- Update to version 3.23.2
* Support for new command allowing on-demand bootstrap script
execution in the Big Data service
* ``oci bds instance execute-bootstrap-script``
* Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the eu-dcc-rating-1,
eu-dcc-rating-2, eu-dcc-dublin-1, eu-dcc-dublin-2, and eu-dcc-milan-2 regions
- Refresh patches for new version
* oc_relax-python-depends.patch
- Update BuildRequires and Requires from setup.py
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1068457
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=77
- Update to version 3.23.0
* Support for the Autonomous Recovery Service
* ``oci recovery``
* Support for the Visual Builder Studio service
* ``oci vbstudio``
* Added support for selecting DBServers while creating Autonomous VM Cluster in Database service
* ``oci db autonomous-virtual-machine get --autonomous-virtual-machine-id``
* ``oci db autonomous-virtual-machine list --autonomous-vm-cluster-id, --compartment-id``
* [BREAKING] Support for a new Capacity Availability API in the Compute service
* ``oci compute computecapacityreport update``
* Modified existing commands in Database service
* ``oci db autonomous-vm-cluster create --db-servers``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1066344
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=73
- Update to version 3.22.5
* Support for Autonomous Container Database role in the Database service
* Support for new command
* ``oci db autonomous-container-database change-dataguard-role``
* ``oci db autonomous-container-database-version list``
* Support for new optional parameter
* ``oci db autonomous-container-database create
--fast-start-fail-over-lag-limit-in-seconds --version-preference --db-version``
* ``oci db autonomous-container-database-dataguard update
--fast-start-fail-over-lag-limit-in-seconds --protection-mode``
* ``oci db autonomous-container-database update --version-preference``
* Devops Deploy service
* Support for new optional parameters
* ``oci devops deploy-stage create-oke-helm-chart-stage --cleanup-on-fail --debug-helm
--force-helm --history-max --no-hooks --render-subchart-notes --reset-values
--reuse-values --set-string --set-values --skip-crds --wait-helm``
* ``oci devops deploy-stage update-oke-helm-chart-stage --cleanup-on-fail --debug-helm
--force-helm --history-max --no-hooks --render-subchart-notes --reset-values
--reuse-values --set-string --set-values --skip-crds --wait-helm``
* Support for new optional helm-verification-key-source parameter
* ``oci devops deploy-artifact --create-helm-repository-artifact
* ``oci devops deploy-artifact --update-helm-repository-artifact
* Support for new optional dry-run parameter
* ``oci devops deployment create-pipeline-deployment --dry-run``
* ``oci devops deployment create-single-stage-deployment --dry-run``
* Support for new Uploading MasterKey Wallets commands
in the OCI GoldenGate Deployments service
* ``oci goldengate deployment wallet-exists``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1063791
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=71
- Update to version 3.22.3
* Support for the Cloud Migrations service
* ``oci cloud-migrations``
* Support for new optional parameter to set Custom Private IP
during Private End Point provisioning in the Database service
* ``oci db autonomous-database create --private-endpoint-ip``
* ``oci db autonomous-database create-adb-cross-region-data-guard-details
* ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-id --private-endpoint-ip``
* ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-timestamp --private-endpoint-ip``
* ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-clone --private-endpoint-ip``
* ``oci db autonomous-database create-refreshable-clone --private-endpoint-ip``
* ``oci db autonomous-database update --private-endpoint-ip``
* Support for Machine Learning pipelines for the Data Science Service
* ``oci data-science pipeline``
* ``oci data-science pipeline-run``
* Support for the language PII (Personal Identifiable Information)
detection in the AI Language service
* ``oci ai language batch-detect-pii-entities``
* Support for cross region replication in the File Storage service
* ``oci fs replication create``
* ``oci fs replication get``
* ``oci fs replication list``
* ``oci fs replication delete``
* ``oci fs replication change-compartment``
* ``oci fs file-system estimate-replication``
- from version 3.22.2
* Database service
* Support for Private DNS in ExaCS systems during provisioning
* ``oci db cloud-vm-cluster create --private-zone-id``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1060960
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=69
