#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This script changes the definite article of ProductName use strict; use File::Copy; my $args = join ' ', @ARGV; # start to cound dictionary sources from a non-zero value my $sources_counter = 1000; # FIXME: we need a global variable to pass the data to the sort function my $pdata_sort = undef; ############################################################ # loading data ############################################################ sub save_locale_data($$$) { my ($pdata, $locale, $pld) = @_; my @conditions = (); push @conditions, $pld->{'condition_tag'} if (defined $pld->{'condition_tag'}); push @conditions, 'default'; # default pack suffix unless (defined $pld->{'default'}{'pack_suffix'}) { $pld->{'default'}{'pack_suffix'} = lc $pld->{'default'}{'language'}; $pld->{'default'}{'pack_suffix'} =~ s/\s+/\-/g; } # default provided lang unless (defined $pld->{'default'}{'prov_lang'}) { $pld->{'default'}{'prov_lang'} = $locale; $pld->{'default'}{'prov_lang'} =~ s/_.*//; } # required tags: # source is not required because one source tarball might provide more dictionaries # license die "Error: license tag is not defined for the locale $locale, line $.\n" unless (defined $pld->{'default'}{'license'}); # version foreach my $condition_tag (@conditions) { die "Error: version tag is not defined for the locale $locale, line $.\n" unless (defined $pld->{$condition_tag}{'version'}); } # finally save the locale data $pdata->{'dict'}{$locale} = $pld; # udpate the list of used licenses (for source package foreach my $condition_tag (@conditions) { if (defined $pld->{$condition_tag}{'license'}) { foreach my $license (@{$pld->{$condition_tag}{'license'}}) { $pdata->{'license'}{$license} = 1; } } } } sub add_condition_tag($$$) { my ($pld, $locale, $condition_tag) = @_; if ($condition_tag ne 'default') { if (defined $pld->{'condition_tag'}) { die "Error: Only one condition is supported for one dictionary, line $.\n" if ($pld->{'condition_tag'} ne $condition_tag); } else { $pld->{'condition_tag'} = $condition_tag; % {$pld->{$condition_tag}} = (); } } else { % {$pld->{'default'}} = () unless (defined $pld->{'default'}); } } sub save_locale_data_string($$$$$) { my ($pld, $locale, $condition_tag, $tag, $value) = @_; add_condition_tag($pld, $locale, $condition_tag); die "Error: Tag $tag defined twice, line $.\n" if (defined $pld->{$condition_tag}{$tag}); $pld->{$condition_tag}{$tag} = $value; } sub add_locale_data_list($$$$$) { my ($pld, $locale, $condition_tag, $tag, $value) = @_; add_condition_tag($pld, $locale, $condition_tag); foreach my $item ( split(/,\s*/, $value) ) { if ( $tag eq 'types' && ! ($item =~ m/^(myspell|hunspell|hyphen|thesaurus)$/) ) { print STDERR "Warning: unknown type $item on line $.\n"; } @ {$pld->{$condition_tag}{$tag}} = () unless (defined $pld->{$condition_tag}{$tag}); push @ {$pld->{$condition_tag}{$tag}}, $item; } } sub read_data($$) { my ($pdata, $data_file) = @_; my $curLang; my $locale = undef; # pointer to locale data my $pld = undef; my $condition = undef; my $condition_dict = undef; my $condition_tag = 'default'; my $condition_else = undef; my $condition_dict_was = undef; open DATA , "< $data_file" or die "Can't open '$data_file'\n"; while( my $line = <DATA>){ chomp $line; # ignore comments $line =~ s/#.*$//; # print "just empty line?\n"; # empty line if ( $line =~ m/^\w*$/ ) { next; } # %if if ( $line =~ m/^(\%if.*)$/ ) { die "Error: FIXME: %if with more levels are not supported, line $.\n" if (defined $condition || defined $condition_else || $condition_tag ne 'default'); $condition = "$1"; next; } # %else if ( $line =~ m/^\%else\s*$/ ) { die "Error: No %if defined for %else at line $.