Dominique Leuenberger 2020-03-29 12:25:48 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
commit cd476aa329
13 changed files with 614 additions and 8 deletions

Configuration.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
* General configuration of Orthanc
// The logical name of this instance of Orthanc. This one is
// displayed in Orthanc Explorer and at the URI "/system".
"Name" : "MyOrthanc@openSUSE",
// Path to the directory that holds the heavyweight files (i.e. the
// raw DICOM instances). Backslashes must be either escaped by
// doubling them, or replaced by forward slashes "/".
"StorageDirectory" : "/var/lib/orthanc/OrthancStorage",
// Path to the directory that holds the SQLite index (if unset, the
// value of StorageDirectory is used). This index could be stored on
// a RAM-drive or a SSD device for performance reasons.
"IndexDirectory" : "/var/lib/orthanc/OrthancStorage",
// Path to the directory where Orthanc stores its large temporary
// files. The content of this folder can be safely deleted if
// Orthanc once stopped. The folder must exist. The corresponding
// filesystem must be properly sized, given that for instance a ZIP
// archive of DICOM images created by a job can weight several GBs,
// and that there might be up to "min(JobsHistorySize,
// MediaArchiveSize)" archives to be stored simultaneously. If not
// set, Orthanc will use the default temporary folder of the
// operating system (such as "/tmp/" on UNIX-like systems, or
// "C:/Temp" on Microsoft Windows).
// "TemporaryDirectory" : "/tmp/Orthanc/",
// Enable the transparent compression of the DICOM instances
"StorageCompression" : false,
// Maximum size of the storage in MB (a value of "0" indicates no
// limit on the storage size)
"MaximumStorageSize" : 0,
// Maximum number of patients that can be stored at a given time
// in the storage (a value of "0" indicates no limit on the number
// of patients)
"MaximumPatientCount" : 0,
// List of paths to the custom Lua scripts that are to be loaded
// into this instance of Orthanc
"LuaScripts" : [
// List of paths to the plugins that are to be loaded into this
// instance of Orthanc (e.g. "./" for Linux, or
// "./PluginTest.dll" for Windows). These paths can refer to
// folders, in which case they will be scanned non-recursively to
// find shared libraries. Backslashes must be either escaped by
// doubling them, or replaced by forward slashes "/".
"Plugins" : [
// Maximum number of processing jobs that are simultaneously running
// at any given time. A value of "0" indicates to use all the
// available CPU logical cores. To emulate Orthanc <= 1.3.2, set
// this value to "1".
"ConcurrentJobs" : 2,
* Configuration of the HTTP server
// Enable the HTTP server. If this parameter is set to "false",
// Orthanc acts as a pure DICOM server. The REST API and Orthanc
// Explorer will not be available.
"HttpServerEnabled" : true,
// HTTP port for the REST services and for the GUI
"HttpPort" : 8042,
// When the following option is "true", if an error is encountered
// while calling the REST API, a JSON message describing the error
// is put in the HTTP answer. This feature can be disabled if the
// HTTP client does not properly handles such answers.
"HttpDescribeErrors" : true,
// Enable HTTP compression to improve network bandwidth utilization,
// at the expense of more computations on the server. Orthanc
// supports the "gzip" and "deflate" HTTP encodings.
"HttpCompressionEnabled" : true,
* Configuration of the DICOM server
// Enable the DICOM server. If this parameter is set to "false",
// Orthanc acts as a pure REST server. It will not be possible to
// receive files or to do query/retrieve through the DICOM protocol.
"DicomServerEnabled" : true,
// The DICOM Application Entity Title (cannot be longer than 16
// characters)
"DicomAet" : "ORTHANC",
// Check whether the called AET corresponds to the AET of Orthanc
// during an incoming DICOM SCU request
"DicomCheckCalledAet" : false,
// The DICOM port
"DicomPort" : 4242,
// The default encoding that is assumed for DICOM files without
// "SpecificCharacterSet" DICOM tag, and that is used when answering
