Eric Schirra 13c05cc750 Accepting request 1073700 from home:ecsos:server
- Update to 4.14.1
- Update to 4.14.0
  * matomo-org/matomo
    - #17399 Add diagnostics command options to list and delete unexpected files
    - #20285 Tabbing (tab navigation with keyboard) is not working in Matomo 4.13 (regression)
    - #20306 In accept invitation screen show the email instead of the username
    - #20380 Improve detection of GA3 and GA4 to more accurately suggest correct tracking set up guides
    - #20410 Added code to include schedule command for plugins while generating github action
    - #20343 Feedback success overlay might not be shown
    - #20404 OptOut: Remove extra twig markings
    - #20430 Ensure empty widgets are loaded correctly
    - #20441 Ensure archiving for segments uses correct date ranges
    - #20370 Slightly improve visits log layout as dashboard widget
    - #20166 Adjust some archivers to use correct row limit when aggregating periods
    - #20307 Fix PHP 8.2 deprecations in 2FA plugin
    - #20312 What’s new icon “on” doesn’t show there is a new entry when never clicked on it previously
    - #20323 Fix for PHP8 type error on NFS diagnostic check
    - #20333 Fix non-countable fatal error in the datatable class
    - #20336 Fix to allow campaign switching during a session
    - #20339 Harden check for multiple sites
    - #20356 Fix PHP 8.1 deprecation in DevicesDetection
    - #20357 Ensure to use int values to determine maximum values in graphs
    - #20358 Fix compatibility of minimum PHP version check with older versions
    - #20374 Language is not correctly detected automatically by Matomo
    - #20391 Fix visits log might show incorrect action for groups
    - #20399 Fix for unsupported operand error in RowEvolution
    - #20402 Fixes for PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings
    - #20426 Fix PHP 8.2 deprecation in event actions
    - #20098 Avoid errors when trying to create invalid date objects
    - #20222 Fix for creating a new segment that has some visits will show 2 notifications instead of 1
    - #20262 Make millisecond dimension grouping less error prone
    - #20272 Remove unneeded table from query when querying conversions by page view to increase performance
    - #20296 Trim spaces from login email in password reset process if some are set
    - #20298 Unset link token when accepting an invite
    - #20303 Fix Matomo dialog does not close
    - #20424 Delete log table data in chunks to prevent possible performance issues
    - #20425 Add new metricTypes report metadata to prepare for LookerStudio integration
    - #20429 Updated bug report template: moved Context to the top
    - #20437 Fixed PHP 8.2 deprecation error in CustomDimensions
    - #20438 Get all numerics in one go for faster goal conversion calculation
    - #20471 Added new semantic types for date/datetime for CrashAnalytics
  * matomo-org/tag-manager
    - #386 Replace Travis.CI tests with GitHub action
    - #594 Improvements to MTM tracker to allow full _paq functionality
    - #599 Improve JavaScript reliability
    - #606 Added code to create default container for idsite:1 if not created
    - #607 Images and text updated for tags
  * matomo-org/device-detector
    - #7344 Detect devices for exists brands: LG, Energy Sistem, SmartBook, Arnova
    - #7345 Detect new brand BMXC and Detect devices for exist brands
    - #7346 Detect new brands: V-Gen, Nedaphone and Detect devices for exist brands
    - #7348 Detect new brands: Frunsi, RelNAT, TeloSystems, MIWANG and Detect devices for exist brands
    - #7349 Detect new brands: HeadWolf, Great Asia, Zamolxe, ZoomSmart and Detect devices for exist brands
    - #7350 Fix possible error if an incorrect version list array is provided
    - #7353 Detect new brands: PC Smart, Ephone, YunSong, SYH, iRobot and Detect devices for exist brands
    - #7354 Overwrite device type smartphone – if UA contains a’prefix, Pad/APad
    - #7355 Detect new brands: Roam Cat, DIMO, Everest, SANY and Detect devices for exist brands
    - #7357 Detect new brands: Attila, BRAVE and Detect devices for exist brands
    - #7359 Detect new brands: BenWee, BluSlate, Bookeen, Lectrus,
      LeBest, NOVO, Pano, Surge, Volt and Detect devices for exist brands
    - #7360 Adds detection for various bots and apps
    - #7362 Detect new brands: FFF SmartLife, NuVision, Versus and Detect devices for exist brands
    - #7364 Detect Morning Score bot
    - #7365 Fir for YamlParser AppHints & BrowserHints
    - #7366 Detect browsers: YandexBrowser, AlohaBrowser for iOS and Detect apps: Quora, JJ2GO, BonPrix
    - #7367 Fix: YamlParser for AppHints & BrowserHints
    - #7373 Detect devices for exist brands: POCO, OPPO, Ravoz,
      Vivo, Samsung, Huawei, Nubia, OnePlus, Oukitel, Xiaomi
  * matomo-org/matomo-php-tracker
    - #113 Add function to set api url
  * matomo-org/component-ini
    - #22 Use bash syntax for installation instructions
  * matomo-org/referrer-spam-list
    - #1343 Add
    - #1344 Add
    - #1345 Add 100+ .xyz domains
- See also
- Fix boo#1209312
- Fix boo#1209313