\n" unless ($condition_tag ne 'default'); $condition_tag = 'default'; $condition_else = 1; next; } # %endif if ( $line =~ m/^\%endif\s*$/ ) { die "Error: Define the default doctionary using %else, line $.\n" if ($condition_tag ne 'default'); if (defined $condition_else) { $condition_else = undef; } elsif (defined $condition_dict) { $condition_dict = undef; # the next line must define another dictionary (=> the locale: tag must follow) $condition_dict_was = 1; } else { die "Error: %endif does not match %if at line $.\n"; } next; } # tags if ( $line =~ m/^(\w+):\s*(.*)$/ ) { # support uppercase tag names my $tag = lc($1); my $value = $2; # remove blank characters from the end of the value $value =~ s/\s*$//; die "Error: no value defined for the tag $tag, line $.\n" unless ($value); if ( $tag eq 'locale' ) { die "Error: locale $value already defined earlier, line $.\n" if ( defined ($pdata->{'dict'}{$value}) ); # a section for new language starts => save the old data save_locale_data($pdata, $locale, $pld) if defined ($locale); $locale = $value; % {$pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}} = (); $pld = \% {$pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}}; if (defined $condition) { $condition_dict = $condition; $pld->{'contition_dict'} = $condition; $condition = undef; } # good, this was the right place to put the %endif for the whole dictionary $condition_dict_was = undef; next; } if (defined $condition_dict_was) { die "Error: %endif on wrong place, line $.\n" . " You either need to put %if-%endif are the whole dictionary or you must\n" . " use :%if-%else-%endif to define a specific dictionary for a specific\n" . " distribution, line\n"; } if (defined $condition) { $condition_tag = $condition; $condition = undef; } if ( $tag eq 'encoding' || $tag eq 'language' || $tag eq 'pack_suffix' || $tag eq 'prov_lang' || $tag eq 'source' || $tag eq 'url' || $tag eq 'version' ) { save_locale_data_string($pld, $locale, $condition_tag, $tag, $value); next; } if ( $tag eq 'dependency' || $tag eq 'license' || $tag eq 'types' || $tag eq 'prep' ) { add_locale_data_list($pld, $locale, $condition_tag, $tag, $value); next; } } die "Synrax error in $data_file, line $.\n"; } save_locale_data($pdata, $locale, $pld) if defined ($locale); close(DATA); } ############################################################ # writing sections ############################################################ ################################## # conditional lines sub write_conditional_prep_hack($$$) { my ($pld, $locale, $condition_tag) = @_; my $out = ""; foreach my $hack (@{$pld->{$condition_tag}{'prep'}}) { $out .= "$hack\n"; } return $out; } sub write_conditional_version_definition($$$) { my ($pld, $locale, $condition_tag) = @_; my $out = ""; $out .= "\%define ${locale}_version $pld->{$condition_tag}{'version'}\n" if (defined $pld->{$condition_tag}{'version'}); return $out; } sub write_conditional_sources_unpack($$$) { my ($pld, $locale, $condition_tag) = @_; my $out = ""; $out .= " \%\{S:$pld->{$condition_tag}{'source_number'}\} \\\n" if (defined $pld->{$condition_tag}{'source_number'}); } sub write_conditional_encoding($$$) { my ($pld, $locale, $condition_tag) = @_; my $out = ""; $out .= " \"${locale}\") coding=\"$pld->{$condition_tag}{'encoding'}\" ;;\n" if (defined $pld->{$condition_tag}{'encoding'}); return $out; } ############################## # simple sections sub write_do_not_edit_section($) { my $out = "###################################################################\n" . "## DO NOT EDIT THIS SPEC FILE\n" . "## Generated by:\n" . "## perl myspell-dictionaries-gen-spec $args\n" . "###################################################################"; return $out; } sub write_all_licenses_section($) { my ($pdata) = @_; my @licenses = sort (keys %{$pdata->{'license'}}); my $out = join " and ", @licenses; return $out; } ############################## # all langs sections sub write_sources_section($$) { my ($pdata, $locale) = @_; my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}}; my $out = ""; my @conditions = (); push @conditions, $pld->{'condition_tag'} if (defined $pld->{'condition_tag'}); push @conditions, 'default'; foreach my $condition_tag (@conditions) { if (defined $pld->{$condition_tag}{'source'}) { $pld->{$condition_tag}{'source_number'} = $sources_counter++; $out .= "Source$pld->{$condition_tag}{'source_number'}: $pld->{$condition_tag}{'source'}\n"; } } return $out; } sub write_lang_name_section($$) { my ($pdata, $locale) = @_; my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}}; my $out = ""; $out .= " \"${locale}\") lang_name=\"$pld->{'default'}{'pack_suffix'}\" ;;\n" if (defined $pld->{'default'}{'pack_suffix'}); return $out; } sub write_encoding_section($$) { my ($pdata, $locale) = @_; my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}}; my $out = ""; my $condition_tag = undef; $condition_tag = $pld->{'condition_tag'} if (defined $pld->{'condition_tag'}); if ((defined $pld->{'default'}{'encoding'}) || (defined $condition_tag && defined $pld->{$condition_tag}{'encoding'})) { $out .= write_conditional_lines($pld, $locale, \&write_conditional_encoding, 1); } return $out; } ############################## # optional langs sections sub write_metadata_section($$) { my ($pdata, $locale) = @_; my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}}; my $out = ""; my $condition_tag = undef; $condition_tag = $pld->{'condition_tag'} if (defined $pld->{'condition_tag'}); $out .= write_conditional_lines($pld, $locale, \&write_conditional_version_definition, 0); $out .= "\%package -n myspell-$pld->{'default'}{'pack_suffix'}\n"; if (defined $condition_tag) { $out .= "Version: %${locale}_version\n"; } else { $out .= "Version: $pld->{'default'}{'version'}\n"; } $out .= "Release: 0\n"; $out .= "Summary: $pld->{'default'}{'language'} Dictionary for MySpell\n"; $out .= "License: " . join (" and ", @{$pld->{'default'}{'license'}}) . "\n"; $out .= "Group: Productivity/Text/Spell\n"; $out .= "Provides: myspell-dictionary\n"; $out .= "Provides: ooo-dictionaries:/usr/lib/ooo-1.1/share/dict/ooo/${locale}.dic\n"; $out .= "Provides: locale(OpenOffice_org:$pld->{'default'}{'prov_lang'})\n"; $out .= "Provides: locale(libreoffice:$pld->{'default'}{'prov_lang'})\n"; $out .= "Provides: locale(seamonkey-spellchecker:$pld->{'default'}{'prov_lang'})\n"; if (defined $pld->{'default'}{'dependency'}) { foreach my $dep (@{$pld->{'default'}{'dependency'}}) { $out .= "$dep\n"; } } $out .= "\n"; $out .= "%description -n myspell-$pld->{'default'}{'pack_suffix'}\n"; $out .= "The $pld->{'default'}{'language'} dictionary for MySpell.\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "MySpell dictionaries are compatible with MySpell and Hunspell spell-checker.\n"; $out .= "They are used by various desktop applications, for example, LibreOffice,\n"; $out .= "Mozilla Thunderbird, and Mozilla Firefox.\n"; return $out; } sub write_sources_unpack_section($$) { my ($pdata, $locale) = @_; my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}}; return write_conditional_lines($pld, $locale, \&write_conditional_sources_unpack, 1); } # dict-specific hacks in the %prep section sub write_prep_hacks_section($$) { my ($pdata, $locale) = @_; my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}}; my $out = ""; my $condition_tag = undef; $condition_tag = $pld->{'condition_tag'} if (defined $pld->{'condition_tag'}); if ((defined $pld->{'default'}{'prep'}) || (defined $condition_tag && defined $pld->{$condition_tag}{'prep'})) { $out .