------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 8 13:17:51 UTC 2017 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Cleanup patterns: a pattern definition is not allowed to have multiple Provides: patter() = FOO, as only one of them is seen by libsolv. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 8 09:49:25 UTC 2017 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Rename pattern minimal_base-conflicts to minimal_base_conflicts: we fall into a neat trap with Provides: pattern() = minimal_base-conflicts As this is translated to RPM lingo, meaning 'minimal_base' is the 'version' and 'conflicts' the 'release'; so anything requiring pattern() = minimal_base is satisfied by minimal_base-conflicts directly too (boo#1043348). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 18 11:28:02 UTC 2017 - lnussel@suse.de - Recommend zypper-lifecycle-plugin in sw_management for stable distributions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 11 07:18:16 UTC 2017 - sflees@suse.de - Proper fixes for the last change re generic_server, * console should require enhanced_base so its functionally the same as x11 * base should require minimal_base * remove the following from base again as they are in minimal base * openSUSE-build-key * openSUSE-release * rpm * other minor tidyup's ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 10 19:44:25 UTC 2017 - dleuenberger@suse.com - Re-introduce generic_server pattern: it requires minimal_base and basesystem (including zypper) and recommends yast2_basis. The use of the 'pure' console pattern did not work out as expected: none of the management tools are part of the generic console toolset (which is correct). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 3 12:55:04 CEST 2017 - kukuk@suse.de - Add system users and groups to minimal_base ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 28 16:03:43 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de - Compact %install routine; replace old RPM shell vars by macros. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 28 09:55:11 UTC 2017 - dleuenberger@suse.com - Do not require autoyast2 by base pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 28 09:26:39 UTC 2017 - dleuenberger@suse.com - Do not install salt-minion on every machine possible. This does belong to machines that are managed by salt, which is for larger setups. 'Common' installs won't need this. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 15 00:03:39 UTC 2017 - sflees@suse.de - Create new base split package from old package - Macros split into patterns-rpm-macros package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 6 02:54:55 UTC 2017 - sflees@suse.de - Implement changes for the pattern split without actually splitting * Remove the following patterns. * devel_ide * devel_qt4 * misc_server * remote_desktop * voip * rest_dvd9 * rest_promo_dvd * generic_server (merged into console) * tabletpc * Minimal-Base, Base and Enhanced Base refactored to be closer to how they appear in SLE. * command-not-found and susepaste added to console and x11 patterns as recmmends, this was requested by those providing opensuse support. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 5 12:56:11 UTC 2017 - sor.alexei@meowr.ru - Require dbus(org.freedesktop.Notifications) in mate_basis: a notification daemon is a must. - Recommend mate-notification-daemon in mate_basis as a preferred option. - Suggest linphone instead of ekiga in mate_internet. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 26 09:56:11 UTC 2017 - fabian@ritter-vogt.de - Replace kwrite with kate ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 11 12:12:48 UTC 2017 - fabian@ritter-vogt.de - Replace mozilla-kde4-integration with kmozillahelper ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 6 14:27:04 UTC 2017 - dleuenberger@suse.com - Bump version to 20170206. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 3 21:31:28 UTC 2017 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Replace liberation-fonts with liberation2-fonts Recommends: With the current freetype2 we have in Tumbleweed, liberation2-fonts is more visually pleasing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 2 09:49:25 UTC 2017 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Drop devel_java pattern from the DVD: space constrains call for this action. The pattern of course stays available in the repos. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 25 17:02:14 CET 2017 - tiwai@suse.de - Drop gsynaptics Recommends from XFCE and LXDE patterns (boo#1010202): This drags xf86-input-synaptics and blocks the libinput usage as a consequence although we've already wanted to move to libinput. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 10 19:56:56 UTC 2017 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Drop gnome-nettool Recommends from patterns-openSUSE-gnome and patterns-openSUSE-gnome_internet. Gnome-nettool is deprecated upstream and is no longer a package we want to install by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 10 09:56:56 UTC 2017 - fabian@ritter-vogt.de - Remove konqueror references from patterns, one browser in the default installation is enough ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 3 09:33:11 UTC 2017 - rbrown@suse.de - Remove non_oss from the recommends of GNOME, KDE & MATE patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 9 00:10:18 UTC 2016 - sflees@suse.de - Major cosmetic cleanup, No functional changes. Changes found by running zypper --whatprovides on each name listed in the pattern then fixing the differences. * Update packages that have been renamed * Drop packages that have been absorbed into other packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 18 15:34:48 UTC 2016 - astieger@suse.com - Fix spelling of Enlightenment boo#1010967 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 26 09:46:09 UTC 2016 - alarrosa@suse.com - Recommend kdeconnect-kde in the kde_plasma pattern. This plasma widget adds a lot to the user experience. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 26 09:44:31 UTC 2016 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Drop aisleriot from recommended packages. App still depends on gconf, and we do not want to pull in gconf just for a game by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 20 16:40:39 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - The DVD is exploding in size: + Drop devel_qt4 pattern from the DVD; the world has moved to Qt5. The pattern stays available in the online repos. + Drop the devel_gnome pattern: serious GNOME devs won't be using this from the DVD: most rely on jhbuild or at least on the content of the online repo. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 18 13:47:06 UTC 2016 - mvetter@suse.com - boo#1005324: adding pavucontrol-qt without pulseaudio does not make sense. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 12 14:39:48 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Do not recommend tracker, tracker-gui and brasero for the XFCE Desktop: Tracker is well integrated into the GNOME Desktop and GNOME Applications, but XFCE itself can't do much with its database (boo#1002454). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 7 15:15:15 UTC 2016 - mvetter@suse.com - Update LXQt pattern: * New core packages: lxqt-l10n, lxqt-sudo * Non core packages who still belong to LXQt upstream organization: obconf-qt, pavucontrol-qt * Replace gwenview by lximage-qt. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 22 22:13:59 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Update GNOME pattern to be more in line with the GNOME Core application recommendations: + brasero: only suggested instead of recommended. Writing optical media is no longer the 'standard'. By suggesting it, we ensure the programs stays on the media though. + gnome-clocks and gnome-logs: newly recommended tools. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 22 21:59:24 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Demote libreoffice-base-extenstions from Recommends to Suggests: we already don't explicitly recommend Base (which also does not make much sense for most users) - so the extensions make even less sense. Keeping it as suggests ensures it still ends up on the media though. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 16 19:30:17 UTC 2016 - alarrosa@suse.com - Added kdebase4-workspace-libs Recommend to the kde_plasma pattern so qt4 apps use the breeze style instead of depending on indirect requirements to install that package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 5 09:20:15 UTC 2016 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Drop gnome-web-photo Recommends from gnome_utilities pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 25 13:48:52 UTC 2016 - badshah400@gmail.com - Suggest instead of Recommend inkscape for the gnome_imaging_opt pattern, so that it is not pulled in by default on default GNOME pattern installs. Inkscape is a specialised app that users should install on their system if they need it, and the other desktop patterns (e.g. KDE) do not install it by default either. