4.6.1611071183.d4854e5a OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:openQA:tested/os-autoinst?expand=0&rev=463
2136 lines
88 KiB
2136 lines
88 KiB
Tue Jan 19 15:46:34 UTC 2021 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1611071183.d4854e5a:
* tools/tidy: Use the perltidy version from the calling repo
* docker: Upgrade os-autoinst_dev image to Tumbleweed
* Fix 14-isotovideo.t by using Perl's qx()
* Use Mojolicious::Routes::Route::any instead of deprecated …::route
* Update Perl::Tidy to 20210111
Wed Jan 13 04:22:57 UTC 2021 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1610429804.fb1c49e4:
* docker: Use travis-CI independant name for dev image
* Move the DIE handler down to prevent an error with version
* Simpler invocation and output checks in isotovideo tests
* README: Use updated github actions badge
* README: Replace "travis CI" reference by more generic term
* t: Prevent "uninitialized value" on 02-test_ocr.t test fail
* t: Bump timeout for 99-full-stack.t after local timeout in coverage run
* doc: Add missing variables to fix t/04-check_vars_docu.t
* t: Sort all non-qemu backend tests together with higher numbers
* codecov: Bump coverage threshold to current level
* t: Properly mark all test modules as executables
* t: Delete dead code in 10-terminal.t
Mon Jan 04 09:24:08 UTC 2021 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1609752238.01857082:
* Add static checks for our container definitions
* external: Fix style issues in container files based on hadolint reports
* container: Fix style issues based on hadolint reports
* tools: Add prove arg --timer to be consistent with openQA
* Add test for our container definitions
* Use more general folder name "container" rather than docker
Mon Dec 21 15:59:43 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1608558896.743495da:
* Support relative path when loading test modules specified by SCHEDULE
Sat Dec 19 07:59:40 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1608301075.2287dabd:
* Add unit test for sshSerial
* t: Prevent sporadic timeout failure in 10-virtio_terminal.t
* Implement SSH serial terminal
* Implement ssh_screen::type_string()
* ssh_screen::read(): Allow direct logging into file
* t: Bump timeout in 10-virtio_terminal.t due to fail in OBS
* Filter out carriage returns Jobs running on hyperv or vmware usually contain LF and CR. In our particular case `0d 0d 0a` seems to be present in each line of SUTs output.
Wed Dec 16 20:17:30 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1608149831.eea793d2:
* Update tidy version to 20201207
* Delete travis CI config to completely disable
* t: Catch output in t/29-backend-generalhw.t
* t: Catch output in t/19-isotovideo-command-processing.t
* Makefile: Fix call of make without argument on already existing build dir
* Separate developer-centric tests into "xt/" for faster coverage analysis runs
* t: Catch output in t/14-isotovideo.t
* t: Catch output in t/10-virtio_terminal.t
* t: Catch output in t/10-terminal.t
* t: Add OpenQA::Test::Timelimit to all modules where useful
* tools/tidy: Allow to run on mismatching tidy version
* t: Catch all output in 03-testapi.t
* docker_run_ci: Add command line parsing with getopt
* Add support for 'Codecovbash' to upload results in GHA
* Fix qemu test timeouts based on coverage runs
* .github: Enable codecov report uploading with "action"
* tools: docker_run_ci: Bump timeout for github actions behaviour
* Add github actions CI definitions
* t: Add 'external' to search path of tests
* t: Output gathered stdout on error in 27-update-deps
* Update perltidy to 20201202
* Move dev container base to Leap 15.2
* backend: ipmi: Bring back proper return code for module
* backend: ipmi: Add quoting for ping command
* t: Add test for backend::ipmi
* backend: ipmi: Make "mc reset" parameters configurable
* Use other log functions from bmwqemu as well according to severity
Mon Dec 07 15:59:30 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1607343404.748c0f7c:
* .gitignore: Remove all old autotools related entries
Fri Dec 04 22:57:32 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1607122640.3bb9e173:
* Add convenience Makefile after we removed autotools
* git subrepo commit (merge) external/os-autoinst-common
* Delete unused "diag" imports
* Phrase debug message "Extract" as a progress description rather than command
* Delete not helpful debug message about a qmpsocket file descriptor
* Add tests for wait_for_children and wait_for_children_to_start
* Mark sleeps in mmapi/lockapi for retrying/polling as uncoverable
* Avoid hard-coded retry count and poll intervals in mmapi
* Improve mmapi test
* lockapi tests: Add checks for mocked record_info
* Improve error handling in mmapi/lockapi
* Add better tests for lockapi
* Return 0 instead of undef when destroying a barrier fails
* lockapi: Make hard-coded intervals and retry attempts overridable
Sat Nov 28 07:59:24 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1606482144.ab6cdfe2:
* docker: Add qemu-kvm variant Dockerfile
* docker: Use new convenience image for Dockerfile.qemu-x86
* Use modern standard asciidoc section title syntax
* README: Add instructions how to use published isotovideo container
* Document mmapi::api_call and mmapi::api_call_2
* Restore compatibility of mmapi::api_call
* spec: Add qemu specific convenience sub-packages
* Avoid unhandled output in mmapi test
* Log error when mmapi::get_job_autoinst_url can not find corresponding worker info
* Test whether mmapi errors are logged
* docker: Add Dockerfile for isotovideo+qemu-x86
* README: Fix asciidoc warnings about section titles
* README: Describe command-line test parameters as easy alternative
* isotovideo: Extend synopsis to show command line test parameters
Wed Nov 25 10:02:30 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1606298538.191b5988:
* mmapi: Enable error logging in all `get_` functions
* Add test for mmapi
* Fix "Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq" on connection errors in mmapi
Sat Nov 21 07:59:20 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1605852905.39d54910:
* t/22-svirt: Fix sporadic failures of `run_ssh_cmd(keep_open=>0)`
Mon Nov 16 15:59:10 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1605530625.31c8f336:
* README: Prefer user-centric documentation over developer-centric instructions
* t: Cover all test output in t/13-osutils.t with Test::Output
* driver: Remove confusing log about 'remove_tree'
* driver: No need for explicit exit in process sub
* Use Test::Most instead of Test::More for convenience
* Remove references to Test::More::Color not adding benefit
* t: Mark all .t files as executables consistently
* README: Fix asciidoc syntax problem introduced in 2f3a1e5b
Sat Nov 14 07:59:05 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1605202386.73d96736:
* Remove GNU Autotools-based build system
Wed Nov 11 23:59:04 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1604927825.7fa9c1d2:
* Add note to QEMU_DISABLE_SNAPSHOTS to be used with vmdk disks
Wed Nov 04 21:26:17 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1604525166.912dfbdc:
* t: Cover all expected output in 17-basetest.t with tests
Wed Oct 28 05:32:05 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1603710234.d64195b7:
* Scale test timeouts during package build (like in CI)
* os-autoinst-openvswitch: Allow to configure timeout with env variable
* Fix qemu failing on ppc64 with "Requested safe cache capability level not supported by kvm"
Sun Oct 25 21:32:03 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1603469837.f54bdeab:
* Consider Test::Most a module enabling strictures
* Use OpenQA::Test::TimeLimit in some tests, especially ones invoking QEMU
* git subrepo pull (merge) external/os-autoinst-common
* git subrepo pull (merge) external/os-autoinst-common
Thu Oct 22 12:14:31 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1603368860.d92dff65:
* tests: Reduce timeout for isotovideo execution/shutdown
Wed Oct 14 05:31:51 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1602650385.42f51057:
* Support FORCE_PUBLISH_HDD_ when the job fails
* Output additional errno value on "encoder not accepting data"
Sun Oct 11 17:40:39 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1602438027.de365f7d:
* Update perltidy to 20201001
* Do not export bmwqemu::fileContent or save_vars by default
* Consistently use diag in the bmwqemu namespace
Wed Sep 30 08:29:34 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1601454562.440df182:
* t: Reorder 14-isotovideo.t to cover the "happy path" first
* Allow autotest and command server to shutdown gracefully
* Avoid possible Perl warning in isotovideo's cleanup code
Sun Sep 27 21:31:27 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1601113711.059fe38b:
* Extract 'handle_generated_assets' function from isotovideo for easier testing
Fri Sep 25 13:33:54 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1601022359.53ada7dc:
* t: Prevent .git files to interfer with local 00-compile-check-all runs
* Fix tty key definition after initialization
* Add missing include in consoles/localXvnc
Mon Sep 21 11:08:35 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1600686504.c9117f1b:
* .gitignore: Ignore files created by current state of tests
* Delete some redundant whitespace in consoles
* Delete some redundant whitespace in consoles/localXvnc
* Fix "sshCommand" after moving to consoles/localXvnc
Tue Sep 15 14:26:45 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1600179993.7af64f64:
* Delete deprecated method bmwqemu::hashed_string
* Delete unused method bmwqemu::set_ocr_rect
* Die in case of _SKIP_POST_FAIL_HOOKS
* doc: Update coveralls reference to codecov