= write_conditional_lines($pld, $locale, \&write_conditional_prep_hack, 1); } return $out; } sub write_files_section($$) { my ($pdata, $locale) = @_; my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}}; return "\%files -f ${locale}.list -n myspell-$pld->{'default'}{'pack_suffix'}\n"; } ######################################################## # universal writing functions sub sort_dictionaries() { # sort the dictionaries by the package name $pdata_sort->{'dict'}{$a}->{'default'}{'pack_suffix'} cmp $pdata_sort->{'dict'}{$b}->{'default'}{'pack_suffix'}; } # the text is different on different distributions sub write_conditional_lines($$$$) { my ($pld, $locale, $write_conditional_lines, $write_default ) = @_; my $out = ""; my $condition_tag = undef; $condition_tag = $pld->{'condition_tag'} if (defined $pld->{'condition_tag'}); my $conditional_lines = ""; $conditional_lines = & {$write_conditional_lines} ($pld, $locale, $condition_tag) if (defined $condition_tag); my $default_lines = & {$write_conditional_lines} ($pld, $locale, 'default'); # write the %if, %else, %endif liens only when the condition is defined and something to write is defined my $write_condition = undef; $write_condition = 1 if ($condition_tag && ($conditional_lines || $default_lines)); if ($write_condition) { $out .= "$pld->{'condition_tag'}\n"; $out .= $conditional_lines; $out .= "\%else\n"; } if ($write_condition || $write_default) { $out .= & {$write_conditional_lines} ($pld, $locale, 'default'); } if ($write_condition) { $out .= "\%endif\n"; } return $out; } # the text is repeated for each locale # it is used only for selected distributions # entire dictionary is disabled on some distributions sub write_locale_sections_optional($$$) { my ($pdata, $write_section, $delimiter) = @_; my $out = ""; $pdata_sort = $pdata; foreach my $locale (sort sort_dictionaries keys %{$pdata->{'dict'}}) { $out .= "$pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}->{'contition_dict'}\n" if (defined $pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}->{'contition_dict'}); $out .= & {$write_section} ($pdata, $locale); $out .= "\%endif\n" if (defined $pdata->{'dict'}{$locale}->{'contition_dict'}); $out .= "$delimiter"; } return $out; } # the text is repeated for each locale # it is used on all distributions sub write_locale_sections($$) { my ($pdata, $write_section) = @_; my $out = ""; $pdata_sort = $pdata; foreach my $locale (sort sort_dictionaries keys %{$pdata->{'dict'}}) { $out .= & {$write_section} ($pdata, $locale); } return $out; } # the text is not repeated for each locale sub write_simple_section($$) { my ($pdata, $write_section) = @_; return & {$write_section} ($pdata); } sub write_spec($$) { my ($pdata, $spec_template) = @_; my $all_licenses = write_simple_section ($pdata, \&write_all_licenses_section); my $do_not_edit = write_simple_section ($pdata, \&write_do_not_edit_section); my $sources = write_locale_sections ($pdata, \&write_sources_section); my $metadata = write_locale_sections_optional ($pdata, \&write_metadata_section, "\n\n\n"); my $sources_unpack = write_locale_sections_optional ($pdata, \&write_sources_unpack_section, ""); my $prep_hacks = write_locale_sections_optional ($pdata, \&write_prep_hacks_section, ""); my $lang_name = write_locale_sections ($pdata, \&write_lang_name_section); my $encoding = write_locale_sections ($pdata, \&write_encoding_section); my $files = write_locale_sections_optional ($pdata, \&write_files_section, "\n"); my $spec = $spec_template; $spec =~ s/.in$//; print "Generating $spec...