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 25 13:28:46 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Add the 'generic_server' pattern to the DVD. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 22 18:44:26 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de - Drop sox, vorbis-tools from console, this does not feel like the right place for them. Same for wodim. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 9 13:38:26 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - No longer recommend gnome-games-recommended by gnome_games but the actual games directly: iagno, lightsoff, quadrapassel, gnome-chess, gnome-mahjongg, gnome-mines, gnome-sudoku, swell-foop. The resulting installation pattern is the same. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 8 16:21:34 UTC 2016 - lnussel@suse.de - remove references to rsh, smpppd, checkinstall. The packages got dropped long ago. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 28 07:16:57 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Use lightdm instead of lxdm for LXDE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 14 15:25:32 UTC 2016 - fvogt@suse.com - Add yast2-qt-branding-openSUSE to rest_cd_* patterns to get the default look of the installation wizard ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 4 11:27:48 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Drop kstars from kde_edutainment pattern: we need to gain some space on the DVD again. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 1 13:50:01 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Drop itrace, we don't have it on media anymore ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 18 10:18:07 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Updates to pattern rest_cd_x11 (Rescue CD): + Always use kernel-default (never kernel-desktop): The kernel configurations have been merged and kernel-default provides all features. Same for ndiswrapper-kmp-default + Drop useless recommends, that would only matter if the rescue CD were installable: cracklib-dict-full, pullin-fluendo-mp3, + Replace mupdf with evince (33MB vs 3.5 MB, the GTK3 stack is already there anyway). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 13 09:39:01 UTC 2016 - mvetter@suse.com - Add LightDM to LXQt pattern - Require LXQt core components for LXQt pattern instead of only recommending them ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 10 01:20:51 UTC 2016 - sflees@suse.de - Add LightDM to enlightenment pattern (boo#951558) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 6 14:36:41 UTC 2016 - mvetter@suse.com - Add a note about obconf-qt in lxqt pattern. - Add qterminal recommends to lxqt pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 30 12:46:16 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Remove comments that do not make sense - Remove pm-utils -> obsoleted by systemd - Remove tmpwatch -> now handled by systemd - Do not suggest and recommend elilo -> we have grub2 only supported - Do not recommend gfxboot -> we have grub2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 27 13:07:04 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Drop icedtea-web recommends from gnome and kde patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 26 20:20:58 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - No longer recommend xorg-x11-Xvnc by the x11 pattern (boo#981663). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat May 18 09:52:29 UTC 2016 - mimi.vx@gmail.com - remove lilo and grub from patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 17 10:37:01 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Add unbound to the DVD patterns (boo#972499). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 13 10:06:43 UTC 2016 - pgajdos@suse.com - add devel_osc_build pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 31 19:09:52 UTC 2016 - dmueller@suse.com - enable dmidecode/numactl/efibootmgr for aarch64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 27 09:53:56 UTC 2016 - badshah400@gmail.com - Update GNOME patterns: + Remove gnome-font-viewer from all GNOME patterns (still leave it in the mate-* patterns). + rest_cd_gnome: - Drop gnome_games pattern to save space, add back a few games as Recommends instead (we don't want a completely game free LiveCD after all!). - Drop mc. - Drop backup and rescue utilities: ddrescue, gnu_ddrescue, grsync, lftp. - Drop krb5-client and pam_krb5. - Drop gparted, more suited to the rescue cd than here. - Drop ldap utilities: pam_ldap, nss_ldap. - All patterns: Drop input-utils, package has been long dropped from Factory. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 21 16:18:38 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Replace xchat by hexchat everywhere ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 3 09:49:59 UTC 2016 - tchvatal@suse.com - Fix pattern name/summary for python3 developement - Fix pattern for KF5 with wrong python3-kde3 that never existed - Add back tlp to laptop pattern which was dropped by previous changeset ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 27 13:50:43 UTC 2016 - tittiatcoke@gmail.com - Obsolete the kde4bindings for perl, python, ruby and mono. They haven't been ported and are obstructing the switch of Akonadi to its Frameworks port ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 24 02:11:55 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Do not require midori on the Rescue CD: we already have Firefox on it; midori pulling in webkit makes it just too big. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 23 16:57:16 UTC 2016 - dleuenberger@suse.com - Replace cdrecord in console pattern again with wodim: as long as kiwi hard requires wodim, we can't require cdrecord from the pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 14 10:50:19 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Drop deja-dup from GNOME patterns: it was added back in the days when we increased the live CD from 650MB to 1000MB in order to help fill up the space - but now we are struggling to keep below the 1000MB limit. - Drop tango-icon-theme from the GNOME base pattern: it's been a while that GNOME relied on anything but adwaita and hicolor. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 12 09:27:12 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Recommend pinentry-gnome3 from the GNOME pattern (boo#961472). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 10 12:20:20 UTC 2016 - tittiatcoke@gmail.com - Adjust the KDE/PLASMA patterns: * Move to the new KF5 based KDEPIM suite as default * Move to kf5 based gwenview * Also recommend plasma5-pa for the kde_multimedia pattern instead of kmix * drop all kdeartwork related packages. This has been dropped completely upstream * minor corrections ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 1 07:51:17 UTC 2016 - davejplater@gmail.com - Replaced wodim with well maintained cdrecord in console pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 18 06:50:43 UTC 2015 - mkubecek@suse.cz - kde_plasma: hard dependencies have been added recently for packages that either are far from necessary or have reasonable alternatives some users may prefer; soften these to Recommends: + plasma5-pk-updates + plasma5-pa + dragonplayer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 21 16:15:08 UTC 2015 - badshah400@gmail.com - Update GNOME patterns: + gnome_imaging_opt: Drop xsane, GNOME already includes simple-scan serving the same purpose. + gnome_internet: - Drop gftp, gwibber, smuxi, xchat-gnome. - Replace pan by evolution-rss. + gnome_utilities: Drop conduit, kerneloops-applet, pdfmod, synapse, tasque and the-board. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 18 09:18:37 UTC 2015 - tittiatcoke@gmail.com - Remove kdeartwork4-screensavers from the kde-utilities pattern. This saves space on the LiveCD and is useless on a Plasma5 desktop ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 16 14:09:24 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Drop valgrind-devel from devel_kde pattern: it is not very common to require that by devs. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 16 08:30:29 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Update GNOME patterns: + Replace shotwell with gnome-photos. + Drop alacarte: it makes only very limited sense since GNOME 3. + Drop system-config-printer-applet: GNOME 3 does not have a try to properly display it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 12 06:34:37 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com - bump version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 11 16:44:52 UTC 2015 - pgajdos@suse.com - readd dejavu-fonts on coolo's request (comment in request#343080) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 11 15:52:16 UTC 2015 - mlatimer@suse.com - Remove kernel-xen (and omnibook-kmp-xen) from xen_server pattern as kernel-default now includes pvops capabilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 5 10:21:57 UTC 2015 - pgajdos@suse.com - install google-roboto-fonts instead of dejavu-fonts in -fonts pattern, add noto-sans to -fonts_opt pattern [bnc#951898] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 2 13:41:57 UTC 2015 - mlin@suse.com - According to icewm changes https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/342069 use icewm-default as recommends instead of icewm-lite. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 29 10:40:50 UTC 2015 - mimi.vx@gmail.com - Remove flash from patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 23 17:56:05 UTC 2015 - sor.alexei@meowr.ru - Hard-require very basic parts of MATE in mate_basis pattern. - Recommend mate-tweak and hexchat (instead of xchat) in mate pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 21 16:22:28 UTC 2015 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com - kde_plasma now require plasma5-pk-updates package - Remove apper recommends in kde pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 20 17:44:26 UTC 2015 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com - Add recommends for baloo5-tools and baloo5-kioslaves to kde_plasma pattern (boo#948810) - Given that video playback with vlc on Qt 5.5 is broken ATM, default to dragonplayer in plasma ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 18 17:04:08 UTC 2015 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com - Adjust kde plasma pattern to current state of things: require plasma5-pa instead of kmix - Let plasma pattern be more useful: require at least one video player (vlc-qt) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 15 20:07:04 UTC 2015 - mlatimer@suse.com - Suggest libvirt-daemon-lxc for both Xen and KVM patterns. [bsc#947242] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 9 18:52:06 UTC 2015 - schwab@suse.de - Recommend grub2-arm64-efi on aarch64 - create_macros: use %global instead of %define ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 8 13:45:09 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com - drag in updatetest packages if with_betatest is defined in the project (Leap for now) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 1 13:41:09 UTC 2015 - bwiedemann@suse.com - Add generic_server pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 24 13:15:54 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Recommend systemd-32bit in the rest_dvd_core pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 23 13:42:58 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Also fix the KDE CD: sssd-32bit is recommended there too, so also recommend systemd-32bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 23 13:20:17 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - When recommending sssd-32bit, also recommend systemd-32bit: the systemd-pam modules are needed in this case too (not strictly a requirement, but pam-config -a --systemd fails on a 64bit system when pam-32bit is installed but the 32bit pam modules are not). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 22 11:43:40 UTC 2015 - mvetter@suse.com - Add basic lxqt pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 18 10:31:45 UTC 2015 - p.drouand@gmail.com - create mate_internet and mate_office_opt patterns - Recommend newly created patterns instead of GNOME's ones; recommending GNOME's intall plenty of packages unwanted by regular users ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 8 12:10:37 UTC 2015 - pgajdos@suse.com - added stix-fonts and ctan-latinmodern-fonts to fonts_opt [bnc#944629] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 7 13:21:11 UTC 2015 - hguo@suse.com - Introduce four recently developed Yast modules into yast2 pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 28 21:21:03 UTC 2015 - trcs@gmx.com - Do not recommend lxpanel-plugin-power-manager in %package lxde: dropped upstream. https://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce-announce/2015-May/000423.html ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 28 06:51:23 UTC 2015 - mimi.vx@gmail.com - tweak haskell_platform pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 27 14:00:58 UTC 2015 - lnussel@suse.de - need to allow binutils in minimal ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 4 19:53:35 UTC 2015 - mimi.vx@gmail.com - add haskell_platform pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 19 12:52:54 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com - downgrade broken requires from leechcraft pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 16 08:16:44 UTC 2015 - mlin@suse.com - drop out dhcpcd ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 15 21:31:12 UTC 2015 - sor.alexei@meowr.ru - Adapt MATE patterns to MATE 1.10+. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 14 12:41:29 UTC 2015 - arnaud@versini.eu - Recommend OpenJDK 8 instead of OpenJDK 7. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 29 09:41:59 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Recommend NTP at least until boo#936378 is fixed and YaST is not trying to configure a service that's not there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 25 08:58:09 UTC 2015 - lnussel@suse.de - remove minimal conflict with perl, perl-Bootloader-YAML draws it in via perl-YAML-LibYAML - since we have perl now anyways recommending vim is no problem anymore either ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 23 06:22:08 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Remove kdebase4-wallpapers from the kde pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 23 06:10:31 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Remove gnucash and gnucash-docs from the patterns due to space constraints on the DVD media. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 22 11:31:10 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Drop gnome-do and hamster-applet from gnome_utilities pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 11 14:01:32 UTC 2015 - lnussel@suse.de - tweak minimal pattern to make it smaller again: * omit kernel. In theory YaST will add it for real installations. * don't install yast anymore. Should work in theory * remove adjtimex, hopefully not used anymore * remove SuSEfirewall2, needs full perl which is huge * remove eject, ntfs-3g and ntp, sysfsutils not really needed * remove release-notes-openSUSE, pulls in perl * remove vim, needs full perl :-( * require zypper instead of software stack pattern to avoid additional recommends * blacklist perl, python-base and binutils to avoid recommended packages pulling them in ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 3 12:15:46 UTC 2015 - tittiatcoke@gmail.com - Specifically obsolete the kdebase4-workspace-devel package by the kde_plasma pattern to prevent issues during an upgrade ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 5 02:04:40 UTC 2015 - simon@simotek.net - e17 pattern is now the enlightenment pattern and installs the latest enlightenment release rather then e17. - The enlightenment pattern now recommends the following useful applications Mozzila-Firefox desktop-data-openSUSE xdg-user-dir clementine vlc leafpad mupdf ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 30 10:04:15 UTC 2015 - tittiatcoke@gmail.com - Add kdepim apps to the kde patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 28 07:40:36 UTC 2015 - tittiatcoke@gmail.com - Fix some kde4 left over patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 27 07:49:07 UTC 2015 - tittiatcoke@gmail.com - The right package name is breeze and not breeze5 :( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 24 13:27:31 UTC 2015 - tittiatcoke@gmail.com - Correction of the KDE related patterns * Ensure the right ones are required * Renamed devel_frameworks to devel_kde_frameworks ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 23 11:50:34 UTC 2015 - tittiatcoke@gmail.com - Update of all KDE related patterns * Plasma 5 desktop is the new default * _kde4_ patterns renamed to _kde_ * Dropped the obsolete patterns for plasma5 * A new devel patterns was added to pull in the KDE Frameworks development packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 21 06:25:35 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Drop gstreamer-0_10 dependencies: this has not been maintained for a couple years - if packages still rely on it, they are required to ensure the presence on their own. No more help from the patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 8 23:58:34 UTC 2015 - crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Bump version number. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 8 23:53:40 UTC 2015 - crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Do not make "bootcycle" part of any pattern, it has to be either dropped or fixed to work with grub2. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 29 12:10:27 UTC 2015 - trcs@gmx.com - Add some changes in LXDE's pattern to lighten the desktop, reduce the dependence on other desktops and improve user experience * Removed duplicated Recommends: lxdm line * Removed Suggests: moonlight-plugin * Removed suggestion of libreoffice-gnome if arch is x86_64 * Recommend Atril instead of MuPDF * Recommend HexChat instead of XChat * Recommend lxpanel-plugin-power-manager * Recommend Pidgin instead of Empathy * Recommend pk-update-icon ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 28 09:27:19 UTC 2015 - gber@opensuse.org - Replace rhythmbox with pragha as the default audio player for Xfce, see http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-xfce/2014-08/msg00000.html ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 14 18:30:50 UTC 2015 - javier@opensuse.org - Replace tomcat6 with tomcat ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 7 12:00:10 UTC 2015 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com - Add some new packages to plasma 5 pattern: konsole5, kwrite5, kmix5 (boo#907604), kcm-touchpad5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 5 09:31:50 UTC 2015 - lslezak@suse.cz - Replace subversion by git in the devel_yast pattern (bnc#911635) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 17 12:54:20 UTC 2014 - dimstar@opensuse.org - gnome-icon-theme is deprecated in favor of adwaita-icon-theme (which we don't need to put in a pattern, as it's a dependency to a complete GTK+ 3.0 installation). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 17 07:45:03 UTC 2014 - mpluskal@suse.com - Replace microcode_ctl with ucode-amd and ucode-intel ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 9 14:02:35 UTC 2014 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Reorder patterns in the Desktop Environment group: GNOME. KDE4, Plasma5, XFCE, LXDE, Enlightment, MATE, Fonts, X Windows System. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 30 15:24:23 UTC 2014 - p.drouand@gmail.com - Prefer gparted to gnome-disk-utility by default in Mate environment ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 26 06:48:37 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - let's remove some devel patterns from DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 22 20:41:39 UTC 2014 - p.drouand@gmail.com - Add mate-polkit to mate-basis pattern; fix boo#905679 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 8 10:48:29 UTC 2014 - p.drouand@gmail.com - Add gnome-main-menu to mate_basis pattern; fix boo#904096 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 5 09:20:18 UTC 2014 - gber@opensuse.org - prefer the YaST Qt frontend in Xfce and LXDE as well since libyui-gtk and libyui-gtk-pkg are unmaintained and have been removed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 17 19:09:33 UTC 2014 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Add adobe-source* fonts to fonts_opt pattern (boo#901756). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 14 18:01:59 UTC 2014 - badshah400@gmail.com - Pattern sw_management_gnome: Add back gnome-software as recommended package - Pattern gnome_internet: Add NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome as recommended package (boo#900009). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 13 19:33:25 UTC 2014 - badshah400@gmail.com - Pattern gnome_utilities: Add gnome-weather as recommended package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 12 15:05:31 UTC 2014 - badshah400@gmail.com - Pattern gnome_internet: Replace xchat by polari - Pattern gnome_multimedia: Remove rhythmbox as a recommended application, gnome-music will now be the default music player. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 8 12:23:42 UTC 2014 - p.drouand@gmail.com - Recommends mate-search-tool instead of tracker, as tracker is not integrated to Mate applications for the moment ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 7 18:56:54 UTC 2014 - opensuse@cboltz.de - add apparmor-abstractions to AppArmor pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 7 08:54:39 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - bump the version to 20141007 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 7 08:46:33 UTC 2014 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Remove gnome-software for now: it triggers polkit requests for passing the proxy between the user session and packagekitd. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 6 17:42:06 UTC 2014 - p.drouand@gmail.com - Add Mate patterns (boo#899665) - Add translations in create_macros ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 6 15:33:56 UTC 2014 - badshah400@gmail.com - Patterns enhanced_base and minimal_base: Drop linux32 as a recommended package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Oct 4 15:39:33 UTC 2014 - badshah400@gmail.com - Pattern sw_management_gnome: Add gnome-software as recommends. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 2 03:11:46 UTC 2014 - badshah400@gmail.com - Pattern gnome_yast: Replace libyui-gtk-pkg and yast2-control-center-gnome in gnome_yast pattern with its qt version; the gtk bindings have critical bugs (see bnc#897910, bnc#891183, bnc#852730) but seem unmaintained for now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 27 10:03:45 UTC 2014 - trcs@gmx.com - package lxde * do not recommend imaging pattern: + it triggers the installation of GIMP that is redundant because mtPaint is in the pattern, has the same goal and is lighter + it recommends the installation of the pattern imaging_opt which in turn suggests calibre that is a heavyweight application that doesn't really fit in LXDE * do not recommend neither lxshortcut nor lxsession-edit: + lxshortcut is deprecated by LibFM 1.2.0 + lxsession-edit is now provided by LXSession * recommend uGet instead of transmission-gtk and do not suggests aria2: + uGet can manage both BitTorrent and Metalink protocols (in addition to HTTP, HTTPS and FTP) + aria2 is required by uGet ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 13 10:18:28 UTC 2014 - dap.darkness@gmail.com - Added new leechcraft plugins; deleted p100q (obsoleted). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 8 11:01:22 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - replace pm-profiler with tuned ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 5 20:42:43 UTC 2014 - dvlaeev@suse.com - Recommend grub2-powerpc-ieee1275 on PowerPC instead of lilo - Recommend haveged on ppc64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 25 14:04:39 UTC 2014 - lnussel@suse.de - add iproute2 to minimal pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 21 08:50:49 UTC 2014 - gber@opensuse.org - xfce_laptop: remove xfce4-panel-plugin-brightness which has been merged into xfce4-panel-plugin-power-manager and is installed through xfce4-panel-branding-openSUSE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 20 19:09:41 UTC 2014 - trcs@gmx.com - package lxde * recommend gcolor2, currently one have to open a graphics program just to pick a color ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 20 10:51:45 UTC 2014 - msrb@suse.com - Replace tightvnc with tigervnc as default VNC client. (bnc#879917) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Aug 16 21:00:03 UTC 2014 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com - Add a Plasma 5 pattern. Mostly a copy of kde4_basis, with exceptions where needed - Update kde_devel pattern: no longer recommend gstreamer_0.10, but standard one ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Aug 3 11:40:20 UTC 2014 - trcs@gmx.com - package lxde * move Leafpad from Suggests to Recommends to replace Beaver because Beaver is buggy, isn't translated and this is not going to change as it is unmaintained too * recommend Geany as advanced text editor, it is light enough to fit in LXDE * recommend xfce4-screenshooter, mtPaint lacks a lot of features in this area ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 23 12:19:39 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - translate C++ comments into spec files ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 24 08:13:58 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - move ca-certicates-mozilla into base system - switch to a more generic version scheme ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 29 21:08:22 UTC 2014 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com - Add Qt5 devel pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 15 19:46:18 UTC 2014 - gber@opensuse.org - gcalctool has been renamed to gnome-calculator ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 23 22:43:19 UTC 2014 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com - Adjust kde patterns to current status: * Drop no longer necessary libsoprano-devel and strigi-devel * Drop plasmoid-quickaccess, no longer in distro * Recommend baloo-file and baloo-pim * Swap kcm_gtk for kde-gtk-config * Swap koffice components to calligra counterparts * Swap gstreamer_0.10 backend and plugins for 1.0 versions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 15 09:32:35 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - suggests postfix *and* recommend postfix ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 14 17:21:58 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - fix kernel requires for rest patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 21 13:59:49 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - kde4 pattern does no longer exist ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 24 22:18:28 UTC 2014 - dimstar@opensuse.org - gnome-games: recommend gnuchess instead of phalanx (bnc#864907). