Accepting request 657102 from system:install:head
Integrate latest changes OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
my $verbose = 0;
my $pat_ext = "32bit";
my $product = "";
my @skip_pat = ();
sub get_file {
my $file_to_get = shift;
my $content = "";
open FILE, "<$file_to_get" or return "\n";
while (defined (my $line = <FILE>)) {
next if ($line =~ m/^#/);
$content .= $line;
close FILE;
return $content;
sub print_usage {
print "$0 [-v] [-h]\n";
exit 0;
sub print_debug {
my ($txt, $lvl) = @_;
print (STDERR "DBG: ${txt}\n") if($verbose >= $lvl);
sub parse_line {
my $to_parse = shift;
my $tmp = "";
if ($to_parse =~ /%include/) {
print "%include at unexpected position, exiting\n";
exit (1);
if ($to_parse =~ /Summary:/) {
return "$to_parse\n";
# XXX simplify me
if ($to_parse =~ /Recommends:\s*([^\s]*)\s*/) {
$tmp = "$1";
return "" if ($tmp =~ m/.*-64bit\s*$/);
$tmp = "${tmp}-32bit" if($tmp !~ m/.*-32bit/);
return "Recommends: ${tmp}\n";
if ($to_parse =~ /Requires:\s*([^\s]*)\s*/) {
$tmp = "$1";
return "" if ($tmp =~ m/pattern()/);
return "" if ($tmp =~ m/.*-64bit\s*$/);
$tmp = "${tmp}-32bit" if($tmp !~ m/.*-32bit/);
return "Recommends: ${tmp}\n";
return "";
sub parse_main_file {
my $main_file = shift;
my $spec_file = "";
my $cur_pattern = "";
my $skip_it = 1;
my %skip_pat_hash;
if(! open (MAIN_FILE, "<$main_file")) {
print STDERR "${main_file} not found, exiting\n";
exit 1;
while (defined (my $line = <MAIN_FILE>)) {
next if ($line =~ m/^#/);
if ($line =~ m/\%package/) {
if(($line =~ m/32bit/) or
($line =~ m/64bit/)
) {
$skip_it = 1;
} else {
%skip_pat_hash = map { $_ => 1 } @skip_pat;
if($skip_it==0&&!exists($skip_pat_hash{$cur_pattern})) {
$spec_file .= ""
."Provides: pattern() = ${cur_pattern}%2d32bit\n"
."Group: Metapackages\n"
."Supplements: packageand(patterns-${product}-${pat_ext}:patterns-${product}-${cur_pattern})\n"
."%files ${cur_pattern}-32bit\n"
."%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns\n"
."%description ${cur_pattern}-${pat_ext}\n"
."The ${pat_ext} pattern complementing ${cur_pattern}.\n"
$skip_it = 0 ;
$line =~ m/package\s*([^\s]*)\s*/;
$cur_pattern = $1;
if (!exists($skip_pat_hash{$cur_pattern})) {
$spec_file .= "%package ${cur_pattern}-32bit\n";
next if($skip_it == 1 );
if ($line =~ /%include/) {
my $file_to_check = ($line =~ m/%include.*?([^\/\s]*)$/)[0]; # beware the non-greedy '?'