// C-Find requests (including worklists). The allowed values are
// "Ascii", "Utf8", "Latin1", "Latin2", "Latin3", "Latin4",
// "Latin5", "Cyrillic", "Windows1251", "Arabic", "Greek", "Hebrew",
// "Thai", "Japanese", "Chinese", "JapaneseKanji", "Korean", and
// "SimplifiedChinese".
"DefaultEncoding" : "Latin1",
// The transfer syntaxes that are accepted by Orthanc C-Store SCP
"DeflatedTransferSyntaxAccepted" : true,
"JpegTransferSyntaxAccepted" : true,
"Jpeg2000TransferSyntaxAccepted" : true,
"JpegLosslessTransferSyntaxAccepted" : true,
"JpipTransferSyntaxAccepted" : true,
"Mpeg2TransferSyntaxAccepted" : true,
"RleTransferSyntaxAccepted" : true,
"Mpeg4TransferSyntaxAccepted" : true, // New in Orthanc 1.6.0
// Whether Orthanc accepts to act as C-Store SCP for unknown storage
// SOP classes (aka. "promiscuous mode")
"UnknownSopClassAccepted" : false,
// Set the timeout (in seconds) after which the DICOM associations
// are closed by the Orthanc SCP (server) if no further DIMSE
// command is received from the SCU (client).
"DicomScpTimeout" : 30,
* Security-related options for the HTTP server
// Whether remote hosts can connect to the HTTP server
"RemoteAccessAllowed" : false,
// Whether or not SSL is enabled
"SslEnabled" : false,
// Path to the SSL certificate in the PEM format (meaningful only if
// SSL is enabled)
"SslCertificate" : "certificate.pem",
// Whether or not the password protection is enabled (using HTTP
// basic access authentication). Starting with Orthanc 1.5.8, if
// "AuthenticationEnabled" is not explicitly set, authentication is
// enabled iff. remote access is allowed (i.e. the default value of
// "AuthenticationEnabled" equals that of "RemoteAccessAllowed").
"AuthenticationEnabled" : false,
// The list of the registered users. Because Orthanc uses HTTP
// Basic Authentication, the passwords are stored as plain text.
"RegisteredUsers" : {
// "alice" : "alicePassword"
* Network topology
// The list of the known DICOM modalities
"DicomModalities" : {
* Uncommenting the following line would enable Orthanc to
* connect to an instance of the "storescp" open-source DICOM
* store (shipped in the DCMTK distribution), as started by the
* command line "storescp 2000". The first parameter is the
* AET of the remote modality (cannot be longer than 16
* characters), the second one is the remote network address,
* and the third one is the TCP port number corresponding
* to the DICOM protocol on the remote modality (usually 104).
// "sample" : [ "STORESCP", "", 2000 ]
* A fourth parameter is available to enable patches for
* specific PACS manufacturers. The allowed values are currently:
* - "Generic" (default value),
* - "GenericNoWildcardInDates" (to replace "*" by "" in date fields
* in outgoing C-Find requests originating from Orthanc),
* - "GenericNoUniversalWildcard" (to replace "*" by "" in all fields
* in outgoing C-Find SCU requests originating from Orthanc),
* - "StoreScp" (storescp tool from DCMTK),
* - "Vitrea",
* - "GE" (Enterprise Archive, MRI consoles and Advantage Workstation
* from GE Healthcare).
* This parameter is case-sensitive.
// "vitrea" : [ "VITREA", "", 104, "Vitrea" ]
* By default, the Orthanc SCP accepts all DICOM commands (C-ECHO,
* C-STORE, C-FIND, C-MOVE, and storage commitment) issued by the
* registered remote SCU modalities. Starting with Orthanc 1.5.0,
* it is possible to specify which DICOM commands are allowed,
* separately for each remote modality, using the syntax
* below. The "AllowEcho" (resp. "AllowStore") option only has an
* effect respectively if global option "DicomAlwaysAllowEcho"
* (resp. "DicomAlwaysAllowStore") is set to false.
//"untrusted" : {
// "AET" : "ORTHANC",
// "Port" : 104,
// "Host" : "",
// "Manufacturer" : "Generic",
// "AllowEcho" : false,
// "AllowFind" : false,
// "AllowMove" : false,
// "AllowStore" : true,
// "AllowStorageCommitment" : false // new in 1.6.0
// Whether to store the DICOM modalities in the Orthanc database
// instead of in this configuration file (new in Orthanc 1.5.0)
"DicomModalitiesInDatabase" : false,
// Whether the Orthanc SCP allows incoming C-Echo requests, even
// from SCU modalities it does not know about (i.e. that are not