- Update to version 3.21.0
* Support for the Document Understanding service
* ``oci ai-document``
* Support for Container Instances service
* ``oci container-instances``
* Support for Collecting Diagnostics action in GoldenGate Deployment service
* ``oci goldengate deployment collect-diagnostics``
* Support for enabling create stack from OCI DevOps Service or Bitbucket
Cloud/Server as Source Control Management in Resource Manager service
* ``oci resource-manager configuration-source-provider
* ``oci resource-manager configuration-source-provider
* ``oci resource-manager stack create-from-bitbucket-cloud``
* ``oci resource-manager stack create-from-bitbucket-server``
* ``oci resource-manager stack update-from-bitbucket-cloud``
* ``oci resource-manager stack update-from-devops``
* ``oci resource-manager configuration-source-provider
* ``oci resource-manager configuration-source-provider
* ``oci resource-manager stack code``
* Support for new optional parameters for Devops Deployments in Devops service
* ``oci devops deployment create-pipeline-deployment --stage-override-arguments``
* ``oci devops deployment create-single-stage-deployment --stage-override-arguments``
* Stack Monitoring service
* Support for PeopleSoft Discovery in Stack Monitoring service
* ``oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --discovery-details``
* Support for Apache Tomcat and SQLServer Discovery
* ``oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --discovery-detail``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1040916
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=65
- Update to version 3.20.2
* Database service
* Support for mTLS authentication with Listener and for providing custom value for
TLS port and Non-TLS Port during AVM Cluster Creation on ExaCC
* ``oci db autonomous-vm-cluster create --is-mtls-enabled --scan-listener-port-non-tls
* Support for new optional parameters in CloudAutonomousVmClusters
* ``oci db cloud-autonomous-vm-cluster create --autonomous-data-storage-size-in-tbs
--cpu-core-count-per-node --db-servers --maintenance-window-details
--memory-per-oracle-compute-unit-in-gbs --total-container-databases``
* ``oci db cloud-autonomous-vm-cluster update --maintenance-window-details``
* Support for new command in CloudExadataInfrastructure
* ``oci db cloud-exadata-infrastructure-unallocated-resources get``
* Support to list resources and outputs associated with resource manager
job and stack for the Resource Management service
* ``oci resource-manager associated-resource-summary list-job-associated-resources``
* ``oci resource-manager associated-resource-summary list-stack-associated-resources``
* ``oci resource-manager job-output-summary list-job-outputs``
* Improved handling SSL error messages in CLI to enable customers self help
- Refresh patches for new version
+ oc_relax-python-depends.patch
- Update BuildRequires and Requires from setup.py
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1037352
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=61
- Update to version 3.20.1
* Database service
* Support for new commands
* ``oci db autonomous-database list-refreshable-clones``
* ``oci db cloud-exa-infra add-storage``
* ``oci db cloud-vm-cluster add``
* ``oci db cloud-vm-cluster remove``
* Support for new optional parameters
* ``oci db cloud-vm-cluster create --data-storage-size-in-tbs
--db-node-storage-size-in-gbs --db-servers --memory-size-in-gbs``
* ``oci db cloud-vm-cluster update --data-storage-size-in-tbs
--db-node-storage-size-in-gbs --memory-size-in-gbs``
* Support for creating rollback jobs in the Resource Manager service
* ``oci resource-manager job create-plan-rollback-job``
* ``oci resource-manager job create-apply-rollback-job``
* Support for EDGE value for existing parameter --node-type in the Big Data service
* ``oci bds instance worker-nodes add --node-type``
* Support for new optional parameter in the Data Flow service
* ``oci data-flow private-endpoint create --scan-details``
* ``oci data-flow private-endpoint update --scan-details``
* Application Dependency Management service
* Support for new commands
* ``oci adm vulnerability-audit create-vulnerability-audit-external-resource-vulnerability-audit-source``
* ``oci adm vulnerability-audit create-vulnerability-audit-oci-resource-vulnerability-audit-source``
* ``oci adm vulnerability-audit create-vulnerability-audit-unknown-source-vulnerability-audit-source``
* Support for new optional parameters
* ``oci adm vulnerability-audit list-application-dependency-vulnerabilities --depth --root-node-id``
* Dependency on click is downgraded to 7.1.2
* The required parameters --application-dependencies --compartment-id
