--- maven-plugin-tools-3.5.1/maven-plugin-plugin/src/main/filtered-resources/META-INF/maven/org.apache.maven.plugins/maven-plugin-plugin/plugin-help.xml 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ maven-plugin-tools-3.5.1/maven-plugin-plugin/src/main/filtered-resources/META-INF/maven/org.apache.maven.plugins/maven-plugin-plugin/plugin-help.xml 2019-03-29 17:23:08.867945695 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+ ${project.name}
+ ${project.description}
+ ${project.groupId}
+ ${project.artifactId}
+ ${project.version}
+ plugin
+ addPluginArtifactMetadata
+ Inject any plugin-specific artifact metadata to the project's artifact, for subsequent installation and deployment. It is used:
+1. to add the latest metadata (which is plugin-specific) for shipping alongside the plugin's artifact
+2. to define plugin mapping in the group
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ package
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.metadata.AddPluginArtifactMetadataMojo
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ 2.0
+ true
+ goalPrefix
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ Inject any plugin-specific artifact metadata to the project's artifact, for subsequent installation and deployment. It is used:
+1. to add the latest metadata (which is plugin-specific) for shipping alongside the plugin's artifact
+2. to define plugin mapping in the group
+ skip
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Inject any plugin-specific artifact metadata to the project's artifact, for subsequent installation and deployment. It is used:
+1. to add the latest metadata (which is plugin-specific) for shipping alongside the plugin's artifact
+2. to define plugin mapping in the group
+ ${maven.plugin.skip}
+ descriptor
+ Generate a plugin descriptor.
+Note: Since 3.0, for Java 5 plugin annotations support, default phase defined by this goal is after the 'compilation' of any scripts. This doesn't override the default binding coded at generate-resources phase in Maven core.
+ runtime
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ process-classes
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.DescriptorGeneratorMojo
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ 2.0
+ true
+ encoding
+ java.lang.String
+ 2.5
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ extractors
+ java.util.Set
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ goalPrefix
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ mojoDependencies
+ java.util.List
+ 3.5
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ outputDirectory
+ java.io.File
+ false
+ true
+ Generate a plugin descriptor.
+Note: Since 3.0, for Java 5 plugin annotations support, default phase defined by this goal is after the 'compilation' of any scripts. This doesn't override the default binding coded at generate-resources phase in Maven core.
+ packagingTypes
+ java.util.List
+ 3.3
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ skip
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ skipDescriptor
+ boolean
+ 2.6
+ false
+ true
+ Generate a plugin descriptor.
+Note: Since 3.0, for Java 5 plugin annotations support, default phase defined by this goal is after the 'compilation' of any scripts. This doesn't override the default binding coded at generate-resources phase in Maven core.
+ skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound
+ boolean
+ 3.0
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ ${encoding}
+ ${maven.plugin.skip}
+ ${maven.plugin.skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound}
+ help
+ Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.
+Call mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.HelpMojo
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ true
+ detail
+ boolean
+ false
+ true
+ Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.
+Call mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
+ goal
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.
+Call mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
+ indentSize
+ int
+ false
+ true
+ Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.
+Call mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
+ lineLength
+ int
+ false
+ true
+ Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.
+Call mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
+ ${detail}
+ ${goal}
+ ${indentSize}
+ ${lineLength}
+ helpmojo
+ Generates a HelpMojo class.
+ compile
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ generate-sources
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.HelpGeneratorMojo
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ 2.4
+ true
+ encoding
+ java.lang.String
+ 2.5
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ extractors
+ java.util.Set
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ goalPrefix
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ helpPackageName
+ java.lang.String
+ 2.6
+ false
+ true
+ Generates a HelpMojo class.
+ mojoDependencies
+ java.util.List
+ 3.5
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ outputDirectory
+ java.io.File
+ false
+ true
+ Generates a HelpMojo class.
+ packagingTypes
+ java.util.List
+ 3.3
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ skip
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound
+ boolean
+ 3.0
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ ${encoding}
+ ${maven.plugin.skip}
+ ${maven.plugin.skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound}
+ report
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: plugin-info.html plugin overview page, and one goal-mojo.html per goal.