// listed in the "DicomModalities" option above). Orthanc 1.3.0
// is the only version to behave as if this argument was set to "false".
"DicomAlwaysAllowEcho" : true,
// Whether the Orthanc SCP allows incoming C-Store requests, even
// from SCU modalities it does not know about (i.e. that are not
// listed in the "DicomModalities" option above)
"DicomAlwaysAllowStore" : true,
// Whether Orthanc checks the IP/hostname address of the remote
// modality initiating a DICOM connection (as listed in the
// "DicomModalities" option above). If this option is set to
// "false", Orthanc only checks the AET of the remote modality.
"DicomCheckModalityHost" : false,
// The timeout (in seconds) after which the DICOM associations are
// considered as closed by the Orthanc SCU (client) if the remote
// DICOM SCP (server) does not answer.
"DicomScuTimeout" : 10,
// The list of the known Orthanc peers
"OrthancPeers" : {
* Each line gives the base URL of an Orthanc peer, possibly
* followed by the username/password pair (if the password
* protection is enabled on the peer).
// "peer" : [ "", "alice", "alicePassword" ]
// "peer2" : [ "" ]
* This is another, more advanced format to define Orthanc
* peers. It notably allows to specify HTTP headers, a HTTPS
* client certificate in the PEM format (as in the "--cert" option
* of curl), or to enable PKCS#11 authentication for smart cards.
// "peer" : {
// "Url" : "",
// "Username" : "alice",
// "Password" : "alicePassword",
// "HttpHeaders" : { "Token" : "Hello world" },
// "CertificateFile" : "client.crt",
// "CertificateKeyFile" : "client.key",
// "CertificateKeyPassword" : "certpass",
// "Pkcs11" : false
// }
// Whether to store the Orthanc peers in the Orthanc database
// instead of in this configuration file (new in Orthanc 1.5.0)
"OrthancPeersInDatabase" : false,
// Parameters of the HTTP proxy to be used by Orthanc. If set to the
// empty string, no HTTP proxy is used. For instance:
// "HttpProxy" : ""
// "HttpProxy" : "proxyUser:proxyPassword@"
"HttpProxy" : "",
// If set to "true", debug messages from libcurl will be issued
// whenever Orthanc makes an outgoing HTTP request. This is notably
// useful to debug HTTPS-related problems.
"HttpVerbose" : false,
// Set the timeout for HTTP requests issued by Orthanc (in seconds).
"HttpTimeout" : 60,
// Enable the verification of the peers during HTTPS requests. This
// option must be set to "false" if using self-signed certificates.
// Pay attention that setting this option to "false" results in
// security risks!
// Reference:
"HttpsVerifyPeers" : true,
// Path to the CA (certification authority) certificates to validate
// peers in HTTPS requests. From curl documentation ("--cacert"
// option): "Tells curl to use the specified certificate file to
// verify the peers. The file may contain multiple CA
// certificates. The certificate(s) must be in PEM format." On
// Debian-based systems, this option can be set to
// "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
"HttpsCACertificates" : "",
* Advanced options
// Dictionary of symbolic names for the user-defined metadata. Each
// entry must map an unique string to an unique number between 1024
// and 65535. Reserved values:
// - The Orthanc whole-slide imaging plugin uses metadata 4200
"UserMetadata" : {
// "Sample" : 1024
// Dictionary of symbolic names for the user-defined types of
// attached files. Each entry must map an unique string to an unique
// number between 1024 and 65535. Optionally, a second argument can
// provided to specify a MIME content type for the attachment.
"UserContentType" : {
// "sample" : 1024
// "sample2" : [ 1025, "application/pdf" ]
// Number of seconds without receiving any instance before a
// patient, a study or a series is considered as stable.
"StableAge" : 60,
// By default, Orthanc compares AET (Application Entity Titles) in a
// case-insensitive way. Setting this option to "true" will enable
// case-sensitive matching.
"StrictAetComparison" : false,
// When the following option is "true", the MD5 of the DICOM files
// will be computed and stored in the Orthanc database. This
// information can be used to detect disk corruption, at the price
