
256 lines
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--- opencryptoki.orig/doc/README.ep11_stdll 2014-09-04 21:59:50.000000000 -0600
+++ opencryptoki/doc/README.ep11_stdll 2014-09-04 22:01:27.223654000 -0600
@@ -1,126 +1,126 @@
-EP11 Token
-The EP11 token is a token that uses the IBM Crypto Express adapters
-(starting with Crypto Express 4S adapters) configured with Enterprise
-PKCS#11 (EP11) firmware. By convention, Crypto Express n adapters with that
-firmware load are also called CEXnP adapters for n >= 4.
-The EP11 token is only supported on the System z architecture and requires a
-Crypto Express adapter with EP11 firmware load, a zcrypt/ap device driver
-loaded into the kernel and the availability of EP11 library libep11.
-The token directory of the EP11 token is opencryptoki/ep11tok typically
-located in /var/lib.
-To use the EP11 token a slot entry must be defined in the general opencryptoki
-configuration file that sets the stdll attribute to
-A EP11 token specific configuration file must be set up to define the target
-adapters and target adapter domains. The name of the configuration file must be
-defined in the global openCryptoki configuration opencryptoki.conf file as part
-of the token specification using the confname attribute.
-E.g. the entry
-slot 4
-stdll =
-confname = ep11tok.conf
-defines the name of the configuration file of the EP11 token to be
-ep11tok.conf. Per default this file is searched in the directory where
-openCryptoki searches its global configuration file. This default path can
-be overriden using the OCK_EP11_TOKEN_DIR environment variable.
-EP11 token configuration files defines a list of adapter/domain pairs to which
-the EP11 token sends its cryptographic requests. This list can be specified as
-a white list starting with a line containing the key word APQN_WHITELIST
-followed by one or more lines containing each two integers (in the range
-of 0 - 255) separated by a white space. The white list is ended with a line
-containing the key word END. In each of lines of the white list the first
-integer denotes the adapter number and the second integer denotes the domain
-id. Alternatively the keyword APQN_ANY can be used to define that all
-adapter/domain pairs with EP11 firmware load that are available to the system
-shall be used as target adapters. An adapter number corresponds to the
-numerical part xx of an adapter id of the form cardxx as displayed by the
-lszcrypt tool or in the sys file system (e.g. in /sys/bus/ap/devices).
-Currently Linux on z only supports a single domain. That domain number can be
-displayed with lszcrypt -b (see the value of ap_domain) or alternatively as
-contents of /sys/bus/ap/ap_domain.
-In addition to the target adapter a log level can be defined in the EP11
-configuration file using a line consisting of the key word LOGLEVEL followed
-by an integer between 0 and 9.
-If a log level greater than 0 is defined in the environment variable
-OCK_EP11_TOKEN_LOGLEVEL or using the LOGLEVEL entry in the EP11 configuration
-file then log entries are written to a log file
-/var/log/ock_ep11_token.<pid>.log where <pid> is the process id of the process
-using the EP11 token.
-Note, that the handling of EP11 logs is subject to change in future releases
-of opencryptoki.
-Crypto Express Adapter EP11 Master Key Management
-If master keys are changed on an EP11 adapter all key objects in the token
-object repository (in the TOK_OBJ directory within the EP11 token directory)
-become invalid.
-The key migration tool pkcsep11_migrate can be used to perform the migration
-of the current EP11 master keys to new master keys. Therefore the following
-steps must be performed:
-1) On the Trusted Key Entry console (TKE): Submit and commit new master
-keys on the EP11 adapter(s).
-2) On Linux: Stop all processes using openCryptoki with the EP11 token.
-3) On Linux: Back up the token object repository of the EP11 token.
-4) On Linux: Migrate keys of object repository of EP11 token with
-migration tool. If a failure occurs restore the backed up token repository
-and retry step 4.
-5) On the TKE: Activate new master keys on the EP11 adapter(s).
-6) On Linux: Restart applications using openCryptoki with the EP11 token.
-Token specifics
-The EP11 token only supports secure keys (i.e. key wrapped by a master key of
-the Crypto Express adapter). Therefore all keys must have the attribute
-CKA_SENISTIVE set to CK_TRUE. Since the PKCS#11 standard does not define a
-(token specific) default for secure keys the attribute must be explicitly
-provided whenever a secret key is generated, unwrapped or build with
-C_CreateObject. In addition all keys used with the EP11 token are extractable.
-i.e. they must have the attribute CKA_EXTRACTABLE set to CK_TRUE.
-When creating keys the default values of the attributes CKA_ENCRYPT,
-Note, no EP11 mechanism supports the Sign/Recover or Verify/Recover functions.
-All RSA key must have a public exponent (CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT) greater than
-or equal to 17.
-The CryptoExpress EP11 coprocessor restricts RSA keys (primes and moduli)
-according to ANSI X9.31. Therefore in the EP11 token the lengths of the
-RSA primes (p or q) must be a multiple of 128 bits and the length of the
-modulus (CKA_MODULUS_BITS) must be a multiple of 256.
-The mechanisms CKM_DES3_CBC and CKM_AES_CBC can only wrap keys which have
-a length that is a multiple of the block size of DES3 or AES respectively.
-See the mechanism list and mechanism info (pkcsconf -m) for supported
-mechanisms together with supported functions and key sizes. Note the
-supported mechanism list is currently fix and matches the most stringent
-setting of the Crypto Express adapter.