are now optional in the Application Dependency Management service
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1035622
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=59
- Update to version 3.20.0
* Database service
* Support for Clone from backup from last available timestamp
* ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-timestamp
--use-latest-available-backup-time-stamp ``
* The required parameter --timestamp is now optional in the below command
* ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-timestamp``
* The required parameter --display-name is now optional in the below command
* ``oci db autonomous-database-backup create``
* Support for agent settings parameter for specifying third-party Qualys scanner
when creating or updating a host scan recipe in the Vulnerability Scanning service
* ``oci vulnerability-scanning host scan recipe create --agent-settings ``
* ``oci vulnerability-scanning host scan recipe update --agent-settings ``
* Support for the below commands in the Logging Analytics service
* ``oci log-analytics storage list-encryption-key-info``
* ``oci log-analytics storage assign-encryption-key``
* Golden Gate service
* Support for Connections for Database Resources
* ``oci golden-gate connection``
* Support for the below new command
* ``oci goldengate deployment-type-collection list-deployment-types``
* Support for the parameters --assignable-connection-id, --assigned-connection-id
and --supported-connection-type in the below command
* ``oci goldengate deployment list``
* [BREAKING] The command oci organizations work-request-log-entry list has been
changed to oci organizations work-request-log list in the Organization service
* Improved CLI error message on incorrect JSON input
- from version 3.19.0
* Support for Full Stack Disaster Recovery service
* ``oci disaster-recovery``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1032883
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=57
- Update to version 3.18.1
* Bastion support for target host identification and enabled SOCKS support
for dynamic port forwarding sessions
* ``oci bastion``
* Operations Insights service
* Support for creating Enterprise Manager-based Windows host targets for ``--platform-type``
* ``oci opsi host-insights list --platform-type``
* Support for creating Management Agent Cloud Service-based Windows and
Solaris hosts targets for ``--platform-type``
* ``oci opsi host-insights list --platform-type``
* Support for Host Top Process allowing users to locate top processes
running at a particular point in time
* ``oci opsi host-insights summarize-top-processes-usage --compartment-id
--id --resource-metric --timestamp --analysis-time-interval``
* Support for Host Top Process allowing users to filter by a single process
in order to trend this process over time
* ``oci opsi host-insights summarize-top-processes-usage --compartment-id
--id --resource-metric --timestamp --analysis-time-interval``
* Cloud-Bridge Service
* Support for check to require ``--vcenter-endpoint`` and ``--discovery-credentials``
parameters if asset source is VMWARE for ``--type``
* ``oci cloud-bridge discovery asset-source create --type VMWARE``
- Refresh patches for new version
+ oc_relax-python-depends.patch
- Update BuildRequires and Requires from setup.py
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1009354
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=55
- Update to version 3.18.0
* Support for previous pagination in Resource Search service
* ``oci search resource structured-search --page $opc-previous-token``
* Support for Elastic Compute feature as part of database service
* ``oci db exadata-infrastructure generate-recommended-vm-cluster-network --db-servers``
* ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-compute-count,
* ``oci db vm-cluster-network resize --action, --exadata-infrastructure-id,
--vm-cluster-network-id, --vm-networks``
* Stack Monitoring service
* Support for new command
* ``oci stack-monitoring resource search-associated-resources``
* Support for new optional parameter
* ``oci stack-monitoring resource search --external-id``
* ``oci stack-monitoring resource create --external-id``
* ``oci stack-monitoring resource delete --is-delete-members``
* NoSQL service
* ``oci nosql query prepare``
* Added a new optional argument ``--is-get-query-plan``
* Added the optional ``queryPlan`` property in the JSON response
* ``oci nosql table get``
* Added the properties ``isAsUuid`` and ``isGenerated`` to the ``Column``
JSON object that is included in the JSON response
* Added the ``identity`` JSON object that is included in the the JSON response
* ``oci nosql table list-table-usage``