* Delete some redundant whitespace in consoles/localXvnc
* Move console helper function "sshCommand" to child class where needed
* Make ssh connection persistent enough to display long-time run test result
Fri Sep 11 13:13:56 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1599830026.77762e38:
* Update perltidy to 20200907
* Suggest using the check target (instead of test target) in the README
* ci: Adjust path in codecov.yml
* Extend and improve tests for file handling of command server
* Make command server utilize asset cache instead of only relying on ASSETDIR
* Improve command server code for serving files
* Update backend_vars.asciidoc
* Add missing column separators
Thu Sep 03 19:26:31 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1599143921.f85dd213:
* Remove external/ dir in .spec
* Replace tools/update-deps with symlink to subrepo
* Add external/os-autoinst-common subrepo
* Fix tools/tidy
* Fix error handling for QMP connection when invoking QEMU twice
* Update perltidy to 20200822
* Refactor tools/tidy
Tue Sep 01 11:26:28 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1598949244.a169fcf1:
* Improve error handling when connection to QMP socket
Sun Aug 30 03:26:24 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1598623827.924c995d:
* Show only one newline between serial output lines
* Write tests for mouse_drag
* Disable python3-yamllint when building for SLE < 15 SP2
* Write tests for _calculate_clickpoint
* Add `mouse_drag` subroutine to support click and drag in tests
Wed Aug 26 14:34:20 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1598452450.166a4d00:
* Write command server code in a more compact way
* Improve logging in command server
* spec file: Pass %{_unitdir} to CMake build script
* spec file: Do not abuse %{_libexecdir} for '/usr/lib'
* Improve error handling of Git utilities
* Pass the error message as reason if isotovideo fails
Sun Aug 23 03:26:20 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1598002649.7e971f2c:
* Add `-pix_fmt` parameter in example for EXTERNAL_VIDEO_ENCODER_CMD
Thu Aug 20 16:13:55 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1597940025.1be33b62:
* Remove unnecesary parameter on a git call in tidy
* Fix warnings in _stop_video_encoder
* Mock start_serial_grab in t/29-backend-generalhw.t to avoid failures
* Add unit test for generalhw backend
* Improve coding style in generalhw backend
* Improve error handling when running commands in generalhw backend
* t: Fix regex for warning (multiline)
* Improve error handling of D-Bus calls to contain full context in any case
* Pass remaining frames to external video encoder as well
* Close video encoder pipes and wait for it to finalize the video before exiting
Tue Aug 11 11:26:04 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1597142445.a3a8b489:
* Stabilize t/28-signalblocker.t
Sun Aug 09 03:26:03 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1596783764.cd2b73a9:
* Add tidy-cpp target also to CMake build script and enable tidying headers
* Add option to skip initial SUT restarts on ipmi backend
Thu Aug 06 08:42:48 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1596703356.52434c7c:
* Prevent confusing error message "unable to inform.*Connection refused"
* t: Also use Mojo::File parsing instead of grep system calls in 14-isotovideo.t
* Invoke prove directly when only executing the Perl test suite
* Mention manual invocation of prove to run tests
* Prevent running tests twice when making coverage report
Sun Aug 02 03:25:57 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1596198579.6374e804:
* Fix warning "Subroutine OpenQA::Isotovideo::Utils::diag redefined"
* Simplify check_socket methods of backends
* Slightly simplify code of all backends
Thu Jul 30 19:25:53 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1596123333.53214479:
* Also fix chdir bug in other tests using temp dirs
* Fix issue where 99-full-stack.t can't cleanup temp dir on test failure
* Fix swapped actual/expected args in check in svirt test
* Record a reason if isotovideo received a signal to stop
* Record QEMU stopping unexpectedly as failure reason
* Provide a reason in certain errors encountered by isotovideo
* Merge INSTALL documentation into README
* os-autoinst-openvswitch: Fix spurious network startup race-conditions (2nd)
* Use C-style for loop for iterating testorder to react to length changes
* Revert "Revert "Avoid updating last_good if there's no possible user of it""
* mergify: Add merge-fast shortcut, same as for openQA
* Use autotools-based build system as fallback on SLE12
* Re-establish compatibility with OpenCV 3
* Revert "Avoid updating last_good if there's no possible user of it"
* Make local VM host IPs '' configurable
* Ensure qemu dbus failures are handled correctly
Tue Jul 28 11:25:52 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1595922953.775a5164:
* Improve robustness of IPMI
Sun Jul 26 03:25:50 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1595671685.bac387ad:
* Fix invalid "installprefix" replacement in CMakeLists.txt
* CMake: Install isotovideo as executable
* Use CMake build script within CI and RPM package builds
* CMake: Install openvswitch config directly under /etc
* CMake: Use -output option of xsubpp to fix file paths
* CMake: Make symlinks target work in source-tree builds as well
* CMake: Add autotools-style check target to build and test everything in one go
* CMake: Avoid overriding isotovideo and cv.pm when building within source tree
Thu Jul 23 19:25:46 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1595530333.7963b3d4:
* Avoid updating last_good if there is no possible user of it
* Simplify runalltests in autotest.pm
* Simplify passing test list in tools/invoke-tests
* Fix link to architecture documentation
* Improve build instructions in README, mainly to cover CMake
* CMake: Tweak test execution
* Improve argument parsing and source directory handling in tools/invoke-tests
* CMake: Add targets for computing test coverage
* CMake: Add targets for invoking tests
* CMake: Add target for updating dependencies
* docker: Bump base OS version to Leap 15.2
Tue Jul 21 11:25:44 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1595262693.dc25ddd8:
* Add proper test dependencies for 28-signalblocker previously not run in OBS
* Get rid of unnecessary explicit test list in Makefile.am
* Fix non-git lookup of source files in "check-installed-files"
Sun Jul 19 03:25:42 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1594969249.36d97eed:
* Use inclusive terminology "blocklist/passlist"
Thu Jul 16 19:25:39 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1594921384.d00b0724:
* CMake: Improve dependency lookup via pkg-config
* CMake: Add install target for openvswitch files
* CMake: Fix check for pod2html
* Remove unused 'IO::Select' from some backends
* Install the "null" backend as well
* Add "amt" backend and console to installed files
* CMake: Add target to generate documentation
* CMake: Configure install versions of isotovideo and cv.pm
* CMake: Add install targets
* Add CMake build script
Mon Jul 13 21:27:30 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1594675641.d4771812:
* Extend test for missing file installations with simulated install
* Add yamllint checks
* codecov.yml: Simplify format
* Fix YAML style issues in codecov.yml
* Fix YAML style issues in dependencies.yaml
* Add test for missing install specifications
* spec: Fix missing signalblocker
* Fix missing signalblocker.pm introduced by 809f7df5
* mergify: Wait for OBS Package Build as well after we have it back
* Add deactivate IPMI SOL for sshXtermIPMI to fix xterm start failure
* Stabialize t/18-qemu-options.t by letting QEMU finish by itself
* Adjust test variable EXPECTED_QEMU_START_S
* Avoid exception in handle_qmp_command when started with QEMU_ONLY_EXEC
* Refactor t/18-qemu-options.t
* Avoid crashes due to signals being handled by OpenCV threads
Thu Jul 09 19:25:39 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1594300744.d68c85a3:
* Allow video encoder to finalize the file
Tue Jul 07 11:25:37 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1594109944.6b8fc853:
* os-autoinst-openvswitch: Fix spurious network startup race-conditions
Sun Jul 05 03:25:35 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1593790773.2f943dc7:
* Improve includes in videoencoder.cpp
* Fix warnings in videoencoder.cpp
* Prevent calling cv::imwrite with an empty image
* mergify: Also block merge on selected labels
* Update Perl::Tidy to 20200619
* deps: Make cpanfile targets configurable
Tue Jun 30 18:09:17 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1593540547.a04ac9df:
* Add auto-merge same as in openQA based on single-approval
* Fix space issue
* Fix backend ipmi power off issue
* Workaround for cv::norm() returning NaN (poo#68474)
* Fix the issue that does not show softfail when needle file with boo
Tue Jun 23 11:25:13 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1592908950.5038d8c2:
* Add support for TPMv2 emulation via swtpm
* Separate lint requires from test requires, don't include in spec
Sun Jun 21 04:44:10 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1592629510.d2cc1989:
* t: Fix 10-test-image-conversion-benchmark.t
* CI: Install possibly new dependencies
* Fix the issue could not find `ssh_VMwareServer` in ssh_credentials
Thu Jun 18 04:29:56 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1592454585.b7070d24:
* Remove redundant IKVM of IPMI in documentation test
* Fix test for undocumented backend variables
Sun Jun 14 03:25:07 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1591983506.fc57286c:
* Handle sound in QEMU via -audiodev as required for qemu 4.2+ - poo#66667
