- In case of doubt, also favor libz1-32bit over libz-ng1-compat for
the time being. - Add "Requires: selinux-policy-base" to selinux pattern so that OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/system:install:head/patterns-base?expand=0&rev=249
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
## Default LFS
*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.bsp filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.bz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.gem filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.gz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.jar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.lz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.lzma filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.obscpio filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.oxt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.rpm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.tbz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.tbz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.tgz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.ttf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.txz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.whl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.xz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
my $verbose = 0;
my $pat_ext = "32bit";
my $product = "";
my @skip_pat = ();
sub get_file {
my $file_to_get = shift;
my $content = "";
open FILE, "<$file_to_get" or return "\n";
while (defined (my $line = <FILE>)) {
next if ($line =~ m/^#/);
$content .= $line;
close FILE;
return $content;
sub print_usage {
print "$0 [-v] [-h]\n";
exit 0;
sub print_debug {
my ($txt, $lvl) = @_;
print (STDERR "DBG: ${txt}\n") if($verbose >= $lvl);
sub parse_line {
my $to_parse = shift;
my $tmp = "";
if ($to_parse =~ /%include/) {
print "%include at unexpected position, exiting\n";
exit (1);
if ($to_parse =~ /Summary:/) {
return "$to_parse\n";
# XXX simplify me
if ($to_parse =~ /Recommends:\s*([^\s]*)\s*/) {
$tmp = "$1";
return "" if ($tmp =~ m/pattern()/);
return "" if ($tmp =~ m/.*-64bit\s*$/);
if ($tmp =~ m/\(/) {
print STDERR "WARN: Unhandled boolean dep at $to_parse\n";
return "";
$tmp = "${tmp}-32bit" if($tmp !~ m/.*-32bit/);
return "Recommends: ${tmp}\n";
if ($to_parse =~ /Requires:\s*([^\s]*)\s*/) {
$tmp = "$1";
return "" if ($tmp =~ m/pattern()/);
return "" if ($tmp =~ m/.*-64bit\s*$/);
$tmp = "${tmp}-32bit" if($tmp !~ m/.*-32bit/);
return "Recommends: ${tmp}\n";
return "";
sub parse_main_file {
my $main_file = shift;
my $spec_file = "";
my $cur_pattern = "";
my $skip_it = 1;
my %skip_pat_hash;
if(! open (MAIN_FILE, "<$main_file")) {
print STDERR "${main_file} not found, exiting\n";
exit 1;
while (defined (my $line = <MAIN_FILE>)) {
next if ($line =~ m/^#/);
if ($line =~ m/\%package/) {
if(($line =~ m/32bit/) or
($line =~ m/64bit/)
) {
$skip_it = 1;
} else {
%skip_pat_hash = map { $_ => 1 } @skip_pat;
if($skip_it==0&&!exists($skip_pat_hash{$cur_pattern})) {
$spec_file .= ""
."Provides: pattern() = ${cur_pattern}%2d32bit\n"
."Group: Metapackages\n"
."Supplements: packageand(patterns-${product}-${pat_ext}:patterns-${product}-${cur_pattern})\n"
."%files ${cur_pattern}-32bit\n"
."%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns\n"
."%description ${cur_pattern}-${pat_ext}\n"
."The ${pat_ext} pattern complementing ${cur_pattern}.\n"
$skip_it = 0 ;
$line =~ m/package\s*([^\s]*)\s*/;
$cur_pattern = $1;
if (!exists($skip_pat_hash{$cur_pattern})) {
$spec_file .= "%package ${cur_pattern}-32bit\n";
next if($skip_it == 1 );
if ($line =~ /%include/) {
my $file_to_check = ($line =~ m/%include.*?([^\/\s]*)$/)[0]; # beware the non-greedy '?'
next if($file_to_check =~ m/32bit/);
if( open TMP_FILE, "<$file_to_check") {
print_debug(" Checking INCLUDE: $file_to_check", 2);
while (defined (my $include_line = <TMP_FILE>)) {
if (!exists($skip_pat_hash{$cur_pattern})) {
$spec_file .= parse_line($include_line);
close TMP_FILE;
if (!exists($skip_pat_hash{$cur_pattern})) {
$spec_file .= parse_line($line);
%skip_pat_hash = map { $_ => 1 } @skip_pat;
if (!exists($skip_pat_hash{$cur_pattern})) {
# I hate this, but need a fast workaround
$spec_file .= "Provides: pattern-invisible()\n"
."Provides: pattern() = ${cur_pattern}%2d${pat_ext}\n"
."Group: Metapackages\n"
."Supplements: packageand(patterns-${product}-${pat_ext}:patterns-${product}-${cur_pattern})\n"
."%files ${cur_pattern}-32bit\n"
."%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns\n"
."%description ${cur_pattern}-${pat_ext}\n"
."The ${pat_ext} pattern complementing ${cur_pattern}.\n"
close MAIN_FILE;
my $new_file = $spec_file;
return $new_file;
while ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
my $arg = shift;
if ($arg =~ /-v/) {
$verbose += 1;
} elsif($arg =~ /-h/) {
} elsif($arg =~ /-p/) {
} elsif($arg =~ /-e/) {
} elsif($arg =~ /-s/) {
push @skip_pat, shift;
print_debug("product = ${product}\n pat_ext=${pat_ext}\n", 1);
my $result = parse_main_file("patterns-${product}.spec");
print "${result}\n";
exit 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
%package apparmor-32bit
Summary: AppArmor
Recommends: apparmor-abstractions-32bit
Recommends: apparmor-parser-32bit
Recommends: apparmor-profiles-32bit
Recommends: apparmor-docs-32bit
Recommends: apparmor-utils-32bit
Recommends: yast2-apparmor-32bit
Recommends: audit-32bit
Recommends: audit-32bit
Provides: pattern() = apparmor%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-apparmor)
%files apparmor-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description apparmor-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing apparmor.
%package base-32bit
Summary: Base System
Recommends: aaa_base-32bit
Recommends: bash-32bit
Recommends: ca-certificates-mozilla-32bit
Recommends: coreutils-32bit
Recommends: glibc-32bit
Recommends: libnss_usrfiles2-32bit
Recommends: pam-32bit
Recommends: pam-config-32bit
Recommends: purge-kernels-service-32bit
Recommends: rpm-32bit
Recommends: system-user-nobody-32bit
Recommends: systemd-32bit
Recommends: util-linux-32bit
Recommends: busybox-static-32bit
Recommends: elfutils-32bit
Recommends: glibc-locale-base-32bit
Recommends: hostname-32bit
Recommends: iproute2-32bit
Recommends: issue-generator-32bit
Recommends: pam_pwquality-32bit
Recommends: shadow-32bit
Recommends: system-group-trusted-32bit
Recommends: system-group-wheel-32bit
Recommends: system-user-bin-32bit
Recommends: system-user-daemon-32bit
Recommends: terminfo-32bit
Recommends: terminfo-iterm-32bit
Recommends: terminfo-screen-32bit
Recommends: timezone-32bit
Recommends: zypper-32bit
Recommends: aaa_base-malloccheck-32bit
Recommends: SUSEConnect-32bit
Recommends: btrfsprogs-32bit
Recommends: e2fsprogs-32bit
Recommends: rollback-helper-32bit
Recommends: xfsprogs-32bit
Recommends: ppc64-diag-32bit
Provides: pattern() = base%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-base)
%files base-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description base-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing base.
%package enhanced_base-32bit
Summary: Enhanced Base System
Recommends: openssh-32bit
Recommends: aaa_base-extras-32bit
Recommends: acl-32bit
Recommends: attr-32bit
Recommends: bash-completion-32bit
Recommends: bind-utils-32bit
Recommends: bzip2-32bit
Recommends: cifs-utils-32bit
Recommends: command-not-found-32bit
Recommends: cpio-32bit
Recommends: cpupower-32bit
Recommends: cryptsetup-32bit
Recommends: curl-32bit
Recommends: deltarpm-32bit
Recommends: diffutils-32bit
Recommends: dos2unix-32bit
Recommends: e2fsprogs-32bit
Recommends: ethtool-32bit
Recommends: file-32bit
Recommends: fillup-32bit
Recommends: findutils-32bit
Recommends: firewalld-32bit
Recommends: fuse-32bit
Recommends: gawk-32bit
Recommends: gettext-runtime-32bit
Recommends: glibc-locale-32bit
Recommends: gpart-32bit
Recommends: gpg2-32bit
Recommends: gpm-32bit
Recommends: grep-32bit
Recommends: gzip-32bit
Recommends: hdparm-32bit
Recommends: hwinfo-32bit
Recommends: info-32bit
Recommends: initviocons-32bit
Recommends: iputils-32bit
Recommends: irqbalance-32bit
Recommends: kmod-compat-32bit
Recommends: kpartx-32bit
Recommends: krb5-32bit
Recommends: less-32bit
Recommends: logrotate-32bit
Recommends: lsscsi-32bit
Recommends: mailx-32bit
Recommends: man-32bit
Recommends: mdadm-32bit
Recommends: multipath-tools-32bit
Recommends: ncurses-utils-32bit
Recommends: net-snmp-32bit
Recommends: netcat-openbsd-32bit
Recommends: netcfg-32bit
Recommends: nscd-32bit
Recommends: ntfs-3g-32bit
Recommends: ntfsprogs-32bit
Recommends: pam-config-32bit
Recommends: parted-32bit
Recommends: pciutils-32bit
Recommends: pciutils-ids-32bit
Recommends: perl-Bootloader-32bit
Recommends: perl-base-32bit
Recommends: pinentry-32bit
Recommends: plymouth-32bit
Recommends: psmisc-32bit
Recommends: rsync-32bit
Recommends: screen-32bit
Recommends: sed-32bit
Recommends: sg3_utils-32bit
Recommends: smartmontools-32bit
Recommends: sudo-32bit
Recommends: systemd-sysvinit-32bit
Recommends: time-32bit
Recommends: timezone-32bit
Recommends: udev-configure-printer-32bit
Recommends: udev-extra-rules-32bit
Recommends: usbutils-32bit
Recommends: vim-32bit
Recommends: wget-32bit
Recommends: xz-32bit
Recommends: zisofs-tools-32bit
Recommends: rsyslog-32bit
Recommends: systemd-logger-32bit
Recommends: dmidecode-32bit
Recommends: hfsutils-32bit
Recommends: mouseemu-32bit
Recommends: pdisk-32bit
Recommends: powerpc32-32bit
Recommends: dmraid-32bit
Recommends: dosfstools-32bit
Recommends: ifplugd-32bit
Recommends: klogd-32bit
Recommends: mpt-status-32bit
Recommends: nano-32bit
Recommends: openldap2-client-32bit
Recommends: prctl-32bit
Recommends: procinfo-32bit
Recommends: procmail-32bit
Recommends: providers-32bit
Recommends: psmisc-32bit
Recommends: setserial-32bit
Recommends: sharutils-32bit
Recommends: smp_utils-32bit
Recommends: spax-32bit
Recommends: strace-32bit
Recommends: terminfo-32bit
Recommends: tnftp-32bit
Recommends: tuned-32bit
Recommends: vlan-32bit
Recommends: wireless-tools-32bit
