9900b27807- version update to 11.2.0 * jpegtopnm: Add -traceexif * pbmtextps: Add -asciihex, -ascii85. * pcdovtoppm: remove dependency on obsolete 'tempfile' program. * jpegtopnm: Many fixes to -dumpexif. Always broken. (-dumpexif was new in Netpbm 9.18 (September 2001)) * pamtopng: fix -chroma option: always rejected. Always broken. (pamtopng was new in Netpbm 10.70 (June 2015)). * pnmtopng: fix -rgb option: always rejected. Always broken (-rgb was new in Netpbm 10.30 (October 2005)). * build: change the way you add the separately distributed 'hpcdtoppm' code to the build. * lot of changes since last version update, see https://sourceforge.net/p/netpbm/code/HEAD/tree/advanced/doc/HISTORY - modified patches % netpbm-gcc-warnings.patch (refreshed) % netpbm-security-code.patch (refreshed) % netpbm-security-scripts.patch (refreshed) - deleted patches - netpbm-tmpfile.patch (upstreamed) - ppmforge-fix-overflow.patch (upstreamed) - signed-char.patch (upstreamed)Petr Gajdos2023-06-23 09:18:14 +00:00
3531121433- version update to 10.98.2 palmtopnm: Fix failure with bogus claim of invalid input on architectures that do not use two's complement negative numbers. Always broken. (Ability to convert PackBits input was new in Netpbm 10.27 (March 2005). pnmgamma -srgbtobt709, -bt709tosrgb: fix bug; incorrect output. Always broken (These options were new in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006)). Thanks Alexander Shpilkin <ashpilkin@gmail.com>. pamdice: Fix incorrect output file name with PAM input. Always broken (pamdice was new in Netpbm 9.25 (March 2002). pamtopdbimg: Add -fixedtime. ppmfade: Use temporary files securely. pnmtosir: Set some possibly meaningless bits in output to zero so output is repeatable. pamx: Fix bug: top-justifies image in all cases where it should bottom-justify. Always broken. (pamx was new in Netpbm 10.34 (June 2006). pnmtorle: Fix bug: -h works only on first image. pamsistoaglyph: Fix invalid memory reference and incorrect output on depth 1 input. Always broken. (pamsistoaglyph was new in Netpbm 10.47 (June 2009). Thanks Scott Pakin. pambayer: Fix bogus colors at edges. Always Broken (pambayer was new in Release 10.30 (October 2005)). libnetpbm, various programs: fix bug: bogus warning that a color specified on command line cannot be represented exactly with the maxval being used. Introduced in Netpbm 10.83 (June 2018). pnmtopsnr: Fix typo in error message. Always broken (pnmpsnr was new in Netpbm 9.6 (July 2000). ppmtoilbm: Remove -floyd (aka -fs) option, which hasn't worked in a long time if ever and is inappropriate function for thisPetr Gajdos2022-05-30 14:58:55 +00:00
858b8422cb- version update to 10.96.4 palmtopnm: Fix bug: fails with PackBits input on platform with default unsigned char, such as ppc64. Always broken. (Ability to convert PackBits input was new in Netpbm 10.27 (March 2005). sunicontopnm, escp2topbm, mgrtopbm, ybmtopbm, pamcut, pbmpscale, pnmcat, pnmpad: Fix arithmetic overrun with ridiculously large image. pamrubber: Fix bug: random behavior with -quad when you specify both points for source or target and the second one is lower in the image than the first. Always broken (Pamrubber was new in Netpbm 10.54 (March 2011)). libnetpbm: When validating computable size of width and height, allow for adding up to 10 instead of 2, to account for rounding up to a multiple of 8 in processing bit maps. pamtogif: Fix bug: doesn't ignore the input alpha mask when user specified -transparent. Broken in Netpbm 10.37 (December 2006). pgmtoppm: Eliminate dependency on color dictionary when user does not specify any colors by name. pamstereogram: Fix crash with -xbegin=0. Thanks Scott Pakin. Introduced in Netpbm 10.94. pamtopng: Fix rejection of all BLACKANDWHITE_ALPHA images with message about wrong depth. Always broken (pamtopng was new in Netpbm 10.71 (June 2015)). Thanks Karol Kosek <krkk@krkk.ct8.pl>. pamtopng: Fix failure with GRAYSCALE_ALPHA images with maxval less than 255. Always broken (pamtopng was new in Netpbm 10.71 (June 2015)). Thanks Karol Kosek <krkk@krkk.ct8.pl>. pamtopng: Fix: treats all tuple types that start with BLA as BLACKANDWHITE. Always broken (pamtopng was new in Netpbm 10.71 (June 2015)).Petr Gajdos2021-12-13 12:35:32 +00:00