// of a small performance overhead.
"StoreMD5ForAttachments" : true,
// The maximum number of results for a single C-FIND request at the
// Patient, Study or Series level. Setting this option to "0" means
// no limit.
"LimitFindResults" : 0,
// The maximum number of results for a single C-FIND request at the
// Instance level. Setting this option to "0" means no limit.
"LimitFindInstances" : 0,
// The maximum number of active jobs in the Orthanc scheduler. When
// this limit is reached, the addition of new jobs is blocked until
// some job finishes.
"LimitJobs" : 10,
// If this option is set to "true" (default behavior until Orthanc
// 1.3.2), Orthanc will log the resources that are exported to other
// DICOM modalities or Orthanc peers, inside the URI
// "/exports". Setting this option to "false" is useful to prevent
// the index to grow indefinitely in auto-routing tasks (this is the
// default behavior since Orthanc 1.4.0).
"LogExportedResources" : false,
// Enable or disable HTTP Keep-Alive (persistent HTTP
// connections). Setting this option to "true" prevents Orthanc
// issue #32 ("HttpServer does not support multiple HTTP requests in
// the same TCP stream"), but can possibly slow down HTTP clients
// that do not support persistent connections. The default behavior
// used to be "false" in Orthanc <= 1.5.1. Setting this option to
// "false" is also recommended if Orthanc is compiled against
// Mongoose.
"KeepAlive" : true,
// Enable or disable Nagle's algorithm. Only taken into
// consideration if Orthanc is compiled to use CivetWeb. Experiments
// show that best performance can be obtained by setting both
// "KeepAlive" and "TcpNoDelay" to "true". Beware however of
// caveats:
"TcpNoDelay" : true,
// Number of threads that are used by the embedded HTTP server.
"HttpThreadsCount" : 50,
// If this option is set to "false", Orthanc will run in index-only
// mode. The DICOM files will not be stored on the drive. Note that
// this option might prevent the upgrade to newer versions of Orthanc.
"StoreDicom" : true,
// DICOM associations initiated by Lua scripts are kept open as long
// as new DICOM commands are issued. This option sets the number of
// seconds of inactivity to wait before automatically closing a
// DICOM association used by Lua. If set to 0, the connection is
// closed immediately.
"DicomAssociationCloseDelay" : 5,
// Maximum number of query/retrieve DICOM requests that are
// maintained by Orthanc. The least recently used requests get
// deleted as new requests are issued.
"QueryRetrieveSize" : 100,
// When handling a C-Find SCP request, setting this flag to "true"
// will enable case-sensitive match for PN value representation
// (such as PatientName). By default, the search is
// case-insensitive, which does not follow the DICOM standard.
"CaseSensitivePN" : false,
// Configure PKCS#11 to use hardware security modules (HSM) and
// smart cards when carrying on HTTPS client authentication.
"Pkcs11" : {
"Module" : "/usr/local/lib/",
"Module" : "C:/Windows/System32/beidpkcs11.dll",
"Pin" : "1234",
"Verbose" : true
// If set to "false", Orthanc will not load its default dictionary
// of private tags. This might be necessary if you cannot import a
// DICOM file encoded using the Implicit VR Endian transfer syntax,
// and containing private tags: Such an import error might stem from
// a bad dictionary. You can still list your private tags of
// interest in the "Dictionary" configuration option below.
"LoadPrivateDictionary" : true,
// Locale to be used by Orthanc. Currently, only used if comparing
// strings in a case-insensitive way. It should be safe to keep this
// value undefined, which lets Orthanc autodetect the suitable locale.
// "Locale" : "en_US.UTF-8",
// Register a new tag in the dictionary of DICOM tags that are known
// to Orthanc. Each line must contain the tag (formatted as 2
// hexadecimal numbers), the value representation (2 upcase
// characters), a nickname for the tag, possibly the minimum
// multiplicity (> 0 with defaults to 1), possibly the maximum
// multiplicity (0 means arbitrary multiplicity, defaults to 1), and
// possibly the Private Creator (for private tags).
"Dictionary" : {
