111) * crash in Danish thesaurus/spell interaction (rhbz#918938) * error bars values become Y-values when pasting (fdo#52159) * saving particular ODG file resets font formatting (fdo#61256) * displaying subobjects on different layers is broken (fdo#62617) * wrong result because 'Property Let' fails to execute (fdo#60752) * keep migrating more user extensions after one failed (deb#703486) * implement ODF export of multi-paragraph comment ranges (fdo#60769) * unable to save documents on Samba with Gnome VFS (fdo#54275, rhbz#895690) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 3 11:25:57 UTC 2013 - tchvatal@suse.com - Try once more and sort all the deps. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 3 11:19:15 UTC 2013 - tchvatal@suse.com - Use mysql-connector-cpp not mysql-connector-c++. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 20 08:21:28 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - use -fno-omit-frame-pointer globally again until LibreOffice-4.1 where the ordering of compilation flags is reworked; the current situation causes build (bridge test) failure on i586 systems - fix filtering of provides and requires (bnc#809449) - disable it on openSUSE >= 12.3 because we use system libraries there - system cairo and pixman are used on all systems - the internal librdf, libraptor, and librasqal has used -lo suffix, so the names do not longer cause confusion with the system libraries ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 19 18:04:38 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - update to * faster image scaling * XLSX import speedup (fdo#61721) * several EMF+ import filter fixes * lost data in CSV import (fdo#57841) * wrong Chinese conversion (fdo#57536) * lost picture in PPT import (i#119513) * ask when removing templates (fdo#61466) * send document as email fails (fdo#60701) * autocorrect data for Catalan (fdo#61138) * pie chart height in XLS import (i#119989) * Calc crash when using Validity (fdo#58630) * floating tables in DOCX import (bnc#779642) * lost time-format in pivot table (fdo#54651) * more on configuration migration (fdo#57061) * corrupted conditional formatting (fdo#57661) * drawings are shown at wrong position (fdo#56272) * handle note export correctly in Calc (fdo#61165) * insert->hyperlink in Impress freeze (rhbz#915743) * lost content in DOCX import (fdo#53985, fdo#60789) * not updating accessible text interface (fdo#56031) * missing default Turkish currency symbol (fdo#61602) * broken functionality on page layout tab (fdo#61656) * field shows no content in page header/footer (fdo#60886) * several Calc error bars fixes (fdo#60253, fdo#60083, fdo#61781) * can't copy text from a read-only document in Calc (rhbz#916936) * various fixes in RTF import (fdo#53594, fdo#59638, fdo#60722, fdo#61507) - update libcdr to version 0.0.11: * various fixes in Corel Draw import (fdo#53278, fdo#54586, fdo#55366, fdo#59528) - build-max-64-jobs.diff: dmake does not work with more than 64 jobs - touch-no-dereference.diff: avoid race condition when delivering symlinks and target files into solver - do not longer use -fno-omit-frame-pointer globally; the problem is better fixed in the plain sources and the build does not fail any longer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 28 10:27:15 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - update to * mouse selection of fields (fdo#59928) * basic EMF+ implementation (bnc#780748) * selected gluepoint rendering (fdo#45879) * Paste special of Visio object (fdo#59405) * corrected SVG gradient primitive (i#120616) * charts not plotted automatically (fdo#60488) * get error bar import working again (fdo#60083) * autofit and stretched width (fdo#55931, fdo#57956) * migrate even more configuration setting (fdo#57061) * decimal numbers in conditional formatting (fdo#60574) * cut&paste of conditional format (fdo#60306, fdo#60311) * do not extend conditional formatting automatically (fdo#60828) * empty paragraphs in EditEngine layouting (i#119756, fdo#59629) * ocMacro and ocExternal need to be recalculated on load (fdo#60977) - temporary use the internal libcmis on openSUSE-12.3 until the system one is updated to version 0.3.1 - update libvisio to version 0.0.25: * better embedded binary dumping * initial support of page names (fdo#60433) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 21 10:27:15 UTC 2013 - tchvatal@suse.com - update to * asynchronous word-count * several CMIS support fixes * sort data points (bnc#590020) * spread button layout (fdo#59767) * copy chart leads to crash (fdo#60420) * several fixes of the template manager * faster about box rendering (fdo#59970) * several fixes for Impress remote control * several RTL fixes (fdo#42387, fdo#39370) * copy margins for mirrored pages (fdo#60250) * corrected XLSX export of functions (fdo#60087) * more on the configuration migration (fdo#57061) * copy custom styles on copy & paste (rhbz#760765) * horizontal scroll bar in sub windows (fdo#44582) * correctly calculate IMCSCH and IMSECH (fdo#60078) * protection and conditional formatting (fdo#58826) * sort autofilter popup items correctly (bnc#492440) * cell validation is not a special content (bnc#802350) * don't crash on undoing text frame removal (fdo#34548) * error reading file after inserting comment (fdo#60132) * produce all translations for desktop files (fdo#58283) * make MATCH() accept a single cell reference (fdo#60366) * enable internal entity declarations for SVG (fdo#60471) * repeated row heights for empty rows (fdo#59973, fdo#55621) * default paths for exporting documents and PDFs (bnc#777788) * drawing text with font size 0 causes artifacts (bnc#753462) * scan all columns to determine the first data row (bnc#801152) * cannot select directory with GNOME folder picker (rhbz#910176) * hide minimum password info in the password dialog (bnc#437516) * make it possible to update DDE links after loading (fdo#59032) * cell needs to be recalculated during import as well (fdo#60645) * crash when pasting text under outline view (fdo#51232, i#119987) * fontconfig support for multiple in (lp#1034928) * export/import anchoring for XLS(X) drawing & ole objects (fdo#58360) * read-only position after fieldmark and before annotation (fdo#59573) * show style when dialog is created with existing cond. format (fdo#59778) * text rotation in shapes in PPTX export (fdo#34897, bnc#404221, fdo#58204) * recompile cells with #NAME! for English function name option (bnc#615357) * several RTF import fixes (fdo#48440, fdo#58646, fdo#59419, fdo#58076, fdo#59953) - update libcdr to version 0.0.10 * use ICU to guess encoding * some bug fixes - update libmspub to version 0.0.5 * autodetect character set for pre-unicode MSPUB versions * missing non-cropped images * default to first default character style * other fixes and build fixes - update sofficerc-upstream according to the new branding - bin obsolete configure-detect-icerun.diff * Feb 12 2013 by tchvatal@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - Try to enable build on ppc64. * Feb 6 2013 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - enable startup notification (bnc#796875) - remove obsolete unopkg calls from post install scripts; the cache is removed by the main package and not longer used (bnc#769448) - temporary add libzip-devel into BuildRequires; it can be removed once the fixes liborcus package is available in Factory * Feb 4 2013 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - use libreoffice-branding >= 4.0 build requires; we need the optimized one (bnc#798268) - configure-detect-icerun.diff: icerun wrapper is not provided by the old icecream-0.9.2 on SLED11 * Jan 22 2013 by tchvatal@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - update to * lots fixes - build_prepare.inc: share the common build preparation steps between spec files - use a fake build time instead of __TIME__ and __DATE__ macros to avoid unnecessary recompilations in the build service * Jan 9 2013 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - libreoffice-branding >= 3.6 is compatible; use in Requires - bridges-missing-cxxflags.diff: lost RPM optflags when compiling bridges * Jan 9 2013 by tchvatal@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - update to * lots fixes * Dec 19 2012 by tchvatal@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - update to * lots fixes * Dec 19 2012 by tchvatal@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - update to - General * experimental Gnumeric import * Visio and MS Publisher document import * experimental send documents via Bluetooth * Java options merged with advanced options * integration Content Management Systems via CMIS standard * import Calc data from arbitrarily structured XML content * lots improvements in OOXML and RTF import and export filters - Writer * easier fields selection * different header and footer on the first page * extra word boundary characters and word count options * attaching comments to document text ranges (fdo#38244) - Calc * enhanced chart visualisation * automatically rotate chart axis to better fit * lots conditional formatting improvements and fixes * support "type-ahead" search in the autofilter popup * increase size limit of ODF documents from 2GB to 4GB * export single charts as PNG or JPEG pictures (fdo#30944) * support multiple selections in page field of pivot table * better random number generation algorithm in function RAND * option pricing in particular barrier: OPT_BARRIER, OPT_TOUCH * option to toggle handling of empty strings in arithmetic expressions * show saved values instead of recalculating formulas in ODS and XLSX import * new functions as defined in ODF OpenFormula: XOR, AVERAGEIF, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, COUNTIFS, IFERROR, and IFNA - Impress * presenter console RTL support * much accelerated multimedia previews * remote control application for Android, Linux only now - Draw * shear transformations * rounded caps (ends) of lines * better quality of page previews * multi-image support in ODF, for example, bitmap + SVG representation - Base * AutoFilter does not anymore treat values as patterns in forms * new driver to access Thunderbird address book, Linux and MAC only - UI * new templates manager * support Firefox Personas * several resizable dialogs * dialog for smooth image filter * better quality of displayed pictures * allow to cut&paste text from message boxes * style preview in the "Apply Style" combo box * allow to resize and recompress pictures from popup menu * hide and show styles in the “Styles & Formatting” dialog * allow to edit data with external tool in to Calc, Impress, and Draw - Performance * faster ODS, XLSX, and RTF import * faster and better ICU regular expression engine * faster saving of a new entry to a large autocorrect replacement table * faster import/export of slides and drawings with large numbers of shapes - Feature Removal / Deprecation * new style services * deprecated and removed several UNO APIs * convert all existing oneway API methods to plain methods * drop support for defining oneway methods using UNO IDL compiler * drop support for legacy binary StarOffice (version 1.x → 5.x) files * drop support for export to legacy Word and Excel (version 6.0/95) files - see https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/4.0 for more details - remove unused MeeGo build modifications - remove KDE4 hack for obsolete openSUSE-11.1-Evergreen - use xz tarballs instead of bz ones - add xz into BuildRequires; explicitly needed on older SUSE versions - add fdupes into BuildRequies - add into Build Requires: * xz to unpack source tarballs even on older SUSE distros * fdups to reduce duplicities in the installed files * bluez-devel to support remore control using BlueTooth - add more system libraries into BuildRequires on openSUSE => 12.3: * clucene-core-devel * graphite2-devel * hyphen-devel * libcdr-devel * libcmis-devel * libexttextcat-devel * liblangtag-devel * libmspub-devel * liborcus-devel * libredland-devel * libvisio-devel * mdds-devel * mysql-connector-c++-devel * mythes-devel * ucpp - remove unused build_module_in_parallel and remove obsolete test_build_binfilters defines - update extensions: * numbertext to version 0.9.5 * gdocs to version 3.0.1 - update 3rd-party source tarballs: * postgresql to version 9.2.1 * libcmis to version 0.3.0 * lcms2 to version 2.4 * graphite2 to version 1.2.0 * libexttextcat to version 3.4.0 * hyphen to version 2.8.4 * libvisio to version 0.0.24 * libwpd to version 0.9.6 * mythes to version 1.2.3 - removed md5sum from the 3rd-party source tarball name: * libcdr - removed obsolete libreoffice-binfilter source tarball - removed obsolete 3rd-party source tarballs: * bj * lucene * librsvg * SampleICC - add new 3rd-party tarballs: * ucpp, version 1.3.2: * C preprocessor compliant to ISO-C99 * liblangtag, version 0.4.0: * access tags for identifying languages * icu, version 4c-49.1.1: * icu data subset, version 49l: * International Components for Unicode * liborcus version 0.3.0: * library for processing spreadsheet documents * libmspub-0.0.3: * MS Publisher format import - bin obsolete patches: * pack-addressbook.diff * sdext-poppler-0.21.0.diff * sdext-poppler-0.21.1.diff * install-with-vendor-SUSE.diff * solenv-java-source-version.diff * split-icons-search-usr-share.diff * scripting-prefer-internal-rhino.diff * sdext-disable-failing-xpdf-test.diff * libreoffice-poppler-0.17.0-reject-fix.diff * do-not-delete-PropertyMapEntry-instance.diff * officecfg-defaul-export-ms-file-formats.diff * pack-desktop-files-for-optional-filters.diff - system-python-ure-bootstrap.diff and pyuno-path.diff merged into system-pyuno.diff - remove obsolete configure switches: * --disable-ldap \ * --disable-mozilla \ * --enable-xmlsec \ * --enable-binfilter * --disable-strip-solver * --without-stlport \ * --without-system-mozilla \ * --with-openldap \ * --with-java-target-version=1.5 - use configure switches: * --enable-release-build: use the "LibreOffice" name for the final product * --enable-merge-libs: linking of big merged libraries * --enable-python=system: make sure that we use the system Python * --without-system-icu: system ICU is too old on openSUSE < 12.1 * --enable-scripting-beanshell: renamed from --enable-ext-scripting-beanshell * --enable-scripting-javascript: renamed from --enable-ext-scripting-javascript * --without-system-npapi-headers: renamed from --without-system-mozilla-headers - use more configure switches because some system libraries are not useful on openSUSE < 12.3: * --with-system-ucpp * --without-system-altlinuxhyph * --without-system-clucene * --without-system-graphite * --without-system-libcdr * --without-system-libcmis * --without-system-libexttextcat * --without-system-liblangtag * --without-system-libmspub * --without-system-libvisio * --without-system-mythes * --without-system-mysql-cppconn * --without-system-orcus * --without-system-redland * --without-system-servlet-api - reduce duplicities by fdupes - Python script provider, PDF Import, and Presenter Screen are not longer extensions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 20 11:35:25 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - make sure that StartupNotify=true is written into the [Desktop Entry] section (bnc#796875) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 11 16:49:30 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - enable startup notification (bnc#796875) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 25 10:17:26 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - do-not-delete-PropertyMapEntry-instance.diff: lost charts (bnc#798271) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 14 16:08:15 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - update to (SUSE 3.6-rc4, tag suse-3.6-4, based on upstream * broken VML import * missing "/" in .icedove path * XLSX import crasher (fdo#57451) * DOCX import crasher (fdo#55289) * data corruption with XLSX import * wrong textbox size in DOCX import * more robust removal of bug title prefix * unopkg GUI does not remove lock (fdo#51638) * apparent loop in style hierarchy (fdo#49587) * incorrect right-aligned tabstops (fdo#52640) * use snap rectangle instead of logic rectangle * crash when removing PivotTable group (fdo#57497) * drawing object in DOC import crasher (fdo#57780) * DOT files sometimes rejected by writer (bnc#793422) * do not crash when setting too small size (fdo#57611) * unable to open some MS Word 97 documents (fdo#57532) * frame selection in header/footer (fdo#52182,fdo#58142) * make presentation spanning all screens work (bnc#758138) * better placement of 3D pie chart data labels (bnc#791952) * format paintbrush only modifies last paragraph (fdo#53508) * broken character styles in RTF import (fdo#57133, fdo#54473) * crash in format->autocorrect->apply and edit changes (fdo#56549) * more default date acceptance patterns (fdo#52240, fdo#52240, fdo#57668) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 23 15:43:06 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - update to (SUSE 3.6-rc3, tag suse-3.6-3, based on upstream * hyperlink DOCX export (bnc#789482) * delete also note caption (fdo#56584) * numbers as text conversion (fdo#55875) * special pages in DOC import (fdo#53909) * column width in DOCX Import (bnc#780645) * test equality by order index (fdo#54898) * shrunken text in DOCX import (bnc#773061) * better input field selection (bnc#780277) * accept fraction input if preset (fdo#55369) * fraction formats with hard denom (fdo#56205) * broken bold text in presentation (fdo#47432) * non-math/chart OLE in DOCX export (fdo#51550) * embedded spreadsheets in PPTX export (bnc#780830) * remove conditional formats without range (fdo#56983) * rotated text in emf images looks thicker (bnc#782833) * nicer toolbars even for XP, not only Vista and higher * only set entries for existing sort entries (fdo#56958) * squashed glyphs with Cairo canvas (fdo#55931, bnc#681110) * change in formula options should cause repaint (fdo#56776) * make sure that the sort vector is large enough (fdo#56958) * update default Hebrew font to Lucida Sans Unicode (fdo#55034) * broadcast deletion to dependent formula cells (fdo#53364, i#101869, fdo#54074, fdo#56278, fdo#55059, i#99844) - bin obsolete orbit2-devel from BuildRequires - bin obsolete build-i18npool-with-icu-4.0.diff - sdext-poppler-0.21.1.diff: fix build with poppler-0.21.