Thu Jun 11 19:25:06 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1591792386.f38e8b17:
* spec: Remove tools/ directory
* t: Skip 27-make-update-deps.t when there is no .git
* Move git to %main_requires as git-core
* Remove tools/preparepool
* Add Pod::Html to build_requires
Tue Jun 09 10:01:14 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1591696864.96b3acb2:
* Move MakeMaker dependency to build_requires
* Fix missing qemu-kvm dependency on non-x86_64
* Slightly simplify amt backend
* spec: Fix 'update-deps' not to be packaged
* Deps: rename %requires to %main_requires
* Fix wrong comment about replacerect
* Fix YAML::PP dependency
* Add flags for non-verbose output to ffmpeg example
* Use :report_warnings feature of Test::Warnings
* Update documentation of videoencoder.cpp
* Support using an external video encoder
* Mark old issues and pull requests as stale
* Capture isotovideo output in isotovideo test
* Dependencies: Add code to update Dockerfile
* Makefiles: set CXXFLAGS not CFLAGS or CPPFLAGS
* Improve coding style in code file migration of QEMU backend
* Improve 'Migrate to file failed [...]' error message to include unit
* make update-deps
* Dependencies: add tools/update-deps
* Add YAML::PP dependency
* Simplify use of Test::Output with bare blocks rather than sub refs
Thu May 21 19:24:41 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1590082367.4286487f:
* Dockerfile: Remove unused dependencies
* Use new docker image os-autoinst_dev
* Simplify some code
* Remove redundant newline in diag message
* Change BuildTag in Dockerfile
Tue May 19 11:24:46 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1589880721.55a008dd:
* Test error handling of loading test schedule
* Improve tests for running a test
* Distinguish errors when loading tests from other errors of os-autoinst
* Start command server after loading tests
* Move `serialize_state` to bmwqemu to use it not only within the backend
* Add conditional skipping of IPMI selftests
Sun May 17 03:24:42 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1589560350.f30cc856:
* t: Import stderr_from
* Use colors in all log calls if colors are available
* t: Simplify 15-logging.t with Test::Output
* Reduce code duplication in bmwqemu::init_logger
* Simplify logger init in bmwqemu
* Slightly simplify backends ipmi+svirt
* t: Delete obsolete comment in 20-openqa-benchmark-stopwatch-utils.t
* Delete unused imports
* Fix sporadic failures in t/17-basetest.t
* Fix sporadic failures in t/17-basetest.t
* Write backend termination message to base_state.json
* Move Dockerfile for CI testing from openQA repo
* Add retries for 'qemu-img create' commands which fail sometimes for unknown reason
Thu May 14 12:33:35 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1589459603.638a25e2:
* Remove status API call
* spec: Remove tools/docker_run_ci from installed tools
* Sort imports in t/14-isotovideo.t
* Define travis CI command in simple helper script
Sun May 10 03:24:41 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1588950686.b8a0ab33:
* Replace all uses of mock with redefine
Thu May 07 19:24:38 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1588792901.b77cfa03:
* backend: Simplify power method in qemu
* Fix qemu power action 'acpi'
* Simplify backend::qemu::can_handle with early returns
* Ensure 'rundcmd' output is shown with error
Tue May 05 11:24:38 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1588626699.4bac4dc6:
* Add optional fatal handling for qemu dbus calls for easier error analysis
Sun May 03 03:24:32 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1588309862.a289607f:
* Include command in error message of osutils::runcmd
Thu Apr 30 09:45:23 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1588239900.85fa4f12:
* Speedup "integration" full stack tests
* t: Simplify 'TESTING_ASSERT_SCREEN_TIMEOUT' handling in test code
Sat Apr 25 16:29:24 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1587738559.30bdb018:
* Dependencies: Remove Data::Dump, JSON, JSON::XS from spec
* Create and remove tempfiles in every test
* Dependencies: sort requires
* Dependencies: remove commas in spec
Wed Apr 22 16:19:11 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1587572338.0c00bf0a:
* Dependencies: sort cpanfile
Tue Apr 14 13:31:47 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1586871095.50464d4e:
* script: Ensure no left over .tdy files on aborted/failed tidy
Sat Apr 11 16:29:01 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1586545507.8e465c4a:
* Simplify CI tests by relying on upstream openQA development image only
Thu Apr 09 08:29:01 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1586248053.54525e23:
* Add execution time in the result file
Tue Apr 07 00:29:03 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1586199429.5c9b00ed:
* Update doc for default value of VNC_TYPING_LIMIT
Sat Apr 04 16:28:55 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1585921232.ea68c7de:
* Allow TESTS variable to be specified with make test
* Make point in time when a test fails in log more explicit
* Remove ConsistentQuoteLikeWords perlcritic policy
* Further speedup isotovideo shutdown by 1-2s
* Add trivial 'null' backend, suitable for testing
* bmwqemu: Fix warning about undefined HDD in _check_publish_vars
Wed Apr 01 20:45:33 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1585773920.a1e4f68e:
* Replace ambiguous special word "FIXME" in template strings
* Delete obsolete FIXME comments
* Delete unused "get_ocr" method
* Harmonize License copyright format
* Prevent "malformed JSON" on qemu-img failure also with custom die handler
Thu Mar 26 19:37:49 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1585251444.36bb1cf8:
* Fix missing checkout from git on single commit
* Avoid misleading error message from qemu-img
* Revert "Check exit code when running qemu-img"
* Check exit code when running qemu-img
Sat Mar 21 20:27:49 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1584822453.7eb772a7:
* Add support for cloning and checking out a single git commit through CASEDIR
* Simplify automatic coverage analysis with just statement coverage
Wed Mar 11 21:00:20 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1583960405.4e3dec50:
* Add power function to spvm backend
* Fix git hash not being able to compute when no git is available
* Switch to a hash for args of generalhw commands
* Add support to checkout git refspec in existing working copies
Fri Mar 06 11:15:59 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1583493337.35921fbf:
* Fix serialdev configuration for pvm_hmc poo#64105
Fri Feb 28 19:03:46 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1582730128.1997f880:
* Append HDD infos to GENERAL_HW_FLASH_ARGS - poo#63766
* Improve bwmqemu::log_call
Wed Feb 26 11:02:37 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1582561187.791d0a5d:
* Revert "Show the execution time of job modules"
Mon Feb 24 03:02:31 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1582484281.39523e82:
* generalhw: Allow GENERAL_HW_SOL_CMD to get args with GENERAL_HW_SOL_ARGS
Fri Feb 21 19:02:45 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1582291474.ac30363e:
* Add test for shutdown time of complete stack
* Show the execution time of job modules
Fri Feb 21 10:37:58 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1582204744.809d37e7:
* ipmi: Check for all required variables instead of confusing stack traces
Tue Feb 18 06:38:42 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1582007909.a256d580:
* Improve log output of test module as well as lib function lines
* t: Cut 18-qemu-options.t runtime from 45s to 27s by allowing to abort qemu start early
Sun Feb 09 18:37:41 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1581101005.a5c3ec95:
* t: Catch all output in 01-test_needle.t
* t: Catch all output in 02-test_ocr.t
* Extract "init_logger" function for easier output grabbing in tests
Fri Feb 07 10:37:38 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1580905395.63af2f4f:
* virtio_console: Fix `no autodie` placement for fcntl(PIPE_SZ)
* Add "assert_still_screen" test API function
Mon Feb 03 08:22:23 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1580718127.98503bd5:
* virtio_terminal: Add test for virtio_terminal::open_pipe()
* virtio_terminal: Don't force max PIPE_SZ
Fri Jan 31 10:37:41 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1580337089.6f2b5c86:
* t: Cut 18-qemu-options.t runtime from 135s to 45s by configuring attempt interval
* Allow to configure no drives for drive-less systems
Wed Jan 29 02:37:33 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1580119736.fd9ea32d:
* Ignore t/vars.json created by local tests
* t: Remove redundant comment in 08-autotest for subtest
* Cleanup old content in autogen.sh
Fri Jan 24 13:34:32 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1579872857.bb06065a:
* Update tidy to 20200110
Mon Jan 20 12:13:34 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1579522398.2afcda12:
* qemu: handle armv6/7 architectures properly
* qemu: allow to use different soundhw option with QEMU_SOUNDHW
Tue Jan 14 06:49:24 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1578910353.e34101c6:
* qemu: Allow to configure maximum file migration time
* Fix condition for using pkgconfig(opencv4)
Sat Jan 11 22:49:28 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1578638802.5822dfa3:
* qemu: Check expected format for snapshotted image
Wed Jan 08 14:49:01 UTC 2020 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1578494926.ba218583:
* Ensure tianocore boot menu is shown for aarch64 workaround
Thu Dec 26 07:14:28 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1577344452.d693abe0:
* Fix default boot menu timeout in qemu backend (#1332)