// "0014,1020" : [ "DA", "ValidationExpiryDate", 1, 1 ]
// "00e1,10c2" : [ "UI", "PET-CT Multi Modality Name", 1, 1, "ELSCINT1" ]
// "7053,1003" : [ "ST", "Original Image Filename", 1, 1, "Philips PET Private Group" ]
// "2001,5f" : [ "SQ", "StackSequence", 1, 1, "Philips Imaging DD 001" ]
// Whether to run DICOM C-Move operations synchronously. If set to
// "false" (asynchronous mode), each incoming C-Move request results
// in the creation of a new background job. Up to Orthanc 1.3.2, the
// implicit behavior was to use synchronous C-Move ("true"). Between
// Orthanc 1.4.0 and 1.4.2, the default behavior was set to
// asynchronous C-Move ("false"). Since Orthanc 1.5.0, the default
// behavior is back to synchronous C-Move ("true", which ensures
// backward compatibility with Orthanc <= 1.3.2).
"SynchronousCMove" : true,
// Maximum number of completed jobs that are kept in memory. A
// processing job is considered as complete once it is tagged as
// "Success" or "Failure". Since Orthanc 1.5.0, a value of "0"
// indicates to keep no job in memory (i.e. jobs are removed from
// the history as soon as they are completed), which prevents the
// use of some features of Orthanc (typically, synchronous mode in
// REST API) and should be avoided for non-developers.
"JobsHistorySize" : 10,
// Whether to save the jobs into the Orthanc database. If this
// option is set to "true", the pending/running/completed jobs are
// automatically reloaded from the database if Orthanc is stopped
// then restarted (except if the "--no-jobs" command-line argument
// is specified). This option should be set to "false" if multiple
// Orthanc servers are using the same database (e.g. if PostgreSQL
// or MariaDB/MySQL is used).
"SaveJobs" : true,
// Specifies how Orthanc reacts when it receives a DICOM instance
// whose SOPInstanceUID is already stored. If set to "true", the new
// instance replaces the old one. If set to "false", the new
// instance is discarded and the old one is kept. Up to Orthanc
// 1.4.1, the implicit behavior corresponded to "false".
"OverwriteInstances" : false,
// Maximum number of ZIP/media archives that are maintained by
// Orthanc, as a response to the asynchronous creation of archives.
// The least recently used archives get deleted as new archives are
// generated. This option was introduced in Orthanc 1.5.0, and has
// no effect on the synchronous generation of archives.
"MediaArchiveSize" : 1,
// Performance setting to specify how Orthanc accesses the storage
// area during C-FIND. Three modes are available: (1) "Always"
// allows Orthanc to read the storage area as soon as it needs an
// information that is not present in its database (slowest mode),
// (2) "Never" prevents Orthanc from accessing the storage area, and
// makes it uses exclusively its database (fastest mode), and (3)
// "Answers" allows Orthanc to read the storage area to generate its
// answers, but not to filter the DICOM resources (balance between
// the two modes). By default, the mode is "Always", which
// corresponds to the behavior of Orthanc <= 1.5.0.
"StorageAccessOnFind" : "Always",
// Whether Orthanc monitors its metrics (new in Orthanc 1.5.4). If
// set to "true", the metrics can be retrieved at
// "/tools/metrics-prometheus" formetted using the Prometheus
// text-based exposition format.
"MetricsEnabled" : true,
// Whether calls to URI "/tools/execute-script" is enabled. Starting
// with Orthanc 1.5.8, this URI is disabled by default for security.
"ExecuteLuaEnabled" : false,
// Set the timeout for HTTP requests, in seconds. This corresponds
// to option "request_timeout_ms" of Mongoose/Civetweb. It will set
// the socket options "SO_RCVTIMEO" and "SO_SNDTIMEO" to the
// specified value.
"HttpRequestTimeout" : 30,
// Set the default private creator that is used by Orthanc when it
// looks for a private tag in its dictionary (cf. "Dictionary"
// option), or when it creates/modifies a DICOM file (new in Orthanc 1.6.0).
"DefaultPrivateCreator" : "",
// Maximum number of storage commitment reports (i.e. received from
// remote modalities) to be kept in memory (new in Orthanc 1.6.0).
"StorageCommitmentReportsSize" : 100

