Thu Jan 31 10:18:48 UTC 2019 - Michael Vetter <mvetter@suse.com>

- Update to 0.14.0:
  * Don't use automatic string conversions
  * Improved cmake scripting
    - set cmake_minimum_required to 3.1.0
    - removed locale compile definitons
  * Moved translations from lxqt-l10n back to lxqt-powermanagement
    - removed obsolete translation fuctionality
    - Added translation promo in README.md
  * Translation updates
- Move translation from lxqt-l10n into package

Tue May 22 15:11:24 UTC 2018 - mvetter@suse.com

- Update to 0.13.0:
  * Add support for turning monitor(s) off

Mon Oct 23 11:21:56 UTC 2017 - mvetter@suse.com

- Update to 0.12.0:
  * Set patch version
  * Spell check (add "," and "-")
  * Don't export github templates
  * Adding missing "Comment" section to .desktop files. Fix for https://github.com/lxde/lxqt/issues/1339
  * Added Lithuanian language
  * Drops Qt5Core_VERSION_STRING
  * lxqt-config-powermanagement: set Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps to true
  * Added QCommandLineParser and basic cli interface to lxqt-config-powermanagement and lxqt-powermanagement
  * added *pl.desktop
  * Fixes a FTBFS in superbuild mode
  * Added merged autostart to CMakeLists.txt
  * Updated *_da.desktop files and removed *_da_DK.desktop files
  * Update desktop entries and Replace fr_FR by fr
  * Move Italian desktop entry to correct path
  * Update Greek translation (el) Remove country variant from language code
  * Rename LxQt to LXQt everywhere
  * CMake: Adds Runtime and Devel install COMPONENTs
  * Coding style changes
  * Updates the build system to use the Targets infrastructure
  * Rename Power Management module name again
  * Rename LXQt Power Management module name
  * Drops hardcoded /etc/xdg paths
  * Updated german translation, replaced Qt4 by Qt in all xsession/translations
  * Portuguese update for .desktop files
  * Updates translations infrastructure
  * Update the required minimum cmake version
  * remove dead template lines switch OnlyShowIn from Razor -> LXQt stringchanges LxQt -> LXQt
  * Renamed lxqt-autosuspend.desktop.in --> lxqt-powermanagement.desktop.in
  * Support lxqt-session and add necessary xdg autostart desktop entry files.
  * Default to no action if the action is not specified in the config file
  * BatteryWatcher: Fix indentation
  * Bump year
- Remove post and postun

Fri Feb 24 01:28:31 UTC 2017 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- Update to 0.11.1:
  * Add lxqt-config-powermanagement_da.desktop
  * Create lxqt-config-powermanagement_fr.desktop
  * Make CMakeLists.txt more uniform.
  * Remove cpack (#43)

Sat Sep 24 21:37:37 UTC 2016 - mvetter@suse.com

- Update to 0.11.0:
  * README.md: Replace dependency XCB with KIdleTime
  * Idleness Watcher: rely on KIdleTime instead of XCB (#33)
  * fix indents
  * Update and extend README.md
  * Add Catalan translation
  * Add Arabic Translation for Desktop File
  * I18N: Fix Plural Strings (#38)
  * Removes the QEventLoop from the Watcher class
  * build: Use external translations
  * ts-files removal (#34)
  * Bump year Fix licenses, lxqt-powermanagement is LGPL only
  * Fix source language in Italian translation file
  * Italian translation update
  * Update Russian translation Remove ru_RU files
  * Fix typo in Greek translation
  * update: lxqt-powermanagement_hu.ts
  * Add German translation
- Add keyring
- Remove BuildRequirs pkgconfig(xcb), got replaced by KF5IdleTime

Fri Nov  6 16:25:33 UTC 2015 - mvetter@suse.com

- Upstream release 0.10.0
- Removing patches:
 * fix_desktop_categories.patch - Using sed in spec file now.

Sat Feb 21 18:01:24 UTC 2015 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com

- lxqt-powermanagement is using private QPA API, which can, and
  does break BC even in point releases, so we need to hardcode
  libQt5Gui5 version

Fri Feb 20 20:41:55 UTC 2015 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- Changed %build and %install to use cmake macros 

Mon Feb  9 21:22:35 UTC 2015 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- New upstream version 0.9.0
- Added -lang Subpackage
- Added Patch
  + fix_desktop_categories.patch to clear rpmlint warnings

Mon Jan 26 00:11:53 UTC 2015 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- Added conditionals to enable Fedora builds 

Tue Nov 11 08:52:30 UTC 2014 - andrea@opensuse.org

- Added license and other documentation

Sat Oct 25 11:49:40 UTC 2014 - andrea@opensuse.org

- new upstream version 0.8.0 

Tue May 13 16:59:31 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- Specfile and Patch cleanup 

Mon May 12 16:21:04 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- removed fedora spec, split into subproject
  Del:  lxqt-powermanagement-Fedora_20.spec 

Sat May 10 21:23:27 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- Ran spec-cleaner on openSUSE spec 

Fri May  9 23:06:37 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- Added specfile for Fedora_20
  Add:  lxqt-powermanagement-Fedora_20.spec 

Fri May  9 20:14:26 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- Added patch to fix random data error in idlenesswatcher.cpp
  Add:  0003-fix_idlenesswatcher_cpp.patch 

Fri May  9 17:39:50 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- Added patches to fix bad includes in sources
  Add:  0001-fix_lid_cpp.patch
  Add:  0002-fix_lidwatcher_cpp.patch 

Fri May  9 16:49:55 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- Added tarball for new stable release
  Add:  lxqt-powermanagement-0.7.0.tar.xz
  Del:  _service 

Fri Apr  4 00:42:15 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org

- Initial Source Upload
  Add: _service
  Add: lxqt-powermanagement.spec
  Add: lxqt-powermanagement.changes