Notes about the OpenVPN package In a fresh installation, you will find an empty directory /etc/openvpn. The directory is meant to contain *.conf files. With openSUSE post-12.3 either all enabled instances are handled by calling 'systemctl <start|stop|status>' or each one tunnel/config separately using openvpn service template: 'systemctl <start|stop|status|enable|disbale> openvpn@<name>.service' while <name> is the name of the configuration file /etc/openvpn/<name>.conf. The OPENVPN_AUTOSTART sysconfig variable, which were specifying the list of enabled configs is migrated to systemctl enable on update. Alternatively, you can also use the rcopenvpn compatiblity wrapper: rcopenvpn <start|stop|status> or per config/tunnel: rcopenvpn <start|stop|status|enable|disable> <name>