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:da8aa4ce6e6942c8190e3910a595ee36555ed002e75c151395705bee25b73836
size 1561300

Orthanc-1.6.0.tar.gz Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:06f4295ec1cef0a00f72c2f4bc12074bcdd6906603940a8d67f4c49b837ee1bc
size 1615221

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<services> <services>
<service name="download_files" mode="disabled" /> <service name="download_files" mode="localonly" />
</services> </services>

axios-0.19.0.tar.gz Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:29577c6085b090b4e4a99392fcdd582fb6bbcb49b2aaf2cc7b7fa3874529b380
size 125193

3 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:c7fcae50c070250e4e1ae36a670e5ee8fe9d529eb3f1a03c527f8223ce3f61bc
size 2705432

jquery-3.4.1.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Configuration files for Orthanc are in
/etc/orthanc /etc/orthanc
Configuration files are in JSON format. Orthanc reads all files in the configuration folder to build up its internal setup. Configuration files are in JSON format. Orthanc reads all files in the configuration folder to build up its internal setup.
We ship a template Configuration.json. In case you are using SQLite, make sure you keep the location of /var/lib/orthanc/OrthancStorage
Starting/stopping Orthanc Starting/stopping Orthanc
Orthanc comes as systemd-service. so you can start it with: Orthanc comes as systemd-service. so you can start it with:
systemctl start orthanc systemctl start orthanc

orthanc-rpmlintrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# no need for old init-script:
addFilter("suse-missing-rclink orthanc");
# end-of-line is not really a pain:
addFilter("wrong-file-end-of-line-encoding /usr/share/doc/packages/orthanc/Samples/CppHelpers/");
# some python files are installed under 'examples'
# they should be adjusted
# false positive
addFilter("script-without-shebang /etc/orthanc/Configuration.json");
addFilter("script-without-shebang /etc/orthanc/worklists.json");
addFilter("script-without-shebang /etc/orthanc/serve-folders.json");

View File

@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
Wed Mar 25 19:08:48 UTC 2020 - Axel Braun <>
- various security hardenings (boo#1167431)
Tue Mar 24 19:34:05 UTC 2020 - Axel Braun <>
- ConnectivityCheck Plugin enabled in build
Fri Mar 20 13:16:54 UTC 2020 - Axel Braun <>
- version 1.6.0
bugfixes and improvements (see /usr/share/doc/packages/orthanc/NEWS
rpmlintrc for some rpmlint warnings
------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Tue Dec 17 09:02:21 UTC 2019 - Axel Braun <> Tue Dec 17 09:02:21 UTC 2019 - Axel Braun <>

View File

@ -2,6 +2,16 @@
Description=Orthanc DICOM server Description=Orthanc DICOM server
Documentation=man:orthanc(1) Documentation=man:orthanc(1)
[Service] [Service]
Type=simple Type=simple

