osc copypac from project:devel:languages:lua package:luarocks revision:7

OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:lua/lua-luarocks?expand=0&rev=1
This commit is contained in:
Tomáš Chvátal 2017-07-14 13:07:32 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
commit 4c65324a13
6 changed files with 221 additions and 0 deletions

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lua-luarocks.changes Normal file
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Fri Jul 14 13:07:55 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com
- Switch to multibuild to produce luarocks for all lua variants
Fri Jul 14 12:49:13 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com
- Version update to 2.4.2:
* New test suite based on Busted; runs on Linux, OSX and Windows
* git+ssh:// fetch protocol
* Improved behavior preserving permissions
* Improved listing of dependencies on installation
* Improved behavior of argument handling in `pack`
* MSYS and Haiku platform detection
* Feature-based detection of internal bit32 and utf8 modules
* Internal reorganization of luarocks.fs code
* `remove` option --force=fast renamed to --force-fast
* Plus assorted bugfixes and cleanups
* Avoid coroutine use in luarocks.loader
* Fix upgrade issues for very old versions
* Fixed conflict resolution on deploy/delete
* Improved dependency check messages
* Performance improvements when removing packages
* Support user-defined `platforms` array in config file
* Improvements in Lua interpreter version detection in Unix configure script
* Relaxed Lua version detection to improve support for alternative implementations (e.g. Ravi)
* Plus assorted bugfixes and improvements
Mon Jul 4 20:38:09 UTC 2016 - opensuse@mirell.de
- update to version 2.3.0
* Windows: major redesign of the install tree structure
* Windows: Auto setup of MSVC environments
* Improve error messages when tools are not installed
* CMake: generate 64-bit builds when appropriate
* Improve check of location of config files
* Remove --extensions flag; use rockspec_format instead
* New `luarocks config` command to query configuration
* Improved UI for messages when external deps are missing
* Unix: Robustness improvement in configure script
* Plus tweaks and bugfixes. See the changelog for details.
- Add correct library directory to configuration file to fix
rocks that use C modules on x86_64 architecture
Sat Jul 18 09:56:29 UTC 2015 - i@marguerite.su
- update version 2.2.2
* `luarocks build --only-deps` and `luarocks install --only-deps`
for installing dependencies only
* Mercurial support
* Improved command-line argument parser, now validates arguments
(it previously ignored unrecognized arguments) and accepts both
`--flag=option` and `--flag option` in flags that take arguments.
* For consistency with `luarocks show`, `luarocks doc --homepage`
is now `luarocks doc --home`
* Improvements to CMake build backend
* Improved Makefiles for handling simultaneous bootstrapped
* Various bugfixes
- changes in 2.2.1
* Improved compatibility with Lua 5.3
* `luarocks list --outdated` for listing modules with available
* Assorted bugfixes
Mon Oct 20 16:34:46 UTC 2014 - i@marguerite.su
- update version 2.2.0
* MoonRocks is the new default repository: http://rocks.moonscript.org
Rocks don't need to be sent to the LuaRocks mailing list anymore,
you can upload them directly at the website or using
`luarocks upload` command for uploading rocks to MoonRocks via
the command-line
* Preliminary support for Lua 5.3
* No longer uses the module() function, for Lua 5.2 installations
built without Lua 5.1 compatibility
* --branch flag for `luarocks build` and `luarocks make`
* various improvements in `luarocks doc` command
* "git+http" transport for source.url
Tue Jan 21 15:26:00 UTC 2013 - kianseong@gmail.com
- Updated version and made some changes
Fri Sep 21 17:14:16 UTC 2012 - toganm@opensuse.org
- Initial packaging

lua-luarocks.spec Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# spec file for package lua-luarocks
# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# Copyright (c) 2012 Togan Muftuoglu toganm@opensuse.org
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/
%define flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@
%define mod_name luarocks
%define lua_value %(echo "%{flavor}" |sed -e 's:lua::')
Name: %{flavor}-%{mod_name}
Version: 2.4.2
Release: 0
Summary: A deployment and management system for Lua modules
License: MIT
Group: Development/Languages/Other
Url: https://luarocks.org
Source: https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz#/%{mod_name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRequires: %{flavor}-devel
BuildRequires: curl
BuildRequires: openssl
Requires: %{flavor}
BuildArch: noarch
LuaRocks allows you to install Lua modules as self-contained packages
called "rocks", which also contain version dependency
information. This information is used both during installation, so
that when one rock is requested all rocks it depends on are installed
as well, and at run time, so that when a module is required, the
correct version is loaded. LuaRocks supports both local and remote
repositories, and multiple local rocks trees.
%setup -q -n %{mod_name}-%{version}
# Not an autotools based system
./configure \
--prefix=%{_prefix} \
--lua-version=%{lua_version} \
--with-downloader=curl \
--with-md5-checker=openssl \
make %{?_smp_mflags} build
# Add C module lib directory to fix "built" rocks not working
# See https://github.com/keplerproject/luarocks/issues/416
%if %{_lib}==lib64
echo -e -n "\nlib_modules_path=\"/%{_lib}/lua/\"..lua_version" >> %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/luarocks/config-%{lua_version}.lua
# update-alternatives
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/alternatives/
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/alternatives/luarocks
ln -sf %{_sysconfdir}/alternatives/luarocks %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/luarocks
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/alternatives/luarocks-admin
ln -sf %{_sysconfdir}/alternatives/luarocks %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/luarocks-admin
%{_sbindir}/update-alternatives --install %{_bindir}/luarocks luarocks %{_bindir}/luarocks-%{lua_version} %{lua_value} \
--slave %{_bindir}/luarocks-admin luarocks-admin %{bindir}/luarocks-%{lua_version}
if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then
%{_sbindir}/update-alternatives --remove luarocks %{_bindir}/luarocks-%{lua_version}
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/luarocks
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/luarocks/config-%{lua_version}.lua
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/alternatives/luarocks
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/alternatives/luarocks-admin

luarocks-2.4.2.tar.gz Normal file
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version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:eef88c2429c715a7beb921e4b1ba571dddb7c74a250fbb0d3cc0d4be7a5865d9
size 4027001