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 15 17:20:52 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - build with debug symbols fails in OBS when creating RPMs because there is not enough space in the virtual machines; try to save some space in the %%install phase: * install-with-hardlinks.diff: use hardlinks in BuildRoot * remove the huge translation sources * use these hacks only when %save_space == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 7 15:30:31 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - update to (SUSE 3.6-rc2, tag suse-3.6-2, based on upstream * OOXML color export * faster sorted cache write-out * table undo crasher (rh#852128) * skipped merged cells (fdo#54862) * some new ADO constants (bnc#787452) * can't connect ADO source (fdo#53070) * overflowing left margin (bnc#707779) * parent style in XLSX import (fdo#55198) * layout format in DOC export (fdo#54648) * section break in DOCX import (fdo#52208) * correct hex color conversion (fdo#55800) * column width in DOCX import (bnc#785767) * table spacing in DOCX import (bnc#778836) * table position in DOCX import (bnc#780645) * allow adding external templates (bnc#782597) * broken time field in page header (fdo#53531) * crash on switching to outline view (rh#855972) * wrong conversion factor for "tspm" (fdo#55367) * text rotation handling (bnc#773048, bnc#783433) * crash when deleting last table cell (rh#689053) * column has no Catalog/Schema/Table name crasher * upside down text box in PPTX import (bnc#757387) * work with empty TrustedAuthor entries (fdo#55019) * hard coded sheet limit in XLSX import (rh#864858) * faster updating of row flags in pivot table cache * slide fragment handling in DOCX import (bnc#785727) * subscript/superscript with autofit text (fdo#55931) * more intuitive editing of relative refs (fdo#54940) * do not double-expand bootstrap variables (fdo#55138) * add back compatible Hungarian date format acceptance * cell notes upon cell insertion / deletion (fdo#55885) * import values and formulas from lotus-123 (fdo#55066) * default table cell margins in DOCX export (bnc#780645) * chart complex category placement (fdo#44832, fdo#55297) * crash on DOCX export of inline anchored frame (fdo#48569) * cyclic references in XLSX import (bnc#781166, bnc#780296) * corrupted styles with multi-saved XLSX document (fdo#55418) * inform about unsupported PDF encryption formats (rh#826526) * exchange sort settings between the two tab pages (fdo#53482) * correctly clear DataColumns read-only information (fdo#37529) * misc broadcaster cells fixes (fdo#54553, fdo#55712, fdo#55059) * crash with 0 dyaLinePitch in DOCX import (fdo#40686, rh#831755) * hiding windows based on "Visible" property (fdo#46071, fdo#46074) * ignore time stamp differences in XLSX import (fdo#54609, fdo#49819) * doubled '~' in German OK/Cancel translations (fdo#56281, rh#868479) * display upper case Greek letters in page numbering option (fdo#55732) * misc ODF export fixes (fdo#30711, fdo#49678, fdo#49677, fdo#49876, fdo#49571, fdo#45700) * various conditional formatting fixes (fdo#54749, fdo#55379, fdo#56316, fdo#52535, fdo#54661, fdo#54555, fdo#54349) * several RTF import/export fixes (fdo#48442, fdo#55526, fdo#52475, fdo#50539, fdo#55939, fdo#52389, fdo#55493, fdo#49655, fdo#52989) - update mdds to version 0.6.1: * mixed_type_matrix: speed up * flat_segment_tree, point_quad_tree: broken iterator implementation * multi_type_vector(new): efficient storage of data of different types * multi_type_matrix(new): eventually replace mixed_type_matrix - update libcdr to version 0.0.9: * better color import (fdo#54785, fdo#55522) * bin obsolete patches: * mono-enable-climaker-stuff-in-unoil.diff * mono-install-cli-when-mono-enabled.diff * mono-install-mono-before-finalizing-filelits.diff * pack-addressbook.diff: correctly pack KDE and TDE addressbook (bnc#779697) - flat_logo.svg need to be modified by the branding packages - update mime, desktop files, and icon theme cache from the main package - update desktop files cache also from subpackages that install desktop files (bnc#782638) - sync the prebuilt sofficerc with upstream sources ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 31 16:52:02 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - sdext-poppler-0.21.0.diff: fix build with poppler-0.21.0 - libreoffice-poppler-0.17.0-reject-fix.diff: reject the check for poppler-0.21.0 on too old distributions - mono-enable-climaker-stuff-in-unoil.diff: support also prebuilt dlls - do not pack obsolete README-mono; keep it in sources for future ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 30 11:58:44 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to version (SUSE 3.6 rc1 based on upstream - upstream changes: * hyperlinks import (fdo#53175) * math export/import in DOCX/RTF * toupper is unreliable (fdo#53252) * broadcaster cells are empty (fdo#54553) * various DOCX shape export fixes (fdo#53113) * compile extension help in gbuild (fdo#53009) * use correct cell for broadcasting (fdo#55059) * multiline tooltip for very long texts (i#42424) * missing thumbnail image in ODB files (fdo#53592) * check for non existing style entries (fdo#53339) * CSV space delimiter and quoted field (fdo#53325) * install Evolution DB driver correctly (fdo#54450) * clear DataColumns read-only information (fdo#37529) * be more careful when recognizing MathML (bnc#774921) * numbering level problems in PPTX import (bnc#760019) * disable unlink graphics in Report Builder (fdo#53001) * exception while importing XLSX (fdo#54609, fdo#45366) * import values and formulas from Lotus 123 (fdo#55066) * Report Design: fix section draw page crash (fdo#53872) * reset read-only UI after successful Save As (fdo#53280) * page breaks on landscape pages in RTF import (fdo#52052) * do not register shell extensions for Flat ODF (fdo#52078) * handle .xlsm link to external sheet with space (fdo#51926) * import group shapes position and size correctly (fdo#53229) * positions of cell-anchored objects in ODS import (fdo#54695) * do not display error dialogs while showing a menu (fdo#36149) * user editable date patterns (fdo#52240, fdo#52137, fdo#52288) * don't use a timer to show header/footer separators (fdo#46141) * force version 2.1 of the sRGB profile for PDF/A-1a (fdo#54546) * pivot table uses case insensitive string comparison (fdo#53929) * ensure that the extension for text is .txt from writer (fdo#52451) * more "doesn't start after upgrade" problems (fdo#53655, fdo#53968) * VBA not tracking currently selected document correctly (fdo#54721) * allow paste & paste special for non-matching dest range (fdo#46250) * convert filter value as LIKE pattern only on (NOT) LIKE (fdo#53887) * correctly cache source data coming from database backend (fdo#53640) * sync cell context menu & edit menu 'PasteSpecial' entries (fdo#46250) * when swapping cols or rows insert notes at the right place (fdo#53979) * do not double-escape (e.g. date) literals as strings in Base (fdo#46480) * word count is inconsistent and wrong with non-breaking space (fdo#53399) * allow Ctrl-TAB and Ctrl-Shift-TAB to cycle through candidates (fdo#48868) * conditional formatting fixes (fdo#53424, fdo#54749, fdo#53839, fdo#54498, fdo#52340, fdo#52535, fdo#54661, fdo#54349) - extra changes: * background import (bnc#759180) * text rotation fixes (bnc#783433) * corrupted PPTX export (fdo#41992) * text offsets in shapes (bnc#771549) * VML import improvements (bnc#779627) * various conditional formatting fixes * hidden/non-wrapping text (bnc#757419) * issues with bullet points (bnc#778854) * background in PPTX import (bnc#783202) * empty values in PPT import (fdo#55298) * parent style in XLSX import (fdo#55198) * adjust chart layout distance (bnc#759197) * clip the objects to the page (bnc#777699) * clip pictures instead of scaling (bnc#775270) * don't access out of bound array index (fdo#55022) * non-autofit text imported as autofit (bnc#778859) * conditional format range for XLS import (fdo#54555) * slide notesMaster and notes in PPTX import (bnc#768027) * chart complex category placements (fdo#44832, fdo#55297) * PPTX shape margins need to be rotated as well (bnc#773048) * mouse pointer over URLs with background image (bnc#778148) * better PPTX custom shape presets import/export (bnc#760997) * cyclic referenced defined names in PPTX import (bnc#781166, bnc#780296) * fix for regression, failure to export vertical text in shape (fdo#55565) * more on DOC/DOCX export/import filters (bnc#779627, bnc#778140, bnc#783638, bnc#782061, bnc#780853, bnc#780843, bnc#778828, bnc#778836, bnc#777337, bnc#781825, bnc#773061, bnc#780563, bnc#782345, bnc#777345, bnc#778133, bnc#780851) - build-i18npool-with-icu-4.0.diff: use a function provided already by icu-4.0 - mono-install-mono-before-finalizing-filelits.diff, - mono-enable-climaker-stuff-in-unoil.diff, mono-install-cli-when-mono-enabled.diff: fix build with mono on SLED11 * Aug 24 2012 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - update version * chart binfilter import * PPTX import crasher (bnc#774167) * painting at small zoom (fdo#53439) * several DOCX export bugs (fdo#52610) * report builder translations (fdo#52427) * discard broken embedded object previews * hiding all sections crasher (fdo#53210) * fixed the end of hyperlinks (fdo#53175) * report design wizard crasher (fdo#53154) * hidden MediaWiki options page (fdo#52232) * CSV fixed width import crasher (fdo#53012) * HYPERLINK field in DOCX import (fdo#51034) * better textbox DOC/DOCX export (fdo#45724) * shadow color on partial redraw (bnc#773515) * search Toolbar keeps its history (fdo#49750) * change checkbox no-label