* Added the property ``maxShardSizeUsageInPercent`` in the JSON response
* [BREAKING] DNS service
* ``oci dns resolver-endpoint create --subnet-id --nsg-ids``
* Required parameter ``--subnet-id`` was added
* Optional paramater ``--nsg-ids`` was added
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1006907
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=53
- Update to version 3.15.2
* Support for dynamic window sizing and new terminal too
small error message in interactive mode
* ``oci -i``
* Support for in-place upgrade in the OCVS service
* ``oci ocvs esxi-host create``
* Support for customers to choose to opt for Guest VM event collection,
diagnostics logs and traces in the Database service
* ``oci db system launch``
* ``oci db system launch-from-backup``
* ``oci db system launch-from-database``
* ``oci db system launch-from-db-system``
* ``oci db system update``
* ``oci db data-guard-association create with-new-db-system``
* Support for performance-based autotuning of Block and Boot
Volumes in the Block Storage service
* ``oci bv boot-volume create``
* ``oci bv boot-volume create-boot-volume-boot-volume-source-from-boot-volume-replica-details``
* ``oci bv boot-volume update``
* ``oci bv volume create``
* ``oci bv volume create-volume-volume-source-from-block-volume-replica-details``
* ``oci bv volume update``
* Support for Single Client Access Name protocol as Data Source and for
Network Security Groups in Private Access Channel in the Analytics service
* ``oci analytics analytics-instance create-private-access-channel``
- from version 3.15.1
* Support for support rewards redemption summaries in the Usage service
* ``oci usage redemption-summary list-redemption-summaries``
* Support for parent tenancy of an organization to view child tenancy
categories, recommendations, and resource actions in the Optimizer service
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1001392
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=49
- Update to version 3.15.0
* Support for debug reports and analysis in Service Mesh service
* ``oci service-mesh debug report``
* Support for Logging Analytics as a target for Streaming Source
feature for Service Connector Hub in the Logging service
* ``oci logging analytics target``
* Support for streaming Application logs to Logging Service
in the Data Flow Service
* ``oci data-flow run create --application-log-config``
* ``oci data-flow application create --application-log-config``
* ``oci data-flow application update --application-log-config``
* ``oci data-flow run submit --application-log-config``
* Support for the below commands in the Cloud Guard service
* ``oci cloud-guard data-source``
* ``oci cloud-guard detector-recipe-detector-rule``
* ``oci cloud-guard problem list-problem-entities``
* ``oci cloud-guard work-request``
* ``oci cloud-guard work-request-error``
* ``oci cloud-guard work-request-log-entry``
* The parameter --source-detector-recipe-id is now optional
in the below command in the Cloud Guard service
* ``oci cloud-guard detector-recipe create``
* [BREAKING] The command ``oci logging-search search-result search-logs``
has been changed back to be ``oci logging-search search-logs``
- from version 3.14.0
* Support for moving resources in the Dashboard Service
* ``oci dashboard-service dashboard-group change-compartment``
* ``oci dashboard-service dashboard change-dashboard-group``
* Java Management service
* Support for Java download and installation
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/998959
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=47
- Update to version 3.13.0
* Support for the Open Search service
* ``oci opensearch``
* Support for private repositories in the DevOps service
* Added support for DevOps Build connection resource for private repositories
* ``oci devops connection create-bitbucket-server-connection``
* ``oci devops connection create-gitlab-server-connection``
* ``oci devops connection update-bitbucket-server-connection``
* ``oci devops connection update-gitlab-server-connection``
* Added support for DevOps Build trigger resource for private repositories
* ``oci devops trigger create-gitlab-server-trigger``
* ``oci devops trigger create-bitbucket-server-trigger``
* ``oci devops trigger update-bitbucket-server-trigger``
* ``oci devops trigger update-gitlab-server-trigger``
* Added support for DevOps Build stage resource to use private connections
* ``oci devops build-pipeline-stage create-build-stage --network-channel``
* ``oci devops build-pipeline-stage update-build-stage --network-channel``
* Changed --table-limits argument to optional in the NoSQL service
* ``oci nosql table create --table-limits``