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 19 17:10:24 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - rename kde4 pattern kde - that is visible ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 3 14:34:02 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - make visible patterns visible ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 31 08:08:10 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - patterns are no longer maintained in git (well, they are for now but that's just till I'm certain the rpm only way works) fate#309385 (internal) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 28 12:26:22 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - Dinar Valeev (1): Don't require libspe and pdisk on ppc64le Ludwig Nussel (4): port to libsolv, part 1 implement explain again remove yast2-x11 from default install again remove debug output Stephan Kulow (1): Merge pull request #62 from k0da/master Commit: 334f1f9b ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 14 05:25:39 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): switch to generic names of libyui Commit: 174890fa ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 20 07:50:07 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Cristian Rodríguez (1): prefer kmod-compat instead of module-init-tools Lukas Ocilka (1): Dropped yast2-backup and yast2-restore from YAST_BASIS (FATE#308682) Raymond Wooninck (2): Plasma-nm replaces NetworkManager-kde4 plasma-nm replaces NetworkManager-kde4 and arora no longer exists Stephan Kulow (1): use the right texlive package (bnc#854509) Tomáš Chvátal (1): Preffer the systemd-logger (journald) instead of rsyslog. Future here we go. Commit: 2251e2ad ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 10 11:32:04 UTC 2013 - werner@suse.de - Package texlive is nearly empty as it includes only the required TeX File System, therefore require texlive-scheme-tetex as this package cause the installation of more than medium, but nowhere near full TeXLive packages (bnc#854509) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 4 12:52:45 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): remove test updates and malloccheck Tomáš Chvátal (1): Use mlocate in patterns over findutils-locate Commit: 46d3ece3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 28 09:00:37 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): libvirt should only be a suggested package to the patterns Commit: d6fb2bf6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 16 08:57:45 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Commit: d94d126e ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 7 06:47:03 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Jim Fehlig (1): Add libvirt to KVM and Xen patterns Stephan Kulow (1): put the apparmor pattern on the cds too - default is default Commit: d94d126e ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 27 17:50:11 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Atri Bhattacharya (1): GNOME-Utilities: Replace tomboy by bijiben. Stephan Kulow (6): remove 32bit pattern (bnc#821978) recommend apparmor (bnc#724829) move udev-configure-printer to live isos (bnc#808014) no longer install xorg-x11 unless it's an update Vincent Untz (1): GNOME: Remove several old packages and add gnome-photos to suggests Commit: 4d1ad2eb ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 24 13:14:27 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - update url - pointing to github ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 24 13:12:57 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Dominique Leuenberger (1): GNOME: Update patterns Juergen Weigert (1): Preliminary removal according to bnc#840026 Commit: 02f72072 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 6 05:21:08 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Michael Catanzaro (7): gnome games: remove gbrainy gnome-desktop: replace Tomboy with Bijiben gnome-desktop: remove alternative-status-menu gnome-internet: drop epiphany-extensions gnome-multimedia: explicitly add missing gstreamer plugins gnome-desktop: add deja-dup devel c(++): move ddd to suggests plusky (1): Replace runlevel editor with service-manager Commit: 12199b5e ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 4 07:50:04 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): recommend desktop-branding for every desktop Commit: 7dc182ab ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 28 16:04:15 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Jim Fehlig (1): Add kvm_server pattern to DVD recommends Lukas Ocilka (1): Removed yast2-mouse from yast_basis pattern Stephan Kulow (2): remove yast2-irda from yast2 make sure we can ignore some things for some live cds Commit: 6bed7f31 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 8 07:18:37 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): readd xorg-x11 to the default install (for now) Commit: e531eee7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 6 11:14:59 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): also require some yast2* for kde and gnome livecd Atri (1): [REST-CD-X11] Add yast2-x11 to required packages. Commit: 8f1e89ab ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 2 14:02:03 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): switch to xorg-x11-essentials Commit: 5df80cef ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 26 14:37:17 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Christian Boltz (1): AppArmor pattern - don't install pam_apparmor when selecting the pattern Jim Fehlig (2): Remove xen-doc-pdf Add kvm_server pattern Stephan Kulow (3): replace old db-4_5 with db-devel trying to create a core set of installation medium add systemd-analysis to the enhanced base suggests Commit: 3a4da77c ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jun 16 13:43:29 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): remove limal-perl from required packages Commit: 9e30f6d5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 8 10:34:02 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Jim Fehlig (1): Add libvirt-daemon-xen to the xen_server pattern Stephan Kulow (1): readd update-test pattern and aaa_base-malloccheck Commit: 27a398e5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 15 04:38:51 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Commit: 029692f4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 14 12:10:40 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): e17 does not recommend xfce :) Commit: 029692f4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 14 11:46:08 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (5): add a e17 pattern do not put webyast on DVD, it's too often broken remove XGL patterns, compiz is pretty much dead add all xf86-video-* (picked by supplements) put scribus off the DVD, I need to save space ;( Commit: 6d7f28b9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 14 07:03:37 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Atri Bhattacharya (2): Replace unmaintained epdfview by mupdf [LXDE-Office] Replace unmaintained epdfview by mupdf. Stephan Kulow (1): replaced libyui4 with libyui5 Commit: e5df4756 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 8 08:42:02 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Andreas Jaeger (1): Add util-linux, adjtimex, time, which to BASIS Michael Catanzaro (4): gnome: remove hamster-applet gnome: update alternative status menu package name gnome: gcalctool is now gnome-calculator Remove xvkbd from laptop, add eekboard to tablet Stephan Kulow (1): grub2-efi is no more - replaced by e.g. grub2-i386-pc Commit: cd1a5224 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 10 07:32:23 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Atri (1): [REST-CD-X11] Add yast2-country for more keyboard layouts. Stephan Kulow (1): do not install hplip by default any longer (bnc#649280) Commit: e2fdb74e ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 27 09:38:44 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com Do not rely on preprocessor, set __i386__ explicitly on %ix86 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 26 14:19:09 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (2): suggest libyui backends for kde and gnome install shim by default Commit: b9244511 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 20 10:32:30 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Atri (1): Add xchat to REST-CD-X11. Raymond Wooninck (1): Include kde4-print-manager in the default KDE4-DESKTOP pattern Stephan Kulow (1): add osc to the patterns (as suggested) Commit: 4e9f3fa9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 14 09:34:28 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Atri (7): Add useful packages & xfce pattern to REST-CD-X11. Add xfce pattern the right way Add file-roller to XFCE-MINIMAL; grsync, lftp, gnu_ddrescue to REST-CD. Replace Imagemagick on REST-CD-X11 by ristretto on XFCE-MINIMAL. Add xfce4-appfinder to XFCE-MINIMAL pattern. Drop XFCE-MINIMAL; XFCE-BASIS is now the minimal XFCE. Add ristretto to REST-CD-X11. Stephan