# MariaDB Client container image ![Redistributable](https://img.shields.io/badge/Redistributable-Yes-green) ## Description MariaDB is an open-source, multi-threaded, relational database management system. It's a backward-compatible branch of the MySQL Community Server that provides a drop-in replacement for MySQL. This image contains the [MariaDB client](https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-command-line-client/) and utilities. ## Usage To connect to a MariaDB instance, run the following command: ```ShellSession $ podman run -it --rm registry.opensuse.org/opensuse/mariadb-client:11.5 mariadb -h $HOST_IP -u root -p ``` Use the command below to dump all databases: ```ShellSession $ podman run -it --rm registry.opensuse.org/opensuse/mariadb-client:11.5 mariadb-dump $HOST_IP -p --all-databases > my-dump.sql ``` ## Utilities The following utilities are available in the image: - mariadb - mariadb-admin - mariadb-check - mariadb-dump - mariadb-import - mariadb-show - mariadbd-safe-helper ## Backup and restore The MariaDB Knowledge Base [Container Backup and Restoration](https://mariadb.com/kb/en/container-backup-and-restoration/) provides further information on how to perform backup and restore. ## Licensing `SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT` This documentation and the build recipe are licensed as MIT. The container itself contains various software components under various open source licenses listed in the associated Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). This image is based on [openSUSE Tumbleweed](https://get.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/).