-Note, the EP11 coprocessor adapter can be configured to restrict the
-cryptographic capababilities in order for the adapter to comply with specific
-security requirements and regulations. Such restrictions on the adapter impact
-the capabilitiy of the EP11 token.
+EP11 Token
+The EP11 token is a token that uses the IBM Crypto Express adapters
+(starting with Crypto Express 4S adapters) configured with Enterprise
+PKCS#11 (EP11) firmware. By convention, Crypto Express n adapters with that
+firmware load are also called CEXnP adapters for n >= 4.
+The EP11 token is only supported on the System z architecture and requires a
+Crypto Express adapter with EP11 firmware load, a zcrypt/ap device driver
+loaded into the kernel and the availability of EP11 library libep11.
+The token directory of the EP11 token is opencryptoki/ep11tok typically
+located in /var/lib.
+To use the EP11 token a slot entry must be defined in the general opencryptoki
+configuration file that sets the stdll attribute to
+A EP11 token specific configuration file must be set up to define the target
+adapters and target adapter domains. The name of the configuration file must be
+defined in the global openCryptoki configuration opencryptoki.conf file as part
+of the token specification using the confname attribute.
+E.g. the entry
+slot 4
+stdll =
+confname = ep11tok.conf
+defines the name of the configuration file of the EP11 token to be
+ep11tok.conf. Per default this file is searched in the directory where
+openCryptoki searches its global configuration file. This default path can
+be overriden using the OCK_EP11_TOKEN_DIR environment variable.
+EP11 token configuration files defines a list of adapter/domain pairs to which
+the EP11 token sends its cryptographic requests. This list can be specified as
+a white list starting with a line containing the key word APQN_WHITELIST
+followed by one or more lines containing each two integers (in the range
+of 0 - 255) separated by a white space. The white list is ended with a line
+containing the key word END. In each of lines of the white list the first
+integer denotes the adapter number and the second integer denotes the domain
+id. Alternatively the keyword APQN_ANY can be used to define that all
+adapter/domain pairs with EP11 firmware load that are available to the system
+shall be used as target adapters. An adapter number corresponds to the
+numerical part xx of an adapter id of the form cardxx as displayed by the
+lszcrypt tool or in the sys file system (e.g. in /sys/bus/ap/devices).
+Currently Linux on z only supports a single domain. That domain number can be
+displayed with lszcrypt -b (see the value of ap_domain) or alternatively as
+contents of /sys/bus/ap/ap_domain.
+In addition to the target adapter a log level can be defined in the EP11
+configuration file using a line consisting of the key word LOGLEVEL followed
+by an integer between 0 and 9.
+If a log level greater than 0 is defined in the environment variable
+OCK_EP11_TOKEN_LOGLEVEL or using the LOGLEVEL entry in the EP11 configuration
+file then log entries are written to a log file
+/var/log/ock_ep11_token.<pid>.log where <pid> is the process id of the process
+using the EP11 token.
+Note, that the handling of EP11 logs is subject to change in future releases
+of opencryptoki.
+Crypto Express Adapter EP11 Master Key Management
+If master keys are changed on an EP11 adapter all key objects in the token
+object repository (in the TOK_OBJ directory within the EP11 token directory)
+become invalid.
+The key migration tool pkcsep11_migrate can be used to perform the migration
+of the current EP11 master keys to new master keys. Therefore the following
+steps must be performed:
+1) On the Trusted Key Entry console (TKE): Submit and commit new master
+keys on the EP11 adapter(s).
+2) On Linux: Stop all processes using openCryptoki with the EP11 token.
+3) On Linux: Back up the token object repository of the EP11 token.
+4) On Linux: Migrate keys of object repository of EP11 token with
+migration tool. If a failure occurs restore the backed up token repository
+and retry step 4.
+5) On the TKE: Activate new master keys on the EP11 adapter(s).
+6) On Linux: Restart applications using openCryptoki with the EP11 token.
+Token specifics
+The EP11 token only supports secure keys (i.e. key wrapped by a master key of
+the Crypto Express adapter). Therefore all keys must have the attribute
+CKA_SENISTIVE set to CK_TRUE. Since the PKCS#11 standard does not define a
+(token specific) default for secure keys the attribute must be explicitly
+provided whenever a secret key is generated, unwrapped or build with
+C_CreateObject. In addition all keys used with the EP11 token are extractable.
+i.e. they must have the attribute CKA_EXTRACTABLE set to CK_TRUE.
+When creating keys the default values of the attributes CKA_ENCRYPT,
+Note, no EP11 mechanism supports the Sign/Recover or Verify/Recover functions.
+All RSA key must have a public exponent (CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT) greater than
+or equal to 17.
+The CryptoExpress EP11 coprocessor restricts RSA keys (primes and moduli)
+according to ANSI X9.31. Therefore in the EP11 token the lengths of the
+RSA primes (p or q) must be a multiple of 128 bits and the length of the
+modulus (CKA_MODULUS_BITS) must be a multiple of 256.
+The mechanisms CKM_DES3_CBC and CKM_AES_CBC can only wrap keys which have
+a length that is a multiple of the block size of DES3 or AES respectively.
+See the mechanism list and mechanism info (pkcsconf -m) for supported
+mechanisms together with supported functions and key sizes. Note the
+supported mechanism list is currently fix and matches the most stringent
+setting of the Crypto Express adapter.
+Note, the EP11 coprocessor adapter can be configured to restrict the
+cryptographic capababilities in order for the adapter to comply with specific
+security requirements and regulations. Such restrictions on the adapter impact
+the capabilitiy of the EP11 token.