* Changed loading json document to support case insensitive prefix
(file://) for global parameter and all json loading commands
* ``--from-json``
* [BREAKING] Command and subgroup work-request-log list renamed
in the Governance Rules Control Plane service
* ``oci governance-rules-control-plane work-request
work-request-log-entry list-work-request-logs``
* [BREAKING] Subgroup work-request renamed in the Tenant
Manager Control Plane service
* ``oci organizations work-request-log list``
- from version 3.12.0
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/993264
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=45
- Update to version 3.11.1
* Support for 2 new global parameters to provide connection and read timeout value
* ``oci --connection-timeout --read-timeout``
* Support for Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) discovery
in the Stack Monitoring service
* ``oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --compartment-id --discovery-details``
* Support for the Fusion Apps service
* ``oci fusion-apps``
* Support for the Oracle Process Automation service
* ``oci opa``
* Support for ingress routing tables to NAT Gateway and Internet
Gateway in the VCN Routing service
* ``oci network nat-gateway create --route-table-id``
* ``oci network nat-gateway update --route-table-id``
* ``oci network internet-gateway create --route-table-id``
* ``oci network internet-gateway update --route-table-id``
* Support for maintenance reboot due date extension on Virtual Machine
instances in the core service
* ``oci compute instance-maintenance-reboot get``
* ``oci compute instance update --time-maintenance-reboot-due``
* Support for Oracle Managed Access service
* ``oci oma``
* Support for grapePeriod for wallet rotation feature in the Autonomous Database service
* ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate --grace-period``
* ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate-regional-wallet --grace-period``
* Support for the Media service
* ``oci media-services``
* Modified supported version for the following package:
cryptography (>=3.2.1, <=37.0.2), pyOpenSSL (>=17.5.0, <=22.0.0)
- from version 3.11.0
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/990997
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=43
- Update to version 3.10.5
* Support for the Network Monitoring service
* ``oci vn-monitoring``
* Support for EmWarehouse Service
* ``oci em-warehouse``
* Support for specifying application scan settings when creating or updating
host scan recipes in the Vulnerability Scanning service
* ``oci vulnerability-scanning host scan recipe create --application-settings``
* ``oci vulnerability-scanning host scan recipe update --application-settings``
* Support for shared infrastructure autonomous database character sets in the Database service
* ``oci db autonomous-database-character-sets list``
* Support for safe-deleting nodes in the Container Engine for Kubernetes service
* ``oci ce node-pool create --is-force-deletion-after-override-grace-duration-query-param``
* ``oci ce node-pool update --is-force-deletion-after-override-grace-duration-query-param``
* ``oci ce node-pool delete --is-force-deletion-after-override-grace-duration-query-param``
* ``oci ce node-pool delete-node --is-force-deletion-after-override-grace-duration-query-param``
* Support for ``ncharacter-set`` and ``ncharacter-set`` in Autonomous database service
* ``oci db autonomous-database create --character-set "AL32UTF8" --ncharacter-set "AL16UTF16"``
- from version 3.10.4
* Support for the Network Firewall service
* ``oci network-firewall``
* Support for CSV file type datasets for text labeling and JSONL in the Data Labeling service
* ``oci data-labeling-service dataset create-dataset-text-dataset-format-details
* Support for diagnostics in the Database Management service
* ``oci database-management diagnosability``
* ``oci database-management sql-tuning-task``
* Fixed following command/operations input, output filenames and path for
windows OS in object storage service
* ``oci os object sync``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/986330
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=41
- Update to version 3.9.0
* Data Integration service
* Support for BIP connection in the following commands
* ``oci data-integration connection
* ``oci data-integration connection-validation
* New parameters --conditional-composite-field-map, --is-single-load
and --parallel-load-limit for the below commands
* ``oci data-integration task create-data-loader-task
--conditional-composite-field-map --is-single-load
* ``oci data-integration task update-data-loader-task
--conditional-composite-field-map --is-single-load