behaviour (fdo#51336) * undo of textbox resizing (fdo#46968, fdo#36138) * page style attributes in ODF import (fdo#38056) * missing footnote DOCX/DOC/RTF export (fdo#46020) * check for non existing style entries (fdo#53339) * CSV space delimiter and quoted field (fdo#53325) * collapsing merged table border painting (fdo#39812) * do not force all text cells in CSV import (fdo#52205) * do not show backing window on --nodefault (fdo#42470) * misc Basic IDE fixes (fdo#50633, fdo#50632, fdo#40152) * lose focus event to close popup (fdo#51943, fdo#48096) * report-builder does not show any properties (fdo#52399) * insert selected text to Findbar by [Ctrl-F] (fdo#37791) * reset read-only UI after successful Save As (fdo#53280) * zero rect. size causing wrong line positions (fdo#47434) * initialize pivot tables after the formula cells (fdo#53456) * mark manual row heights correctly during import (fdo#52393) * auto extension handling in KDE Open/Save dialogs (fdo#52546) * display themed progress bar instead of the native one (fdo#51890) * font Size Enlarge And Reduce Shortcut in Impress/Draw (fdo#51716) * avoid setting valid numbers as text during HTML import (fdo#53089) * certain SmartArt drawings are not imported (bnc#759210, fdo#50907) * cross-reference text when Caption order is Numbering first (fdo#50801) * abbreviated date acceptance patterns for [de-{AT,CH,LI,LU}] (fdo#52240) * problems with bundled extensions (fdo#53006, fdo#51252, fdo#52639, fdo#53655) * misc conditional formatting fixes (fdo#52565, fdo#52340, fdo#53010, fdo#52457, fdo#52351) * misc RTF import/export fixes (fdo#51772, fdo#47495, fdo#48033, fdo#52066, fdo#49892, fdo#48446, fdo#49892, fdo#51772) - update to libvisio 0.0.19: * file displays as blank page in Draw (fdo#50990) - enable localizations: Amharic(am), Assamese(as), Asturian(ast), Esperanto(eo), Basque(eu), Scottish Gaelic(gd), Indonesian(id), Icelandic(is), Kannada(kn), Malayalam(ml), Marathi(mr), Oromo(or), Oriya(or), Romanian(ro)(bnc#776323) - the system cache for bundled extensions causes troubles (fdo#53006, fdo#51252) * do not longer create it; remove the older one * remove obsolete force-refresh-of-bundled-extension-cache.diff * Aug 9 2012 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - use the vendor "SUSE" instead of "Novell, inc."; SUSE has become a separate business unit inside The Attachmate Group - install-with-vendor-SUSE.diff: use "SUSE" in the install scripts - make sure that the system extensions cache is considered as newer after an update; we really need to use the below mentioned hack for 3.6.0 release * Jul 30 2012 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - force-refresh-of-bundled-extension-cache.diff: avoid mismatched bundled extensions cache that causes application to do not start * Jul 27 2012 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - update version * lots border fixes * lots RTF import fixes * support colored axis in data bars * VML shapes without anchor (bnc#758883) * better page descriptor handling in RTF * reclaim space occupied by deleted rows * data form dialog layout fix (fdo#47947) * make reportbuilder work again (fdo#51278) * indicate UI language as default (fdo#45830) * double deletion of a text portion (fdo#51582) * page style attributes in ODF import (fdo#38056) * presenter console display switching (fdo#521512) * lost custom row height in ODT import (fdo#52393) * remove duplication of License/Credits information * correctly calculate scroll bar position (fdo#51599) * few layout problems in conditional formatting dialog * do not force all text cells in CSV import (fdo#52205) * incomplete slide number info in status bar (fdo#51543) * Estonian translation for keyboard shortcuts (fdo#50415) * preserve sheet name input of invalid reference (fdo#46338) * cache fontconfig font substitutions (fdo#41556, fdo#47636) * incremental search and buffer switching crasher (fdo#51577) * abbreviated date acceptance patterns for German languages (fdo#52240) * formula performance improvement for XLSX import (bnc#765942, bnc#763168) * make ctrl-8 and 9 increase/decrease font size in Swedish (fdo#36187) * undocked toolbars do not show all icons in special ratio (fdo#47071) * lots different import fixes (bnc#758883, bnc#766481, bnc#766487, fdo#46966, bnc#693238, bnc#758883, bnc#758883, bnc#766487, bnc#758883, bnc#758883) - update libvisio to version 0.0.18: * Greek code page instead the Russian code page (fdo#48602) - update libcmis to version 0.2.3: * SharePoint support - bin obsolete patches: * gtk3-build-dependency.diff * checkdll-libbf_xolo.so-crasher-with-gcc-4.7.diff - reduce build parallelism to reduce build crashes: * dmake support 64 jobs at maximum * do not eat all memory with some huge sources - add procps into BuildRequires to check available memory * Jun 26 2012 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - checkdll-libbf_xolo.so-crasher-with-gcc-4.7.diff: hack to avoid build crasher * Jun 22 2012 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - update version * color scale dialog behavior * do not crash on X errors in GTK * help stylesheets and error page * clipped toolbar item (fdo#42379) * switch to the new version scheme * table AutoFormat crasher (fdo#50896) * word count bugs (fdo#46757, fdo#50141) * feature: conditional formatting in Calc * ignored small size icon setting (fdo#35972) * reading two SmartArt shapes in one document * improve line height calculation (bnc#757905) * missing ole and form controls in XLSX import * add Hide and Show items into tab context menu * dates formatting in report designer (fdo#43967) * evoab2: add libebook-1.2.so.13 (evolution 3.4) * ignored picture background setting (bnc#325936) * Calc input line: crash with accessibility enabled * all images missing in PresenterConsole (fdo#50964) * improve the toolbars look in Windows Vista or later * Visio import fixes (fdo#50868, fdo#50988, fdo#48601) * more on RTF import (fdo#49178, fdo#49659, fdo#50087) * proxy or browser plug-in settings crasher (fdo#47044) * rework handling of recursive OOXML shapes (bnc#705956) * more descriptive compatibility key bindings (fdo#31812) * local help short cuts (fdo#41830, fdo#39139, fdo#46143) * Win/VC++ STL messes up the name space vector (bnc#759982) * changing the keyboard of the slide show button (bnc#753458) * section break and page style conversion problem (bnc#750935) * more on borders (fdo#38116, fdo#43249, fdo#48647, fdo#49438) * wrong transitions with hardware acceleration enabled (fdo#30519) * import VMLshape 'hidden' style attribute and controls (bnc#757609) - update libcdr to version 0.0.8: * initial text support - update libwps to version 0.2.7 * lots fixes and improvements - add lcms2, version 2.3 * system one is not available on openSUSE <= 11.3 - add boost, version 1.44.0: * the system one has broken dst_adjustment_offsets definition on openSUSE <= 11.3 (bnc#767949) - bin obsolete patches: * config-host-source.diff * sysui-set-default-unixwrappername.diff - gtk3-build-dependency.diff: get build flags for gmodule when building GTK3 support - sdext-disable-failing-xpdf-test.diff: temporary disable failing xpdf test in Factory * Jun 15 2012 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - added krb5-devel into BuildRequires; needed to build PostgreSQL * Jun 14 2012 by pmladek@suse.com in LibreOffice:Unstable - updated to libreoffice- (3.6.0-beta1) - Writer * word count in status bar * contextual spacing support * extended "Table AutoFormats" * extended paintbrush format handling * improved Label and Business card support * Ctrl with [ or with ] modifies font size of the selected text * show Text Boundaries only when displaying non-printable characters - Calc * new defaults options page * support field items in cells * sort option in autofilter menu * support for color scales and data bars * Ctrl-D fills-down in more familiar ways * merge cells using the cell context menu * lots CSV file import/export improvements * show/hide sheets using the sheets tab context menu * new formula options page with calculation settings * sort dialog with multiple sort keys (more than three) * pasting only text, value, or formula from the context menu * default number of sheets for new document is 1, instead of 3 * new option to specify a custom sheet name prefix in new documents * new spreadsheet functions DATEDIF, IMTAN, IMSEC, IMCSC, IMCOT, IMSINH, IMCOSH, IMSECH and IMCSCH - Impress * 10 new master pages * wide-screen format for impress-slides * correctly detect the external display - Math * better help - Basic IDE * docked Object Catalog pane - common * allow editing of read-only documents * support for Japanese postcard paper size * Lanczos algorithm for resizing of images * macro recording can be activated with a separate option - Filters * Corel Draw import * PDF Export with Watermark option * export conditional formatting to XLSX * import lines, rotations, and flips from VML * document zoom setting in RTF/DOCX import/export * import GetExpression and SetExpression from DOCX * ODF Export now comes with a "ODF 1.2 Extended (compat mode)" - GUI * new branding * redesigned About dialog * cleaner and more light-weight rulers * several GTK theme support improvements * Writer and Calc use split color buttons * cleaner handling of buttons that do not fit toolbars size * zooming based on a geometric progression instead