c901087b52- version update to 10.88.1 * anytopnm: Fix unpredictable behavior when file name contains spaces. pnmquant: Fail if user specifies more than one of -meanpixel, -meancolor, and -center, rather than just pick one. * pnmremap: Don't output any part of the image if program fails because the maxval of input and map file do not match, in a case where matching maxval is required, i.e. the user specified -firstisdefault or -missingcolor. * ppmhist: sort secondarily by RGB with -sort=frequency, so output is repeatable. * pnmcolormap: Add -splitpix, -splitcol, -splitdim. Thanks Vladislav Zavjalov. * pbmtext: fix erroneous failure message with long input text. * jpeg2ktopam, pamtojpeg2k: fix negative array index. Always broken (pamtojpeg2k was new in Netpbm 10.12 (November 2002)). * jpeg2ktopam, pamtojpeg2k: fix assertion failure. Always broken (pamtojpeg2k was new in Netpbm 10.12 (November 2002)). * jpeg2ktopam: Fix memory leak after decoder failure. Always broken (pamtojpeg2k was new in Netpbm 10.12 (November 2002)). * jpeg2ktopam: fix null pointer dereference. Always broken (pamtojpeg2k was new in Netpbm 10.12 (November 2002)). * pnmtorle, rletopnm: fix wild pointer dereference when memory allocation fails. Always broken (programs were added to Netpbm in Release 9.0 (April 2000). * pamsumm: Fix bug: with -mean and a conflicting option such as -sum, the program ignores one of the options. It should fail. Always broken (pamsumm was new in Netpbm 10.21 (March 2004). pamfind: Add -machine . * Multiple: fix bug: when you specify the same option twice, youPetr Gajdos2019-12-20 12:52:51 +00:00
9ff568f058- version update to 10.86.3 * pnmtopng: Fix bug: Defaults to no filters. Should be all filters. Effect is larger PNG output. Broken after Netpbm 10.26 (January 2005) but no later than Netpbm 10.35 (August 2006). * pnmtopng: Fix bug: Doesn't allow multiple filter options. Broken after Netpbm 10.26 (January 2005) but no later than Netpbm 10.35 (August 2006). * pnmcrop: Don't allow -borderfile with -reportXXX. It doesn't work. * pnmcrop: fix bug: -bgcolor doesn't work. Always present (-bgcolor was introduced in Netpbm 10.86 (March 2019)). * pnmcrop: fix bug: incorrect identification of background with -bgcolor and PBM or PGM image. Always present (-bgcolor was introduced in Netpbm 10.86 (March 2019)). * Add pamfind. * Add pambrighten. * Add pamhue. * pnmcrop: Add -bg-color, bg-corner, -reportfull, -reportsize, -blank-image . * pamtopng: Add -interlace . * pamenlarge: Add -scale, -xscale, -yscale . * pamenlarge: Much faster for PBM with xscale factor above 10; slightly faster for xscale factor 2-10. * pamfile: Add -machine and -size . * pamscale: Add -reportonly * pamstretch-gen: Add -quiet, -plain. * pamstretch-gen: Use -dropedge on the 'pamstretch' piece for better looking output. * pamstretch: Accept scale factor of 1 as a parameter (alreadyPetr Gajdos2019-05-14 09:30:03 +00:00
03b981cf1aAccepting request 662222 from home:jengelh:branches:graphicsPetr Gajdos2019-01-02 07:12:27 +00:00
