Dominique Leuenberger 04be632535 Accepting request 535981 from X11:LXQt
- Update to 0.12.0:
  * Set patch version
  * Don't export github templates
  * Update CMakeLists.txt
  * Fixed typo in Lithuanian
  * Drops Qt5Core_VERSION_STRING
  * set Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps to true
  * Fix pedantic warning
  * ui: Add option to show particular count of items
  * runner: Make usage of history configurable
  * commanditemmodel: Remove unused methods
  * Added QCommandLineParser and basic cli interface to lxqt-runner
  * Fixes a FTBFS in superbuild mode
  * Added merged autostart to CMakeLists.txt
  * Updated *_da.desktop files and removed *_da_DK.desktop files
  * Update desktop entries and Replace fr_FR by fr
  * Update Greek translation (el) Remove country variant from language code
  * CMake: Adds Runtime and Devel install COMPONENTs
  * Coding style changes
  * Updates the build system to use the Targets infrastructure
  * Drops hardcoded /etc/xdg paths
  * Updated german translation, replaced Qt4 by Qt in all xsession/translations
  * Updates translations infrastructure
  * Update the required minimum cmake version
  * remove dead template lines switch OnlyShowIn from Razor -> LXQt stringchanges LxQt -> LXQt
  * Support lxqt-session and add necessary xdg autostart desktop entry files.
  * Bump year
- Update to 0.11.1:
  * MathItem: Honor system locale (#52)
  * Use the new MenuCache configuration CMake module
  * Fixes FTBFS when libmenu-cache was installed to non-standard location
  * Remove cpack (#49)
  * - Fix endif placement when test for MATH library.
- Update to 0.11.0:
  * Add
  * Math: Enhance evaluation logic
  * Math: Use libmuparser for math evaluation
  * runner: Follow virtual desktop switching
  * Properly hide the runner when it loses focus
  * runner: Sort history items by relevance
  * build: Use external translations (#41)
  * ts-files removal (#40)
  * Use QString() instead of ""
  * Fix layout and focus to get history items right
  * Bump year
  * main: Add activation by running second instance
  * Italian translation update
  * dialog: Default icons
  * dialog: Fill background
  * upd: lxqt-runner_hu.ts
  * Update lxqt-runner_it.ts
- Add keyring
- Remove Qt5Script in favour of libmuparser as BuildRequire
- Upstream release 0.10.0
- Changed %build and %install to use cmake macros 
- New upstream version 0.9.0
- Added -lang subpackage
- Added conditionals to enable Fedora builds 
- Fixed license tag 
- new upstream version 0.8.0 
- spec file cleanup for factory 
- Specfile Cleanup 
- removed fedora specfile, split into subproject
  Del: lxqt-runner-Fedora_20.spec 
- Ran spec-cleaner on openSUSE specfile 
- Added specfile for Fedora_20
  Add:  lxqt-runner-Fedora_20.spec 
- Added tarball for new stable release
  Add:  lxqt-runner-0.7.0.tar.xz
  Del:  _service 
- Intial Source Upload
  Add: _service
  Add: lxqt-runner.spec
  Add: lxqt-runner.changes

2017-10-24 20:23:17 +00:00
2017-10-23 12:32:13 +00:00
2017-10-23 12:32:13 +00:00
2016-09-24 21:53:12 +00:00
2017-10-23 12:32:13 +00:00
No description provided
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