of an arithmetic one - Localization * default locale is the locale of the operating system * locale dependent date acceptance patterns for input of incomplete dates, editable in Tools/Options/Language Settings/Languages - Performance * faster pivot table in Calc * faster DOC/DOCX import in general * autocorrect lists handled around twice as fast * faster OLE2 import from DOC, XLS, PPT documents * faster raw cell value import from XLSX documents * embedded HSQLDB databases are size-minimized when saving * faster merged cell and matrix range import from ODS documents * document scrolling / re-layout / interactive editing improvements - add clucene-core-devel, hsqldb, liblcms2-devel, gtk3-devel into BuildRequires - update 3rd-party source tarballs: * mythes to version 1.2.2 * libexttextcat to version 3.3.1 * hyphen to version 2.8.3 * libcmis to version 0.2.2 * libvisio to version 0.0.17 - add new 3rd-patry tarballs: * clucene-core, version * translations handling * libcdr, version 0.0.7 * Corel DRAW import - bin obsolete patches: * javasetting-mark-config.diff * library-link-order-to-build-with-as-needed.diff * distro-install-file-lists-3.5.diff * svx-globlmn-hrc-build-dep.diff * desktop-submenu.diff * implement-unicode-6.1-hebrew-line.diff - config-host-source.diff: allow to source config_host.mk - sysui-set-default-unixwrappername.diff: correctly set icon names in desktop files - pack-desktop-files-for-optional-filters.diff: put new desktop files into the right file lists - do not add "/usr/sbin" twice into PATH - enable GTK3 support - disable doxygen; documentation is huge and accessible online - disable PostgreSQL SDBC; it is not needed to build help - keep using the internal stuff that is not useful from system: * --without-doxygen * --without-system-apache-commons * --without-system-beanshell * --without-system-clucene * --without-system-jfreereport * --without-system-hsqldb * --without-system-libcdr * --without-system-saxon * --without-system-servlet-api - pack about.svg instead of about.png - icons are moved in sources ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 25 09:57:15 UTC 2012 - idonmez@suse.com - Instead of disabling optimizations completely, use -O2. Fixes bnc#780611 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 24 16:21:01 UTC 2012 - dmueller@suse.com - enable build on ARM - do not twiddle with the RPM_OPT_FLAGS optimisation settings - raise memory limits for qemu builds ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 13 10:37:51 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - used the internal mysql cppconnector even for openSUSE-12.3; it did not build with the system one ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 9 17:06:28 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - update to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.5 rc3, based on upstream 3.5.5-rc3) * clip max entries * XLSX import crasher (fdo#51601) * double border import regression * add SUSE black and white branding * check for invalid tab number (fdo#51667) * query for parameters in Base reports crasher (fdo#51619) * fix MySQL, GDocs, and LanguageTool extension registration * make sure we don't export shapes with negative size (bnc#760997) * make sure all tab pages have the same dimensions (fdo#49921, bnc#769162) - reduce build parallelism to reduce build crashes: * dmake support 64 jobs at maximum * do not eat all memory with some huge sources - add procps into BuildRequires to check available memory ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 28 13:33:54 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - update to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.5 rc2, based on upstream 3.5.5-rc2) * bitmap scaling fixes * preview crash (fdo#51040) * more bugs in docking stuff * Aero toolbar: Use f0f0f0 for the gradient again * column format in DOCX import (bnc#693238, fdo#44292) * formatting for empty paragraphs in RTF export (fdo#50831) * first line indentation of numbering in DOCX import (bnc#766487) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 25 15:19:57 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.5 rc1, based on upstream 3.5.5-rc2) * Aero toolbar * WMF/EMF reading * box resampling algorithm * three RTF fixes (fdo#49659) * don't crash on X errors in GTK * numbering font size (bnc#758883) * VML shapes anchoring (bnc#758883) * smooth scale objects (bnc#765998) * allow border gap < 1pt (bnc#760294) * page number calculation (fdo#34093) * set style name consistently (bnc#758883) * one-bitmap WMF optimization (bnc#765998) * hidden and non-wrapping text (bnc#757419) * fake paragraph in DOCX import (bnc#766481) * RemoveExtensions custom action (fdo#51270) * Google Docs extension passive registration * open Visio's file with bitmap's (fdo#48601) * freeze when editing Base reports (fdo#51243) * wrapping mode for text in shapes (bnc#758883) * border width when setting margins (bnc#758883) * improve the toolbars look in Windows Vista or later * report designer formats dates improperly (fdo#43967) * anchored images in header in DOCX export (bnc#325936) * gray bar in Writer page preview interface (bnc#767452) * paint scrolled area from the right surface (fdo#30519) * saving a document with track-changes crasher (fdo#51249) * performance issue in XLSX import (bnc#765942, bnc#763168) * cache fontconfig font substitutions (fdo#41556, fdo#47636) * E-mail is not displayed in blue in PPTX import (bnc#759982) * wrap mode even if determining the position failed (bnc#758883) * form wizard recognise "#" also at beginning of line (fdo#37626) * fly frames with transparent background in DOC export (bnc#325936) * character properties in RTF import (fdo#37063, bnc#760764, fdo#50665) * title, subject, comments document properties in RTF import (fdo#50087) - update libvisio to version 0.0.18 * several bug and stability fixes (fdo#48602) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 14 15:38:44 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.5 beta2, based on upstream 3.5.5-rc1) * layout statusbar control * handle opacity in gradients * text over images (bnc#759212) * clipped toolbar item (fdo#42379) * 'Find' toolbar freeze (fdo#46687) * can't open Base reports (fdo#47325) * crash when copying table (fdo#45522) * allow java 1.7, or any future version * make style applying faster (bnc#745873) * wrap values in DOCX import (bnc#750838) * support Sheets.PrintPreview (bnc#757844) * ignored small size icon setting (fdo#35972) * rowheight problems in XLS export (fdo#50304) * support for MousePointer attribute in controls * Writer slow typing in large documents (fdo#48932) * incorrect positions of imported shapes (fdo#49430) * Base report does not sort by groupings (fdo#48018) * attempt to anchor VML shapes properly (bnc#764005) * shortcut names are not localized on Linux (fdo#50415) * import VMLshape 'hidden' style attribute (bnc#757609) * handle recursive because of shapes (bnc#751077) * import NS_ooxml::LN_CT_FFCheckBox_default (bnc#766477) * floor borders were missing from 3D Charts (bnc#760029) * do not rotate Calc shapes if twoCellAnchor (bnc#762542) * fix horizontal rule width in DOC documents (bnc#757118) * implement VBA Application.DisplayFullScreen (bnc#757885) * Win/VC** STL messes up the namespace vector (bnc#759982) * formcontrols: error message when deleting pages (fdo#45987) * changing the keyboard of the Slide Show button (bnc#753458) * toolbars may become irrevocably locked in place (fdo#42405) * implement VBA API Application.DisplayScrollBars (bnc#757840) * add stub VBA implementation Application methods (bnc#760999) * implement relativeHeight (z-order) in DOCX import (bnc#747461) * do not ignore character properties of text fields (bnc#760764) * display wrong datasets when scrolling through tables (fdo#48345) * fix incredible shrinking scrollbars when zooming in Calc preview * WW8 import of textboxes with thin border/inner margin (bnc#757910) * SwLineLayout::CalcLine: improve line height calculation (bnc#757905) * column break without columns to be a page break (bnc#652364, bnc#750255) * RTF import files (fdo#44174, fdo#45190, fdo#49178, fdo#49968, fdo#50539) * language status bar control: Don't set radio buttons for some entries * more on borders handling (fdo#33634, fdo#38116, fdo#40874, fdo#43249, fdo#46112, fdo#48647, fdo#49438) * UI improvements: * border window: design by Mirek M. * layout status control: improved artwork by Mirek M. * calc input line: native rendering of the input line * start centre: solid color fits the new artwork better * status bar: fix status selection menu drawing in Calc * status bar: get rid of STD/BLK/..., use a menu instead * status bar: standardize the size of modification status * status bar: 'Overwrite' shown only when in overwrite mode * status bar: normalize selection and modification status icons sizes * writer UI: decrease the size of the border around the document * zoom slider: improved design by Mirek M. - update 3rd-party modules: * libvisio to version 0.0.17: * misc bugfixes - do not add "/usr/sbin" twice into PATH ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 24 15:46:45 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - recommends librsvg; it allows to insert SVG pictures; it is dlopened, so there is not a direct dependency ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 17 19:06:15 