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ process-classes
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.PluginReport
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ 2.0
+ true
+ encoding
+ java.lang.String
+ 2.7
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: plugin-info.html plugin overview page, and one goal-mojo.html per goal.
+ goalPrefix
+ java.lang.String
+ 2.4
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: plugin-info.html plugin overview page, and one goal-mojo.html per goal.
+ outputDirectory
+ java.io.File
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: plugin-info.html plugin overview page, and one goal-mojo.html per goal.
+ requirements
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.Requirements
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: plugin-info.html plugin overview page, and one goal-mojo.html per goal.
+ skip
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: plugin-info.html plugin overview page, and one goal-mojo.html per goal.
+ skipReport
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: plugin-info.html plugin overview page, and one goal-mojo.html per goal.
+ ${encoding}
+ ${goalPrefix}
+ ${maven.plugin.skip}
+ ${maven.plugin.report.skip}
+ updateRegistry
+ Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing.
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ install
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.UpdatePluginRegistryMojo
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ 2.0
+ plugin registry has been removed from Maven 3, this goal will be removed in next release
+ true
+ skip
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing.
+ skipUpdatePluginRegistry
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing.
+ ${maven.plugin.skip}
+ ${maven.plugin.update.registry.skip}
\ No newline at end of file
--- maven-plugin-tools-3.5.1/maven-plugin-plugin/src/main/filtered-resources/META-INF/maven/plugin.xml 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ maven-plugin-tools-3.5.1/maven-plugin-plugin/src/main/filtered-resources/META-INF/maven/plugin.xml 2019-03-29 17:23:25.308026267 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1185 @@
+ ${project.name}
+ ${project.description}
+ ${project.groupId}
+ ${project.artifactId}
+ ${project.version}
+ plugin
+ false
+ true
+ addPluginArtifactMetadata
+ Inject any plugin-specific
+<a href="/ref/current/maven-repository-metadata/repository-metadata.html">artifact metadata</a> to the project's
+artifact, for subsequent installation and deployment.
+It is used:
+<li>to add the <code>latest</code> metadata (which is plugin-specific) for shipping alongside the plugin's
+ artifact</li>
+<li>to define plugin mapping in the group</li>
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ package
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.metadata.AddPluginArtifactMetadataMojo
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ 2.0
+ true
+ goalPrefix
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ Inject any plugin-specific
+<a href="/ref/current/maven-repository-metadata/repository-metadata.html">artifact metadata</a> to the project's
+artifact, for subsequent installation and deployment.
+It is used:
+<li>to add the <code>latest</code> metadata (which is plugin-specific) for shipping alongside the plugin's
+ artifact</li>
+<li>to define plugin mapping in the group</li>
+ project
+ org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject
+ false
+ false
+ Inject any plugin-specific
+<a href="/ref/current/maven-repository-metadata/repository-metadata.html">artifact metadata</a> to the project's
+artifact, for subsequent installation and deployment.
+It is used:
+<li>to add the <code>latest</code> metadata (which is plugin-specific) for shipping alongside the plugin's
+ artifact</li>
+<li>to define plugin mapping in the group</li>
+ skip
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Inject any plugin-specific
+<a href="/ref/current/maven-repository-metadata/repository-metadata.html">artifact metadata</a> to the project's
+artifact, for subsequent installation and deployment.
+It is used:
+<li>to add the <code>latest</code> metadata (which is plugin-specific) for shipping alongside the plugin's
+ artifact</li>
+<li>to define plugin mapping in the group</li>
+ ${maven.plugin.skip}
+ descriptor
+ Generate a plugin descriptor.
+<b>Note:</b> Since 3.0, for Java 5 plugin annotations support,
+default <a href="http://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-core/lifecycles.html">phase</a>
+defined by this goal is after the "compilation" of any scripts. This doesn't override
+<a href="/ref/current/maven-core/default-bindings.html#Bindings_for_maven-plugin_packaging">the default binding coded
+at generate-resources phase</a> in Maven core.