Recommends: wol-32bit
Recommends: acpica-32bit
Recommends: mcelog-32bit
Recommends: numactl-32bit
Provides: pattern() = enhanced_base%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-enhanced_base)
%files enhanced_base-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description enhanced_base-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing enhanced_base.
%package minimal_base-32bit
Summary: Minimal Appliance Base
Recommends: branding-32bit
Recommends: build-key-32bit
Recommends: distribution-release-32bit
Recommends: filesystem-32bit
Provides: pattern() = minimal_base%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-minimal_base)
%files minimal_base-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description minimal_base-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing minimal_base.
%package sw_management-32bit
Summary: Software Management
Recommends: lifecycle-data-32bit
Recommends: zypper-lifecycle-plugin-32bit
Recommends: zypper-32bit
Provides: pattern() = sw_management%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-sw_management)
%files sw_management-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description sw_management-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing sw_management.
%package x11-32bit
Summary: X Window System
Recommends: xf86-input-libinput-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-fonts-core-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-server-32bit
Recommends: dejavu-fonts-32bit
Recommends: libyui-qt-32bit
Recommends: libyui-qt-pkg-32bit
Recommends: noto-sans-fonts-32bit
Recommends: tigervnc-32bit
Recommends: x11-tools-32bit
Recommends: xdmbgrd-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-Xvnc-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-driver-video-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-essentials-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-fonts-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-server-extra-32bit
Recommends: xterm-32bit
Recommends: xtermset-32bit
Recommends: yast2-control-center-32bit
Recommends: xf86-input-vmmouse-32bit
Recommends: xf86-input-wacom-32bit
Provides: pattern() = x11%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-x11)
%files x11-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description x11-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing x11.
%package x11_enhanced-32bit
Summary: X Window System
Recommends: glibc-locale-32bit
Recommends: glibc-locale-base-32bit
Recommends: xkeyboard-config-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-essentials-32bit
Recommends: cabextract-32bit
Recommends: command-not-found-32bit
Recommends: dbus-1-glib-32bit
Recommends: dbus-1-x11-32bit
Recommends: dialog-32bit
Recommends: fontconfig-32bit
Recommends: fonts-config-32bit
Recommends: fribidi-32bit
Recommends: ghostscript-x11-32bit
Recommends: numlockx-32bit
Recommends: opensuse-welcome-32bit
Recommends: translation-update-32bit
Recommends: web_browser-32bit
Recommends: xauth-32bit
Recommends: xdmbgrd-32bit
Recommends: xkeyboard-config-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-fonts-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-fonts-core-32bit
Recommends: yast2-control-center-gnome-32bit
Recommends: yast2-network-32bit
Recommends: MozillaFirefox-branding-SLE-32bit
Recommends: desktop-data-SLE-32bit
Recommends: numlockx-32bit
Recommends: openssh-askpass-32bit
Recommends: susepaste-32bit
Recommends: susepaste-screenshot-32bit
Recommends: x11-tools-32bit
Recommends: xorg-x11-libX11-ccache-32bit
Provides: pattern() = x11_enhanced%2d32bit
Group: Metapackages
Supplements: packageand(patterns-base-32bit:patterns-base-x11_enhanced)
%files x11_enhanced-32bit
%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
%description x11_enhanced-32bit
The 32bit pattern complementing x11_enhanced.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
addFilter("E: no-binary");
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
perl create_32bit-patterns_file.pl -p base -s apparmor_opt -s basesystem -s basic_desktop -s bootloader -s console -s documentation -s enhanced_base_opt -s fips -s minimal_base_conflicts -s readonly_root_tools -s selinux -s transactional_base -s update_test -s x11_opt -s x11_raspberrypi > pattern-definition-32bit.txt
Reference in New Issue
Block a user