obs-service-kiwi_metainfo_helper ================================ This service can be enabled to run during buildtime, when it will edit the build recipe (.kiwi, Dockerfile, Chart.yaml) to replace placeholders with build-specific metainfo. | Placeholder | Value | Example | |--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | %DISTURL% | The OBS dist url | obs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Factory/images/0f40c57dd619e1dff9e512949b6bca09-opensuse-tumbleweed-image | | %SOURCEURL% | Source url for container recipe (OBS) | https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/opensuse-tumbleweed-image?rev=0f40c57dd619e1dff9e512949b6bca09 | | %SOURCEURL% | Source url for container recipe (IBS) | https://sources.suse.com/SUSE:SLE-15:Update:CR/sles15-image/2951b67133dd6384cacb28203174e030/ | | %RELEASE% | The OBS release number (<cicnt\>.<bldcnt\>) | 4.2 | | %BUILDTIME% | $(date --utc +%FT%T.%NZ) | 2018-10-30T09:19:02.074934628Z | | %ARCH% | The architecture of the image | aarch64 | | %OS_VERSION% | VERSION in the os-release file | 15-SP3 | | %OS_VERSION_NO_DASH% | VERSION in the os-release file, with space (SLE only) | 15 SP3 | | %OS_VERSION_ID% | VERSION_ID in the os-release file | 15 | | %OS_VERSION_ID_SP% | Like VERSION_ID, but with SP (SLE only) | 15.3 | | %OS_PRETTY_NAME% | PRETTY_NAME in the os-release file | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 (Snapshot16) | | %OS_VENDOR% | PRETTY_NAME up to first space character | SUSE | | %OS_PRETTY_NAME_DASHED% | PRETTY_NAME with dashes in place of spaces | SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-15-SP3-Snapshot-16 | | %OS_PRETTY_NAME_BEFORE_PAREN% | PRETTY_NAME up to the first open parentheses | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 | | %OS_PRETTY_NAME_BEFORE_PAREN_DASHED% | PRETTY_NAME up to first open paren with dashes | SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-15-SP3 | | %BASE_REFNAME% | The tag of the base container (FROM line for the last stage) on the registry | registry.suse.com/bci/bci-base:15.6 | | %BASE_DIGEST% | The dist digest of the base container (FROM line for the last stage) on the registry | sha256:eb34a30c66b6e1df129bc42d413749466f62e81101c1f8ef04c8fa248e2fe482 |