Accepting request 731495 from devel:openQA:tested

Update to 4.5.1568227729.687c4ca8

This commit is contained in:
Yuchen Lin 2019-09-18 11:12:15 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
commit ddfe9ce675
7 changed files with 118 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:e70f821e8f196f6d1457ed0c558892679d3bf716cb1b176dfa81f29d69eb2485
size 24868877

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:6103b5bec07b30c8a76f42a148d300917afbc289faf210b9e3e50e22d26b7272
size 24887309

View File

@ -1,3 +1,50 @@
Wed Sep 11 18:48:59 UTC 2019 -
- Update to version 4.5.1568227729.687c4ca8:
* Fix PXEBOOT once to actually check for 'once' value
* Delete obsolete FIXME comments about sleep resolution
* Replace diag "imperative" by "descriptive"
* Improve result display of validate_script_output
* Factor out click functionality from assert_and_click
* Document needle area "click_point" in assert_and_click
* docs: Mention devel package instead of hardcoded dependencies
* docs: Update openSUSE repos using , priorities, better names
* spec: Split build-, runtime and test requirements
* Add configuration option for number of NVMe queues
* Allow special value 'once' for PXEBOOT, to PXE boot...once
* Fix unexpected error on xz in save_memory_dump()
* Get rid of distracting "last frame" message from videoencoder
* Save virsh output for later handling
* Fix left-over qemu processes regression due to f9c71d0e
* Fix missing data while reading from virtio_console
* spec: Fix tests in OBS by excluding 18-backend-qemu.t
* Add tests for backend/
* Fix blank line on process output
* Fix undefined warnings on undefined 'ARCH'
* Fix in-package test failure on git
* Revert "backend: DRY on check_socket method"
* Fix "undefined"-warning in 08-autotest.t
* spec: Add missing dependency to 'Data::Dumper'
* Don't hardcode C++ compiler in Makefile.PL
* Port away from the deprecated OpenCV 1 C API
* Add automatic lookup for UEFI_PFLASH_CODE/VARS to fix UEFI on Tumbleweed machines
* backend: DRY on check_socket method
* Clarify that force_soft_failure is to be used from post_fail_hook
* basetest: Fix typo in comment
* Fix the readout of git hash as version when called from other directory
* Make hostname in 'autoinst_url' configurable
* Add missing 'use' for 'Data::Dumper'
* qemu: Fix warning about undefined value in match
* Fix unrequested wait on every type_string call (regression in cec2709f)
* tweak imports to work with Python 3
* spec: Force OBS to resolve choices on opencv-devel
* spec: Fix build for openSUSE Factory and backports after opencv4 submission
* Replace 'serial_screen' for correct 'ssh_screen'
* Fix missing 'consoles/' in
* sshVirtshSUT use ssh aware serial screen
* Modify workaround property to support adding reason
Mon Jul 15 11:09:23 UTC 2019 -

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
%define name_ext -test
%define short_name os-autoinst
Name: %{short_name}%{?name_ext}
Version: 4.5.1563188951.f6f7c6b3
Version: 4.5.1568227729.687c4ca8
Release: 0
Summary: test package for os-autoinst
#BuildRequires: %{short_name} == %{version}

View File

@ -1,3 +1,50 @@
Wed Sep 11 18:48:59 UTC 2019 -
- Update to version 4.5.1568227729.687c4ca8:
* Fix PXEBOOT once to actually check for 'once' value
* Delete obsolete FIXME comments about sleep resolution
* Replace diag "imperative" by "descriptive"
* Improve result display of validate_script_output
* Factor out click functionality from assert_and_click
* Document needle area "click_point" in assert_and_click
* docs: Mention devel package instead of hardcoded dependencies
* docs: Update openSUSE repos using , priorities, better names
* spec: Split build-, runtime and test requirements
* Add configuration option for number of NVMe queues
* Allow special value 'once' for PXEBOOT, to PXE boot...once
* Fix unexpected error on xz in save_memory_dump()
* Get rid of distracting "last frame" message from videoencoder
* Save virsh output for later handling
* Fix left-over qemu processes regression due to f9c71d0e
* Fix missing data while reading from virtio_console
* spec: Fix tests in OBS by excluding 18-backend-qemu.t
* Add tests for backend/
* Fix blank line on process output
* Fix undefined warnings on undefined 'ARCH'
* Fix in-package test failure on git
* Revert "backend: DRY on check_socket method"
* Fix "undefined"-warning in 08-autotest.t
* spec: Add missing dependency to 'Data::Dumper'
* Don't hardcode C++ compiler in Makefile.PL
* Port away from the deprecated OpenCV 1 C API
* Add automatic lookup for UEFI_PFLASH_CODE/VARS to fix UEFI on Tumbleweed machines
* backend: DRY on check_socket method
* Clarify that force_soft_failure is to be used from post_fail_hook
* basetest: Fix typo in comment
* Fix the readout of git hash as version when called from other directory
* Make hostname in 'autoinst_url' configurable
* Add missing 'use' for 'Data::Dumper'
* qemu: Fix warning about undefined value in match
* Fix unrequested wait on every type_string call (regression in cec2709f)
* tweak imports to work with Python 3
* spec: Force OBS to resolve choices on opencv-devel
* spec: Fix build for openSUSE Factory and backports after opencv4 submission
* Replace 'serial_screen' for correct 'ssh_screen'
* Fix missing 'consoles/' in
* sshVirtshSUT use ssh aware serial screen
* Modify workaround property to support adding reason
Mon Jul 15 11:09:23 UTC 2019 -

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: os-autoinst
version: 4.5.1563188951.f6f7c6b3
mtime: 1563188951
commit: f6f7c6b39af40968aa1150b3a59dedab6dbdb18c
version: 4.5.1568227729.687c4ca8
mtime: 1568227729
commit: 687c4ca8ada60b2acae31f9aac37c01577808b7b

