Dominique Leuenberger 3461f353c9 Accepting request 112078 from home:dimstar:branches:Virtualization:VMware
- Build vmci as first module and copy Modules.symvers to source of
  all subsequent modules to be built. Fixes issues where vmhgfs for
  example does not have all symbols available and fails to load

- Add a tools.conf to the package. All settings are left to default
  except [guestinfo] / disable-perf-mon=1, which resolves

2012-04-06 18:11:26 +00:00

94 lines
1.4 KiB

# Sample tools.conf for open-vm-tools
## Type: String
## Default: [empty]
## Type: String
## Default: [[empty]
## Type: String
## Default: [empty]
## Type: string
## Default: [empty]
## Type: int
## Default: 512
## Type:
## Default: false
## Type: Boolean
## Default: False
## Type: Boolean
## Default: False
## Type: Boolean
## Default:
## Type: String
## Default: [empty]
## Type: String(error,critical,warning,message,info,debug,none)
## Default: warning
## Type: Boolean
## Default: 0
# Set to one on openSUSE, as there is no libprocps and this keeps on flooding the logs
# see bnc#698181 for more details.
## Type: Boolean
## Default:
# Custom GuetInfo Poll interval (in seconds). Set to 0 to disable polling
## Type: Int
## Default:
## Type:
## Default:
## Type: Boolean
## Default:
## Type: String
## Default:
# Enable (or disable) the Protocol Buffer enabled service
## Type: Boolean
## Default:
# Configure the socket type for PBRPC (ipsocket,vsocket)
## Type: String(ipsocket,vsocket)
## Default: