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Quickstart guide for self made serial receivers
Please read /usr/share/doc/packages/lirc/html/install.html for
Suppose you have a self made serial receiver as described in
http://www.lirc.org/receivers.html connected to the first serial
port serial port:
Ensure that the following values are set in /etc/sysconfig/lirc:
Run the following command and add it at the end of
setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none
Load the kernel module for the serial receiver:
modprobe lirc_serial
Run irrecord to assign names to keys on your remote. Move the
resulting config file to /etc/lircd.conf. Start lircd:
rclirc start
If everything works (check with 'irw'), add lirc to the boot
chkconfig lirc on
Quickstart guide for remotes that show up as event devices
The remotes of most DVB devices show up as event devices in
/dev/input/. If you have one of those
- check whether udev already created /dev/input/ir for you when you
plugged in the device. Edit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-lirc.rules if it
didn't. Unplug the device and plug it in again to make
/dev/input/ir appear.
- cp /usr/share/lirc/remotes/devinput/lircd.conf.devinput /etc/lircd.conf
- rclirc start; chkconfig lirc on