Kulow (17): remove yast from x11 cd don't have X11 pattern recommend yast split off REST-CD a REST-CD-DESKTOP not to be put on X11 CD prefer lightdm over xdm add some yast modules for recovery move gtk2-branding-openSUSE away from X11 CD xfce requires xfce_basis remove xfce pattern again split xfce-basis into 2, one of them minimal for the rescue cd have yast2-control-center-gnome on rescue cd too make some space on the promo dvd need more space on promo dvd readd grub to the cds ;( Will Stephenson (1): Add kio_mtp Commit: c8c69f73 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 11 11:03:38 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Dominique Leuenberger (1): Replace banshee with rhythmbox... mono is in a rather odd stage... crashy... bnc#800237 Commit: 440e44d3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 7 12:36:05 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (2): remove some bits from the DVD do not recommend ConsoleKit Commit: 430571b2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 4 15:47:23 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (2): no longer install grub1 by default install grub2-efi and syslinux by default Commit: aa39420d ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 1 08:42:53 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): we're back to nscd Commit: 37d7d67f ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 25 09:54:51 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Guido Berhoerster (1): Reduce dependencies on GNOME packages in XFCE Michal Hrusecky (1): Replacing MySQL with MariaDB in LAMP pattern Raymond Wooninck (1): Remove ConsoleKit-devel and add the two new kdegames development libraries Commit: 485bc121 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 9 15:21:03 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Ludwig Nussel (2): update minimal pattern add --no-recommends Commit: 06838603 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 7 10:23:51 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - Guido Berhoerster (1): Terminal has been renamed to xfce4-terminal Ludwig Nussel (5): don't install any smtp daemon in minimal add glibc-locale to minimal remove xinetd, yp-tools and ypbind from minimal ncurses yast also needs ncurses packager prefer cracklib-dict-small in minimal Michael Catanzaro (1): Update openjdk packages Commit: 254debd2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 12 18:51:27 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): ulimit is dropped Commit: d8b2c6b4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 6 15:03:08 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): fix previous commit Commit: 982ea6db ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 6 14:44:54 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): with systemd there is no special requirement for syslog Commit: 93316782 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 4 19:21:48 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): switch to libpng15 Commit: 0c70f9f1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 4 11:35:11 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - bump version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 4 11:31:14 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Cristian Rodríguez (2): Move acpid to ENHANCED-BASIS-OPT Remove "smolt" from patterns Guido Berhoerster (2): xfce: Remove gnome-bluetooth which drags in too many GNOME dependencies xfce: Include xfce4-panel-plugin-weather again since it has been fixed Stephan Kulow (2): even make acpid suggested only small cleanups Commit: 0f4d50b9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 1 13:02:44 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): yast- frontends are now libyui-* Commit: 0dff97c8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 18 14:38:50 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com Vincent Untz (2): gnome: Remove evolution-webcal, replace evolution-exchange with evo-ews gnome: Remove mention of telepathy-butterfly Commit: 8f63ad57 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 18 14:37:07 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Ludwig Nussel (4): minimal: add acpid stabilize sort by sorting by name if size is equal add branding-openSUSE to test case minimal: prefer postfix to avoid exim (bnc#778862) Stephan Kulow (2): do not require texinfo but makeinfo remove some packages no longer existant Vincent Untz (1): gnome, lxde: drop bug-buddy and gnome-pilot from patterns Commit: 89e8bf32 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 18 08:46:21 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Richard Brown (1): Added grub2-branding-openSUSE to ENHANCED-BASIS - Stephan Kulow (2): Push most books off the DVD - just too large removing some things not to be on DVD Commit: 8d62c13c ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 12 19:59:14 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): bnc#756777 - xstroke is pretty useless Commit: a6fc9972 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 12 13:56:58 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): add hyper-v.rpm to install media Commit: 467963c9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 11 09:18:58 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): adding a books pattern (bnc#703899) Commit: 062f8b4f ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 29 12:04:27 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Guido Berhoerster (2): add some low-level dependencies to XFCE-BASIS (bnc#768268) switch back to xfce4-mixer as the default mixer Commit: 5d7e8758 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 18 15:31:46 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Guido Berhoerster (1): strip down XFCE_BASIS to a bare-bones Xfce desktop with only core applications Marcus Meissner (1): added pdisk by default on powerpc Commit: c90d295f ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 6 13:14:38 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): fix webyast rename to end on DVD add provides and obsoletes to the old webyast patterns Commit: 8143bd44 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 4 14:03:20 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Ladislav Slezak (1): merged webyast-ws and webyast-ui patterns into one webyast pattern Commit: a51b366d ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 22 08:41:18 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Raymond Wooninck (1): Make plymouth the default for the bootsplash Commit: 46ac3850 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 18 05:58:54 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com * Changed version and license ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 3 12:58:36 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Cristian Rodríguez (1): move irqbalance to ENHANCED-BASIS-OPT it serves no real purpose nowdays on machines without hundred of cpus. Guido Berhoerster (13): completely remove non-existent package lightdm-branding-openSUSE completely remove xfce4-panel-plugin-cddrive and xfce4-panel-plugin-places which are not in Factory add back thunar-volman-branding-openSUSE make xfce_basis visible again since this is not a problem with patterns remove gnome-bluetooth since it requires gnome-control-center (bnc#732689) adapt to recent packaging changes xfce-utils has been removed upstream correct the list of panel plugins xfce4-panel-plugin-datetime does not need to be installed by default added xfce4-panel-plugin-xkb since xkb layout switching is useful install gnome-keyring, it is enabled by default in xfce4-session clean up comments add tracker-gui, tracker is already dragged in by default Stephan Kulow (1): grub2 is needed now Commit: 772347e1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 4 07:53:56 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (3): add more yast languages more to the CDs clean up requires of rpm build environment drop xgl/compiz from DVD Vincent Untz (3): gnome: Add nautilus-extension-seahorse and update for gnome-utils split gnome: Add gcr-viewer gnome: Add gsf-office-thumbnailer Commit: dd2a4380 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 8 09:39:05 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (2): add elilo and efibootmgr to the media (bnc#728529) hide xfce_basis for now (bnc#728319) Commit: e0f5a60b ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 4 11:49:12 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): revert bootsplash-branding change Commit: 76a0a769 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 4 06:32:14 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (2): any branding will do - openSUSE preferred take out update_test from default install Commit: c2de877b ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 2 10:22:18 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (2): we need to save 85mb off the dvd9 don't install gnome-color-manager by default (bnc#698250) Commit: be94d305 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 31 12:29:24 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Richard Brown (1): gnome: Install gnome-shell-extension-alt-status-menu by default Stephan Kulow (1): suggests on promo dvd is just too much Commit: d595948d ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 28 04:57:47 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (2): make sure we require a kernel (bnc#674838) switch KDE updater to apper Commit: 9f3745a8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 21 12:12:05 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): remove xstroke from laptop pattern, it's fine in tabletpc only Vincent Untz (1): gnome: Move simple-scan from GNOME-IMAGE-OPT to GNOME-IMAGE Commit: d4b44eba ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 21 08:45:36 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Ludwig Nussel (3): better warning if pattern lacks 'sel' minimal: suppress python and yast2-branding make test runner more generic Commit: 98a3c6ca ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 18 09:53:05 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (2): more renames readd ppds (bnc#652292) Commit: f6d66dda ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 14 10:49:28 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (5): remove rpmlib requires, those are really odd remove packages dropped for 12.1 remove more packages not existant (anymore) remove some more stuff not present in factory follow renames and remerges Commit: e8af0ff0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 14 08:33:17 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - fix specfile generation ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 14 08:17:20 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Guido Berhoerster (23): drop opensuse-codecs-installer which is gone from Factory remove non-existent xfce4-branding-openSUSE and replace it with the real branding packages add pk-update-icon which replaces gpk-update-icon explicitly depend on system-config-printer-applet replace xarchiver with file-roller, xarchiver is dead and squeeze is not ready yet add back xfce4-panel-plugin-mixer as a possible alternative to gmixer replace xfburn with brasero, xfburn is unmaintained upstream and has numerous bugs add with rhythmbox a more sophisticated media player and sound-juicer to allow CD ripping add with simple-scan a more simple and usable alternative to xsane added a couple of applications for feature parity with the default installs of other desktops replace remote_desktop with remmina add some games for Xfce ease debugging by adding gdb no need for explicit xorg-x11 any more since we use lightdm add gnome-bluetooth to desktop pattern as well, bluetooth is also useful on desktop systems add alacarte, since Xfce 4.8 menus can be edited by it replace thunar-thumbnailers with tumbler neither the xfce not the murine gtk2 engine are needed since we switched from Sonar to Adwaita remove non existent packages remove xfce4-dict which is already recommended split off xfce_basis pattern in order to allow for more minimal installs added shotwell for photo management add xfce4-panel-plugin-datetime so it can be used by branding Ludwig Nussel (5): jarnal doesn't exist since 11.3 conflict zypper-log in minimal due to python add klogd to BASIS recommend yast2-ntp-client in yast install pattern (bnc#723018) add script that works with perl-satsolver Stephan Kulow (2): add tons of packages useful when building KDE take out some of the largest packages Vincent Untz (1): gnome: Add gnome-control-center-branding-openSUSE Commit: f6407989 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 12 09:09:58 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): switch /sbin/init to systemd (bnc#723041) Commit: 7040c30e ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 6 11:22:36 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (1): flash-player seems to be 64bit now too Vincent Untz (4): gnome: Add gnome-documents to GNOME-DESKTOP gnome: Update for new name of package with dynamic background gnome: Pretty sure we don't need cups-backends by default gnome: Install gnome-color-manager, drop pulseaudio-esound-compat Commit: bc85b9a8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 29 14:42:43 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Guido Berhoerster (1): switch from gdm to lightdm Commit: cb7af52a ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 20 11:59:49 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Andrea Florio (1): replace gpicview with viewnior Commit: 7cac039c ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 14 05:02:17 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com Stephan Kulow (3): try promo dvd with suggests make systemd default on live cds do not install xgl on DVD either by default Vincent Untz (2): gnome: Rework some GNOME patterns gnome livecd: Do not install xgl/gnome_xgl patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 5 07:59:44 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Ludwig Nussel (3): remomd converter better error message add yast2 added packages and locale=en Stephan Kulow (5): libatm1 is the new name (bnc#695303) GNOME3DONE define is old Ignore files put elilo on DVD put elilo and grub2 on DVD only so far ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 1 12:14:33 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (2): add libQtWebKit-devel to qt pattern (bnc#680081) adding siga to dvd (bnc#697047) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 1 09:06:18 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - Stephan Kulow (5): recommending minimal yast2 installation workflow for mininmal adding minimal_base-conflicts to the DVD patterns next round of minimal requires python-base is required through systemd now conflict with more supplements ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 29 11:49:39 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com Ludwig Nussel (1): add zypper to minimal (bnc#713317) Stephan Kulow (1): add kiwi-media-requires for ms to track what should be on DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 24 08:16:39 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com - Andrea Florio (1): opensuse-codecs-installer is obsolete Sascha Peilicke (1): Don't require/recommend AppArmor. Stephan Kulow (1): remove the default pattern, it has no meaning ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 26 15:40:09 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com - Andrea Florio (1): added simple-scan Stephan Kulow (1): readd update_test Vincent Untz (1): gnome: Add libgnomesu Recommends ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 12 18:30:01 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com - Stephan Kulow (1): recommend systemd for easier testing Vincent Untz (3): Update GNOME patterns for GNOME 3 Do not require gnome-session-*-session, but recommend them gnome: Move tasque from Recommends to Suggests ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 28 05:45:25 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com - Stephan Kulow (4): add snapper to the yast patterns for better btfs support bootloaders are not strictly required in today's virtual world compiz is back webyast fits also on dvd9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 17 05:10:59 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com Stephan Kulow (1): fix webyast patterns and put them on dvd ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 15 19:39:51 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com Stephan Kulow (2): drop ivman fix webyast sel files ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 15 09:58:16 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com - set version to 12.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 15 08:29:57 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com Ludwig Nussel (2): add vim to minimal_base create a separate minimal_base-conflicts pattern Stefan Schubert (1): added webyast Stephan Kulow (4): libstorage is gone promo dvd can live without xgl ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 25 07:35:21 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com 16dc760 added missing YaST GTK GUI (bnc#688084) 53df32b switch back to totem now that parole has dropped its browser plugin ab01071 replace mousepad with leafpad since the former will be dropped from Factory 0e4f41e add perl-doc for devel-perl (bnc#688877) 568ae31 take out problematic GNOME2 packages to get something rolling 616567e remove compiz too for GNOME3DONE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 30 15:22:05 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com 7cacb80 phonon-backend-xine is unused e9fc6d7 add texlive to technical writing (bnc#673657) d414e22 fix syntax b6cc0c4 we need both frontends 3fdaf85 add sssd to the media (bnc#679439) 288aad0 aria2 is not so common anymore ef23220 replace ksmolt with smolt-gui c295d0a licenses are no more ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 25 12:58:41 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com 394ae9c revert some empty files ce02fc4 add dependencies of skype b285e13 move skype deps out of default install 0286502 add depencies of acroread to the DVD 