* Rover service
* [BREAKING] Parameters --compartment-id and --bucket-id for
add-workload operations for node and cluster are being deleted
* ``oci rover node add-workload``
* ``oci rover standalone-cluster add-workload``
* ``oci rover station-cluster add-workload``
- from version 3.8.1
* Support for Application Dependency Management service
* ``oci adm``
* Support for provisioned concurrency in the Functions service
* ``oci fn function create --provisioned-concurrency``
* ``oci fn function update --provisioned-concurrency``
* Support for allow reboot migration for DenseIO shape
in maintenance situations in Compute service
* ``oci compute instance instance-action-reset-action-details``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/977883
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=39
- Update to version 3.8.0
* Support for the Service Mesh service
* ``oci service-mesh``
* Big Data service
* Support for compute only worker nodes
* ``oci bds instance remove --node-id``
* ``oci bds instance remove --node-id --is-force-remove-enabled``
* Support for horizontal autoscaling policy
* ``oci bds auto-scale-config create --policy-details``
* ``oci bds auto-scale-config edit --policy-details``
* Support for bootstrap script
* ``oci bds instance create --bootstrap-script-url``
* ``oci bds instance update --bootstrap-script-url``
* Support for customizable kerberos realm name
* ``oci bds instance create --kerberos-realm-name``
* Support for ODH patch patch management
* ``oci bds instance install-patch``
* ``oci bds instance list-patch-histories``
* ``oci bds instance list-patches``
* Rover service
* [BREAKING] Support for required shape parameter
to the creation of a roving edge node
* ``oci rover node create --shape``
* Support to list the available shapes for Rover
* ``oci rover shape list --compartment-id``
* Support the option for the user to provide their own master key OCID to
encrypt secret data to roving edge nodes, standalone clusters and station
* ``oci rover node create --master-key-id --policy-compartment-id --policy-name``
* ``oci rover standalone-cluster --master-key-id --policy-compartment-id --policy-name``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/974657
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=37
- Update to version 3.7.3
* Support for choosing compute shapes when creating SDDCs
and ESXi hosts in the VMWare Solution service
* ``oci ocvs esxi-host create --host-ocpu-count, --host-shape-name``
* ``oci ocvs sddc create --initial-host-ocpu-count, --initial-host-shape-name``
* Database service
* Support for stack monitoring on external databases
* ``oci db external-cdb disable-external-container-database-stack-monitoring``
* ``oci db external-cdb enable-external-container-database-stack-monitoring``
* ``oci db external-non-cdb disable-external-non-container-database-stack-monitoring``
* ``oci db external-non-cdb enable-external-non-container-database-stack-monitoring``
* ``oci db external-pdb disable-external-pluggable-database-stack-monitoring``
* ``oci db external-pdb enable-external-pluggable-database-stack-monitoring``
* Support for upgrading VM database systems in place
* ``oci db system upgrade``
* ``oci db db-system-upgrade-history get``
* ``oci db db-system-upgrade-history list``
* Support for the Stack Monitoring service
* ``oci stack-monitoring``
- from version 3.7.2
* Database service
* Support for enabling and disabling data collection options during create and
update operations on VM clusters on Exadata Cloud
* ``oci db vm-cluster create --data-collection-options ``
* ``oci db vm-cluster update --data-collection-options ``
* Support for new fields --database-edition and --max-cpu-core-count
to create and update an autonomous database
* ``oci db autonomous-database create --database-edition, --max-cpu-core-count``
* ``oci db autonomous-database create-adb-cross-region-data-guard-details
--database-edition, --max-cpu-core-count``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/972824
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=34
- Update to version 3.6.2
* Support for virtual machines, bare metal machines, and Exadata databases
with private endpoints in the Operations Insights service
* ``oci opsi opsi-private-endpoint``
* ``oci opsi database-insights change-pe-comanaged-database-detail``
* Support for setting deletion policies on database systems
in the MySQL Database service
* ``oci mysql db-system clone--deletion-policy``
* ``oci mysql db-system create --deletion-policy``
* ``oci mysql db-system import --deletion-policy``
* ``oci mysql db-system update --deletion-policy``
* Changed existing database insight operations updated