next if($file_to_check =~ m/32bit/);
if( open TMP_FILE, "<$file_to_check") {
print_debug(" Checking INCLUDE: $file_to_check", 2);
while (defined (my $include_line = <TMP_FILE>)) {
if (!exists($skip_pat_hash{$cur_pattern})) {
$spec_file .= parse_line($include_line);
close TMP_FILE;
if (!exists($skip_pat_hash{$cur_pattern})) {
$spec_file .= parse_line($line);
%skip_pat_hash = map { $_ => 1 } @skip_pat;
if (!exists($skip_pat_hash{$cur_pattern})) {
# I hate this, but need a fast workaround
$spec_file .= "Provides: pattern-invisible()\n"
."Provides: pattern() = ${cur_pattern}%2d${pat_ext}\n"
."Group: Metapackages\n"
."Supplements: packageand(patterns-${product}-${pat_ext}:patterns-${product}-${cur_pattern})\n"
."%files ${cur_pattern}-32bit\n"
."%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns\n"
."%description ${cur_pattern}-${pat_ext}\n"
."The ${pat_ext} pattern complementing ${cur_pattern}.\n"
close MAIN_FILE;
my $new_file = $spec_file;
return $new_file;
while ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
my $arg = shift;
if ($arg =~ /-v/) {
$verbose += 1;
} elsif($arg =~ /-h/) {
} elsif($arg =~ /-p/) {
} elsif($arg =~ /-e/) {
} elsif($arg =~ /-s/) {
push @skip_pat, shift;
print_debug("product = ${product}\n pat_ext=${pat_ext}\n", 1);
my $result = parse_main_file("patterns-${product}.spec");
print "${result}\n";
exit 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
%package apparmor-32bit
Summary: AppArmor
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: apparmor-abstractions-32bit
Recommends: apparmor-parser-32bit
Recommends: apparmor-profiles-32bit
Recommends: apparmor-docs-32bit
Recommends: apparmor-utils-32bit
Recommends: yast2-apparmor-32bit
Recommends: audit-32bit
Recommends: audit-32bit
Provides: pattern() = apparmor%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-apparmor)
%files apparmor-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description apparmor-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing apparmor.
%package base-32bit
Summary: Base System
Recommends: kbd-32bit
Recommends: openssh-32bit
Recommends: polkit-32bit
Recommends: polkit-default-privs-32bit
Recommends: rpm-32bit
Recommends: shadow-32bit
Recommends: util-linux-32bit
Recommends: which-32bit
Recommends: bash-completion-32bit
Recommends: busybox-static-32bit
Recommends: ca-certificates-mozilla-32bit
Recommends: chrony-32bit
Recommends: cron-32bit
Recommends: cronie-32bit
Recommends: grub2-32bit
Recommends: systemd-sysvinit-32bit
Recommends: branding-openSUSE-32bit
Recommends: branding-SLE-32bit
Recommends: shim-32bit
Recommends: lshw-32bit
Recommends: lsvpd-32bit
Recommends: ppc64-diag-32bit
Provides: pattern() = base%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-base)
%files base-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description base-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing base.
%package enhanced_base-32bit
Summary: Enhanced Base System
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: firewalld-32bit
Recommends: aaa_base-extras-32bit
Recommends: acl-32bit
Recommends: alsa-plugins-32bit
Recommends: attr-32bit
Recommends: autofs-32bit
Recommends: bind-utils-32bit
Recommends: binutils-32bit
Recommends: bzip2-32bit
Recommends: cifs-utils-32bit
Recommends: command-not-found-32bit
Recommends: cpio-32bit
Recommends: cronie-32bit
Recommends: cpupower-32bit
Recommends: cryptsetup-32bit
Recommends: cups-32bit
Recommends: cups-client-32bit
Recommends: curl-32bit
Recommends: cyrus-sasl-32bit
Recommends: cyrus-sasl-crammd5-32bit
Recommends: cyrus-sasl-digestmd5-32bit
Recommends: cyrus-sasl-gssapi-32bit
Recommends: cyrus-sasl-plain-32bit
Recommends: deltarpm-32bit
