2020-11-04 09:15:21 +00:00

118 lines
2.8 KiB

buildignore libreoffice-calc
buildignore libreoffice-draw
buildignore libreoffice-impress
buildignore libreoffice-icon-theme-breeze
buildignore libreoffice-icon-theme-sifr
buildignore libreoffice-icon-theme-hicontrast
buildignore colord
buildignore apparmor-utils
buildignore java-11-openjdk-headless
install branding-openSUSE
# adobe-sourcecodepro-fonts is the monospace font for openSUSE
install adobe-sourcecodepro-fonts
buildignore google-carlito-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-cjk-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-tc-bold-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-jp-bold-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-kr-bold-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts
# Expected by openQA - But no more space on the CD
# install libreoffice-writer
buildignore libreoffice
# Packages for the installer
source "$PWD/list-installer.sh"
# Pulls in sane-backends
buildignore simple-scan
buildignore ghostscript
buildignore myspell-en_US
buildignore orca
# gnome-software is a nice software center, but on the live medium only of limited use
buildignore gnome-software
# Pulls in color management tools
buildignore gnome-control-center-color
# 17 MiB, really?
buildignore libgweather-lang
buildignore gnome-user-docs
buildignore gnome-user-docs-lang
buildignore eog-lang
buildignore evolution-lang
buildignore evolution-data-server-lang
buildignore zenity-lang
# Pulls in clamav
buildignore amavisd-new
# Too big
buildignore inkscape
# Pulls in various python modules and duplicity
buildignore deja-dup
buildignore libpython2_7-1_0
buildignore gimp
buildignore noto-coloremoji-fonts
buildignore gnome-weather
install gparted
buildignore gparted-lang
buildignore vinagre-lang
buildignore gedit-lang
buildignore fwupd-lang
# There's eog, enough for live
buildignore gnome-photos
# Moved here from list-common.sh. cyrus-sasl is needed by Pidgin in Xfce Live CD
buildignore cyrus-sasl
# Was part of the gnome pattern
install NetworkManager-applet
# Moved here from list-common.sh, too big for x11
install xf86-video-vmware i686,x86_64
# From rest_cd_core
install alsa-firmware
# Previously required by rest_cd_gnome
installPattern apparmor
installPattern games
installPattern gnome
installPattern gnome_basis
installPattern gnome_imaging
installPattern gnome_internet
installPattern gnome_multimedia
installPattern gnome_office
installPattern gnome_utilities
installPattern gnome_yast
installPattern imaging
installPattern multimedia
installPattern office
installPattern sw_management_gnome
installPattern yast2_basis
installPattern yast2_install_wf
# Previously recommended by rest_cd_gnome
install gnome-mines
install gnome-sudoku
install quadrapassel
install cifs-utils
# Pulls in Qt WebEngine, too big
buildignore opensuse-welcome