in the Operations Insights service
* ``oci opsi database-insights create-pe-comanged-database``
* ``oci opsi database-insights enable-pe-comanaged-database``
* ``oci opsi database-insights update-pe-comanaged-database``
- from version 3.6.1
* Support for DI application resource in the Data Integration service
* ``oci data-integration dis-application``
* Support for enabling shielded instances feature in create SDDC
in the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution service
* ``oci ocvs sddc create --is-shielded-instance-enabled``
* Vulnerability Scanning Service
* Support for Optional param ``--image-count`` in container scan recipe create and update
* ``oci vulnerability-scanning container scan recipe create --image-count``
* ``oci vulnerability-scanning container scan recipe update --image-count``
* Support for vulnerabilities list and get
* ``oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability get``
* ``oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability list``
* ``oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability list-vulnerability-impacted-containers``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/965382
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=32
- Update to version 3.6.0
* Support for the Sales Accelerator license option in the Content Management service
* ``oci oce oce-instance create --add-on-features``
* ``oci oce oce-instance update --add-on-features``
* Support for new VCN hostname cluster endpoint as part of Container Engine service
* ``oci ce cluster create-kubeconfig --kube-endpoint VCN_HOSTNAME``
* Database Migration service
* Support for reporting all excluded objects based on static exclusion rules and
dynamic exclusion settings configured by the Database Migration Service (DMS) user
* ``oci database-migration excluded-object-summary list``
* Support to remove, list, and add database objects reported by the Cloud
Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT)
* ``oci database-migration migration add``
* ``oci database-migration migration remove``
* ``oci database-migration migration-objects list``
* Support for migrating Oracle Database from Amazon Web Services (AWS) RDS to Oracle
Autonomous Database (ADB) using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and DBLINK
for data transfer
* ``oci database-migration connection create --db-subtype``
* Enhancement in launch dbsystem as well as create database using customer managed
keys for VMBM in the Database service
* ``oci db system launch --vault-id``
* ``oci db database create --vault-id``
* ``oci db database migrate-vault-key --vault-id --admin-password --tde-wallet-password``
* The parameters --admin-username and --admin-password are now optional in the below
commands in the MySQL database service
* ``oci mysql db-system clone``
* ``oci mysql db-system create``
* ``oci mysql db-system import``
* [BREAKING] The command ``oci rover cluster`` is being deleted and its logic has been
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/961892
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=30
- Update to version 3.5.2
* Support for Speech Service
* ``oci speech``
* Support for Data Connectivity Management Service
* ``oci data-connectivity``
* Support for Resource Profile, Sightings, Tactics, and Technique features
as a part of the Cloud Guard Service
* ``oci cloud-guard problem-endpoint-summary list-problem-endpoints``
* ``oci cloud-guard resource-risk-score-aggregation
* ``oci cloud-guard resource-profile get``
* ``oci cloud-guard resource-profile-endpoint-summary list-resource-profile-endpoints``
* ``oci cloud-guard resource-profile-impacted-resource-summary
* ``oci cloud-guard resource-profile-risk-score-aggregation-summary
* ``oci cloud-guard resource-profile-summary list-resource-profiles``
* ``oci cloud-guard resource-type-summary list-resource-types``
* ``oci cloud-guard sighting get``
* ``oci cloud-guard sighting-endpoint-summary list-sighting-endpoints``
* ``oci cloud-guard sighting-impacted-resource-summary list-sighting-impacted-resources``
* ``oci cloud-guard sighting-summary list-sightings``
* ``oci cloud-guard tactic-summary list-tactics``
* ``oci cloud-guard technique-summary list-techniques``
* Support for disabling crash recovery to improve the performance
of large imports in the MySql Database service.
* ``oci mysql db-system clone --crash-recovery``
* ``oci mysql db-system create --crash-recovery``
* ``oci mysql db-system import --crash-recovery``
* ``oci mysql db-system update --crash-recovery``
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/957573
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/oci-cli?expand=0&rev=29