Fri Dec 20 13:22:39 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1576848145.65c8fecf:
* Fix the warning message in t/17-basetest.t
* Avoid qw() warning message in t/18-qemu.t
* Add .gitignore files for make test output
* Use getter/setter for needles dir as safer approach rather than package variable
Mon Dec 16 13:04:14 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1576491023.ca931ae6:
* testapi: Fix comment about default mouse click hold time
Sat Dec 14 05:04:15 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1576248007.5d938a10:
* Update to new perltidy version 20191203
* Fix undefined needles dir in dynamic needle downloader with proper variable names
* Escape parameters in log calls
Wed Dec 11 21:04:17 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1576050328.08c055a7:
* Add powerVM over HMC backend
* Remove "use Devel::Cover" from 07-commands.t
* t/22-svirt.t: add open_serial_console_via_ssh test
* Makefile: Check for spellcheck requirements
* sshXtermVt: check for SSH port available instead of a simple ping to check host availability
* svirt: open_serial_console_via_ssh - doc and cleanup
* Add new test/cover targets and run tests with prove
* Fix warning on failed load_snapshot command
* backend_vars: Add infos for generalhw ssh/noVNC and flash cmd
* generalhw: allow to use real serial with ssh/noVNC mode
* sshXtermVt: wait that SUT is alive on network before starting ssh in xterm Use SSH_XTERM_WAIT_SUT_ALIVE_TIMEOUT to adjust wait time, default 120 s
* generalhw: Add flash command support and handle optionnal args for cmd
* generalhw: Enable SSH access when VNC is not selected
* generalhw: truncate serial file on start
Mon Dec 09 13:04:05 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1575895968.5daf6345:
* t/23-baseclass.t: Fix read from serial test
* check_ssh_serial: Fix reading from channel
* spec: Exclude flaky 07-commands from tests
* Allow relative "productdir" and "needledir" relative to "casedir"
* Delete never fully working check for "needle dir within current dir"
* t: Use Test::Strict like in openQA for an easier and broader 'compile' check
Sat Dec 07 05:04:05 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1575621538.1ee59881:
* baseclass.t: Add tests for SSH serial methods
* Use OpenCV 4 under Tumbleweed
* Reduce overly long waiting time on shutdown waiting on processes
* t: Enable 00-compile-check-all.t to be run with prove
* Add simple test for serial_screen.pm
* Add simple test for ssh_screen.pm
* ssh_screen: Fix initialize of base class
* t: Enable 04-check_vars_docu.t to be run with prove
* t: Enable 10-terminal.t to be run with prove
Wed Dec 04 21:03:59 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1575491566.71ee5f56:
* Adjust select option for Devel::Cover and PERL5LIB
* Remove @INC modifications from tests
* Support VNC pseudo encoding 'last rect' (#1310)
* t: Fix warning in tests about wrong regex for Devel::Cover
* myjsonrpc: Canonalize condition form
* myjsonrpc: Fix unclean shutdown introduced in 449baece
* t: Catch all output in 07-commands.t
* Print note about reusing old Git checkout
* SSH serial: Close connection on read error
* t: Explain better the need for 'use Devel::Cover' in 07-commands.t
Mon Dec 02 13:05:06 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1575282624.855b4f79:
* t: Save further time in full stack test
* Add options to configure SSH console based retries and interval
* Move %SIG overrides even closer where needed to allow early termination
* Fix termination of backend during startup introduced with e90faa18
* Skip zypper upgrade in CI tests by default as for openQA
Sat Nov 30 05:03:55 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1575042468.93be69f8:
* ppmclibs: Fix warning "\1 better written as $1"
* qemu: Explicit delete named pipes from virtio console
* qemu: Fix missing data while reading from virtio_console
* Fix building snd2png with OpenCV 4
* Remove 'wait_idle' after being deprecated for more than 2 years
* Make qemu boot menu optional to save 5s in every qemu test run
Tue Nov 26 19:17:35 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1574795840.3973b078:
* t: Catch output in 18-backend-qemu.t
* Remove obsolete AUTO_INST after more than a year past c670720d
* Prevent duplicate "Saving QEMU state to qemu_state.json"
* Avoid the word "killing" to have nicer wording and discern it from POSIX "kill"
* svirt: Wait for logfile from script in open_serial_console_via_ssh
* backend: Extract 'truncate_serial_file' into base class
* Delete vim footer in files that still have it
Fri Nov 22 13:39:02 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1574429927.5158b63b:
* Allow unsetting 'fatal' test flag without snapshot support
* Improve waiting for data in myjsonrpc::read_json()
* Launch debugging tools without shell
* t: Prevent error in RPM build on empty line after backslash
* Improve example in documentation for CASEDIR
* t: Split tests in Makefile for easier diff handling
* Prevent confusing call stack-trace from send_json on shutdown
* qemu: Distinguish 'syswrite failed' die message from myjsonrpc one
Mon Nov 18 13:03:44 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1573902023.b0a2a79e:
* Hide SSH password in logs
* Add test for SSH credentials in spvm
* Add ssh usage tests for baseclass
* Generalize Net::SSH2 usage in svirt backend
Sat Nov 16 05:03:44 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1573837019.f65a27bc:
* spec: Add missing spellcheck requirements
Wed Nov 13 21:03:30 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1573666306.8fe5e5bd:
* Increase the read buffer for JSON RPC
* qemu: Fix MAKETESTSNAPSHOTS with test modules in nested dirs
* qemu: Fix double '//' in snapshot paths depending on distri value
* Improve OCR test to avoid default-initialization of needles dir
* Fix custom needle dir checkouts by removing check for "working directory"
* Forward select_console failures to test process for proper reporting (#1262)
* Prevent incompatible overwriting of source qcow images
* bmwqemu: Delete useless package prefix on variable
* testapi: Fix spellcheck fail on 'json'
* Follow VNC_TYPING_LIMIT everywhere (including send_key)
Sun Nov 10 22:25:03 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1573405893.c5877f02:
* Get rid of unhelpful log about "unknown process"
* Adapt tests to needle handling changes
* Remove use of $bmwqemu::vars{PRJDIR}
* Initialize $needle::needles_dir within needle::init
* Use $needle:needles_dir in the needle downloader
* Assume that the variable not defined in checkout_git_repo_and_branch
Fri Nov 08 14:25:19 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1573214011.87166a81:
* Read all available bytes in check_ssh_serial
* Fix OBS package checks due to qemu unavailability
* qemu: Add option to activate balloon before snapshot
* myjsonrpc: Improve debugging
* Add wait_screen_change option on send_key
* Add option to upload assets on demand even in failed jobs
* Implement shutdown check for spvm backend
* script_output() - Add code comment for commit 72efc09b
* Allow consoles to persist over reset (#1232)
* myjsonrpc: Go back to incremental parsing (#1248)
* Use python3 by default (#1247)
* Avoid warning in comparison; num_queues might be undef
* Improve here tag handling in script_output()
* Force no quotes on hash key if match simple identifier
Thu Oct 24 09:06:44 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.6.1571832236.5391548d:
* Increase version numbers
* Add new status file that worker can read from
* Consider tests with `tools/tidy --only-changed`
* spec: Fix missing, additional runtime requirements
* Allow tidy to run only over local changes
* Improve 'check_ssh_serial'
* Make start_serial_grab blocking
* Fix svirt backend's 100 % CPU usage
* codecov: Adjust to current coverage target
Sat Oct 19 17:06:38 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1571474599.7d873cb5:
* Rely on QEMUMACHINE default in OFW
* Update to new perltidy version 20190915
* Allow read_json() to return multiple results
* All JSON communication goes through myjsonrpc.pm
Thu Oct 17 08:59:09 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1571302740.fbcb3c7b:
* Revert "Allow loading needles from current working directory" to fix regression
* needle: Fix typo 'parrent'
* Use $needle::needles_dir in needle downloader of developer mode
* Log data and pool dir when running fullstack test
* Allow loading needles from current working directory
* Improve error handling when parsing needle JSON
* Extend architecture.md to cover needle handling
Tue Oct 15 13:18:14 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1571127896.7bd3da32:
* doc: Clarify implications of _SKIP_POST_FAIL_HOOKS not aborting runs
Mon Oct 14 09:31:51 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1570825562.ae51e774:
* spec: Do not duplicate OBS-incompatible checks
* Exclude known flaky test 13-osutils in OBS check
* Revert "Allow loading needles from pool directory"
* Fix broadcasting message to ws clients if there are no clients
* command server: Improve dead-lock prevention with isotovideo
* Fix error handling when passing message from ws client to isotovideo
* Add possibility to have a comment text in script_run (fixed)
* t: Fix 'Not enough arguments for EV::timer' with import ordering
* Allow loading needles from pool directory
* Revert "Add possibility to have a comment text in the script_run"
* Fix tests for adding an error message to the script_run
* Add an error message to the script_run
* Add unit test for scheduling test modules at runtime
* Update test_order.json if test schedule changes at runtime
* Fix broken condition introduced by #1213
* Handle Failed to get "write" lock on libvirt
* Fix missing argument in consoles::sshVirtsh::run_cmd
* Append the name of the scenario in the domain xml
* Use hda audio instead of deprecated ac97
Wed Sep 11 18:48:59 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1568227729.687c4ca8:
* Fix PXEBOOT once to actually check for 'once' value
* Delete obsolete FIXME comments about sleep resolution
* Replace diag "imperative" by "descriptive"
* Improve result display of validate_script_output
* Factor out click functionality from assert_and_click
* Document needle area "click_point" in assert_and_click
* docs: Mention devel package instead of hardcoded dependencies
* docs: Update openSUSE repos using , priorities, better names
* spec: Split build-, runtime and test requirements
* Add configuration option for number of NVMe queues
* Allow special value 'once' for PXEBOOT, to PXE boot...once
* Fix unexpected error on xz in save_memory_dump()
* Get rid of distracting "last frame" message from videoencoder
* Save virsh output for later handling
* Fix left-over qemu processes regression due to f9c71d0e
* Fix missing data while reading from virtio_console
* spec: Fix tests in OBS by excluding 18-backend-qemu.t
* Add tests for backend/qemu.pm
* Fix blank line on process output
* Fix undefined warnings on undefined 'ARCH'
* Fix in-package test failure on git
* Revert "backend: DRY on check_socket method"
* Fix "undefined"-warning in 08-autotest.t
* spec: Add missing dependency to 'Data::Dumper'
* Don't hardcode C++ compiler in Makefile.PL
* Port away from the deprecated OpenCV 1 C API
* Add automatic lookup for UEFI_PFLASH_CODE/VARS to fix UEFI on Tumbleweed machines
* backend: DRY on check_socket method
* Clarify that force_soft_failure is to be used from post_fail_hook
* basetest: Fix typo in comment
* Fix the readout of git hash as version when called from other directory
* Make hostname in 'autoinst_url' configurable
* Add missing 'use' for 'Data::Dumper'
* qemu: Fix warning about undefined value in match
* Fix unrequested wait on every type_string call (regression in cec2709f)
* crop.py: tweak imports to work with Python 3
* spec: Force OBS to resolve choices on opencv-devel
* spec: Fix build for openSUSE Factory and backports after opencv4 submission
* Replace 'serial_screen' for correct 'ssh_screen'
* Fix missing 'consoles/serial_screen.pm' in Makefile.am
* sshVirtshSUT use ssh aware serial screen
* Modify workaround property to support adding reason
Mon Jul 15 11:09:23 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1563188951.f6f7c6b3:
* spec: Provide a "devel" subpackage pulling in all build+test dependencies
* spec: Fix warning about missing explicit perl-base
Sat Jul 06 11:50:50 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1562413838.c3d5e8ac:
* VNC: reverse key order when sending key up events (#1174)
Tue Jul 02 07:23:28 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1562052196.bca214ee:
* Use default graphics on x86 to circumvent "cirrus" limitations (#1169)
* os-autoinst.spec: Fix vanished runtime requires
* Save RPM spec file in upstream repo same as for openQA
Wed Jun 19 07:53:48 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1560860907.6a126c01:
* t: Catch output of failing runcmd
* osutils: Let the "attempts" sound less harmful
* t: Do not waste time waiting in test 13-osutils.t
* t: Fix all uncaught output and warnings in 08-autotest.t
* t: Fix warning about undefined variable in 17-basetest.t
* sshVirtsh: Remove procedure add_serial_console()
Sun Jun 16 23:53:45 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1560548250.151bd110:
* Use QUIET variable for script_run/output
Fri Jun 14 08:53:01 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1560502370.2654e4ef:
* Format using Perl::Tidy 20190601
Wed Jun 05 12:48:21 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1559738889.52a75c17:
* sshVirtsh: Log libvirt xml files
* Fix missing or double output in autoinst-log.txt with partial revert
* Increment API version after 'Always log to autoinst-log.txt'
* Fix perl warning about undefined VIRTIO_CONSOLE
* Fix typo in HDDFORMAT die handler
* Always log to autoinst-log.txt
* Add recursive get data call
Wed May 29 14:50:35 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1559044089.b8a76372:
* qemu: Multiple virtio-consoles
* Allow failing for matching regex in autoinst log
Mon May 27 06:50:41 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1558854356.09e08ded:
* Log best candidate needle also on timeout
Fri May 24 22:50:36 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1558691185.f7da5cd0:
* Avoid "unitialized value in string eq" warning
* Add quiet option to wait_serial()
Tue May 21 09:56:52 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1558432600.6c62e09d:
* Don't modify backend vars when running test
Wed May 15 14:33:28 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1557827957.ce72694e:
* Add debug output before 'flushing frames'
Mon May 13 12:06:41 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1557391016.927f3d85:
* Add explanation to error regarding command server
* Extend type_password arguments
* Add an option of mousehide for assert_and_click
* Assign click_point when parsing needle
* Take click point from area over to match
* Enable assert_and_click to use an area's click point
* Remove out-commented code in assert_and_click
* script_output: log script for execution into log
* Make get_var_array return values consistent
Wed Apr 17 14:33:08 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1555336742.ebf62298:
* Export hotkey to os-autoinst-distri
Thu Apr 11 11:32:41 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1554982352.0cb8a1e0:
* Fix assert_screen_change method call
* Allow multiple tap interfaces in one network
* Fix error message in consoles::network_console
* consoles: Rename virtio_screen to serial_screen
* svirt: scp serial_terminal.txt log to worker
* svirt: Refactor serial console initialization and running code
* svirt: Rename $command variable back to $cmd
* sshVirtsh: Rename $channel variable to $chan
* svirt: Merge get_ssh_output() implementations into single one
* svirt: Remove unused variables from start_serial_grab()
* svirt: Pass credentials via %hash in run_ssh_cmd()
* svirt: Fix virsh console initialization
* svirt: Fix serial backend for s390x
* consoles/sshVirtshSUT: Fix domain detection
Fri Mar 29 13:01:25 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1553864471.599444e3:
* Use always $bmwqemu::vars{NEEDLES_DIR} directly
* Make failing exec in sshIucvconn non-fatal
* Update to handle xz compressed images
* Improve error messages for VNC connection
* Improve error handling when using Net::SSH2 library
* Use blessed fake baseclass object appropriately
* Prevent rendering empty results if no image available
* Move virtio rng option _after_ Ethernet setup to keep it as eth0
* VMware: Retrieve console-only variable
* VMware: Delay boot by 10 seconds
Tue Mar 12 11:30:28 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1552382335.1080c396:
* Use Mojo helper to write result files
* Add support for TIMEOUT_SCALE in wait_screen_change
* Fix scale_timeout call in wait_idle
* Prevent recording empty soft failure test detail
Tue Mar 12 11:28:52 UTC 2019 - Petr Vorel <pvorel@suse.cz>
- Add dependency for IO::Scalar (needed for
- Add url to github to fix "W: no-url-tag" warning
Tue Mar 05 21:21:55 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1551793347.0db294cd:
* Improve feedback on "half-open socket"
* tidy: Replace bashism and change shebang to /bin/sh
* tidy: Replace bashism with dirname + doc
Fri Mar 01 15:01:57 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1551452505.a5d8b452:
* Add test for logging to t/Makefile.am
* doc: Add section Development on Debian/Ubuntu
* Extract common run_cmd to prevent duplication
* Rename svirt method run_cmd to prevent confusion
* Let assert and check_screen fails if no tags specified
* Remove MULTINET variable and update documentation
* Ensure SCHEDULE to load modules on existing vars.json
Tue Feb 26 21:22:00 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1551191805.807aed16:
* Run tidy on the correct directory
Sat Feb 23 12:38:05 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1550925474.8f5465e5:
* Extend arguments for type_string
* Configure bootindex for first path only
* Add all tests to t/Makefile.am
Tue Feb 19 21:21:45 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1550607545.b7b33fb7:
* tests: Run also 22-svirt.t
* tidy: Fix path detection for os-autoinst-distri-opensuse
* Fix skipping needles with missing PNGs and add a test
* Fix memory leak when failing to read image
Sun Feb 17 13:21:43 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1550400351.e380fdd7:
* Enhance documentation for testapi::waitserial()
Fri Feb 15 05:21:40 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1550146791.307c430d:
* Provide default for get_var('VMWARE_REMOTE_VMM')
* Add workaround for snapshots on VMware
* Provide default for $vmware_datastore definition
* Enable snapshots on VMware
Tue Feb 12 21:21:43 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1549897848.e764de36:
* Silence complain about undefined $libvirt_connector
Sun Feb 10 13:21:34 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1549618330.a27d1d27:
* Allow relative paths in PRODUCTDIR as well
* Fix table documenting svirt backend variables
* Improve code for announcing test end to ws clients
* Remove comment referring to non-existent web page
* Prevent error about cmd srv connection when test ends
* VMware: disable snapshots
Mon Feb 04 14:29:29 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1549290558.3e4a5c07:
* doc: Add PAUSE_AT et al.
