------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 26 20:31:17 UTC 2013 - scorot@free.fr - version 0.2.7 * Support LSB (Linux Standard Base) 4.1. e.g. make CC=lsbcc * Include LAPACK 3.4.2 source codes to the repo. Avoid downloading at compile time. * Add NO_PARALLEL_MAKE flag to disable parallel make. * Create openblas_get_parallel to retrieve information which parallelization model is used by OpenBLAS. (Thank grisuthedragon) * Detect LLVM/Clang compiler. * A walk round for dtrti_U single thread bug. Replace it with LAPACK codes. (#191) * Optimize c/zgemm, trsm, dgemv_n, ddot, daxpy, dcopy on AMD Bulldozer. (Thank Werner Saar) * Add Intel Haswell support (using Sandybridge optimizations). (Thank Dan Luu) * Add AMD Piledriver support (using Bulldozer optimizations). * Fix the computational error in zgemm avx kernel on Sandybridge. (#237) * Fix the overflow bug in gemv. * Fix the overflow bug in multi-threaded BLAS3, getrf when NUM_THREADS is very large.(#214, #221, #246). - rebase patch noexecstack.patch - remove lapack source tarball since lapack sources are included in openblas sources - increase NUM_THREAD from 32 to 64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 2 16:08:16 UTC 2013 - scorot@free.fr - version 0.2.6 * Improved OpenMP performance slightly. (d744c9) * Improved cblas.h compatibility with Intel MKL.(#185) * Fixed the overflowing bug in single thread cholesky factorization. * Fixed the overflowing buffer bug of multithreading hbmv and sbmv.(#174) * Added AMD Bulldozer x86-64 S/DGEMM AVX kernels. (Thank Werner Saar) We will tune the performance in future. * Auto-detect Intel Xeon E7540. * Fixed the overflowing buffer bug of gemv. (#173) * Fixed the bug of s/cdot about invalid reading NAN on x86_64. (#189) - rebase patch0 openblas-0.2.6-libs.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 17 14:10:55 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Remove redundant cleaning commands - Do not create .so.0.2.5. SO versions are not package release numbers. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 21 20:19:13 UTC 2013 - scorot@free.fr - use Requires(post) and Requires(preun) instead of PreReq - add patch markups in spec file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 15 20:42:00 UTC 2013 - scorot@free.fr - add update-alternatives support to allow easy switching between the different blas and lapack implementations ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 30 20:46:47 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - version 0.2.5 * Export LAPACK 3.4.2 symbols in shared library. (#147) * Restore the original CPU affinity when calling openblas_set_num_threads(1) (#153) * Fixed a SEGFAULT bug in dgemv_t when m is very large.(#154) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 8 19:12:49 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - version 0.2.4 * Upgraded LAPACK to 3.4.2 version. (#145) * f77blas.h:compatibility for compilers without C99 complex number support. (#141) * Added NO_AVX flag. Check OS supporting AVX on runtime. (#139) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 20 21:30:03 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - version 0.2.3 * Fixed LAPACK unstable bug about ?laswp. (#130) * Fixed the shared library bug about unloading the library on Linux (#132). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 8 20:24:03 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - version 0.2.2 * Support Intel Sandy Bridge 22nm desktop/mobile CPU ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 2 20:45:57 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - version 0.2.1 * Fixed the SEGFAULT bug about hyper-theading * Support AMD Bulldozer by using GotoBLAS2 AMD Barcelona codes * Removed the limitation (64) of numbers of CPU cores. Now, it supports 256 cores at max. * Supported clang compiler. * Fixed some build bugs on FreeBSD * Optimized Level-3 BLAS on Intel Sandy Bridge x86-64 by AVX instructions. * Support AMD Bobcat by using GotoBLAS2 AMD Barcelona codes. - update patch3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 2 21:16:16 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - update patch0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 2 20:45:18 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - again fix remaining library file name error in spec file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 2 20:18:48 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - fix wrong library file name version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 2 20:05:55 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - Update to version 0.1.1 * Upgraded LAPACK to 3.4.1 version. (Thank Zaheer Chothia) * Supported LAPACKE, a C interface to LAPACKE. (Thank Zaheer Chothia) * Fixed the build bug (MD5 and download) on Mac OSX. * Auto download CUnit 2.1.2-2 from SF.net with UTEST_CHECK=1. x86/x86_64: * Auto-detect Intel Sandy Bridge Core i7-3xxx & Xeon E7 Westmere-EX. * Test alpha=Nan in dscale. * Fixed a SEGFAULT bug in samax on x86 windows. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 25 21:46:07 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - version 0.1.0 - update openblas-0.1.0-soname.patch - add openblas-0.1.0-noexecstack.patch - spec file cleanup ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 12 22:19:17 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - version 0.1alpha2.5