- new user 'statd' owns /var/lib/nfs so rpc.statd runs as non-root. - New commands 'mountstats' and 'nfsiostat' - ipv6 support enabled as it is believed to be complete. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/nfs-utils?expand=0&rev=25
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From: Chuck Lever <chuck.lever@oracle.com>
Subject: [PATCH 01/15] mountd: Clear mountd registrations at start up
To: steved@redhat.com
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Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 20:04:11 -0400
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Clear stale MNT registrations before mountd tries to create fresh
listeners, to ensure that mountd starts. This is also what statd
Signed-off-by: Chuck Lever <chuck.lever@oracle.com>
utils/mountd/mountd.c | 1 +
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/utils/mountd/mountd.c b/utils/mountd/mountd.c
index d309950..7e0cf6a 100644
--- a/utils/mountd/mountd.c
+++ b/utils/mountd/mountd.c
@@ -840,6 +840,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
if (new_cache)
+ unregister_services();
if (version2()) {
listeners += nfs_svc_create("mountd", MOUNTPROG,
MOUNTVERS, mount_dispatch, port);
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