Pedro Monreal Gonzalez 18ecb7a582 - Build with no-afalgeng [bsc#1226463]
- Security fix: [bsc#1227138, CVE-2024-5535]
  * SSL_select_next_proto buffer overread
  * Add openssl-CVE-2024-5535.patch

- Apply "openssl-CVE-2024-4741.patch" to fix a use-after-free
  security vulnerability. Calling the function SSL_free_buffers()
  potentially caused memory to be accessed that was previously
  freed in some situations and a malicious attacker could attempt
  to engineer a stituation where this occurs to facilitate a
  denial-of-service attack. [CVE-2024-4741, bsc#1225551]

2024-07-25 08:07:48 +00:00

23 lines
987 B

Index: openssl-1.1.1d/test/recipes/90-test_shlibload.t
--- openssl-1.1.1d.orig/test/recipes/90-test_shlibload.t 2019-09-10 15:13:07.000000000 +0200
+++ openssl-1.1.1d/test/recipes/90-test_shlibload.t 2020-01-23 15:22:27.355814857 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ plan skip_all => "Test is disabled on AI
plan skip_all => "Test is disabled on VMS" if config('target') =~ m|^vms|;
plan skip_all => "Test only supported in a dso build" if disabled("dso");
-plan tests => 10;
+plan tests => 9;
# When libssl and libcrypto are compiled on Linux with "-rpath", but not
# "--enable-new-dtags", the RPATH takes precedence over LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ unlink $filename;
($fh, $filename) = tempfile();
ok(run(test(["shlibloadtest", "-no_atexit", $libcrypto, $libssl, $filename])),
"running shlibloadtest -no_atexit $filename");
unlink $filename;
sub shlib {