Thu Jan 31 12:15:25 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1548936913.ed3a07cd:
* Install sshVirtshSUT.pm
* Test processing of 'set_pause_at_test' command
* Prevent warning in command handler
* Check for correct tidy version on execution
Mon Jan 21 10:27:09 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1548066416.34c49266:
* openvswitch: check dot1q-tunnel support
Wed Jan 16 18:08:18 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1547655571.a1a10bd6:
* openvswitch: change vlan_mode to dot1q-tunnel
* qemu: use /dev/urandom as source for virtio RNG
* Add "error" value to matches
Thu Jan 10 10:22:51 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1547114685.2ba023eb:
* Add missing network_console.pm to Makefile
* Add support to checkout git repos+refspecs
* Do not incomplete on connection error with ssh based consoles
Fri Jan 04 11:56:01 UTC 2019 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1546602946.a7be7efa:
* Fix missing linebreak in die_handler debug output
Sat Dec 22 13:40:35 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1545369866.fc084a6a:
* IPMI: support mc reset for sol stability
* Fix "tidy" use within os-autoinst-distri-opensuse
* Makefile: Prevent docker "build" and "run" to run in parallel
Thu Dec 20 05:40:43 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1545236486.6ef6a533:
* Introduce versioning for the developer mode API
* Use one variable for pausing on screen mismatch
* Extend command processing tests
* Allow to pause on next command
* Disable pause on check_screen timeout when disabling for assert_screen
* Reformat with latest version of perltidy
Thu Dec 13 09:05:35 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1544691921.44e93d8d:
* Don't write _SECRET_* vars in vars.json
Mon Dec 10 21:40:19 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1544434670.99778697:
* doc: Add missing ;
Fri Dec 7 08:49:56 UTC 2018 - Stephan Kulow <coolo@suse.com>
- add Cpanel::JSON::XS as buildrequire
Fri Dec 07 08:45:24 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1544111663.31867f0e:
* Replace all uses of JSON and JSON::XS with Mojo::JSON and Cpanel::JSON::XS
* Clean up generically named variables and use more fitting names
* Make get_cmd_output() use other connections than 'ssh'
* VMware: Rewrite add_disk()
* VMware: Replace vCenter with ESXi host
* VMware: Support snapshots, suspend, resume etc
* Use Perl::Critic::Freenode to determine good coding style
* Add unit test for format_vtt_timestamp
Fri Nov 30 15:50:25 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1543593014.1e83b015:
* Include folder hierachy in category name
* Remove actual use of bmwqemu from command processing tests
* Increase timeout in fullstack test for 'Skip timeout'
* Test command processing for assert/check screen and setting timeout
* Allow to adjust timeout via command server
* test: Add QEMU_APPEND option tests
* Make currently executed function available to developer mode
* Keep only the 30 most recently used needle images
* qemu: Enhance QEMU_APPEND option to handle multiple options with or without params
Fri Nov 30 11:14:50 UTC 2018 - Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Disable t/18-qemu-options.t in %check as done for t/99-full-stack.t
as it requires qemu
Mon Nov 26 00:58:40 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1542781566.58d02775:
* Correct HDDMODEL / CDMODEL deprecation message (#1064)
* Prevent cmd srv being busy in loop consuming isotovideo messages
* Set script when using extra test results (#1031)
* qemu: Handle files compressed as *.xz (#1055)
* Move architecture.md to doc subdirectory (#1054)
* qemu: Add QEMU_APPEND option (#1051)
* Add option to override status of test modules with soft-fail (#1052)
* Add missing Test::Mojo dependency (#1056)
* Remove extra leading zero from log timestamps (#1053)
* svirt/Xen: Expect the image to be located on the svirt host (#1050)
* [sshXtermIPMI] refactor reset function for ipmi console (#1021)
* Needle editor - show all key bindings (#1049)
* Test initialization of svirt backend
* Add documentation about svirt backend
* svirt backend: Add serial console for SUT
* qemu: virtio terminal is enabled by default
* Allow adding additional serial port when using svirt backend
* Prevent adding empty passwd-attribute to domain XML
* svirt: Allow to use a different user than root
* Prevent record_testresult to override failed with softfailed
* Avoid misleading stacktrace when backend dies (#1033)
* Don't attach screenshot when recording softfailure (#1042)
* Check whether result with tags is added on timeout
* Record additional failing match only if configured to pause on timeout
* Upload full mismatch when paused on assert_screen timeout
* Allow freeze_vm to be called outside post_fail_hooks (#1043)
* Improve 'WARNING: check_asserted_screen took ...'