2023-03-22 08:07:51 +00:00

118 lines
4.2 KiB

Alias /matomo "__matomo_web__"
<Directory "__matomo_web__">
AllowOverride All
Options FollowSymLinks
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# Apache 2.4
Require all granted
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# Apache 2.2
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
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# Apache 2.4
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Require host
# Require ip 128.252.135.
# Require host
# Require host
<Files ~ "^matomo\.(js|php)|^piwik\.(js|php)|robots\.txt$|index\.php$">
Require all granted
<Files "archive.php">
Require all granted
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
# Apache 2.2
<Files "*">
Order deny, allow
Deny from all
Allow from
# Allow from 128.252.135.
# Allow from
# Allow from
<Files ~ "^matomo\.(js|php)|^piwik\.(js|php)|robots\.txt$|index\.php$">
Allow from all
Satisfy any
<Files "archive.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
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BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary
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# improved security
php_admin_value open_basedir "__matomo_web__:__matomo_conf__:__matomo_log__:/tmp:/usr/bin:/var/cache/apache2:/run/matomo_sessions"
php_admin_flag display_startup_errors Off
php_admin_flag display_errors Off
php_admin_flag file_uploads Off
php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen Off
php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir "/var/cache/apache2"
php_admin_value session.save_path "/run/matomo_sessions/"
php_admin_value disable_functions "posix_setpgid,exec,ftp_login,mysql_pconnect,apache_setenv,popen,posix_getpwuid,posix_setsid,passthru,escapeshellcmd,ini_alter,ftp_raw,ftp_nb_fput,ini_restore,shell_exec,ftp_get,proc_get_status,highlight_file,proc_close,proc_terminate,syslog,ftp_connect,posix_uname,ini_get_all,proc_open,posix_kill,escapeshellarg,ftp_rawlist,posix_setuid,openlog,php_uname,system,ftp_exec,posix_mkfifo,proc_nice,ftp_put"
php_admin_value memory_limit "1024M"
php_admin_value max_execution_time 120
<IfModule mod_php8.c>
# improved security
php_admin_value open_basedir "__matomo_web__:__matomo_conf__:__matomo_log__:/tmp:/usr/bin:/var/cache/apache2:/run/matomo_sessions"
php_admin_flag display_startup_errors Off
php_admin_flag display_errors Off
php_admin_flag file_uploads Off
php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen Off
php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir "/var/cache/apache2"
php_admin_value session.save_path "/run/matomo_sessions/"
php_admin_value disable_functions "posix_setpgid,exec,ftp_login,mysql_pconnect,apache_setenv,popen,posix_getpwuid,posix_setsid,passthru,escapeshellcmd,ini_alter,ftp_raw,ftp_nb_fput,ini_restore,shell_exec,ftp_get,proc_get_status,highlight_file,proc_close,proc_terminate,syslog,ftp_connect,posix_uname,ini_get_all,proc_open,posix_kill,escapeshellarg,ftp_rawlist,posix_setuid,openlog,php_uname,system,ftp_exec,posix_mkfifo,proc_nice,ftp_put"
php_admin_value memory_limit "1024M"
php_admin_value max_execution_time 120
<Directory "__matomo_web__/vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/tools">
<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
# Apache 2.4
Require all denied
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
# Apache 2.2
Order deny,allow
Deny from all