commit 41ae609accd114bc5d4a05a74a80d3213d217373
Author: Dejan Muhamedagic <>
Date:   Fri Nov 25 13:11:15 2011 +0100

    Medium: RA: add NodeUtilization RA

Index: pacemaker/extra/resources/
--- pacemaker.orig/extra/resources/
+++ pacemaker/extra/resources/
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ ocf_SCRIPTS	     =  ClusterMon 	\
 			Stateful	\
 			SysInfo		\
 			SystemHealth \
-			remote
+			remote \
+			NodeUtilization

Index: pacemaker/extra/resources/NodeUtilization
--- /dev/null
+++ pacemaker/extra/resources/NodeUtilization
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#	NodeUtilization OCF Resource Agent
+# Copyright (c) 2011 SUSE LINUX, John Shi
+#                    All Rights Reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
+# free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
+# or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or
+# otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
+# any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
+# other software, or any other product whatsoever.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Initialization:
+: ${OCF_FUNCTIONS=${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/heartbeat/.ocf-shellfuncs}
+: ${__OCF_ACTION=$1}
+meta_data() {
+	cat <<END
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE resource-agent SYSTEM "ra-api-1.dtd">
+<resource-agent name="NodeUtilization">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+This is an NodeUtilization Resource Agent.
+This agent detects system parameters and put them into CIB by crm_attribute,
+and it runs on every node as clone resource.
+<shortdesc lang="en">NodeUtilization resource agent</shortdesc>
+<parameter name="dynamic" unique="0" required="0">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+If set, some of the HA parameters will be reset if there are
+difference between HA parameters and system parameters when HA monitor.
+Otherwise, the HA parameters will be set once when the resource instance starts.
+<shortdesc lang="en">Set HA parameters when start or monitor</shortdesc>
+<content type="boolean" default="true" />
+<parameter name="utilization_cpu" unique="0" required="0">
+<longdesc lang="en">Enable setting cpu utilization.</longdesc>
+<shortdesc lang="en">Enable setting cpu utilization.</shortdesc>
+<content type="boolean" default="true" />
+<parameter name="utilization_cpu_reservation" unique="0" required="0">
+<longdesc lang="en">CPU reserved for non-HA related usage.</longdesc>
+<shortdesc lang="en">CPU reserved for non-HA related usage.</shortdesc>
+<content type="integer" default="1" />
+<parameter name="utilization_host_memory" unique="0" required="0">
+<longdesc lang="en">Enable setting memory utilization of host.</longdesc>
+<shortdesc lang="en">Enable setting memory utilization of host.</shortdesc>
+<content type="boolean" default="true" />
+<parameter name="utilization_host_memory_reservation" unique="0" required="0">
+<longdesc lang="en">Memory reserved for other services inside host, in MB.</longdesc>
+<shortdesc lang="en">Memory reserved for other services inside host, in MB.</shortdesc>
+<content type="integer" default="512" />
+<parameter name="utilization_hv_memory" unique="0" required="0">
+<longdesc lang="en">Enable setting the memory utilization of hypervisor.</longdesc>
+<shortdesc lang="en">Enable setting the memory utilization of hypervisor.</shortdesc>
+<content type="boolean" default="true" />
+<parameter name="utilization_hv_memory_reservation" unique="0" required="0">
+<longdesc lang="en">Memory reserved for the hypervisor, in MB.</longdesc>
+<shortdesc lang="en">Memory reserved for the hypervisor, in MB.</shortdesc>
+<content type="integer" default="512" />
+<action name="start"   timeout="90" />
+<action name="stop"    timeout="100" />
+<action name="monitor" timeout="20s" interval="60s"/>
+<action name="meta-data"  timeout="5" />
+<action name="validate-all"  timeout="30" />
+set_utilization() {
+    host_name="$(hostname)"
+    if ocf_is_true "$OCF_RESKEY_utilization_cpu"; then