+ runtime
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ process-classes
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.DescriptorGeneratorMojo
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ 2.0
+ true
+ dependencies
+ java.util.Set
+ 3.0
+ true
+ false
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ encoding
+ java.lang.String
+ 2.5
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ extractors
+ java.util.Set
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ goalPrefix
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ local
+ org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository
+ 3.0
+ true
+ false
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ mojoDependencies
+ java.util.List
+ 3.5
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ outputDirectory
+ java.io.File
+ false
+ true
+ Generate a plugin descriptor.
+<b>Note:</b> Since 3.0, for Java 5 plugin annotations support,
+default <a href="http://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-core/lifecycles.html">phase</a>
+defined by this goal is after the "compilation" of any scripts. This doesn't override
+<a href="/ref/current/maven-core/default-bindings.html#Bindings_for_maven-plugin_packaging">the default binding coded
+at generate-resources phase</a> in Maven core.
+ packagingTypes
+ java.util.List
+ 3.3
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ project
+ org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject
+ false
+ false
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ remoteRepos
+ java.util.List
+ 3.0
+ true
+ false
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ skip
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ skipDescriptor
+ boolean
+ 2.6
+ false
+ true
+ Generate a plugin descriptor.
+<b>Note:</b> Since 3.0, for Java 5 plugin annotations support,
+default <a href="http://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-core/lifecycles.html">phase</a>
+defined by this goal is after the "compilation" of any scripts. This doesn't override
+<a href="/ref/current/maven-core/default-bindings.html#Bindings_for_maven-plugin_packaging">the default binding coded
+at generate-resources phase</a> in Maven core.
+ skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound
+ boolean
+ 3.0
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ ${encoding}
+ ${maven.plugin.skip}
+ ${maven.plugin.skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound}
+ org.apache.maven.tools.plugin.scanner.MojoScanner
+ mojoScanner
+ help
+ Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.<br>
+Call <code>mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name></code> to display parameter details.
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.HelpMojo
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ true
+ detail
+ boolean
+ false
+ true
+ Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.<br>
+Call <code>mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name></code> to display parameter details.
+ goal
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.<br>
+Call <code>mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name></code> to display parameter details.
+ indentSize
+ int
+ false
+ true
+ Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.<br>
+Call <code>mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name></code> to display parameter details.
+ lineLength
+ int
+ false
+ true
+ Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin.<br>
+Call <code>mvn plugin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name></code> to display parameter details.
+ ${detail}
+ ${goal}
+ ${indentSize}
+ ${lineLength}
+ helpmojo
+ Generates a <code>HelpMojo</code> class.
+ compile
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ generate-sources
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.HelpGeneratorMojo
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ 2.4
+ true
+ dependencies
+ java.util.Set
+ 3.0
+ true
+ false
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ encoding
+ java.lang.String
+ 2.5
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ extractors
+ java.util.Set
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ goalPrefix
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ helpPackageName
+ java.lang.String
+ 2.6
+ false
+ true
+ Generates a <code>HelpMojo</code> class.
+ local
+ org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository
+ 3.0
+ true
+ false
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ mojoDependencies
+ java.util.List
+ 3.5
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ outputDirectory
+ java.io.File
+ false
+ true
+ Generates a <code>HelpMojo</code> class.
+ packagingTypes
+ java.util.List
+ 3.3
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ project
+ org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject
+ false
+ false
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ remoteRepos
+ java.util.List
+ 3.0
+ true
+ false
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ skip
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound
+ boolean
+ 3.0
+ false
+ true
+ Abstract class for this Plugin.
+ ${encoding}
+ ${maven.plugin.skip}
+ ${maven.plugin.skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound}
+ org.apache.maven.tools.plugin.scanner.MojoScanner
+ mojoScanner
+ org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.VelocityComponent
+ velocity
+ report
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ process-classes
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.PluginReport
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ 2.0
+ true
+ dependencies
+ java.util.Set
+ 3.0
+ true
+ false
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ encoding
+ java.lang.String
+ 2.7
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ goalPrefix
+ java.lang.String
+ 2.4
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ inputEncoding
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ false
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ local
+ org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository
+ 3.0
+ true
+ false
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ outputDirectory
+ java.io.File
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ outputEncoding
+ java.lang.String
+ false
+ false
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ pluginXmlFile
+ java.io.File
+ 3.5.1
+ true
+ false
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ project
+ org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject
+ false
+ false
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ remoteRepos
+ java.util.List
+ 3.0
+ true
+ false
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ requirements
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.Requirements
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ skip
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ skipReport
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Generates the Plugin's documentation report: <code>plugin-info.html</code> plugin overview page,
+and one <code><i>goal</i>-mojo.html</code> per goal.
