replaced with better version
- 0006-conffile-allow-optional-include-files.patch
Avoid error if /etc/nfs.conf.local doesn't exist
(bsc#1151044 bsc#1150807)
- 0008-mountd-Initialize-logging-early.patch
Don't close the loging socket - it causes problems.
(bsc#1151044 bsc#1150807)
The significant update is that configuration can
now be read from a central /etc/nfs.conf file, and
it can include other files such as /etc/sysconfig/nfs
This means that the old nfs-config.service systemd
unit is no longer needed.
- /etc/nfs.conf file created to import all sysconfig
settings except *_OPTIONS directly into running code.
- dropins created to pass *_OPTIONS sysconfig setting to
the various daemons.
- various specfile improvements, such as using "-D" in
"install" commands, and adding "verify_permissions".
- "xtab" has not been needed for years and has now been remove.
- sysconfig.nfs updated, particular the ServiceRestart
declarations have been tuned for systemd units.
- 0003-nfs-server-generator-handle-noauto-mounts-correctly.patch
Fix the nfs-server-generator so that mounts marked "noauto"
are not automatically mounted when NFS exported.
- 0001-conffile-ignore-empty-environment-variables.patch
Other minor fixes found during testing.
now included upstream