------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 21 15:41:09 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - correctly-init-xthreads-in-qt.diff: let Qt call XInitThreads(), so that it knows it's been called (fdo#40298) - avoid-wrong-asserts.diff: fix a bad assert; the following fix depends on it - horizontal-scrollbars-with-kde-oxygen-style.diff: horizontal scrollbars with KDE Oxygen style (bnc#722918) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 19 12:16:09 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - kde4-tooltips-style.diff: tooltips are all black in KDE4 (bnc#723074, fdo#40461) - do-not-display-math-in-desktop-menu.diff: do not display math in desktop menu (fdo#41681) - desktop-submenu.diff: display LO application in the right desktop submenu (bnc#718694) - bash-completion-for-loffice.diff: define bash completion for 'loffice' wrapper (bnc#719656) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 7 19:26:57 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - legacy-fragment-import-*.diff: legacy fragment PPTX import (bnc#699334) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 7 16:32:59 UTC 2011 - anixx@opensuse.org - add more detailed categories to desktop files ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 3 14:00:21 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - svx-globlmn-hrc-build-dep.diff: fix build dependency problem in svx - apply libreoffice-poppler-0.17.0.patch only on openSUSE > 11.3; cpp/poppler-version.h is not included in older poppler packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 22 23:35:04 CEST 2011 - fstrba@suse.com - desktop-null-display-crash.diff: fix crash on exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 22 18:33:02 UTC 2011 - idonmez@suse.com - Fix build with poppler 0.17.0 - Add python-lxml dependency for faster translation processing ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 12 16:48:48 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - libreoffice- == SUSE 3.4.2-rc3 == final ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 12 14:27:30 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - scripting-provider-build-dep.diff: make sure that the extra jar files are bundled with the script provider extensions - redland-rpath-hack.diff: crazy hack to avoid /usr/lib64 in RPATH and pass brp-rpath check; used only on Factory-x86_64 (bnc#717262) - added dbus-1-glib-devel and orbit2-devel into BuildRequires; was not longer required by gconf2-devel after a Factory clean up ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 8 15:28:56 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.4.2-rc3): * bootstrap * add executable rights to libraries * put VBA stuff into correct subpackages * correctly set install path in java-set-classpath * more reasonable access rights for installed files * move mono_loader.*.uno.so into the mono subpackage * really put SDK documentation into the doc subpackage * calc * crash when modifying a named range * crash with RangeName erase (bnc#683578) * impress * revert "allow impress import of embedded color tables" (bnc#715931) * libs-core * better detect OASIS MIME types * add Flat XML MIME types (bnc#711977) * correctly update bundled extensions (fdo#37195) * libs-extern * broken PDF A/1-a export in 64-bit builds (fdo#39355) - enabled system ODBC again - correctly set the documentation directory - added back the extra Draft.jpg into the "Background" gallery - beanshell, java, and python scripting needed to be explicitly enabled and installed as extension; in the past, they were built and installed out of box - used old desktop file names; there were defined another priorities for them in the system; for example, it fixed opening .ods files by LO instead of Evince ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 5 10:25:06 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - revert-allow-impress-import-of-embedded-color-tables-*.diff: reverted problematic import of embedded color tables in Impress; broke .odf export; needed more love (bnc#715931) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 2 14:25:16 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.4.2-rc2) * components * missing user-defined dictionaries (fdo#36678) * filters * lost content in DOCX import (bnc#705949) * XLSX import performance improvements (bnc#683578) * crash when opening PPTX presentation (bnc#706792) * pick the first PREFERRED IMPORT filter (bnc#704639) * impress * allow import of embedded color tables in Impress * libs-core * add missing MIME types into .desktop files (bnc#711977) * wrong bullet placement when stretching happens (fixes (bnc#694344) * do not pass the request for command line help to oosplash (bnc#715268) * libs-extern-sys * set WORDS_BIGENDIAN for graphite2 * libs-gui * linear gradient export to PDF (bnc#710061) * crash when changing screen resolution (bnc#715416) * writer * hide 'math baseline alignment' unless available (fdo#40341) - sysui-add-flat-openxml-to-mime-list.diff: registered Flat XML in the MIME database (bnc#711977) - nlpsolver-no-broken-help.diff: disabled broken help in the NLPSolver extension; unopkg complained about it in %%posttrans - added the helper script /usr/sbin/unopkg-sync-bundled to correctly update extensions; needed to be called in %posttrans and %postun scripts of packages with extensions (bnc#712358) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 30 17:56:34 UTC 2011 - pmladek@suse.com - system-python-ure-bootstrap.diff: correctly bootstrapped python stuff with system python, (deb#501028, i#90701) - sdbc-postgresql-lo-3.4-registration.diff: fixed component mapping to get the symbol component_writeInfo; needed to register PostgreSQL extension - mozilla-no-xul*.diff: disabled the Mozilla plugin that needed the XUL stuff; it was not enabled by default; it newer worked well; it caused build troubles because Firefox changed the development model and XULRunner support was very unclear - replaced XULRunner with mozilla-nss and mozilla-nspr in BuildRequires - generated create-libstlport-compat-links in %%install; the paths needed to be substituted according to the current build setting (bnc#710920) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 24 13:45:45 UTC 2011 - pmladek@novell.com - updated to libreoffice- (SUSE 3.4.2-rc1) * based on plain 3.4.2-final sources * added several fixes * common: * version, tag suse- (SUSE LO 3.4.2-rc1) * bootstrap * updated mdds package to 0.5.3 * use /usr/bin/libreoffice symlink * upgrade graphite to 1.0.2 and simplify patches * calc * allow multi-range copy from VBA (bnc#707486) * lost DDE links in XLS import/export (bnc#681738) * charts with multiple ranges XLS import (i#107275) * more conservative graphic replacement (bnc#684784) * check boxes and slowness in XLS import (bnc#708137) * copied CSS parser from the orcus project (bnc#704642) * useful error message when DDE link update fails (bnc#696630) * defining named ranges should be case insensitive (fdo#39915) * parse the CSS stream and set number formats to cells (bnc#704642) * search in all sheets and FindToolbar (fdo#33379, i#116250, fdo#33593, fdo#37499) * components * support LCID changes (fdo#38956) * toggling grammar checkbox deletes sentence (fdo#39348) * filters * change 97/XP/2000 to 97/XP/2000/2003 (fdo#36734) * don't "detect" non-XML file format as XML (bnc#704642) * change 2007 XML to 2007/2010 XML in UI strings (fdo#36735) * impress * faster styles import (bnc#708518) * fix ruler to not generate negative left indent (bnc#707779) * libs-core * ghost uneditable drawing objects (bnc#676858) * correct MIME type for draw documents XML export * store the content of