2008-04-12 19:12:44 +00:00
Thu Apr 11 23:37:00 EDT 2008 - hfiguiere@suse.de
- Build with ghex to support the memory view.
- Add libgtop-devel as a requires for the devel package.
2008-04-08 22:35:08 +00:00
Mon Apr 7 17:20:27 EDT 2008 - hfiguiere@suse.de
- Update to 0.5.2
* fix an infinite loop when parsing an output record having a
line starting with '='
* support setting breakpoints on functions that are in
not-yet-loaded shared libraries.
* Nemiver doesn't propose to stop the debugging application (bgo#526291)
- Add glib2-devel to the Requires for the -devel package
Thu Apr 3 15:43:17 EDT 2008 - hfiguiere@suse.de
- Initial checkin