
91 lines
3.7 KiB

Thu Sep 04 14:03:47 EDT 2008 -
- Update to 0.6.2
+ conditional breakpoints
+ bgo#548121 - String search not available when program is not running
+ bgo#548118 - Select new node on dereferencing
+ bgo#523377 - first-run prints sql-related errors to console
+ bgo#545842 - Missing shortcut to set a breakpoint in current file
+ bgo#547169 - Set breakpoint to selected function name by default
+ fix boost unit test static library detection
+ fix a configure help string
+ Update website references to point to the new location
+ Translation updates
Wed Jul 30 14:03:47 EDT 2008 -
- Update to 0.6.1
* conditional breakpoints
* arbitrary function calls
* various code cleanups
* add --version command line switch
* support running from other directories dans srcdir
* bgo#515525 - Arrow keys don't work to navigate through source file
* bgo#396277 - implement lazy evaluation of status widgets
* bgo#543798 - don't pop up 'reload file' dialog all the time
* bgo#543797 - display a meaningful error when inferior is not found
* bgo#545211 - Bad index management when closing a tab
* bgo#540934 - documentation docbook XML compliance
* on going HIG compliance assurance
* add preferences for controlling behaviour or reloading source files
Sat Jun 21 15:07:55 EDT 2008 -
- Update to 0.5.4
* many compilation fixes
* bgo#537281 unable to open some files because their encoding is not known
* bgo#539109 can't stop running inferior
* bgo#499873 Variable 'this' not found
* bgo#539311 - rhythmbox can loads its plugins under nemiver
* bgo#534990 - don't install libnemivercommon.pc
* bgo#535359 "Clicking on current stack frame should show the correct
source line in the editor"
* Updated po and oc translations
Sat Jun 7 10:56:30 EDT 2008 -
- Fix build for 10.3 in OBS
Fri Jun 6 19:26:50 EDT 2008 -
- Update to 0.5.3
* bgo#526696 "Detach from the running program" not properly unsensitived"
* bgo#526866 breakpoint parsing failures
* bgo#526826 missing dependency in .pc file
* bgo#527696 nemiver --help only shows libgnome related help messages
* bgo#526863 Parsing error leaves nemiver in unusable state
* bgo#527796 remove libgnome dependency
* bgo#482806 Debugger state and Menu item sensitivity problems
* bgo#534619 Once detached of a program, you're not sure you're really disconnected
* add -Wl,--as-needed link flag for DSOs
* properly set memory editor sensitivity when debugger is running
* remove obsolete fields from nemiver.desktop file
Thu Apr 11 23:37:00 EDT 2008 -
- Build with ghex to support the memory view.
- Add libgtop-devel as a requires for the devel package.
Mon Apr 7 17:20:27 EDT 2008 -
- Update to 0.5.2
* fix an infinite loop when parsing an output record having a
line starting with '='
* support setting breakpoints on functions that are in
not-yet-loaded shared libraries.
* Nemiver doesn't propose to stop the debugging application (bgo#526291)
- Add glib2-devel to the Requires for the -devel package
Thu Apr 3 15:43:17 EDT 2008 -
- Initial checkin