+ ${encoding}
+ ${goalPrefix}
+ ${encoding}
+ ${outputEncoding}
+ ${maven.plugin.skip}
+ ${maven.plugin.report.skip}
+ org.apache.maven.tools.plugin.scanner.MojoScanner
+ mojoScanner
+ org.apache.maven.execution.RuntimeInformation
+ rtInfo
+ org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.Renderer
+ siteRenderer
+ updateRegistry
+ Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing.
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ install
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.plugin.UpdatePluginRegistryMojo
+ java
+ per-lookup
+ once-per-session
+ 2.0
+ plugin registry has been removed from Maven 3, this goal will be removed in next release
+ true
+ artifactId
+ java.lang.String
+ true
+ false
+ Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing.
+ groupId
+ java.lang.String
+ true
+ false
+ Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing.
+ skip
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing.
+ skipUpdatePluginRegistry
+ boolean
+ 2.8
+ false
+ true
+ Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing.
+ usePluginRegistry
+ boolean
+ true
+ false
+ Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing.
+ version
+ java.lang.String
+ true
+ false
+ Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing.
+ ${maven.plugin.skip}
+ ${maven.plugin.update.registry.skip}
+ org.apache.maven.plugin.registry.MavenPluginRegistryBuilder
+ pluginRegistryBuilder
+ org.apache.maven.plugin-tools
+ maven-plugin-tools-api
+ jar
+ 3.5.1
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-core
+ jar
+ 2.2.1
+ org.eclipse.sisu
+ org.eclipse.sisu.inject
+ jar
+ 0.3.3
+ javax.enterprise
+ cdi-api
+ jar
+ 1.1
+ javax.el
+ javax.el-api
+ jar
+ 3.0.0
+ org.jboss.spec.javax.interceptor
+ jboss-interceptors-api_1.2_spec
+ jar
+ any
+ com.google.guava
+ guava
+ jar
+ 20.0
+ com.google.inject
+ guice
+ jar
+ 4.2.0
+ aopalliance
+ aopalliance
+ jar
+ 1.0
+ javax.inject
+ javax.inject
+ jar
+ 1
+ org.apache.maven.resolver
+ maven-resolver-spi
+ jar
+ 1.1.1
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-builder-support
+ jar
+ 3.5.4
+ org.apache.maven.plugin-tools
+ maven-plugin-tools-generators
+ jar
+ 3.5.1
+ org.ow2.asm
+ asm
+ jar
+ 5.0.2
+ org.ow2.asm
+ asm-commons
+ jar
+ 5.0.2
+ org.ow2.asm
+ asm-tree
+ jar
+ 6.2.1
+ org.ow2.asm
+ asm-analysis
+ jar
+ 6.2.1
+ net.sf.jtidy
+ jtidy
+ jar
+ r938
+ xerces
+ dom3-xml-apis
+ jar
+ 1.0
+ org.apache.maven.plugin-tools
+ maven-plugin-tools-java
+ jar
+ 3.5.1
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-component-annotations
+ jar
+ 1.5.5
+ com.thoughtworks.qdox
+ qdox
+ jar
+ 2.0-M5
+ org.apache.maven.plugin-tools
+ maven-plugin-tools-annotations
+ jar
+ 3.5.1
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-archiver
+ jar
+ 2.1.1
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-io
+ jar
+ 3.0.1
+ org.apache.commons
+ commons-compress
+ jar
+ 1.16.1
+ org.tukaani
+ xz
+ jar
+ 1.8
+ org.easymock
+ easymock
+ jar
+ org.objenesis
+ objenesis
+ jar
+ 2.6
+ cglib
+ cglib
+ jar
+ 3.2.6
+ org.apache.maven.plugin-tools
+ maven-plugin-annotations
+ jar
+ 3.5.1
+ org.apache.maven.doxia
+ doxia-sink-api
+ jar
+ 1.4
+ org.apache.maven.doxia
+ doxia-logging-api
+ jar
+ 1.7