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# #
# spec file for package orthanc # spec file for package orthanc
# #
# Copyright (c) 2019 SUSE LLC # Copyright (c) 2020 SUSE LLC
# Copyright (c) 2019 Dr. Axel Braun # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Dr. Axel Braun
# #
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
Name: orthanc Name: orthanc
Version: 1.5.8 Version: 1.6.0
Release: 0 Release: 0
Summary: RESTful DICOM server for healthcare and medical research Summary: RESTful DICOM server for healthcare and medical research
License: GPL-3.0-or-later License: GPL-3.0-or-later
@ -31,6 +31,13 @@ Source3: serve-folders.json
Source4: worklists.json Source4: worklists.json
Source5: index.html Source5: index.html
Source6: VersionsTests.cpp Source6: VersionsTests.cpp
Source7: orthanc-rpmlintrc
Source8: Configuration.json
# Sources for plugin - need a defined version, so taking them from orthanc-server
BuildRequires: civetweb-devel BuildRequires: civetweb-devel
BuildRequires: cmake >= 2.8.0 BuildRequires: cmake >= 2.8.0
@ -116,6 +123,14 @@ cp %{S:1} %{S:2} .
cp %{S:6} UnitTestsSources/. cp %{S:6} UnitTestsSources/.
#slight change in standard configuration for OrthancStorage
cp %{S:8} Resources/.
#OrthanPlugins may ask for additional files to be loaded
#Putting them into this folder prevents download of sources from the web
mkdir -p Plugins/Samples/ConnectivityChecks/ThirdPartyDownloads
cp %{S:10} %{S:11} %{S:12} %{S:13} Plugins/Samples/ConnectivityChecks/ThirdPartyDownloads/.
%build %build
%cmake .. \ %cmake .. \
@ -171,6 +186,7 @@ cp build/%{name}.1 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1
install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name} install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
cp %{S:3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name} cp %{S:3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
cp %{S:4} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name} cp %{S:4} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
cp %{S:8} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
cp orthanc.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} cp orthanc.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
@ -196,6 +212,8 @@ ln -s ../../../..%{_libdir}/%{name}/{version} \
%{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/%{name}/plugins/ %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/%{name}/plugins/
ln -s ../../../..%{_libdir}/%{name}/{version} \ ln -s ../../../..%{_libdir}/%{name}/{version} \
%{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/%{name}/plugins/ %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/%{name}/plugins/
ln -s ../../../..%{_libdir}/%{name}/{version} \
# Prepare documentation: "index.html", Doxygen of plugin SDK, and sample codes # Prepare documentation: "index.html", Doxygen of plugin SDK, and sample codes
cp -r %{S:5} %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/ cp -r %{S:5} %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/
@ -230,10 +248,11 @@ getent passwd orthanc >/dev/null || \
%{_unitdir}/orthanc.service %{_unitdir}/orthanc.service
%{_libdir}/orthanc/*.so.%{version} %{_libdir}/orthanc/*.so.%{version}
%{_prefix}/share/orthanc/plugins/*.so* %{_prefix}/share/orthanc/plugins/*.so*
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/orthanc %dir %attr(0755, orthanc, orthanc) %{_sysconfdir}/orthanc
%dir %{_libdir}/orthanc %dir %{_libdir}/orthanc
%dir %{_prefix}/share/orthanc %dir %{_prefix}/share/orthanc
%dir %{_prefix}/share/orthanc/plugins %dir %{_prefix}/share/orthanc/plugins
%defattr(0750, orthanc , orthanc)
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/orthanc/*.json %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/orthanc/*.json
%dir %attr(0755, orthanc, orthanc) %{_sharedstatedir}/orthanc %dir %attr(0755, orthanc, orthanc) %{_sharedstatedir}/orthanc
%dir %attr(0755, orthanc, orthanc) %{_sharedstatedir}/orthanc/db-v6 %dir %attr(0755, orthanc, orthanc) %{_sharedstatedir}/orthanc/db-v6

vuejs-2.6.10.tar.gz Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:e3d900cd9266b5bed9bb6d575fc9ab6787e79e7ad21c01ee1277bff5453121f2
size 1576461