01861b371c- updated to 10.85.00 * pnmpaste: Add -nand, -nor, and -nxor. * pamcut: add -cropleft, -cropright, -croptop, -cropbottom. * ppmtobmp: respect -bpp with PBM input. * bmptopnm: allow single color colormap with bpp 1. * bmptopnm: validate plane count = 1. * bmptopnm: Add RLE4 compression decoding. This was ostensibly added in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006), but never worked. * Add pammixmulti. Thanks Scott Pakin (scott+pbm@pakin.org). * pamtotga: Add -cmap16 . * pamtris: Add -rgb, -grayscale. Add w parameter to vertex instructions. Fix perspective correctness. Thanks Lucas Brunno Luna <lucaslunar32@hotmail.com>. * picttoppm: accept rectangle specifications in input that have the corners in any order, not just upper left, then lower right. * pamtotga: identify compressed colormapped format in error message saying the program doesn't know how to interpret it. * pamtotga: Ignore extra planes in black and white or grayscale input instead of generating junk output. * bmptopnm: Fix wrong output for non-colormapped OS2 BMP. Broken in Netpbm 10.18 (September 2003). * bmptopnm: Fix array bounds violation when index value in raster is too big. Broken after Netpbm 10.11 (October 2002) but before 10.19 (November 2003). - modified patches * netpbm-gcc-warnings.patch * netpbm-security-code.patchPetr Gajdos2018-12-31 17:20:28 +00:00
cd71c013fb- updated to 10.82.2 * Pngtopam: Fix bogus warning of non-square pixels when image does not contain pixel resolution information. Introduced in Netpbm 10.48 (September 2009) * ilbmtoppm: Fix bug: may fail with bogus error message about an invalid CLUT chunk if image has a CLUT chunk. Introduced after Netpbm 10.26 (January 2005) and at or before Netpbm 10.35 (August 2006). * pbmtext: Add -wchar. * pbmtext: Add -text-dump option. * ppmhist: Add color summary to top of output, (except with -noheader). * pnmremap: Add -randomseed. * pnmquant: Add -norandom, -randomseed. * pamtogif: Add -noclear option. * giftopnm: Check "data width" value from GIF image properly: can't be bigger than 11, because the minimum code size is one more than the data width and the maximum code size is 12. (Note that GIF spec prohibits anything more than 8). * pnmpsnr: Add -targetX options. * ppmrainbow: Add "ppmrainbow: " to error messages, like other programs. * ppmrainbow: improve error message. * g3topbm: Fix bug - produces invalid empty PBM image if input image is empty. * ppmpat: Fix bug - crash or junk output with -camo or -anticamo and no -color. Introduced in Netpbm 10.78 (March 2017). * mrftopbm: Fix bug - wrong error messages or output when input invalidly short. Always broken (mrftopbm was new in Netpbm 10.18 (September 2003).Petr Gajdos2018-06-27 11:42:32 +00:00
1408ad3c17- updated to 10.80.1 * pnmtopalm: Refuse to create a compressed image with more than 8 bits per pixel. * pbmtext, libnetpbm font facilities: allow glyphs in font files that have no bitmap data; just used for their advance value to code a space. * pbmtext: Improve error message when there is a problem reading the font file. * libnetpbm font facilities: consider font invalid if a glyph is more than 65536 pixels high or wide. * ppmshadow: handle images with a black background and low contrast images (i.e. little difference between foreground and background). * ppmbrighten: fix bug: red pixels change hue. Introduced in after Netpbm 10.11 (October 2002) and before Netpbm 10.18 (September 2003). * palmtopnm: fix crash if invalid input contains color index that is not in the palette. Always broken (palmtopnm was new in Netpbm 9.10 (October 2001)). * pnmtopalm: fix incorrect output with certain input files and -packbits_compression. Always broken. -packbits_compression was new in Netpbm 10.27 (March 2005). * pnmtopalm: Correct error message recommending running pnmquant when the real solution is to run pnmremap to modify the image to Palm standard colors. * pnmtopalm: Fix bug causing "color not in colormap" failure with -colormap and maxval other than 255. * libnetpbm: font facilities: fix invalid memory reference with certain font files. * libnetpbm: ppm_readcolordict: Improve error message when there isPetr Gajdos2017-12-18 13:36:07 +00:00