+ org.apache.maven.doxia
+ doxia-site-renderer
+ jar
+ 1.4
+ org.apache.maven.doxia
+ doxia-core
+ jar
+ 1.7
+ xmlunit
+ xmlunit
+ jar
+ 1.5
+ org.apache.httpcomponents
+ httpclient
+ jar
+ 4.0.2
+ commons-logging
+ commons-logging
+ jar
+ commons-codec
+ commons-codec
+ jar
+ org.apache.httpcomponents
+ httpcore
+ jar
+ 4.0.1
+ org.apache.maven.doxia
+ doxia-decoration-model
+ jar
+ 1.7.5
+ org.apache.maven.doxia
+ doxia-skin-model
+ jar
+ 1.7.5
+ org.apache.maven.doxia
+ doxia-module-xhtml
+ jar
+ 1.7
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-i18n
+ jar
+ 1.0-beta-7
+ commons-collections
+ commons-collections
+ jar
+ 3.2.1
+ org.apache.commons
+ commons-lang3
+ jar
+ 3.5
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-plugin-api
+ jar
+ 2.2.1
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-classworlds
+ jar
+ 2.5.2
+ org.eclipse.sisu
+ org.eclipse.sisu.plexus
+ jar
+ 0.3.3
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-model
+ jar
+ 2.2.1
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-repository-metadata
+ jar
+ 2.2.1
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-artifact
+ jar
+ 2.2.1
+ org.apache.maven.reporting
+ maven-reporting-impl
+ jar
+ 2.3
+ org.apache.maven.shared
+ maven-shared-utils
+ jar
+ 3.2.0
+ org.apache.maven.reporting
+ maven-reporting-api
+ jar
+ 3.0
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-utils
+ jar
+ 3.0.20
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-velocity
+ jar
+ 1.1.8
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-container-default
+ jar
+ org.apache.xbean
+ xbean-reflect
+ jar
+ 3.7
+ org.apache.maven.surefire
+ maven-surefire-common
+ jar
+ 2.19.1
+ org.apache.maven.surefire
+ surefire-api
+ jar
+ 2.22.0
+ org.apache.maven.surefire
+ surefire-logger-api
+ jar
+ 2.22.0
+ org.apache.maven.surefire
+ surefire-booter
+ jar
+ 2.22.0
+ commons-io
+ commons-io
+ jar
+ 2.5
+ org.apache.maven.shared
+ maven-common-artifact-filters
+ jar
+ 1.3
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-java
+ jar
+ 0.9.8
+ org.apache.velocity
+ velocity
+ jar
+ 1.7
+ commons-lang
+ commons-lang
+ jar
+ 2.4
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-plugin-registry
+ jar
+ any
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-compat
+ jar
+ any
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-settings
+ jar
+ 3.5.4
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-model-builder
+ jar
+ 3.5.4
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-interpolation
+ jar
+ 1.24
+ org.apache.maven.wagon
+ wagon-provider-api
+ jar
+ 3.1.0
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-resolver-provider
+ jar
+ 3.5.4
+ org.apache.maven.resolver
+ maven-resolver-api
+ jar
+ 1.1.1
+ org.apache.maven.resolver
+ maven-resolver-util
+ jar
+ 1.1.1
+ org.apache.maven.resolver
+ maven-resolver-impl
+ jar
+ 1.1.1
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-api
+ jar
+ 1.7.25
+ org.apache.maven
+ maven-settings-builder
+ jar
+ 3.5.4
+ org.sonatype.plexus
+ plexus-sec-dispatcher
+ jar
+ 1.4
+ org.sonatype.plexus
+ plexus-cipher
+ jar
+ 1.4
+ junit
+ junit
+ jar
+ 3.8.2
+ org.hamcrest
+ hamcrest-core
+ jar
+ 1.3
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