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.5 beta1, based on upstream 3.5.4-rc1): * version, tag suse- (SUSE LO 3.5-beta1) * add back mono support * text over images (bnc#759212) * add inch as source unit (fdo#48969) * forward moving of a table (bnc#706138) * macro syntax error in Calc (bnc#745930) * fix HTML table border export (fdo#47670) * import HTML CSS STYLE border (fdo#41796) * find toolbar X error handling (fdo#46687) * more robust NSS initialization (fdo#45171) * recognize VBA macro in JAPANESE (fdo#49324) * count mirrored monitors as one (rhbz#809019) * removed unwanted/bad cast fixes (bnc#759178) * parsing of arc paths in SVG import (fdo#48070) * outline numbering only for headings (bnc#751028) * string result of formula is also valid (fdo#49052) * incorrect square gradients in slideshow (fdo#49508) * bad import positions of shapes & controls (fdo#49430) * finish handling of w:pStyle in numbering (bnc#751028) * full page lines are wrapping in .doc file (bnc#757651) * ignore corrupted items in recent documents (fdo#46074) * correctly map monitor index back to screen (fdo#49365) * enable caching of grammar checker properties (fdo#35270) * use BorderLine2 instead of older BorderLine (bnc#758914) * properly draw separators in vertical toolbars (fdo#39106) * check if a missing font is a known symbol font (fdo#34814) * crash on "connect to existing database" wizard (fdo#45580) * performance problems with very long paragraphs (fdo#49208) * allow keyword Append to be used as a variable (bnc#745930) * numbering properties with paragraph properties (bnc#751028) * import XSL with HTML as such, not CSV (fdo#49639, fdo#40021) * dropdown list in Letter Wizard are now ordered alphabetically * default to Office 2007/2010 filter for OOXML export (fdo#48941) * type for property UNO_NAME_SAVE_FILTER_DATA is wrong (fdo#45592) * textboxes import with OLE objects inside (bnc#747471, bnc#693238) * properties that aren't valid for paragraphs (part of (bnc#751028) * comparing empty document with attached one crashes LO (fdo#43424) * ignore corrupted items in recent documents (fdo#49948, fdo#46074) * default printer settings only when explicitly mentioned (bnc#758575) * changing spelling preferences requires application restart (fdo#39999) * add VBA support for BackColor, AutoSize, Locked attributes (bnc#749960) * border painting (fdo#45562, fdo#47717, fdo#42750, fdo#45562, fdo#48647, fdo#44010, fdo#38215) * lots RTF import/export fixes (fdo#49692, fdo#38176, fdo#48023, fdo#48876, fdo#47764, fdo#48193, fdo#48037, fdo#48356, fdo#49692, fdo#49501, fdo#39053) - jvmfwk-disable-gcj.diff: do not detect GCJ; LO newer worked well with it - implement-unicode-6.1-hebrew-line.diff: icu49 adds some extra Hebrew rules (fdo#49849) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 25 15:23:26 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (3.5.3-rc2): * misc SVG import fixes * border printing (fdo#38635) * alpha blending (bnc#714787) * border corner gaps (fdo#38635) * misc performance improvements * Java script loading (fdo#46102) * PDF export of images (bnc#717947) * autoformat undo cursors (fdo#39003) * add inch as source unit (fdo#48969) * duplicate code removal (bnc#714787) * textbox size in DOCX import (bnc#751573) * make "Replace All" work with REs (fdo#44861) * fix find toolbar X error handling (fdo#46687) * transition gradients came out empty (fdo#33591) * use older ODF encryption by default (fdo#47484) * duplicated characters in PDF import (fdo#45848) * do not increase height of checkboxes (fdo#47963) * do not play sound in presenter console (fdo#33914) * switch units in Converter::convertDouble (fdo#48969) * improved label/BC wizard - set paper size (fdo#44516) * export all style information to XLS/XLSX, (fdo#46738) * ignore corrupted items in recent documents (fdo#46074) * border paint ordering (fdo#45562, fdo#47717, fdo#42750) * colorspace conversion for greyscale bitmaps (fdo#34324) * copy column privileges into table privileges (fdo#47937) * fix incorrect relative moves after closePath (fdo#47406) * incorrect text wrapping around drawing shapes (fdo#45376) * right arrow button does not work in TOC dialog (fdo#40948) * vertical align when switching mode in multibar (fdo#44140) * regression in lineshapes ODP import (bnc#719989, bnc#719997) * prevent update during init in new autofilter dlg (fdo#45679) * removed strange non-wrapping condition (bnc#750258, i#40155) * more reliable way to check for RTL text (fdo#48431, fdo#32530) * CSV import got confused by erroneous HTML detection (fdo#40021) * default to Office 2007/2010 filter for OOXML export (fdo#48941) * shift+F3 shortcut for Edit/Duplicate in Draw (fdo#48584, fdo#32559) * misc RTF import fixes (fdo#48104, fdo#46955, fdo#45182, fdo#45394, bnc#703032, fdo#47326, fdo#47036, fdo#47802, fdo#48640, fdo#47107, fdo#48356) - update libvisio to version 0.0.16: * adapt the end and start line markers to recent changes in LO - removed upstreamed patches: * libreoffice-3.5-unpack-sources.diff * buildfix-icu-4.9.diff - reordered %prep phase to work better with quilt ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 20 12:29:53 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - buildfix-icu-4.9.diff: fix build with icu-4.9; needed for openSUSE-12.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 13 15:28:42 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - pyuno-path.diff: basis-link directory does not longer exist ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 6 14:57:48 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - disable ccache; does not make sense for clean build; saves 1GB on the disk - hard link binaries in the build tree; it might save several GBs on the disk and is faster - clean up configure switches: * move switches from SUSE*.conf to spec files * use --with-system-headers and --with-system-libs to prefer system stuff over internal copies * use --without-system- only for stuff that is not packaged or not patched in the SUSE distribution, for example libvisio, redland, mythes * bin not longer existing options - use system libwpd, libwpg, libwps, librsvg, vigra on openSUSE >= 11.4 - remove unused sablot-devel, xalan-j2, xerces-j2, xml-commons-apis from BuildRequires and Requires - remove some %if sections for not longer supported openSUSE < 11.1 - update license tag: added BSD-4-Clause, SUSE-Public-Domain, W3C ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 4 12:44:47 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - solenv-java-source-version.diff: generate selected bytecode version also in gbuild - enable again the brp check for byte code version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 28 15:43:47 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (3.5.2-rc2) * general * support Java 7 (1.7) * produce ODF 1.2 conforming documents by default * more secure encryption algorithm (AES-256) for password protection * core GUI changes * better color picker * transparent object handles * better handle unused toolbar menus * move context-sensitive toolbars to the bottom * several GTK+ right-to-left interface glitches * menus list their entries in a natural sort order * "Link" checkbox in "Insert Movie and Sound" dialog * filter bundled, shared, and user extensions in the manager dialog * writer * RTF import rewrite * new numbering types * grammar checking improvements * better page breaks indicators * TOC use hyperlinks by default * various DOCX import improvements * support comments DOCX export/import * label printing positioning (fdo#36874) * display bitmap image resolution in PPI * numbering in DOC, DOCX, and RTF import * better UI for Header and Footers handling * Basic Fonts (Western) option page removed * handling of tab stop behind the end margin * new typographic features by improved Graphite port * display non-printable characters on the end of line * modeless word count dialog; being updated when typing * corrected autotext "Formula numbering" for most locales * calc * more new line ends * supports 10000 sheets * new multiline input bar * additional data point markers * updated line chart's smoothing * re-designed all range name dialogs * re-designed Autofilter popup window * improved performance of ODS/XLS/XLSX import * improved performance of many sheet operations * better handling DDE and external links failures * unlimited number of rules for conditional formatting * configurable initial number of sheets in new documents * "Protect Sheet" also from the context menu of the sheet tab * allow pasting a single cell range to multiple destination ranges * new Calc Functions: BITAND, BITOR, BITXOR BITRSHIFT, BITLSHIFT, SEC, CSC, SECH, and CSCH * impress / draw * elliptical arcs in path * better hidden slides PDF export * better Smart Art in PPTX import * MS Visio documents import/export * better handling of custom animation list * start Impress without the wizard by default * better custom shapes and their presets in PPTX import * support embedding palettes and other property list types * math * new "does not exist" symbol * new symbols for Games theory * support math formulas in DOCX import/export * base * lots fixes * integrated PostgreSQL native driver * Basic IDE * new menu item View->Goto Line * new menu item View->Line Numbers * dialog controls have a spinbutton * presenter console extension * "Exchange