- Link VGAuthService to libxmlsec1 rather than libxml-security-c in SLE
products where available. (bsc#1122435)
- Add patches to correct and/or improve handling of certain quiesced snapshot
failures (bsc#1124397).
+ no_manifest_on_aborted_snapshot.patch
Don't send a backup manifest when aborting a Linux quiesced snapshot.
+ vmtoolsd_bailout_on_rpc_errors.patch
Bail out vmtoolsd early when there are RPC errors.
+ send_vmbackup_event_generic_manifest.patch
Always send VMBACKUP_EVENT_GENERIC_MANIFEST during quiesced snapshots.
+ include_log_h_for_g_info.patch
Include vmware/tools/log.h to define g_info.
- Update vmtoolsd.service to support cloud-init customization by default
by adding "DefaultDependencies=no" and "Before=cloud-init-local.service"
to the [Unit] section of vmtoolsd.service (bsc#1121964) .
- Copyright year updated in spec file.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/672900
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization:VMware/open-vm-tools?expand=0&rev=366