Martin Wilck
Accepting request 828297 from home:mwilck:branches:Base:System
- Update to version 0.8.4+167+suse.70bef90:
Pull in reviewed upstream changes
- Bug fixes
* libmultipath: add consistency check for alias settings (bsc#1172429)
* libmultipath: select_action(): don't drop map if alias clashes (bsc#1172429)
* libmultipath: refuse reloading an existing map with different WWID
* libmultipath: select_action(): force udev reload for uninitialized maps
* multipathd: uev_trigger(): handle incomplete ADD events (bsc#1172157)
* improve logging for failure to set dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1173060, bsc#1173064)
* libmultipath: add device to hwtable.c (bsc#1174026)
- New features
* multipath: add -D option to skip multipathd delegation
* multipath: delegate flushing maps to multipathd
* multipathd: add "del maps" multipathd command
- Other changes
* cleanup disassemble_map() code path
* multipath-tools: introduce INIT_REMOVED state
* logging improvements
* fix "multipathd show devices"
* libmultipath: remove uevent listener failback
* libmultipath: create bitfield abstraction
* libmultipath: count pending paths as active on loads
* kpartx: handle alternate bsd disklabel location
- Lots of minor fixes and cleanups
- Spec file: use %service_del_postun_without_restart macro
2020-08-20 19:56:02 +00:00 |