Eric ren 40b70d82b5 Accepting request 492763 from home:ZRen:branches:Base:System
- This patch has been dropped since SLE12 (bsc#952300)
  * removed sys_mount_instead_linux_fs.diff
- Drop obsolete patches:
  * removed improve_probing.diff (bsc#49657)
  * removed no-inc-audit.diff 
  * removed suppress_format1_size_warning.diff
- Add more bug/fate references, and reorder the patches accordingly

- This patch has been dropped since SLE12 (bsc#952300)
  * removed sys_mount_instead_linux_fs.diff
- Drop obsolete patches:
  * removed improve_probing.diff (bsc#49657)
  * removed no-inc-audit.diff 
  * removed suppress_format1_size_warning.diff
- Add more bug/fate references, and reorder the patches accordingly

- This patch has been dropped since SLE12 (bsc#952300)
  * removed sys_mount_instead_linux_fs.diff
- Drop obsolete patches:
  * removed improve_probing.diff (bsc#49657)
  * removed no-inc-audit.diff 
  * removed suppress_format1_size_warning.diff
- Add more bug/fate references, and reorder the patches accordingly

2017-05-04 02:45:40 +00:00

301 lines
9.6 KiB

# spec file for package lvm2-clvm
# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
%define dlm_version 3.99.1
%define sanlock_version 3.3.0
%define lvm2_version 2.02.170
%define device_mapper_version 1.02.139
%define thin_provisioning_version 0.5.6
Name: lvm2-clvm
Version: %{lvm2_version}
Release: 0
Summary: Clustered LVM2
License: GPL-2.0+ and LGPL-2.1+
Group: Productivity/Clustering/HA
Source2: clvmd.ocf
Source3: cmirrord.ocf
BuildRequires: libcorosync-devel
BuildRequires: libdlm-devel >= %{dlm_version}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: sanlock-devel >= %{sanlock_version}
BuildRequires: thin-provisioning-tools >= %{thin_provisioning_version}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(blkid)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(devmapper)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libudev)
Requires: corosync
Requires: device-mapper >= %{device_mapper_version}
Requires: lvm2 = %{version}
Requires: lvm2-cmirrord
Obsoletes: cmirrord < %{version}
Provides: cmirrord = %{version}
# Upstream patches
# SUSE patches: 1000+ for LVM, 2000+ for device mapper
# Never upstream
Patch1001: cmirrord_remove_date_time_from_compilation.patch
Patch1002: display-dm-name-for-lv-name.diff
# no reference
Patch1003: device-mapper-type_punning.diff
Patch1004: make-mirror-legs-on-different-tag-pvs.patch
Patch1005: improve-mirror-legs-on-different-tag-pvs.patch
Patch1006: cmirrord_improvment_performance.patch
Patch1007: cluster_support_mirrord_log.diff
Patch1008: lvconvert-cluster-mirrored-disk-failed.patch
# no reference
Patch1009: pvmove_support_clustered_vg.diff
Patch1010: fix-closedown-before-thread-finish.patch
Patch1011: use-mirrortype-asdefault-whenclvmdrunning.patch
# no reference
Patch1012: version-plugins-in-libdir.patch
Patch1013: dmeventd-fix-dso-name-wrong-compare.patch
Patch1014: lvm2-lvmetad.service-add-Also-lvm2-lvmetad.socket.patch
Patch2000: device-mapper-dmsetup-export.patch
# no reference
Patch2001: device-mapper-gcc-warnings.patch
Patch2002: device-mapper-link.patch
Patch2003: udev_rules-update.diff
Patch2004: udev-Check-for-DM_NR_VALID_PATHS.patch
Patch2005: fsadm-add-support-for-btrfs.patch
Patch2006: Import-ID_FS_XXX-variables-bnc909358.patch
Patch2007: 10-dm.rules-Reset-state-variable-for-spurious-events.patch
Patch2008: libdm-iface-not-output-error-message-inside-retry-loop.patch
Patch2009: pvcreate-enhance-the-error-message.patch
Patch2010: 69-dm-lvm-metad.rules-Do-not-process-rules-for-multi.patch
Patch2011: lvm2-testsuite.patch
Patch2012: simplify-special-case-for-md-in-69-dm-lvm-metadata.patch
A daemon for using LVM2 Logival Volumes in a clustered environment.
%setup -q -n LVM2.%{lvm2_version}
%patch1001 -p1
%patch1002 -p1
%patch1003 -p1
%patch1004 -p1
%patch1005 -p1
%patch1006 -p1
%patch1007 -p1
%patch1008 -p1
%patch1009 -p1
%patch1010 -p1
%patch1011 -p1
%patch1012 -p1
%patch1013 -p1
%patch1014 -p1
%patch2000 -p1
%patch2001 -p1
%patch2002 -p1
%patch2003 -p1
%patch2004 -p1
%patch2005 -p1
%patch2006 -p1
%patch2007 -p1
%patch2008 -p1
%patch2009 -p1
%patch2010 -p1
%patch2011 -p1
%patch2012 -p1
export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:%{_prefix}/sbin
sed -ie "s/%{device_mapper_version}/1.03.01/g" VERSION_DM
%configure \
--enable-dmeventd \
--enable-cmdlib \
--enable-udev_rules \
--enable-udev_sync \
--with-udev-prefix="%{_prefix}/" \
--enable-selinux \
--enable-pkgconfig \
--with-usrlibdir=%{_libdir} \
--with-usrsbindir=%{_sbindir} \
--with-default-dm-run-dir=/run \
--with-tmpfilesdir=%{_tmpfilesdir} \
--with-thin=internal \
--with-device-gid=6 \
--with-device-mode=0640 \
--with-device-uid=0 \
--with-dmeventd-path=%{_sbindir}/dmeventd \
--with-thin-check=%{_sbindir}/thin_check \
--with-thin-dump=%{_sbindir}/thin_dump \
--with-thin-repair=%{_sbindir}/thin_repair \
make %{?_smp_mflags}
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} \
install_cluster \
install_systemd_units install_systemd_generators
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install -C daemons/lvmlockd
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install -C daemons/cmirrord
# lvmlockd does not have separate target install the mans by hand for now
install -m0644 -D man/lvmlockd.8 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/lvmlockd.8
install -m0644 -D man/lvmlockctl.8 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/lvmlockctl.8
# ocf files
install -m755 -D %{SOURCE2} "%{buildroot}/%{_libexecdir}/ocf/resource.d/lvm2/clvmd"
install -m755 -D %{SOURCE3} "%{buildroot}/%{_libexecdir}/ocf/resource.d/lvm2/cmirrord"
# rc services symlinks
ln -s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rclvm2-cluster-activation
ln -s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rclvm2-clvmd
ln -s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rclvm2-cmirrord
ln -s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rclvm2-lvmlockd
ln -s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rclvm2-lvmlocking
# remove files from lvm2 split due to systemd_generators picking them up
rm %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/blk-availability.service
rm %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/dm-event.service
rm %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/dm-event.socket
rm %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/lvm2-monitor.service
rm %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/lvm2-activation-generator.8
rm %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/systemd/system-generators/lvm2-activation-generator
rm %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmetad.service
rm %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmetad.socket
rm %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmpolld.service
rm %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmpolld.socket
rm %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/lvm2-pvscan@.service
%dir %{_libexecdir}/ocf
%dir %{_libexecdir}/ocf/resource.d
%dir %{_libexecdir}/ocf/resource.d/lvm2
# Clustered RAID 1 support using device-mapper and corosync
%package -n lvm2-cmirrord
Summary: Clustered RAID 1 support using device-mapper and corosync
Group: Productivity/Clustering/HA
Requires: corosync
Requires: device-mapper >= %{device_mapper_version}
Requires: lvm2 = %{version}
Requires: lvm2-clvm
%description -n lvm2-cmirrord
A daemon for using LVM2 Logival Volumes in a clustered environment.
%files -n lvm2-cmirrord
# LVM locking daemon
%package -n lvm2-lockd
Summary: LVM locking daemon
Group: Productivity/Clustering/HA
Requires: libdlm >= %{dlm_version}
Requires: libsanlock1 >= %{sanlock_version}
Requires: lvm2 = %{version}
%description -n lvm2-lockd
LVM commands use lvmlockd to coordinate access to shared storage.
%pre -n lvm2-lockd
%service_add_pre lvm2-lvmlockd.service lvm2-lvmlocking.service
%post -n lvm2-lockd
%service_add_post lvm2-lvmlockd.service lvm2-lvmlocking.service
%preun -n lvm2-lockd
%service_del_preun lvm2-lvmlockd.service lvm2-lvmlocking.service
%postun -n lvm2-lockd
%service_del_postun lvm2-lvmlockd.service lvm2-lvmlocking.service
%files -n lvm2-lockd