Darin Perusich f27783ee94 - updated to verion 3.0.6
- generate specs for PG 9.3

- udpated to verion 3.0.6

- udpated to verion 3.0.6

- udpated to verion 3.0.6

- patch for compilation error with Bison >=2.6
  See also http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=710633 

- renamed orafce.spec to orafce.spec.in 

- updated name in template
- set proper install location

- added pre_checkin.sh to generate .spec and .changes 

- updated to orafce-HEAD-36ccc5b from git repository which supports
  postgresql 9.2. As there's no official release i'm calling it 5a
- created .specs to support multiple versions of PG
- removed/renamed orafce.spec

- Fixed non-standard Group 

- added FLEX=/usr/bin/flex to make statement in %build.

OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/server:database:postgresql/orafce?expand=0&rev=5
2013-10-09 18:25:53 +00:00

50 lines
1.5 KiB

%define gitname VERSION_3_0_6
%define pgversion 92
%define realname orafce
Name: postgresql%{pgversion}-orafce
Version: 3.0.6
Release: 7
Summary: Implementation of some Oracle functions into PostgreSQL
Group: Productivity/Databases/Tools
License: BSD
URL: http://pgfoundry.org/projects/orafce/
#Source0: http://pgfoundry.org/frs/download.php/2361/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Source0: %{realname}-%{gitname}.tar.gz
# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM fix for upsteam https://github.com/orafce/orafce/pull/4
Patch1: orafce-orafce_sql_yyparse-bison26.patch
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildRequires: postgresql%{pgversion}-devel openssl-devel krb5-devel bison flex
Requires: postgresql%{pgversion}-server
Provides: orafce
The goal of this project is implementation some functions from Oracle database.
Some date functions (next_day, last_day, trunc, round, ...) are implemented
now. Functionality was verified on Oracle 10g and module is useful
for production work.
%setup -q -n %{realname}-%{gitname}
#%patch1 -p1
#sed -i 's/\r//' doc/style.css
make USE_PGXS=1 %{?_smp_mflags} FLEX=/usr/bin/flex
%doc COPYRIGHT.orafunc INSTALL.orafunc README.orafunc
%exclude %{_docdir}/postgresql%{pgversion}/