d758572441Accepting request 513822 from home:scarabeus_iv:branches:graphicsMarcus Meissner2017-08-03 08:14:00 +00:00
81b7f37358Accepting request 509659 from home:scarabeus_iv:branches:graphics
OBS User mrdocs
2017-07-14 23:48:15 +00:00
5af1a34b9d- updated to 10.78.5 * pamgauss: Fix skewed output with even dimension. * bmptopnm: fix crash when input is a Windows BMP with negative number for width.Petr Gajdos2017-06-09 06:12:15 +00:00
8fd70d3fc9- updated to 10.78.4 * pamcrater: fix incorrect output with non-square image. * libnetpbm: fix bug: pm_system_XXX closes Standard Input if you supply a Standard Output accepter but not a Standard Input feeder. * fix incorrect output with -mixtransparency. * pamcomp: remove debug trace message with -mixtransparency. * pnmtojpeg: fix array bounds violation in argument list. * ppmpat: Add -color. * ppmpat: Add -argyle1, -argyle2. * pnmtotiff: Fail with -miniswhite or -minisblack on color image rather than produce an invalid TIFF. * tifftopnmcmyk: Default rows per strip to the TIFF library default instead of whatever yields 8K strips. * tifftonm: Fix incorrect PBM output with two-color paletted TIFF image. * tifftopnm: Fix memory corruption when image is more pixels than can be represented as a C unsigned integer. * tifftopnmcmyk: Fix bug: fails with very wide images and no -rowsperstrip. * svgtopam: Fix crash when out of memory. * pnmcrop: Add -closeness * libnetpbm: ppmd_fill_path: remove debug trace. * pnmpad: Fix bug: incorrect output width. - removed netpbm-no-build-date.patch: not needed since: * --version global option: with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable, display source code datetime instead of build datetime.Petr Gajdos2017-06-06 07:25:29 +00:00
92333060fd- updated to 10.76.0 * pnmquantall: Fix failure when temporary file location is not the same filesystem as the output file. * pnmquantall: Fix incorrect handling of when the Pnmremap or the final rename fails. * giftopnm: Fix bug: crash on little-endian computers that can't toleration unaligned memory access. Thanks Ignatios Souvatzis (is@netbsd.org). Broken in Netpbm 10.47 (June 2009). * cmuwmtopbm: fix trivial memory leak. Always broken (cmuwmtopbm was in primordial Pbmplus, in 1988). * Build: tifftopnm.c: fix undefined WIFSIGNALED, etc.Petr Gajdos2016-11-22 10:32:48 +00:00
ac7e7e1e3c- updated to 10.70.4 * pambackground: fix bug: segfault or incorrect results in most cases. * ppmtoarbtxt: Fix some undefined behavior when program limits are exceeded. * anytopnm: convert all images in a multi-image GIF instead of just the first. * nmnorm: add -bsingle, -wsingle. * pamtosvg: fix use of unset variable; probably results in a crash. * pnmgamma -srgbtobt709, -bt709tosrgb: fix bug; incorrect output nearly always. * pamtilt: fix bug: unconditional crash. * pgmmorphconv: fix bug: always produces PGM Plain format. * giftopnm: Fix bug: crashes if purported GIF has neither a global color map nor a local one. * pgmmorphconv: add -gradient. * pnmhisteq: add -noblack and -nowhite. * tifftopnm: allow input file to be nonseekable. * Add yuy2topam. * Add pgmtosbig. * Add st4topgm, pgmtost4. * ppmtoarbtxt: fix bug: wrong output when high numbers represent darker. * ppmtorgb3: Fix buffer overflow with long input file name. * st4topgm: Fix bug: with no argument, uses file named "'" instead of Standard Input. * pnmconvol: Fix bug: wrong output for pixels that convolve to negative values (should be clipped to zero).Petr Gajdos2015-05-11 15:00:35 +00:00
