Matěj Cepl 21b7105dee
Some checks failed
Switch from dead upstream to the current soft fork at, which includes all patches
  available for the program collected from all other
Update to version 1.53.0+git.1721308378.56c5d7a:
  * test: we currently do not support non-UTF8 wide characters
  * fix: use swprintf(3) for wchar_t string.
  * chore: don't ignore existing environmental variables
  * feat: add and LICENSE
  * Add another test case. Karel Hynek Mácha: Cikáni
  * Make tests working even with Latin-1 and UTF-8 texts.
  * add a Makefile that sets up variables for the protoMakefile from upstream
  * fix cross compilation
  * print error messages
  * Add multibyte characters support in par(1)
2024-07-18 15:29:30 +02:00

91 lines
3.3 KiB

Thu Jul 18 13:14:46 UTC 2024 -
- Switch from dead upstream to the current soft fork at, which includes all patches
available for the program collected from all other
- Update to version 1.53.0+git.1721308378.56c5d7a:
* test: we currently do not support non-UTF8 wide characters
* fix: use swprintf(3) for wchar_t string.
* chore: don't ignore existing environmental variables
* feat: add and LICENSE
* Add another test case. Karel Hynek Mácha: Cikáni
* Make tests working even with Latin-1 and UTF-8 texts.
* add a Makefile that sets up variables for the protoMakefile from upstream
* fix cross compilation
* print error messages
* Add multibyte characters support in par(1)
- Removed patch (included in upstream fork):
- par-1.53-i18n.1.patch
Mon Jul 31 16:03:50 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl <>
- Use 'manual' keyword in the _service file instead of deprecated
Sat Jul 1 09:28:03 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl <>
- Clean up SPEC file.
Mon Jul 4 18:11:38 UTC 2022 - Matej Cepl <>
- Do not unset various variables when calling make (only CFLAGS
should be set).
Tue Jun 28 10:12:55 UTC 2022 - Matej Cepl <>
- Add par-1.53-i18n.1.patch (which is port of to the current master).
Suggested fix for bt#amc-nicemice/par#6.
Mon Sep 21 10:25:57 UTC 2020 - Matej Cepl <>
- Make services disabled, so the repository carries regular
tarball and it is updated only upon the request.
Wed Sep 02 18:00:45 UTC 2020 -
- Update to version 1.53.0+git.1584347654.eb0590f:
* Par 1.53.0 released 2020-Mar-14
* Par 1.52 released 2001-Apr-29
* Par 1.51 released 2000-Feb-24
* Par 1.50 released 1996-Feb-11
* Par 1.41 released 1993-Oct-31
* Par 1.40 released 1993-Oct-10
* Par 1.32 released 1993-Sep-13
* Par 1.31 released 1993-Sep-07
* Par 1.30 released 1993-Aug-18
* Par 1.20 released 1993-Aug-10
Fri Mar 06 09:01:16 UTC 2020 -
- Update to version 152+git.1583481202.96076a2:
* Reapply patches correctly.
Thu Mar 05 08:44:06 UTC 2020 -
- Switch to the new upstream
- Update to version 152+git.1583397706.93d6247:
* Remove incorrect settings of CC macro.
Thu Mar 5 00:24:23 CET 2020 - Matej Cepl <>
- Add fix_build_failures.patch to got gcc warnings to go away.
- Still broken UTF-8.
Sat Feb 29 01:58:28 CET 2020 - Matej Cepl <>
- Restart of attempts to package par 1.52.