Recommends: diffutils-32bit
Recommends: dos2unix-32bit
Recommends: e2fsprogs-32bit
Recommends: file-32bit
Recommends: fillup-32bit
Recommends: findutils-32bit
Recommends: fuse-32bit
Recommends: gawk-32bit
Recommends: genisoimage-32bit
Recommends: gettext-runtime-32bit
Recommends: glibc-locale-32bit
Recommends: gpart-32bit
Recommends: gpg2-32bit
Recommends: gpm-32bit
Recommends: grep-32bit
Recommends: gzip-32bit
Recommends: hdparm-32bit
Recommends: hwinfo-32bit
Recommends: info-32bit
Recommends: initviocons-32bit
Recommends: iproute2-32bit
Recommends: iputils-32bit
Recommends: irqbalance-32bit
Recommends: joe-32bit
Recommends: kmod-compat-32bit
Recommends: kpartx-32bit
Recommends: krb5-32bit
Recommends: less-32bit
Recommends: lsscsi-32bit
Recommends: logrotate-32bit
Recommends: mailx-32bit
Recommends: man-32bit
Recommends: mdadm-32bit
Recommends: multipath-tools-32bit
Recommends: ncurses-utils-32bit
Recommends: net-tools-32bit
Recommends: netcat-openbsd-32bit
Recommends: netcfg-32bit
Recommends: net-snmp-32bit
Recommends: nfs-client-32bit
Recommends: nfsidmap-32bit
Recommends: nscd-32bit
Recommends: openslp-32bit
Recommends: openssh-32bit
Recommends: pam-config-32bit
Recommends: parted-32bit
Recommends: pciutils-32bit
Recommends: pciutils-ids-32bit
Recommends: pcre-32bit
Recommends: perl-Bootloader-32bit
Recommends: perl-base-32bit
Recommends: pinentry-32bit
Recommends: popt-32bit
Recommends: postfix-32bit
Recommends: rsyslog-32bit
Recommends: rsync-32bit
Recommends: scout-32bit
Recommends: screen-32bit
Recommends: sed-32bit
Recommends: sg3_utils-32bit
Recommends: smartmontools-32bit
Recommends: sysconfig-32bit
Recommends: systemd-sysvinit-32bit
Recommends: time-32bit
Recommends: timezone-32bit
Recommends: translation-update-32bit
Recommends: udev-32bit
Recommends: udev-configure-printer-32bit
Recommends: usbutils-32bit
Recommends: vim-32bit
Recommends: wget-32bit
Recommends: xz-32bit
Recommends: zisofs-tools-32bit
Recommends: dmidecode-32bit
Recommends: haveged-32bit
Recommends: hfsutils-32bit
Recommends: mouseemu-32bit
Recommends: pdisk-32bit
Recommends: powerpc32-32bit
Recommends: grub2-branding-openSUSE-32bit
Recommends: plymouth-32bit
Recommends: plymouth-branding-openSUSE-32bit
Recommends: release-notes-openSUSE-32bit
Recommends: plymouth-32bit
Recommends: grub2-branding-SLE-32bit
Recommends: OpenIPMI-32bit
Recommends: bash-completion-32bit
Recommends: cpp-32bit
Recommends: cryptconfig-32bit
Recommends: expect-32bit
Recommends: ipmitool-32bit
Recommends: lvm2-32bit
Recommends: m4-32bit
Recommends: make-32bit
Recommends: mksh-32bit
Recommends: mutt-32bit
Recommends: quota-32bit
Recommends: supportutils-32bit
Recommends: sysfsutils-32bit
Recommends: tcsh-32bit
Recommends: w3m-32bit
Recommends: lsof-32bit
Recommends: psmisc-32bit
Recommends: sudo-32bit
Recommends: ethtool-32bit
Recommends: ntfs-3g-32bit
Recommends: ntfsprogs-32bit
Recommends: dmraid-32bit
Recommends: dosfstools-32bit
Recommends: ifplugd-32bit
Recommends: klogd-32bit
Recommends: nano-32bit
Recommends: openldap2-client-32bit
Recommends: prctl-32bit
Recommends: recode-32bit
Recommends: smp_utils-32bit
Recommends: strace-32bit
Recommends: syslinux-32bit
Recommends: tnftp-32bit
Recommends: tuned-32bit
Recommends: wireless-tools-32bit
Recommends: wol-32bit
Recommends: acpica-32bit
Recommends: mcelog-32bit
Recommends: numactl-32bit
Recommends: ucode-amd-32bit
Recommends: ucode-intel-32bit
Provides: pattern() = enhanced_base%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-enhanced_base)
%files enhanced_base-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description enhanced_base-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing enhanced_base.
%package minimal_base-32bit
Summary: Base System
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: aaa_base-32bit
Recommends: bash-32bit
Recommends: coreutils-32bit
Recommends: device-mapper-32bit
Recommends: distribution-release-32bit
Recommends: dracut-32bit
Recommends: e2fsprogs-32bit
Recommends: filesystem-32bit
Recommends: glibc-32bit
Recommends: kbd-32bit
Recommends: kmod-32bit
Recommends: pam-32bit
Recommends: procps-32bit
Recommends: rpm-32bit
Recommends: sysconfig-32bit
Recommends: system-group-hardware-32bit
Recommends: system-user-nobody-32bit
Recommends: systemd-32bit
Recommends: zypper-32bit
Recommends: btrfsmaintenance-32bit
Recommends: btrfsprogs-32bit
Recommends: elfutils-32bit
Recommends: glibc-locale-32bit
Recommends: grub2-32bit
Recommends: iproute2-32bit
Recommends: openssh-32bit
Recommends: snapper-32bit
Recommends: system-group-trusted-32bit
Recommends: system-group-wheel-32bit
Recommends: system-user-bin-32bit
Recommends: system-user-daemon-32bit
Recommends: systemd-coredump-32bit
Recommends: sysvinit-tools-32bit
Recommends: udev-32bit
Recommends: rollback-helper-32bit
Recommends: openSUSE-build-key-32bit
Recommends: rollback_helper-32bit
Recommends: SUSEConnect-32bit
Recommends: suse-build-key-32bit
Recommends: efibootmgr-32bit
Provides: pattern() = minimal_base%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-minimal_base)
%files minimal_base-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description minimal_base-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing minimal_base.
%package sw_management-32bit
Summary: Software Management
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: zypper-32bit
Recommends: lifecycle-data-32bit
Recommends: zypper-lifecycle-plugin-32bit
Provides: pattern() = sw_management%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-sw_management)
%files sw_management-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description sw_management-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing sw_management.
%package x11-32bit
Summary: X Window System
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-fonts-core-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-server-32bit
Recommends: xf86-input-libinput-32bit
Recommends: xf86-input-vmmouse-32bit
Recommends: xf86-input-wacom-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-32bit
Recommends: x11-tools-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-driver-video-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-essentials-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-server-extra-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-fonts-32bit
Recommends: yast2-qt-32bit
Recommends: dejavu-fonts-32bit
Recommends: google-roboto-fonts-32bit
Recommends: icewm-theme-branding-32bit
Recommends: icewm-default-32bit
Recommends: lightdm-32bit
Recommends: openssh-askpass-gnome-32bit
Recommends: noto-sans-fonts-32bit
Recommends: tigervnc-32bit
Recommends: xdmbgrd-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-Xvnc-32bit
Recommends: xtermset-32bit
Recommends: xterm-32bit
Recommends: libyui-qt-32bit
Recommends: libyui-qt-pkg-32bit
Recommends: yast2-control-center-32bit
Provides: pattern() = x11%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-x11)
%files x11-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description x11-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing x11.
%package x11_enhanced-32bit
Summary: X Window System
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: pattern()-32bit
Recommends: glibc-locale-32bit
Recommends: xkeyboard-config-32bit
Recommends: MozillaFirefox-32bit
Recommends: MozillaFirefox-translations-32bit
Recommends: cabextract-32bit
Recommends: command-not-found-32bit
Recommends: dialog-32bit
Recommends: dbus-1-glib-32bit
Recommends: dbus-1-x11-32bit
Recommends: fontconfig-32bit
Recommends: fonts-config-32bit
Recommends: fribidi-32bit
Recommends: ghostscript-x11-32bit
Recommends: numlockx-32bit
Recommends: translation-update-32bit
Recommends: xauth-32bit
Recommends: xdmbgrd-32bit
Recommends: xkeyboard-config-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-fonts-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-fonts-core-32bit
Recommends: yast2-control-center-gnome-32bit
Recommends: yast2-scanner-32bit
Recommends: MozillaFirefox-branding-SLE-32bit
Recommends: desktop-data-SLE-32bit
Recommends: numlockx-32bit
Recommends: openssh-askpass-32bit
Recommends: susepaste-32bit
Recommends: susepaste-screenshot-32bit
Provides: pattern() = x11_enhanced%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-x11_enhanced)
%files x11_enhanced-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description x11_enhanced-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing x11_enhanced.
@ -1,3 +1,163 @@
Tue Dec 11 09:21:13 UTC 2018 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
- Drop recommends to net-tools (no more tools of general
usefulnes), popt and pcre (both are just libraries nowadays,
which are pulled in by normal dependencies)
Fri Dec 7 13:11:04 UTC 2018 - Stasiek Michalski <>
- Adjust icons to state of yast2-theme package
Thu Nov 22 13:47:48 UTC 2018 - Richard Brown <>
- Add transactional-update-zypp-config alongside
transactional-update (boo#1111319)
Tue Oct 30 12:20:15 UTC 2018 -
- Recommend new package system-tuning-common-SUSE in
Wed Oct 10 16:18:08 UTC 2018 - Richard Brown <>
- transactional_base now requires base, recommends enhanced_base
Wed Oct 3 13:31:30 UTC 2018 -
- nfs-doc is now installed with supplements
- remove the list of openSUSE only packages that was rejected for
inclusion in SLE.
- Add bug numbers for TODO's
Wed Oct 3 11:56:16 CEST 2018 -
- Merge back in Leap 15 / SLE changes, important items from that
packages changlog can be found below
- explicitly include rsyslog in the base pattern to make sure
logging goes to /var/log/messages as documented (bsc#1094841).
- require distribution-release instead of openSUSE-release to avoid conflicts
when migrating to SLE (boo#1089031)
- do not recommend ntp also in enhanced_base (boo#162331)
- make everything in enhanced_base_opt really optional. It just
increases the server install and SLE doesn't have the pattern at
all either (bsc#1090189)
- move ordering of patterns-base-base after gnome_x11 (bsc#1091102)
- Don't generate 32bit patterns for readonly_root_tools
- Add as source
- guard some sle specifics with %is_opensuse
- Rework x11 pattern bsc#1086663
- Recommend terminfo in minimal_base bsc#1081747
- rpm doesn't need to be in base and minimal_base_conflicts
- dont create transactional_base-32bit pattern.
- Remove grub variants from patterns bsc#1064265
- Don't install rollback helper on openSUSE (See why is this even
in here.... thread on openSUSE project mailing list) boo#1086584
- add lightdm as a recommends to x11 pattern boo#1081760
- fix pattern names packgeand() lines of 32bit patterns (bsc#1079353)
- put chrony in base system (bsc#1072351)
- fix pattern() provides to use %2d instead of dash to avoid rpm
parsing the string as name-version (bsc#1079353)
- don't recommend insserv-compat as anything sysvinit is obsolete
- Add lshw
- lsvpd is only relevant on ppc systems
- Provide chrony in base patterns (bsc#1072351, fate#323432)
- Install pp64-diag and lsvpd by default (bsc#1072351)
- Add obsoletes across all patterns (bsc#1071761)
- minimal_base doesn't need to be visable in yast
- Basesystem and Documentation don't need 32bit patterns
- base pattern now obsoletes and provides Minimal to make
SLES-12 upgrades smoother (bsc#1062164)
- x11_enhanced pattern now obsoletes and provides Minimal to make
SLED-12 upgrades smoother (bsc#1062164)
- Source pattern-definition-32bit.txt correctly
- Bring back in other patterns, from sle
* console
* enhanced_base
* enhanced_base_opt
* sw_management
- Update enhanced_base and x11_enhanced based off SLES minimal and x11_enhanced
- Split the following patterns into patterns-enhanced-base
* console
* enhanced_base
* enhanced_base_opt
* sw_management
- Remove minimal_base_conflicts (not in SLE we can probably live without)
- Major changes to X11 package, to line up with SLES, new package will be
added in patterns-enhanced-base to keep openSUSE/SLED compaitible
- Add documentation from SLE
- Copy 32bit support from SLE (x86 package removed)
- slight change to apparmor packages to match sle
- recommend salt-minion only on SLE
- Remove ppc only requires from base
- Do not recommends on SLE patterns which aren't shipped on SLE.
- Ensure recommends on ntfs-3g and ntfsprogs are enabled on SLE
- Ensure xorg-x11-driver-input is required for x11 pattern, except
on s390/390x where it doesn't exist.
- Recommends plymouth on SLE (bsc#1067481).
- Ensure openSUSE patterns aren't provided / obsoletes when
building for SLE.
- Add Recommend to enhanced_base: OpenIPMI bash-completion cpp
cryptconfig expect ipmitool lvm2 m4 make mksh mutt quota
supportutils sysfsutils tcsh w3m lsof psmisc sudo.
- Add grub2-branding-SLE recommends on enhanced_base on SLE.
- Fix description of minimal_base on SLE.
- drop patterns-base-32bit pattern for s390 and s390x [bsc#1088669]
- added timezone as recommended to minimal_base pattern
- ethtool is available on SLE 15, moving out of "opensuse only"
section [bsc#1087354]
- put cron in base system (bsc#1072602)
- Don't require apparmor-docs, only recommend it
- Require xorg-x11-fonts-core instead of xorg-x11-fonts
- Don't require xorg-x11, only recommend it
- Remove salt-minion from base [bsc#1064266]
- Move tar to minimal pattern, too many low level tools assume
tar is installed by default
- Rename xterm-bin back to xterm, we still have xterm.rpm
- Remove libnss_compat2 (dropped, still part of glibc) and
libnss_nis2 (needs to be together with ypbind)
- Remove again added pam-modules, this package deprecated since
many years.
- Recommend glibc-locale from minimal_base not enhanced_base,
we install in en_US, so we need a locale one way or the other.
Requiring it from enhanced_base now to make sure it's part of
regular installations (but can be disabled for e.g. chroots
with C locale - bsc#1057377)
- Do not provide x11 in x11_enhanced but require it
- Move basic X11 apps to x11 pattern and Firefox to x11_enhanced
- Remove tcl and tk from default installation
- Don't install systemd-coredump by default on Leap (bsc#1083849)
- Add systemd-coredump to the list of recommended packages of miminal_base
Latest systemd package splitted off its coredump management facility
into a sub-package. Recommend this package so this functionnality is
still available by default on SLE (but will be disabled on Leap, see
Also give the possibility to block it by using a soft dep
(Recommends:). This might be needed on live images for example where
space is rather low.
Thu Sep 27 05:26:44 UTC 2018 -
@ -32,7 +192,7 @@ Thu Jul 26 14:46:15 UTC 2018 -
Wed Jul 18 14:30:55 UTC 2018 -
- Make transactional_base pattern available for SLE (fate#326327)
- Make transactional_base pattern available for SLE (fate#326327)
Tue Jun 5 11:59:37 UTC 2018 -
@ -5329,4 +5489,3 @@ Wed Jul 12 13:08:48 CEST 2006 -
- Initial Pattern for openSUSE. This is just a really basic list
to get us started and test that everything works.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
./ -p base -s apparmor_opt -s basesystem -s console -s documentation -s enhanced_base_opt -s minimal_base_conflicts -s readonly_root_tools -s transactional_base -s update_test -s x11_opt > pattern-definition-32bit.txt
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