Thu Dec 24 12:33:02 UTC 2020 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>

- Update to release
  * Fixed: rsb_mtx_rndr(..RSB_MARF_EPS) and
    rsb_file_mtx_rndr(..RSB_MARF_EPS): could crash on
    uniform-values matrix input.
  * Fixed: rsb_spmsp was crashing if result matrix has nnz<=rows
  * Fixed: BLAS_zusaxpy and BLAS_cusaxpy in C were crashing
  * Fixed: rsb_sppsp() was ignoring transB and could crash on

Thu Mar  5 16:24:51 UTC 2020 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>

- Update to release
  * bugfix: rsb_spmv/rsb_spmm/BLAS_cusmv/BLAS_zusmv/BLAS_cusmm/
    BLAS_zusmm could compute wrong values in transpose or
    conjugated transpose on very sparse complex hermitian

Thu Jul 12 05:02:16 UTC 2018 - bwiedemann@suse.com

- Add reproducible.patch and set an explicit memory hierarchy
  to make build reproducible (boo#1100677)

Tue Dec 26 14:10:41 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de

- Update to new upstream release 1.2.0~rc7
  * bugfix: rsb_spmv/rsb_spmm/BLAS_cusmv/BLAS_zusmv/BLAS_cusmm/
    BLAS_zusmm could compute wrong values on complex hermitian
    matrices if rhs imaginary part non null.
  * bugfix: complex conjugated transpose
    could compute wrong values if rhs imaginary part non null.
  * bugfix: rsb_sppsp/rsb_mtx_clone would compute scaled
    conjugate of complex matrices wrong if alpha imaginary part
    non null.
  * might detect a forgotten rsb_lib_init() at first matrix
    allocation and return an error.

Sat Apr 29 23:53:40 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de

- Update to new upstream release 1.2.0~rc6
  * BLAS_zusget_element & co will behave one-based in Fortran.
  * rsb_sppsp was summing incorrectly certain non-overlapping
    sparse matrices.
  * rsb_file_mtx_save and rsb_file_vec_save's output use
- Add pun.diff

Thu Oct 20 23:10:35 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de

- Update to new upstream release 1.2.0~rc5
* Fixed EPS rendering of matrices, e.g.
  `./rsbench --plot-matrix -aRzd -f matrix.mtx >matrix.eps`
- Drop shlib.diff (applied upstream)

Wed Jun  8 21:11:26 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de

- Update to new upstream release 1.2.0~rc3
* Extension: if parameter flagsA of mtx_set_vals() has
  RSB_FLAG_DUPLICATES_SUM, then values will be summed up into the
* Bugfix: rsb_mtx_get_nrm on symmetric matrices was buggy.
* Bugfix: rsb_spsm potentially wrong in --enable-openmp and
  (nrhs>1). (ussm affected)
* Bugfix: rsb_spsm wrong in --disable-openmp version and
  (nrhs>1). (ussm affected)
* Bugfix: rsb_spsm used to scale only first rhs when (*alphap!=1
  and nrhs>1). (ussm affected)
* Bugfix: rsb_spsm used to solve only first rhs when (y != x).
  (ussm not affected)
* Bugfix: rsb_spmm used to scale only first rhs when (*betap!=1
  and nrhs>1). (usmm not affected)
* Bugfix: rsb_tune_spmm/rsb_tune_spsm returned (false positive)
  error on ( mtxAp != NULL && mtxOpp != NULL ) rather than on (
  mtxAp != NULL && mtxOpp != NULL && *mtxOpp != NULL ).
* Will use memset() on systems with no bzero() (e.g. mingw).

Sun Jan 17 14:15:30 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de

- Initial package (versoin 1.2.0~rc2) for build.opensuse.org