Please stage together with! Currently, openSUSE:Factory:Staging:E. - Remove DYNAMIC_LIST for aarch64 for older gcc versions: This has been fixed upstream. - Update to version 0.3.26: * General: - Improved the version of openblas.pc that is created by the CMAKE build. - Fixed a CMAKE-specific build problem on older versions of MacOS. - Worked around linking problems on old versions of MacOS. - Corrected installation location of the lapacke_mangling header in CMAKE builds. - Added type declarations for complex variables to the MSVC-specific parts of the LAPACK header. - Significantly sped up ?GESV for small problem sizes by introducing a lower bound for multithreading. - Imported additions and corrections from the Reference-LAPACK project: + Added new LAPACK functions for truncated QR with pivoting (Reference-LAPACK PRs 891&941). + Handle miscalculation of minimum work array size in corner cases (Reference-LAPACK PR 942). + Fixed use of uninitialized variables in ?GEDMD and improved inline documentation. + Fixed use of uninitialized variables (and consequential failures) in ?BBCSD. + Added tests for the recently introduced Dynamic Mode Decomposition functions. + Fixed several memory leaks in the LAPACK testsuite. + Fixed counting of testsuite results by the Python script. OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
openSUSE specific packaging =========================== OpenBLAS provides optimized implementations of BLAS and LAPACK. openSUSE provides three variants: * Serial library (libopenblas_serial0) * With OpenMP support (libopenblas_openmp0) * With threading support (libopenblas_pthreads0) By defult openSUSE uses pthreads version on x86 systems and OpenMP for other architectures. On x86 systems OpenBLAS uses dynamic architectures support, so it contains all CPU-related optimizations. How to switch between the various BLAS/LAPACK implementations ============================================================= BLAS: sudo /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --config LAPACK: sudo /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --config More information is available at: