Introduction: To shorten the size of the dumpfile and the time of creating the dumpfile, makedumpfile copies only the necessary pages for analysis to the dumpfile from /proc/vmcore. You can specify the kind of unnecessary pages with dump_level. If you want to shorten the size further, enable the compression of the page data. Download: Usage: makedumpfile [-c] [-E] [-d dump_level] [-x vmlinux] dump_mem dump_file Example: If you want to exclude pages filled by zero, cache pages, user pages and free pages and to enable compression, please execute the following command. # makedumpfile -c -d 31 -x vmlinux /proc/vmcore dumpfile SSH transporting support: For ssh transporting support, -F and -R options are added. A panic system sends dump data to a remote host with -F option, and a remote host re-arranges dump data received to a normal dumpfile (readable by analysis tools) with -R option. Example-1: # makedumpfile -F -cd31 -x vmlinux /proc/vmcore | ssh user@host "makedumpfile -R dumpfile" A perl script implements the same function as '-R' option. Perl script does not depend on architecture, and a lot of systems have perl command. Even if a remote host does not have the makedumpfile command, it is possible to transport a dumpfile to a remote host with running this script. Example-2: 1. Transport the script. # scp 2. Transport a dumpfile. # makedumpfile -F -cd31 -i config /proc/vmcore | ssh user@remote "./ dumpfile"