View File

@ -17,35 +17,27 @@
Name: os-autoinst
Version: 4.5.1563188951.f6f7c6b3
Version: 4.5.1568227729.687c4ca8
Release: 0
Summary: OS-level test automation
License: GPL-2.0-or-later
Group: Development/Tools/Other
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
%define build_requires autoconf automake gcc-c++ libtool opencv-devel > 3.0, pkg-config perl(Module::CPANfile) perl(Perl::Tidy) perl(Test::Compile) pkgconfig(fftw3) pkgconfig(libpng) pkgconfig(sndfile) pkgconfig(theoraenc) make
BuildRequires: %build_requires
# just for the test suite
BuildRequires: qemu-tools
Requires: /usr/bin/qemu-img
Requires: git-core
Requires: optipng
# Force OBS to resolve choices on opencv-devel
#!BuildIgnore: opencv3-devel
Requires: perl-base
Requires: qemu >= 2.0.0
%define build_requires autoconf automake gcc-c++ libtool pkgconfig(opencv) pkg-config perl(Module::CPANfile) pkgconfig(fftw3) pkgconfig(libpng) pkgconfig(sndfile) pkgconfig(theoraenc) make
%define requires perl(B::Deparse) perl(Mojolicious) >= 7.92, perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess) >= 0.23, perl(Carp::Always) perl(Data::Dump) perl(Data::Dumper) perl(Crypt::DES) perl(JSON) perl(autodie) perl(Class::Accessor::Fast) perl(Exception::Class) perl(File::Touch) perl(File::Which) perl(IPC::Run::Debug) perl(Net::DBus) perl(Net::SNMP) perl(Net::IP) perl(IPC::System::Simple) perl(Net::SSH2) perl(XML::LibXML) perl(XML::SemanticDiff) perl(JSON::XS) perl(List::MoreUtils) perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess) perl(Socket::MsgHdr) perl(Cpanel::JSON::XS) perl(IO::Scalar) perl(Try::Tiny) perl-base
%define requires_not_needed_in_tests qemu >= 2.0.0, /usr/bin/qemu-img, git-core optipng
# all requirements needed by the tests, do not require on this in the package
# itself or any sub-packages
%define test_requires %build_requires %requires perl(Perl::Tidy) perl(Test::Compile) perl(Test::Exception) perl(Test::Output) perl(Test::Fatal) perl(Test::Warnings) perl(Pod::Coverage) perl(Test::Pod) perl(Test::MockModule) perl(Test::MockObject) perl(Devel::Cover) perl(Test::Mock::Time) qemu-tools
%define devel_requires %test_requires %requires_not_needed_in_tests
BuildRequires: %test_requires
Requires: %requires
Recommends: tesseract-ocr
%define t_requires perl(Carp::Always) perl(Data::Dump) perl(Crypt::DES) perl(JSON) perl(autodie) perl(Class::Accessor::Fast) perl(Exception::Class) perl(File::Touch) perl(File::Which) perl(IPC::Run::Debug) perl(Net::DBus) perl(Net::SNMP) perl(Net::IP) perl(IPC::System::Simple) perl(Net::SSH2) perl(XML::LibXML) perl(XML::SemanticDiff) perl(Test::Exception) perl(Test::Output) perl(Test::Fatal) perl(Test::Warnings) perl(Pod::Coverage) perl(Test::Pod) perl(Test::MockModule) perl(Devel::Cover) perl(JSON::XS) perl(List::MoreUtils) perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess) perl(Test::Mock::Time) perl(Socket::MsgHdr) perl(Cpanel::JSON::XS) perl(IO::Scalar)
BuildRequires: %t_requires
Requires: %t_requires
BuildRequires: perl(Mojolicious)
Requires: perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess) >= 0.23
Requires: perl(Mojolicious) >= 7.92
# we shuffle around a lot of JSON, so make sure this is fast
# and the JSON modules have subtle differences and we only test against XS in production
Requires: perl(JSON::XS)
Recommends: /usr/bin/xkbcomp /usr/bin/Xvnc dumponlyconsole
%define devel_requires %build_requires %t_requires
Requires(pre): %{_bindir}/getent
Requires(pre): %{_sbindir}/useradd
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
@ -80,6 +72,8 @@ This package contains openvswitch support for os-autoinst.
%setup -q
sed -e 's,/bin/env python,/bin/python,' -i
# Replace version number from git to what's reported by the package
sed -i 's/ my $thisversion = qx{git.*rev-parse HEAD}.*;/ my $thisversion = "%{version}";/' isotovideo
mkdir -p m4
@ -89,8 +83,6 @@ make INSTALLDIRS=vendor %{?_smp_mflags}
%make_install INSTALLDIRS=vendor
# Replace version number from git to what's reported by the package
sed -i 's/ my $thisversion = qx{git rev-parse HEAD};/ my $thisversion = "%{version}";/' %{buildroot}/usr/bin/isotovideo
# only internal stuff
rm %{buildroot}/usr/lib/os-autoinst/tools/{tidy,check_coverage,absolutize}
rm -r %{buildroot}/usr/lib/os-autoinst/tools/lib/perlcritic
@ -115,8 +107,9 @@ sed '/tidy/d' -i Makefile
rm tools/lib/perlcritic/Perl/Critic/Policy/*.pm
# don't require qemu within OBS
cp t/05-pod.t t/18-qemu-options.t
cp t/05-pod.t t/99-full-stack.t
for i in 18-qemu-options 18-backend-qemu 99-full-stack; do
cp t/05-pod.t t/${i}.t
# should work offline
for p in $(cpanfile-dump); do rpm -q --whatprovides "perl($p)"; done