* Remove zkvm authentication code
* Ensure main.pm is still used for proper initialization on SCHEDULE (#1039)
* Add test flag to revert to last good when test module didn't fail (#1034)
* Remove MATCH(...) debug output
* Disable stopwatch debug output
* Record info for barriers and mutexes (#978)
* Avoid overriding SERIALDEV obtained from testsuite or machine settings (#1037)
* Fix undefined BACKEND warning in search_for_expected_serial_failures
* Use Test::Warnings where possible to prevent warnings in tests
* Improve error handling in needle download
* Handle OPENQA_URL set to eg. 'localhost:9526' correctly
* Download new needles on resume in autotest
* Add limit for downloading new needles
* Improve deducing openQA URL for needle downlaod from test variables
* Refactor needle download and add unit tests
* Download new needles from openQA on resume
* Delete redundant newlines in die's
* Prevent warnings in 02-test_ocr.t
* Fix perlcritic error in backend/driver.pm
* Add doc for OFW
* Block and ignore SIGTERM from opencv threads
* Reduce the opencv libraries we link to
* testapi: Relax regex in script_output filtering what to return
Wed Sep 26 06:37:38 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1537682748.0d10ddb9:
* Treat $OpenQA::Isotovideo::Interface::version as test API (#1023)
* Fix led state change with tigervnc (#1028)
* script_output: increase logging in case of failure (#1025)
* Unit test for script_output
* Use wait_serial to wait for here tag end
* Use here tag in script_out
* Add option to always dump memory after a test failure
* qemu: Add knobs and dials for tuning snapshotting
* Prefer override test module files if found in the openQA "other" repo path
* isotovideo: Require explicit 'tests/' prefix within SCHEDULE again for openQA use
* Add variable SCHEDULE to define the full schedule by variable
* t: Fix failures in 99-full-stack.t depending on system performance
* testapi: Fix spellcheck with whitelisted 'kvm', 'VM'
* t: Fix perl warning "Possible attempt to separate words with commas"
* Fix "Use of uninitialized value $_[0] in join or string" in 'diag'
* Die when remote backend programs are missing (#1024)
Thu Sep 13 15:11:54 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1536750184.92e52b69:
* command server: Don't mix myjsonrpc with Mojo::IOLoop::Stream
* Improve log messages and error handling in web socket server
Fri Sep 07 13:27:43 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1536326847.7ce7ffba:
* qemu: log that state file is being saved (#1017)
* Add unit tests for commands related to pausing on timeout
* Refactor command processing in isotovideo
* Allow to pause on check_screen timeout
Tue Aug 21 18:55:01 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1534865613.ff83b57d:
* Properly log messages from the backend
* Replace call to autotest::selected_console
* Add current_console method
* Prevent double timestamps on QEMU command line log entry
* Adjust tests to the changes of serial failures detection
* Add fatal serial failure type to stop execution if detected
* Override test results if hard serial failure detected
* docker: attempt to upgrade packages before run
* docker: allow to install modules with cpan with INSTALL_FROM_CPAN=1
* osutils: No need internal pipes here
* Add log output for sim level in wait_still_screen
* Add unit tests for check and assert shutdown
* Introduce check_shutdown for testapi
Wed Aug 08 14:50:03 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1533739786.546c7c63:
* qemu: Allow user to set HDD serial number
* Add unit test for serial output parsing
* Add messages to serial failures
* Improve keys sent when expecting needle (#982)
* amt: initial commit (#983)
* Increase isotovideo interface version
* Use diag instead of print in isotovideo
* Adjust test for fullstack test to test pause on assert_screen timeout
* Test pause on assert_screen/check_screen timeout
* Fix typo occured -> occurred
* Pause only on assert_screen failure
* Don't pass unused paremeter to _check_backend_response
* Send full test name on 'set_current_test' command
* Propagate reason for pause
* Take a screenshot on assert_screen timeout
* Block autotest on timeout if flag is set in isotovideo
* Add flag to isotovideo whether to pause on assert screen failure
* osutils: Avoid racing to get output
* virtio_terminal: Avoid connecting to already connected socket
* Move informative message to use bwmqemu::diag
* Cleanup osutils runcmd functions and avoid code duplication
* Build process object lazily
* Add Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess to cpanfile deps
* osutils: change runcmd logic
* Move driver pipes to channels
* Move qemu process to EventEmitter model
* Avoid enabling unused consoles after reverting to a snapshot
* Revert "Create dummy pflash vars file to avoid asset caching failure" (#1004)
* Avoid resetting all consoles while reverting to a snapshot
* Avoid performing multiple or unnecessary console resets after revert
* qemu: Prevent serial logs from being truncated on revert
* Remove default floppy drive
* Create dummy pflash vars file to avoid asset caching failure
* Use bootindex with non-uefi systems
* Avoid rolling back to undefined console
* Avoid conflicting block device options
* Revert "Add label message to serial failures"
* Reduce verbosity of command server
* Fixup broken indentation
* Bump isotovideo interface version
* Extend qemu tests
* Wait for post migrate state after migration
* The Great QEMU Rewrite of 2018
* Prevent perl tidy from completely ruining well formatted code
* s390x: Fix typo in diag message
* Test web socket route of command server
* Use Test::Mojo to test command server
* Add label message to serial failures
* testapi: Adapt check_screen timeout default to proposal in documentation
Mon Aug 6 11:59:56 UTC 2018 - edigiacinto@suse.com
- Add dependency perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess)
Wed Aug 1 14:11:51 UTC 2018 - marius.kittler@suse.com
- Add dependency perl(Test::Exception)
Required for https://github.com/os-autoinst/os-autoinst/pull/993
Tue Jul 10 10:33:39 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1530875209.f6cd7968:
* Add backend/spvm.pm to Makefile.am
* Introduce a slim pvm backend using ssh
* Add a note for script_output method when is not using dedicated serial
* Fix repository path from codecov reports
* Move to codecov
* Use the docker image we use in openQA for os-autoinst
* Run tests inside docker to normalise testing environment
Tue Jul 10 10:33:21 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Replace deprecated tar_scm service by obs_scm
Mon Jun 18 17:18:07 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1529342275.852c3ff6:
* Add state of the test_execution and name of the test name to pause at (#976)
* Document the multi-process architecture (#975)
* tidy: exclude .git/ from search path (#974)
* Make ssh failures to remote systems debuggable (#973)
* Wait for command typed in serial terminal before running it (#971)
* Add INCLUDE_MODULES to only schedule whitelisted modules on request (#962)
* Allow where parameter for mutex unlocking (#969)
* Install OpenQA/Commands.pm (#972)
* ppmclibs/tinycv_impl.cc code improvements (#968)
* Rename variables in isotovideo
* Improve debug info, fix tests
* Allow to pause test execution at specific test
* Get rid of the developer route again
* Disable timeout on the stream to the parent
* Broadcast debugging aids to web clients
* Avoid one more global variable
* Open a websocket server in isotovideo to reply commands
* Remove old interactive mode
Sun May 27 08:30:46 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1527308405.8b586d5e:
* DRY on xterm call (#963)
* Correct return values for match_has_tag (#967)
Sun May 27 08:29:45 UTC 2018 - coolo@suse.com
- remove require on withlock
- downgrade require on tesseract to recommend (not really
required for base functionality)
Thu May 17 12:20:53 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1526456062.30f96887:
* Bump interface version to changes introduced by 1a0381b
Wed May 09 14:08:46 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1525874912.1dc03895:
* localXvnc: Output the PIDs of the involved processes (#961)
* Add mutex_wait wrapper to lockapi
Fri May 04 06:05:05 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1525413876.6c59528a:
* Allow environment variable to point to OPENQA_LIBPATH (#959)
* isotovideo: Add support to forward command line parameters as test settings (#950)
* testapi: Output all arguments in log_call (#957)
Thu Apr 26 12:11:43 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1524736170.cc9d9ff2:
* Add proceed_on_failure option (#954)
* svirt KVM: Set <on_reboot> to 'destroy' (#956)
* Set distribution earlier in isotovideo (#955)
* mention TIMEOUT_SCALE in dock/backend_vars.asciidoc (#951)
* testapi: Correct comment references to exception 'FailedNeedle'
* Fix missing text thumbnail after needle related test failures
* Do not quote -append qemu parameter
Mon Apr 23 00:11:41 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1524160420.7b402a0a:
* testapi: Improve documentation for "wait_screen_change" (#943)
Thu Apr 19 12:11:40 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1523984252.2f46f2e2:
* Bump testapi version as per change to select_console (#946)
* Allow passing parameters to activate_console method (#945)
Mon Apr 09 12:18:44 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1523276311.2588e578:
* Update current test module details when cancelling running job (#941)
* Add OFFLINE_SUT mode to QEMU backend (#940)
* Prints the isotovideo version and interface number