Screen Images" button to work around problems with detecting projector and laptop screen * Python scripting * allow to initialize UNO structures by name instead of by position * localization * update translations * better date handling - remove obsolete testtool subpackage; not longer supported and maintained - basis subdirectory does not longer exists on the installed system - mozilla is not longer needed for build: * use --disable-mozilla, --without-system-mozilla, --with-system-nss, --disable-ldap, --enable-xmlsec instead of --with-system-mozilla, --with-system-mozilla=xulrunner - numbretext and GoogleDocs extensions are integrated upstream: * use --enable-ext-google-docs and --enable-ext-numbertext - use --without-help to build help separately instead of the patches - use internal hacked make version 3.82, snapshot 20120301 to get fast and reliable parallel build - build zip-3.0 on openSUSE < 11.4; --filesync is needed during build - temporary disable check for bytecode version until we produce right bytecode again - temporary disable mono support - update numbertext to version 0.9.4 - update libexttextcat to version 3.2.0 - update mysql-connector-c++ to version 1.1.0 - update libwpg to version 0.2.1 - update libwpd to version 0.9.4 - update libwps to version 0.2.4 - remove obsolete translate-toolkit - add libcmis, version 0.1.0 - add libvisio, version 0.0.15 - add librsvg, version 2.32.1 - add postgresql, version 9.1.1 for SLED11; the system one is perfectly fine for newer systems - libreoffice-3.5-unpack-sources.diff: allow to unpack source tarballs - javasetting-mark-config.diff: mark share/config/javasettingsunopkginstall.xml as %config; it is updated by unopkg in %post - scripting-prefer-internal-rhino.diff: put internal rhino into XBootClasspath to fix build with OpenJDK - distro-install-file-lists-3.5.diff: update file list generation for 3.5 - library-link-order-to-build-with-as-needed.diff: fix build with link as needed - mediawiki-no-broken-help.diff: disable non-working help also in the mediawiki extensions - zip-3.0-*.patch: fixes from zip source package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 14 14:34:11 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - libreoffice- == SUSE 3.4.5-rc3 == final ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 12 18:58:39 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.4.5-rc3): * extras * add SUSE color palette (fate#312645) * filters * crash when loading embedded elements (bnc#693238) * crash when importing an empty paragraph (rh#667082) * writer * do not use an invalidated iterator (fdo#46337) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 6 15:55:09 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.4.5-rc2) * calc * pie charts colors messed in XLS import (fdo#40320) * correctly import data point formats in data series (fdo#40320) * components * crash when parsing XML signatures (fdo#39657) * broken getDataArray (fdo#46165, fdo#38441, i#117010) * don't paint a frame around the list of edit boxes (fdo#42543) * inconsistent compression method for encrypted documents (bnc#653688) * filters * more on bentConnectors (bnc#736495) * wrong text color in smartArt (bnc#746996) * reading of w:textbox contents (bnc#693388) * textbox position and size DOCX import (fdo#45560) * RTF/DOCX import of transparent frames (bnc#695479) * consecutive frames in RTF/DOCX import (bnc#703032) * handling of frame properties in RTF import (bnc#417818) * force imported XLSX active tab to be shown (bnc#748198) * create TableManager for inside shapes (bnc#747471, bnc#693238) * textboxes import with OLE objects inside (bnc#747471, bnc#693238) * impress * do not create an empty slide when printing handouts (fdo#31966) * libs-core * default shortcut for .uno:SearchDialog should be Ctrl+H * crash using instances dialog of dataform navigator (fdo#44816) * libs-extern * disable problematic reading of external entities in raptor * libs-gui * correctly calculate leap year * use proper Indian Rupee currency symbol U+20B9 (rh#794679) * writer * field refreshing (fdo#39694) * more layout crashers (i#101776, fdo#39510) * textbox borders style and width in DOCX import (fdo#45560) * expand all text fields when setting properties (fdo#42073) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 28 14:28:40 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - update gdocs extension to version 3.0.0; needed to make it working with the current Google Docs interface (bnc#748548) - use and/or operator in the license tag ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 23 17:28:17 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - patch license to follow spdx.org standard ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 17 10:37:12 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.4.5-rc1) * version, tag suse- (SUSE LO 3.4.5-rc1) * SmartArt import * custom shapes import * Oracle Java 1.7.0 detection * reading AES-encrypted ODF 1.2 documents as generated by LO 3.5 * base * iterator misuse (fdo #44040, bnc#742178) * calc * allow pasting to multiple ranges (bnc#715094) * correctly convert chart data ranges (bnc#727504) * definedName corruption for XLSX export (bnc#741182) * adjust/shrink the ranges while copying (bnc#677811) * extra graph data is displayed for label (bnc#717290) * getCellRangeByName failure for named range (bnc#738113) * graph in XLS file has dates displayed wrong (bnc#720443) * improve performance of large Excel documents (bnc#715104) * display page background color/image properly (bnc#722045) * pivot table output becoming empty on re-save (bnc#715543) * encode virtual paths to local volume correctly (bnc#719887) * avoid adjusting cell-anchored objects on other sheets (bnc#726152) * make sure to adjust the sheet index of drawing objects (bnc#733864) * make the data validation popup more reliable (fdo #36851, bnc#737190) * filters * table style (bnc#705991) * text rotation fixes (bnc#734734) * crash in PPTX import (bnc#706792) * read w:sdt* contents (bnc#705949) * connector shape fixes (bnc#719989) * legacy fragment import (bnc#699334) * non-working Excel macros (bnc#705977) * free drawn curves import (bnc#657909) * group shape transformations (bnc#621739) * extLst of drawings in diagrams import (bnc#655408) * flip properties of custom shapes import (bnc#705985) * line spacing is used from previous values (bnc#734734) * missing ooxml customshape->mso shape name entries (bnc#737921) * word doesn't break the numberings and prefers hiding them (bnc#707157) * impress * undo corruption (bnc#685123) * do not set duplicate master slide names (bnc#735533) * libs-core * handle copy and paste from ConsoleOne (bnc#704274) * VBA control events not working, broken eventattacher (bnc#718227) * "General Error" when double-click graphic in presentation (bnc#720948) * libs-extern-sys * upgrade graphite to 1.0.3 fix surrogate support * libs-gui * crash at exit (bnc#728603) * radial gradient offset (bnc#714787) * horizontal scrollbars with KDE oxygen style (bnc#722918) * rendering of metafiles embedded in EMF+ (updated) (bnc#705956) * postprocess * make the 3D transitions work again (bnc#728559) * ure * make Duden Korrektor 5 and 6 work * writer * frame selection (bnc#740117) * crash when editing index (bnc#726174) * order database properties (bnc#740032) * numbering levels in DOC import (bnc#715115) * image size issue in DOC import (bnc#718971) * pointless forward moving of a table (bnc#706138) * tabs set after the end margin in DOCX import (bnc#693238) * add hyperlinks by default in Table of Contents (bnc#705956) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 10 13:19:17 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - workaround-for-LO-namespace-pollution-breaking-KDE4.diff: workaround for conflicting defines that break build with KDE4 in factory ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 11 14:05:57 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - buildfix-ucb-glib-2.31.diff: fix build with glib-2.31; glib/gthread.h can't be included directly - libreoffice-desktop-icons-256x256.tar.bz2: add missing 256x256 desktop icons (bnc#722644) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 4 16:36:32 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - add compat symlinks for the old main desktop icon (bnc#724087) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 3 17:25:02 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - define %%python_sitelib on SLED11 and older systems to fix installation ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 3 16:54:07 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - correctly obsolete OpenOffice_org-artwork-devel (bnc#734781) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 13 16:31:50 UTC 2011 - bwiedemann@suse.de - fix sha-bang in unopkg-sync-bundled script ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 5 18:27:38 UTC 2011 - llunak@suse.com - fix debuginfo missing for some binaries ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 4 14:03:04 UTC 2011 - jdmulloy@gmail.com - fix libreoffice-pyuno so that 'import uno' works in python * add symlinks in python site-lib so that python can find uno modules * pyuno-path.diff: add %_libdir/libreoffice/basis-link/program to sys.path when 'import uno' is called so that additional pyuno modules can be found by python ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 28 15:32:46 CET 2011 - pmladek@suse.cz - used the internal mysql cppconnector even for openSUSE-12.2; it did not build with the system one ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 23 14:29:30 CET 2011 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.4.4-rc1 == final): * base * crash when inserting a constant in a query (fdo#38286) * calc * crash when modifying a named range * speed up range name lookup by index (bnc#715104) * recalculate matrix formula dimension correctly (fdo#39485) * mark all formula cells dirty when appending a new sheet (fdo#35965) * components * handling of SAFEARRAY(s) in olebridge (fdo#38441) * filters * auto fit text VIEWING too small in PPT import (fdo#41245) * impress * hang in slideshow (fdo#32861) * crash while dropping texture (fdo#38391) * libs-core * recognize .svg in ODF container (fdo#41995) * dictionaries lost after LibO upgrade (fdo#37195) * crash when "Find Record" button is clicked in Base (fdo#40701) * fix the drawing of dotted and dashed borders in Calc (fdo#37129) * VBA control events not working; broken eventattacher (bnc#718227) * libs-extern-sys * upgrade graphite to 1.0.3 to fix surrogate support * libs-gui * crash when changing screen resolution * let Qt call XInitThreads() (fdo#40298) * activation order crashes address database (fdo#41022) * drawing of dotted and dashed borders in Calc (fdo#37129) * translations * update translations * writer * leak in PDF export (i#116448) * crash when editing index (bnc#726174) * crash while processing incorrect range of pages (fdo#35513) * crash on closing document with footnotes (fdo#39510, lp#854626) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 21 15:41:09 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - correctly-init-xthreads-in-qt.diff: let Qt call XInitThreads(), so that it knows it's been called (fdo#40298) - avoid-wrong-asserts.diff: fix a bad assert; the following fix depends on it - horizontal-scrollbars-with-kde-oxygen-style.diff: horizontal scrollbars with KDE Oxygen style (bnc#722918) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 19 12:16:09 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - kde4-tooltips-style.diff: tooltips are all black in KDE4 (bnc#723074, fdo#40461) - do-not-display-math-in-desktop-menu.diff: do not display math in desktop menu (fdo#41681) - desktop-submenu.diff: display LO application in the right desktop submenu (bnc#718694) - bash-completion-for-loffice.diff: define bash completion for 'loffice' wrapper (bnc#719656) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 7 19:26:57 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - legacy-fragment-import-*.diff: legacy fragment PPTX import (bnc#699334) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 7 16:32:59 UTC 2011 - anixx@opensuse.org - add more detailed categories to desktop files ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 3 14:00:21 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - svx-globlmn-hrc-build-dep.diff: fix build dependency problem in svx - apply libreoffice-poppler-0.17.0.patch only on openSUSE > 11.3; cpp/poppler-version.h is not included in older poppler packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 22 23:35:04 CEST 2011 - fstrba@suse.com - desktop-null-display-crash.diff: fix crash on exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 22 18:33:02 UTC 2011 - idonmez@suse.com - Fix build with poppler 0.17.0 - Add python-lxml dependency for faster translation processing ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 12 16:48:48 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - libreoffice- == SUSE 3.4.2-rc3 == final ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 12 14:27:30 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - scripting-provider-build-dep.diff: make sure that the extra jar files are bundled with the script provider extensions - redland-rpath-hack.diff: crazy hack to avoid /usr/lib64 in RPATH and pass brp-rpath check; used only on Factory-x86_64 (bnc#717262) - added dbus-1-glib-devel and orbit2-devel into BuildRequires; was not longer required by gconf2-devel after a Factory clean up ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 8 15:28:56 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.4.2-rc3): * bootstrap * add executable rights to libraries * put VBA stuff into correct subpackages * correctly set install path in java-set-classpath * more reasonable access rights for installed files * move mono_loader.*.uno.so into the mono subpackage * really put SDK documentation into the doc subpackage * calc * crash when modifying a named range * crash with RangeName erase (bnc#683578) * impress * revert "allow impress import of embedded color tables" (bnc#715931) * libs-core * better detect OASIS MIME types * add Flat XML MIME types (bnc#711977) * correctly update bundled extensions (fdo#37195) * libs-extern * broken PDF A/1-a export in 64-bit builds (fdo#39355) - enabled system ODBC again - correctly set the documentation directory - added back the extra Draft.jpg into the "Background" gallery - beanshell, java, and python scripting needed to be explicitly enabled and installed as extension; in the past, they were built and installed out of box - used old desktop file names; there were defined another priorities for them in the system; for example, it fixed opening .ods files by LO instead of Evince ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 5 10:25:06 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - revert-allow-impress-import-of-embedded-color-tables-*.diff: reverted problematic import of embedded color tables in Impress; broke .odf export; needed more love (bnc#715931) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 2 14:25:16 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.4.2-rc2) * components * missing user-defined dictionaries (fdo#36678) * filters * lost content in DOCX import (bnc#705949) * XLSX import performance improvements (bnc#683578) * crash when opening PPTX presentation (bnc#706792) * pick the first PREFERRED IMPORT filter (bnc#704639) * impress * allow import of embedded color tables in Impress * libs-core * add missing MIME types into .desktop files (bnc#711977) * wrong bullet placement when stretching happens (fixes (bnc#694344) * do not pass the request for command line help to oosplash (bnc#715268) * libs-extern-sys * set WORDS_BIGENDIAN for graphite2 * libs-gui * linear gradient export to PDF (bnc#710061) * crash when changing screen resolution (bnc#715416) * writer * hide 'math baseline alignment' unless available (fdo#40341) - sysui-add-flat-openxml-to-mime-list.diff: registered Flat XML in the MIME database (bnc#711977) - nlpsolver-no-broken-help.diff: disabled broken help in the NLPSolver extension; unopkg complained about it in %%posttrans - added the helper script /usr/sbin/unopkg-sync-bundled to correctly update extensions; needed to be called in %posttrans and %postun scripts of packages with extensions (bnc#712358) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 30 17:56:34 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - system-python-ure-bootstrap.diff: correctly bootstrapped python stuff with system python, (deb#501028, i#90701) - sdbc-postgresql-lo-3.4-registration.diff: fixed component mapping to get the symbol component_writeInfo; needed to register PostgreSQL extension - mozilla-no-xul*.diff: disabled the Mozilla plugin that needed the XUL stuff; it was not enabled by default; it newer worked well; it caused build troubles because Firefox changed the development model and XULRunner support was very unclear - replaced XULRunner with mozilla-nss and mozilla-nspr in BuildRequires - generated create-libstlport-compat-links in %%install; the paths needed to be substituted according to the current build setting (bnc#710920) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 24 13:45:45 UTC 2011 - pmladek@novell.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.4.2-rc1) * based on plain 3.4.2-final sources * added several fixes * common: * version, tag suse- (SUSE LO 3.4.2-rc1) * bootstrap * updated mdds package to 0.5.3 * use /usr/bin/libreoffice symlink * upgrade graphite to 1.0.2 and simplify patches * calc * allow multi-range copy from VBA (bnc#707486) * lost DDE links in XLS import/export (bnc#681738) * charts with multiple ranges XLS import (i#107275) * more conservative graphic replacement (bnc#684784) * check boxes and slowness in XLS import (bnc#708137) * copied CSS parser from the orcus project (bnc#704642) * useful error message when DDE link update fails (bnc#696630) * defining named ranges should be case insensitive (fdo#39915) * parse the CSS stream and set number formats to cells (bnc#704642) * search in all sheets and FindToolbar (fdo#33379, i#116250, fdo#33593, fdo#37499) * components * support LCID changes (fdo#38956) * toggling grammar checkbox deletes sentence (fdo#39348) * filters * change 97/XP/2000 to 97/XP/2000/2003 (fdo#36734) * don't "detect" non-XML file format as XML (bnc#704642) * change 2007 XML to 2007/2010 XML in UI strings (fdo#36735) * impress * faster styles import (bnc#708518) * fix ruler to not generate negative left indent (bnc#707779) * libs-core * ghost uneditable drawing objects (bnc#676858) * correct MIME type for draw documents XML export * store the content of