\n"; open TEMPLATE , "< $spec_template" or die "Can't open '$spec_template'\n"; open SPEC , "> $spec" or die "Can't open '$spec for writing'\n"; while( my $line = <TEMPLATE>) { $line =~ s/\@ALL_LICENSES\@/$all_licenses/; $line =~ s/\@DO_NOT_EDIT_COMMENT\@/$do_not_edit/; $line =~ s/\@SOURCES\@/$sources/; $line =~ s/\@METADATA\@/$metadata/; $line =~ s/\@SOURCES_UNPACK@/$sources_unpack/; $line =~ s/\@PREP_HACKS@/$prep_hacks/; $line =~ s/\@LANG_NAME@/$lang_name/; $line =~ s/\@ENCODING@/$encoding/; $line =~ s/\@FILES@/$files/; print SPEC $line; } close(TEMPLATE); close(SPEC); } ############################################################ # main stuff ############################################################ sub usage() { print "This tool generates the help spec files\n\n" . "Usage:\n". "\tmyspell-dictionaries-gen-spec [--help] spec_template.in data_file\n\n"; } # info about data structure # it is a hash, keys introduce perl-like structure items: # 'dict' ... hash; key is the primary locale for the given dictioanry, e.g. "en_US" # the value is hash that store an information about ech dictionary using # tags; the known tags are: # 'language' hash(*) of string; language name, e.g Catalan, German, Norwegian Bokmaal # 'pack_suffix' hash(*) of string; package name is normaly defined by the language name (lowercase, # underscore instread of space); you might define a non-standard one # using this tag, e.g norsk-bokmaal for Norwegian Bokmaal # 'prov_lang' hash(*) of string; most dictionaries provides the language defined by the locale; # you might force the full locale using this tag; just mention # the full locale here again, e.g. de_DE vs de_AT # 'version' hash(*) of string; package version, e.g. 2.1.5 # 'source' hash(*) of string; source file name, e.g. catalan.oxt # 'source_number' hash(*) of integers; number of the source file, e.g. 1000, 1001, 1002 # 'license' hash(*) of array of strings; comma separated list of dictionary licenses, e.g. GPLv2, LGPLv2.1 # 'types' hash(*) of array of strings; comma separated list of included dictionary types; possible values are: # myspell, hunspell, hyphen, thesaurus # 'url' hash(*) of string; url where the dictionary sources was taken from, e.g. # http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/dict-catalan # 'encoding' hash(*) of string; documentation files in non-UTF-8 enconding should be recoded; the original # encoding is guessed from the locale; you might define another encoding # here, e.g. ISO-8859-1 # 'depdendency' hash(*) of array of strings; extra dependency, e,g. Conflicts: myspell-german-old # 'prep' hash(*) of array of strings; extra hacks for the %prep section # # the above tags are taken from the data file; the hash also support some extra keys: # 'contition_dict' string; defines a condition under which the dictionary is packaged, e.g. %if %suse_version <= 1120 # 'license' ... hash; key is the license used for a dictionary, e.g. LGPLv2; it is used to generate # licenses for the source package # # hash(*) of ... - key is the condition under which the tag is defined; it is usually used to define a special tag # for another distro; the key 'default' defines tags for the default distro, ... my %data; my $spec_template; my $data_file; my $help; for my $arg (@ARGV) { if ($arg eq '--help' || $arg eq '-h') { usage; exit 0; } else { -f $arg || die "Error: The file does not exist: $arg\n"; if (! defined $spec_template) { $spec_template = $arg; } elsif (! defined $data_file) { $data_file = $arg; } else { die "Error: Too many arguments!\n"; } } } die "Error: Spec file template is not defined, try --help" unless (defined $spec_template); die "Error: Data file is not defined, try --help" unless (defined $data_file); read_data(\%data, $data_file); write_spec(\%data, $spec_template);