+        sys_cpu=$(( $(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) - $OCF_RESKEY_utilization_cpu_reservation ))
+        uti_cpu=$(crm_attribute -Q -t nodes -U "$host_name" -z -n cpu 2>/dev/null)
+        if [ "$sys_cpu" != "$uti_cpu" ]; then
+            if ! crm_attribute -t nodes -U "$host_name" -z -n cpu -v $sys_cpu; then
+                ocf_log err "Failed to set cpu of utilization by crm_attribute."
+                return 1
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+    if ocf_is_true "$OCF_RESKEY_utilization_host_memory"; then
+        sys_mem=$(( $(awk '/MemTotal/{printf("%d\n",$2/1024);exit(0)}' /proc/meminfo) - $OCF_RESKEY_utilization_host_memory_reservation ))
+        uti_mem=$(crm_attribute -Q -t nodes -U "$host_name" -z -n host_memory 2>/dev/null)
+        if [ "$sys_mem" != "$uti_mem" ]; then
+            if ! crm_attribute -t nodes -U "$host_name" -z -n host_memory -v $sys_mem; then
+                ocf_log err "Failed to set host_memory of utilization by crm_attribute."
+                return 1
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ -x /usr/sbin/xm ]; then
+        if ocf_is_true "$OCF_RESKEY_utilization_hv_memory"; then
+            hv_mem=$(( $(xm info | awk '/total_memory/{printf("%d\n",$3);exit(0)}') - $OCF_RESKEY_utilization_hv_memory_reservation ))
+            uti_mem=$(crm_attribute -Q -t nodes -U "$host_name" -z -n hv_memory 2>/dev/null)
+            if [ "$hv_mem" != "$uti_mem" ]; then
+                if ! crm_attribute -t nodes -U "$host_name" -z -n hv_memory -v $hv_mem; then
+                    ocf_log err "Failed to set hv_memory of utilization by crm_attribute."
+                    return 1
+                fi
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+NodeUtilization_usage() {
+	cat <<END
+usage: $0 {start|stop|monitor|validate-all|meta-data}
+Expects to have a fully populated OCF RA-compliant environment set.
+NodeUtilization_start() {
+    if ! touch "$OCF_RESKEY_pidfile"; then
+        ocf_log err "Failed to touch pidfile: ${OCF_RESKEY_pidfile}."
+        exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+    fi
+    if ! ocf_is_true "$OCF_RESKEY_dynamic"; then
+        if ! set_utilization; then
+            exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+        fi
+    fi
+    exit $OCF_SUCCESS
+NodeUtilization_stop() {
+    rm -f $OCF_RESKEY_pidfile
+    exit $OCF_SUCCESS
+NodeUtilization_monitor() {
+    if [ ! -f $OCF_RESKEY_pidfile ]; then
+        exit $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
+    fi
+    if ocf_is_true "$OCF_RESKEY_dynamic"; then
+        if ! set_utilization; then
+            exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+        fi
+    fi
+    exit $OCF_SUCCESS
+NodeUtilization_validate() {
+    exit $OCF_SUCCESS
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_pidfile:="$HA_VARRUN/NodeUtilization-${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}"}
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_dynamic:="true"}
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_utilization_cpu:="true"}
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_utilization_cpu_reservation="1"}
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_utilization_hv_memory:="true"}
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_utilization_hv_memory_reservation="512"}
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_utilization_host_memory:="true"}
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_utilization_host_memory_reservation="512"}
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+    NodeUtilization_usage
+    exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS
+case $__OCF_ACTION in
+meta-data)	meta_data
+		exit $OCF_SUCCESS
+		;;
+start)		NodeUtilization_start
+		;;
+stop)		NodeUtilization_stop
+		;;
+monitor)	NodeUtilization_monitor
+		;;
+validate-all)	NodeUtilization_validate
+		;;
+usage|help)	NodeUtilization_usage
+		exit $OCF_SUCCESS
+		;;
+*)		NodeUtilization_usage
+		;;
+exit $?