* Merge qemu output failure conditions (#936)
* Add test option _SKIP_POST_FAIL_HOOKS to save time on test development (#938)
* Remove specific qemu code (#934)
* Add username parameter for sshCommand
* Allow setting console tty and other args (#933)
* Move code from autotest to basetest
* Add message to the invocation of the die function
* Cleverness is not maintanable
* Search for patterns in the SERIAL file and raise failures
Tue Mar 06 17:28:12 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1520265920.6728b435:
* Tries to guess which qemu executable should use via WORKER_CLASS (#931)
* Remove support for backend.crashed file (#930)
* qemu: enable discard support for disks
* Add support to override HDDMODEL per disk (#928)
Sat Mar 03 05:28:15 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1519457089.09762e3e:
* testapi: Refactor script_output into distribution.pm and fix race (#926)
* Use a fixed version of perltidy (#927)
* Avoid broken perltidy in cpanfile
Sat Feb 17 01:01:09 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1518780731.3ca7dc34:
* Do not fail on chattr failures (#924)
* qemu: disable CoW for the HDD image directory (#790)
* get_ssh_output and get_cmd_output return array in list context (#916)
* Avoid letting the kids get loose. (#919)
* Don't add floppy for arm/aarch (#923)
* wip -- test to prevent double typing echo on virtio-console
* Correct VNC stall threshold variable name (#922)
* Check runcmd return status (#898)
* testapi: Correct spelling mistake
* testapi: Ensure script_output only returns the actual ouput of the executed script
* tinycv: Add test for send_with_fd
* testapi: Allow memory dump any time
* qemu: Increase memory dump performance
* tinycv: Add send_with_fd utility function
Mon Jan 29 15:18:43 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1516891126.e9d61c6d:
* qemu: Die unless mandatory variable WORKER_HOSTNAME is set in NBF (#914)
* Extract function which will retrun VM's host IP (#913)
Tue Jan 23 16:07:53 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1516628925.5467a37f:
* Add single quote if parameter contains whitespace (#911)
* Remove commented code (#912)
Sat Jan 20 04:07:53 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1516396050.1f10a0db:
* Try to load OpenQA::Parser if present and parse extra test files. Add also support for xUnit and LTP
Tue Jan 16 16:07:48 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1516095934.1b1283ad:
* Move and increase sleep time between ipmi power actions
* Add variable to define stall treshold
* Add variable to don't power of the machine after test
* Increase the limits for checking the VNC console. (#906)
* Makefile.am: Fix install directory for RunArgs.pm (#907)
Sat Jan 13 04:07:44 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1515766826.5f24243a:
* Limit the execution time for save_memory_dump
* Update documentation for save_storage_drives
* Memory dumps are only callable from post_fail-hook
* Add RunArgs to the Makefile
* Display interface version when using --version
* fix use of initialized value
Tue Jan 09 16:07:46 UTC 2018 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1515414371.04e17fdf:
* Ignore WORKER_HOSTNAME for qemu explicitly (#903)
* Polling the read socket in the capture loop (#902)
Fri Dec 22 11:27:27 UTC 2017 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1513942030.1c7bb3f5:
* Do not reset NUMDISKS if RAIDLEVEL is not present (#901)
* svirt: Add {start,stop}_serial_grab interface (#899)
* Retidy - perltidy 20171214 changed output (#896)
* Simply ignore '\r' in type string (#894)
* Change the logs timestamp to ISO8601. (#893)
* Add method to get files content and integration test
* Add possibility to share files on worker directly
* Add RunArgs to loadtest (#887)
* Remove empty miniatures. (#891)
* Fix error checking on load_snapshot and remove sleep (#890)
* Drop all hmp commands and use qmp exclusively
* [POC] Wrap HMP commands with QMP's human-monitor-command
* Distinguish modules name in a test run if it's a duplicate (#884)
Fri Dec 15 14:11:14 UTC 2017 - coolo@suse.com
- disable perltidy and perlcritic checks during build
Tue Nov 28 08:52:50 UTC 2017 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1511858414.576c33f6:
* Fix quoting bug in type_command support (#886)
* Extend lockapi barrier_wait to accept also parameters, and add support to check_dead_job (#880)
Mon Nov 27 08:00:53 UTC 2017 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.5.1511530266.fe4b1c52:
* Fix snd2png check on TW: don't use PNM but PNG (#885)
* Fix test failures on Tumbleweed (#883)
* add debian ovmf to locations array
* Add offline mode for script_output
* Xen: Support multiple HDDs
* svirt: Set NUMDISKS=4 when RAIDLEVEL is defined
* Replacement of hot filehandlers for Mojo::Log (#876)
Mon Nov 27 07:17:50 UTC 2017 - coolo@suse.com
- bump to 4.5 to be in sync with openQA
Thu Nov 02 13:46:14 UTC 2017 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.4.1508936943.39adc5eb:
* Fix scale_timeout call in wait_serial function
* sshVirtsh: Hide confusing errors about undefined machines (#866)
* avoid accidentally cleaning (#865)
* Generalize x11_start_program with standard array argument (#863)
* Remove unused reload_needles property in backend
* Allow set_var to reevaluate needles
* Add option to exit early for test schedule evaluation (#853)
* Prevent diag message about _EXIT_AFTER_SCHEDULE if not requested
* Make sure select_console on broken vnc fails (#872)
* Introduce check_recorded_sound method (#873)
Wed Sep 20 13:32:16 UTC 2017 - coolo@suse.com
- add Test::Mock::Time require
Wed Sep 20 12:12:18 UTC 2017 - okurz@suse.com
- Update to version 4.4.1505909574.e0b4d014:
* Correct validate_script_output test to actually test something
* Add test for wait_still_screen
* testapi: Add 'no_wait' option to wait_still_screen
* Fix warning in test about 'prototype mismatch'
* Allow type_string to wait_still_screen
* Use hash ref in query_isotovideo
* Add test for wait_idle in full stack test.
* consoles: s3270: Make debug output of queue content less noisy
* Update API document referring function type_string
* Remove typing tests from integration tests (#857)
Sat Jun 17 17:13:00 UTC 2017 - stefan.bruens@rwth-aachen.de
- Add dependency on matching perl version, as the tinycv module is
installed in a version dependent path
- Drop bogus conditionals, suse_version <= 132 will never match
Thu Mar 23 13:34:22 UTC 2017 - santiago.zarate@suse.com
- Inline replacement for version parameter on isotovideo
Sun Mar 12 13:16:41 UTC 2017 - oholecek@suse.com
- new perl(Test::Warnings) dependency
Wed Sep 7 14:27:00 UTC 2016 - oholecek@suse.com
- new perl(Devel::Cover) dependency
- package os-autoinst/tools/check_coverage tool
Sat Jul 9 05:30:45 UTC 2016 - coolo@suse.com
- update base version to 4.4 to express the new isotovideo API
towards the worker
Mon May 30 08:53:37 UTC 2016 - oholecek@suse.com
- new perl(Test::MockModule) dependency
Mon Feb 15 09:15:19 UTC 2016 - oholecek@suse.com
- new perl(Test::Output) dependency
Thu Jan 14 12:48:28 UTC 2016 - oholecek@suse.com
- update base version to 4.3
Tue Dec 8 19:16:38 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com
- add snd2png
Fri Nov 27 07:49:46 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com
- new dependencies
Tue Nov 24 09:26:26 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com
- disable perlcritic outside of Factory - too useless to test with
old perlcritic versions
Tue Nov 24 08:53:36 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com
- adapt file list
Tue Nov 17 05:23:43 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com
- remove gone files from file list
Tue Aug 25 15:02:10 UTC 2015 - lnussel@suse.de
- require tesseract-ocr on >= 13.2
Thu Jul 9 14:31:50 UTC 2015 - nadvornik@suse.com
- created os-autoinst-openvswitch subpackage
Tue Mar 10 10:39:17 UTC 2015 - oholecek@suse.com
- add mmapi.pm
Sun Mar 1 09:59:08 UTC 2015 - oholecek@suse.com
- add lockapi.pm
Thu Feb 19 15:34:02 UTC 2015 - lnussel@suse.de
- remove fetchneedles call. now in openQA
Wed Jan 28 09:56:16 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com
- make it version 4
Thu Nov 27 18:50:31 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com
- add videoencoder
Thu Nov 27 13:18:44 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com
- add distribution.pm
Tue Nov 25 15:46:54 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com
- recommend multimon too
Tue Nov 25 14:33:52 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com
- add testapi.pm to the file list
Mon Nov 24 12:53:04 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com
- recommend eatmydata for performance
Mon Aug 18 14:40:13 UTC 2014 - lnussel@suse.de
- adjust filelist for removed files
Mon Jul 28 14:44:23 UTC 2014 - lnussel@suse.de
- require qemu >= 2.0.0
Tue Jul 8 12:36:48 UTC 2014 - lnussel@suse.de
- include VNC.pm in file list
- add Crypt::DES to deps
Tue Apr 8 19:16:15 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com
- remove tidy script
Tue Mar 25 14:35:11 UTC 2014 - lnussel@suse.de
- remove rpc.pl from file list
Wed Mar 12 16:04:02 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com
- require qemu-img, quite useful :)
Wed Mar 12 09:23:38 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com
- switch github url to os-autoinst orga
Mon Mar 10 13:30:54 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com
- Use devel dep over pkgconfig one to build with 11.4 opencv
Mon Mar 10 13:21:22 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com
- Cleanup with spec-cleaner and use requires(pre)
Tue May 14 15:09:56 UTC 2013 - lnussel@suse.de
- initial package