0aceed133e- updated to 10.68.1 * pnmconvol: add -bias . * Remove pnmcomp, install a pnmcomp symlink for pamcomp. * Fix incorrect option parsing when there are multiple common options (e.g. -plain -quiet). * cameratopam: fix buffer overflow. * cameratopam: fix incorrect output. * ppmtopict: Fix unconditional crash.Petr Gajdos2014-11-19 09:19:38 +00:00
6503cfe7c6Accepting request 247961 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2014-09-10 05:27:47 +00:00
a5888035ac- updated to 10.67.4 * pcdovtoppm: Fix crash due to invalid operator == on some systems. * Fix incorrect option parsing when there are multiple common options (e.g. -plain -quiet). * sgitopnm: add ability to convert 2-channel SGI image. Thanks Prophet of the Way <afu@wta.att.ne.jp>. * etc. see HISTORY - modified patches: * netpbm-make.patch (refreshed) * netpbm-security-code.patch (refreshed)Petr Gajdos2014-09-08 08:18:02 +00:00
a556782863Accepting request 247934 from home:elvigia:branches:graphicsPetr Gajdos2014-09-08 07:52:06 +00:00
61f097e75bAccepting request 246972 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2014-09-01 05:55:50 +00:00
976df8c37aAccepting request 246947 from home:coolo:branches:openSUSE:Factory
Ismail Dönmez
2014-08-31 07:47:47 +00:00
c2c3a259e5Accepting request 238386 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2014-06-25 13:24:05 +00:00
1ccf4ea2c2- updated to 10.66.3 * sgitopnm: fix bug: no output if input is RLE compressed. * jpegtopnm -dumpexif: fix incorrect display of resolution. * jpegtopnm -dumpexif: fix truncated make, model, or datetime. * jpegtopnm -dumpexif: fix wild pointer with invalid EXIF data. * build fixesPetr Gajdos2014-06-23 13:55:03 +00:00
d93ebf244aAccepting request 228426 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2014-04-06 05:10:21 +00:00
e3e0985530- updated to 10.66.00 * Add pamvalidate. * Add pamfix: Does what pamfixtrunc did, plus repairs excessive sample values. * pgmramp: add -diagonal. * libnetpbm: Read functions validate that sample values do not exceed maxval. * etc. see HISTORY for detailsPetr Gajdos2014-04-01 11:34:57 +00:00
0f657b00f1Accepting request 208636 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2013-11-28 15:51:47 +00:00
35c220e8f5- updated to 10.64.04 * pnmtops: Fix bug: wrong output with -ascii85. Introduced in 10.63 (June 2013). * pnmtops: Fix bug: wrong output with -rle. Introduced in 10.63 (June 2013). * pnmtops: Fix bug: fails with message about waitpid() failing if invoked with SIGCHLD ignored. Introduced in 10.56 (September 2011). * pnmtops: Fix bug: closes Standard Error. Introduced in 10.64.02 (today). * pnmtops: Fix bug: program hangs if it inherits lots of open files. Introduced in 10.56 (September 2011). * pngtopam: fix bug: ignores -gamma. Introduced in 10.48 * see HISTORY for details - removed wordaccess-include-be.patch (upstreamed) - removed stdbool-after-jasper.patch (workaround not needed yet)Petr Gajdos2013-11-27 08:49:15 +00:00
4b8bcf5087Accepting request 202129 from graphics
Tomáš Chvátal
2013-10-04 13:59:10 +00:00
2f26ed8e86Accepting request 202090 from home:k0da:ppcPetr Gajdos2013-10-04 09:21:06 +00:00
50f7267eeeAccepting request 198433 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2013-09-11 10:56:46 +00:00
3313b2b0bb- updated to 10.63.01 * pngtopam: fix bug: ignores -gamma. Introduced in 10.48 (September 2009). * Add pamtowinicon, winicontopam. Thanks Ludolf Holzheid. * pgmnoise: add -maxval, speed up. Thanks Prophet of the Way. * etc. see doc/HISTORY - added stdbool-after-jasper.patch, to be removed in the next submission [bnc#839584]Petr Gajdos2013-09-11 08:12:35 +00:00
bfb35cee4f- added stdbool-after-jasper.patch, to be removed in the next submission [bnc#839584]Petr Gajdos2013-09-11 07:57:29 +00:00
18aa0c9221Accepting request 147393 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2013-01-08 13:33:18 +00:00