903996145c- Update to 10.61.01: * pamstereogram: change -guidesize default from 10 to 20 * pgmhist: Add -machine option. * pgmhist: Add -median, -quartile, and -decile options. * pamstereogram: Add -guidetop and -guidebottom options to replace trick where negative -guidesize means top, positive means bottom, absent means none. * pamstereogram: -smoothing smooths images even without -texfile. * pnmcat: set don't care bits in packed PBM output to zero so they are predictable. * etc. see doc/HISTORYPetr Gajdos2012-12-31 12:18:35 +00:00
29f1859526Accepting request 143834 from graphics
Ismail Dönmez
2012-12-05 13:00:55 +00:00
fb3d45037dAccepting request 143815 from home:adra:branches:graphicsMarcus Meissner2012-12-03 08:08:58 +00:00
9ad71efcebAccepting request 143395 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2012-11-29 08:24:54 +00:00
d69d1da134- updated to 10.60.03: * Xbmtopbm: fix incorrect output, memory leak. Thanks Prophet of the Way <afu@wta.att.ne.jp>. * Pamtojpeg2k: default to no compression ratio constraint and allow compression ratios less than 1. Because of compression metadata, small images do require loss of quality in order to get down to a compression ratio of 1. * Sunicontopnm: Fix incorrect output for depth 8. Always broken (depth = 8 capability was added in Netpbm 10.53 (December 2010). pamgauss: Fix bug: erroneously says -maxval is too big on 64 bit system. Always broken (Pamgauss was added in 10.23 (July 2004). * xpmtoppm: major speedup for 3-character-per pixel files, memory reduction for all files: use hash table instead of linear search or direct index, go row by row. * xpmtoppm: fix bogus "color number too large" failure. Broken in 10.49 (December 2009). * pnm_hashtuple: slight performance improvement from new hash function. Thanks Prophet of the Way <afu@wta.att.ne.jp>. * ppmtospu: wild memory accesses. Always broken (program added in 10.58 (March 2012). * pamtosrf: fix storage corruption. Always broken (program added in 10.55 (June 2011).Petr Gajdos2012-11-21 08:28:10 +00:00
c59d049d22Accepting request 134224 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2012-09-17 14:58:51 +00:00
ab3fe00e48Accepting request 134223 from home:pgajdos:libpng15Petr Gajdos2012-09-14 06:19:47 +00:00
d40109e3b0Accepting request 132066 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2012-08-31 07:52:30 +00:00
a3a8972712Accepting request 132061 from home:babelworx:ldig:branches:graphicsTogan Muftuoglu2012-08-30 10:34:44 +00:00
ce9e093ddcAccepting request 130322 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2012-08-08 09:14:26 +00:00
7e8ff75d40- updated to 10.35.86: * ppmtobmp: fix failure with "internal error" message on all uses. * pamscale: fix all black output with resampling. * pgmtexture: fix integer overflow in difference variance. * pgmtexture: fix array bounds violations in various calculations. * pngtopnm: fix crash with invalid tIME chunk.Petr Gajdos2012-08-07 12:55:04 +00:00
0497adea80replace license with spdx.org variant
Stephan Kulow
2011-12-06 17:31:45 +00:00
bdc2fc85edAccepting request 89875 from graphics
Stephan Kulow
2011-11-02 11:08:41 +00:00
9d00062359- updated to 10.35.82: * pnmtopng: fix bug: with -alpha specifying a mask which contains no fully transparent area, output PNG is fully opaque. Introduced in 10.29. * pnmquant: work with older Perl that doesn't have 3-argument open. * pnmtops: fix message: says "from top edge" where it means "from bottom edge." * pgmtexture: fix wrong sum variance result. Wrong since the beginning. Thanks Francois P. S. Luus <fpsluus@gmail.com>.Petr Gajdos2011-11-01 14:33:20 +00:00
e25812a588Autobuild autoformatter for 71159
Sascha Peilicke
2011-05-26 08:25:04 +00:00
fc3324e184Accepting request 71159 from graphics
Sascha Peilicke
2011-05-26 08:24:54 +00:00
20145d3c7b- updated to 10.35.80: * asciitopgm: fix bug: memory corruption on too-long lines. * asciitopgm: fix bug: improper handling of blank lines. * pngtopnm: fix bug: -verbose reports history chunk present when it's really a palette. * bmptopnm: Don't crash on invalid zero value of image height in the BMP header of a compressed file. * bmptopnm: don't crash on large invalid value of 'colorsused' in the BMP header. * ilbmtoppm: Don't crash on image that has a transparent color index, but no color map.Petr Gajdos2011-05-24 14:06:56 +00:00
848c0c6c5aAutobuild autoformatter for 53166
OBS User autobuild
2010-11-18 15:07:18 +00:00
860b019c3eAccepting request 53166 from graphics
Ruediger Oertel
2010-11-18 15:07:12 +00:00
93f2cd1c3c- updated to 10.35.77: * ppmtompeg: fix crash with free of unallocated memory. * Build: don't expect snprintf() to exist. * Build: don't use <strings.h> or bzero().Petr Gajdos2010-11-16 14:26:26 +00:00
731a04ff9dAccepting request 46880 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-09-03 11:15:15 +00:00
1d236469d5Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/netpbm revision 27.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-09-03 11:15:15 +00:00
381717e3efAccepting request 46880 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-09-03 11:15:14 +00:00
1d351eb7be- updated to 10.35.76: * Pnmtopng: -libversion doesn't report level of linked libz. * don't fail due to SIGRTMIN, SIGRTMAX being undefined. * palmtopnm: fix for pixel size 16. Thanks Paul Bolle <pebolle@tiscali.nl>. * fix -reduce. Introduced in 10.27. - build against libpng14 * libpng14.patchPetr Gajdos2010-09-01 09:16:44 +00:00
50700fa24cAccepting request 46752 from home:elvigia:branches:graphicsPetr Gajdos2010-08-31 13:36:29 +00:00
8d393078dbAccepting request 37066 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-04-07 15:43:26 +00:00
4b86c92c59Accepting request 37066 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-04-07 15:43:25 +00:00
b0e842d888- requires libpng12-compat-devel instead of libpng-devel for build: netpbm will be compatible with libpng 1.4 branch from version 10.48Petr Gajdos2010-04-06 09:25:43 +00:00
d494c159f8- updated to 10.35.74 (see doc/HISTORY) * upstreamed or outdated - colornames-init.diff (present in the code) - endian.patch (tested against bnc#105431) - pamtouil.patch (present in the code) - ximtoppm-fixes.patch (present in the code) - [partially, refreshed] fixes.patch - pngtomng-transparent.patch (tested against bnc#225258) - rgb.patch (/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt is in RGB_DB2 yet) * .dif renamed to make.patch * gcc45.patch merged into fixes.patchPetr Gajdos2010-04-01 17:05:41 +00:00