------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Aug 4 07:43:52 CEST 2007 - mrueckert@suse.de - fixed a few rpmlint warnings ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat May 26 11:25:32 CEST 2007 - mrueckert@suse.de - Update to version 1.2.2: Memcached can be configured to support multithreading. Big code cleanup with performance improvements. Memcached now collects eviction and per-object-type statistics. - synced with memcached-unstable ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 5 23:06:59 CET 2006 - mrueckert@suse.de - Update to version 1.2.1: o mainly fixes a stability issue reported on the mailinglist o a few optimization fixes - removed autoreconf -fi for now - build debuginfo ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 15 16:18:18 CET 2006 - mrueckert@suse.de - added Conflicts: memcached-unstable ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 12 18:54:14 CET 2006 - lmuelle@suse.de - Fix typo in sysconfig file. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 10 12:00:00 CET 2006 - mrueckert@suse.de - Update to version 1.1.13: o test suite (make test) o better libevent detection o 64 bit support (passes test suite at least now) o off-by-one errors in expirations fixed o bug fixes o start of "vbuckets" project. instead of clients hashing a key onto a memcached instance, they map onto one of 16k or so virtual bucket numbers, each bucket of which is owned by an instance and w/ a particular generation number. no client or tracker exists yet, but low-level stuff is there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 25 21:38:14 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 18 15:59:43 CEST 2005 - mrueckert@suse.de - Initial package with version 1.1.12