7cacb80 phonon-backend-xine is unused ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 14 13:13:39 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com 4973860 unrar is unfree now 4f8c55d throw off some patterns from promo 1a68b1f remove things from the biarch dvd 6429034 take out update_test from default install 7c526e2 take out empty files ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 7 16:08:59 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com - bump version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 7 14:54:52 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com ee7c122 move LanguageTool out of default install ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 7 11:08:49 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com 8d5e729 rest_dvd can't require two conflicting patterns 38e535a gfxboot should be installed in !minimal 0e2b4ef leave the full cracklib dict in minimal ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 1 11:39:06 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com 20e6ffa Change gtk theme to oxygen-gtk 42c01f3 Recommend kdevelop4 for IDE pattern, suggest PHP 4b543b4 Add Krita to Imaging pattern 75516ab Add Rekonq to recommends for KDE Internet pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 28 12:27:17 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com 659d680 remove xfce4-volstatus which will be dropped from Factory c74c68e hal-devel is no longer part of KDE afe82ea testing a minimal pattern d2c0b61 rename to minimal_base to avoid conflict with sles 62592b4 conflict some bad recommends and supplements 9207be2 a couple more conflicts for minimal 6a04259 fix the name of the pattern package a63758d also conflict with cups-client dee5016 remove 2 packages of the top 10 installs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 17 14:33:52 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com 8120148 do not recommend too much from base - base is the minimal ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 17 12:15:36 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com bfa19cc follow virtualbox rename d4c5350 ksame is gone ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 11 10:51:41 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com 22d4883 removed corefonts from default install (bnc#655760) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 10 11:13:45 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com 1a48484 remove no longer existant packages de6e0e7 cups-drivers is no more (bnc#652292) 5ee174c changes from XFCE team ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 13 09:34:40 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 220695b add Xfce patterns modifications by gber ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 23 12:36:08 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 7c56627 disarm kde4_pure pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 19 15:27:55 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 75fd438 change to kpackagekit df7297f Use the NetworkManager plasmoid now fe73adb Install pulseaudio again by default b388743 ksshaskpass is broken and unmaintained c29ebd2 Kwebkitpart is a central part of 4.6 f439f79 Correct Nepomuk requirements and move to Recommended 4a84f97 BlueDevil replaces KBlueTooth a92ffb7 add haveged to optional base packages f70d1a1 make it possible to switch to syslog-ng ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 3 12:11:24 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com f2a57ea Revert "remove update_test for release" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 3 08:14:29 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com e86af77 GNOME: Remove libraries from GNOME-BASIS cc3d493 GNOME: Add/remove some packages, and add many suggestions 81cb448 BASIS: replace hal Recommends with pm-utils 8549265 switch to libreoffice b6f2cf0 fix package names 4f6573e tracked in bugzilla ee5d98f use cronie by default ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 28 09:09:48 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 376de2b use empathy instead of pidgin 6fb5b3b preload is not strictly required b9cc276 moblin pattern is gone as most packages of it are gone too e2068ef remove packages gone from the distribution 3f5cdf7 Remove some obviously unneeded parts in GNOME patterns 2bc03b8 Update GNOME-IDE to include devhelp and glade3 19c6c60 Reorder GNOME-BASIS so that low-level bits are easily findable c21ed96 Remove yast bits from GNOME-BASIS a3141f8 Make packages in GNOME-Games recommended instead of required e6a80e0 Move packages around all the GNOME-* patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 30 12:34:23 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 02ade03 add some packages 4ba8669 exim has no maintainer, not good to suggest 7481311 adding quota-nfs to DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 30 08:55:30 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com be2a41e remove moblin-app-installer as the repos dont exist ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 29 14:47:01 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 01877c3 add a dependency free GPG gui bce5ab3 we need hal's init script for cpufreq to work (bnc#612131) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 21 12:20:13 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 86b748c Do not recommend yast2-qt from GNOME-YaST 4e0b698 added a touchpad configuration tool 1c8c7f7 remove packages not installable 67a91dc more cleanup 6578467 replace capabilities with real package names 3c7d755 one more provides ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 17 08:38:56 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com c4fd58f complete the switch to yast2-gtk e4ee1f1 remove update_test for release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 2 15:08:42 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com a6a23b4 yast2-repair is gone ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 30 12:40:03 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com bd0fb67 removed stuff vuntz thinks are obsolete 4e20568 add _opt patterns to promo dvd ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 27 14:23:28 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com f9e4ee6 revert fix for bnc#538897 1f298ac Use tracker instead of beagle ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 27 13:54:11 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 1136323 added a printer config tool 88cd8e9 do not use PolicyKit anymore 672566f remove non-building apps from selection e81c9ef too late to make it visible 50d61f0 fixed order 0f21c40 add libvdpau for bnc#605888 9d65b15 small cleanup 838e7a2 Drop outdated HAL from (enahnced) base system. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 18 20:21:00 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com - remove dvd9 rest pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 18 11:49:06 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com b232af0 compcache is disabled 900dc8f full up the promo dvd ec0c5b6 adding dvd9 specific pattern, only dummy "I want it all" for now 1be5421 add things to the dvd9 that are normally only online 0ff8f18 some more packages for dvd9 2a5dfd5 added lxcc and improved lxde user experience 517a312 added video player to LXDE 402c6c2 use brasero instead of xfburn 8e872de use GTK UI for YaST fbea081 use network manager by default 25badf1 adapt to dropped yast modules 721ffab back to sysvinit (http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2010-05/msg00168.html) 97976e9 remove tmpwatch again a9a6ad9 remove all of Policykit but the -kde and -gnome frontends cca5a50 replace okteta with synaptics cba9a5f added moonlight-plugin 61a351f Use empathy instead of pidgin by default for GNOME ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 14 06:37:04 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com fc508de recommends office-lxde pattern 7cf97b9 Default office patter require OO.o Recommends lxde-office pattern instead 0ad93d6 Revert "Switch to the new at-spi2 stack by default" e4a5bc8 add open-vm-tools (bnc#591085) 984591e replace gnome-games (bnc#594503) 4bbb001 add LanguageTool into office pattern (for dvd) 9d6737e add tmpwatch to default (bnc#594778) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 1 07:53:33 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 4c3c16a moved claws to main LXDE pattern; removed polkit-gnome from pattern 78a70a5 recommend the openSUSE branding for gnome ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 22 14:44:14 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 19bce1a replace sysvinit with sysvinit-tools ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 22 11:33:45 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 265bbb6 let's try with upstart for M4 cf09420 add virtualbox-ose-guest-tools to liveCD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 1 16:42:12 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 87e55e0 add gnome utilities to the live cd 53de3f2 replacing cscope with ctags in kernel development (bnc#582415) eb621b7 adding 32bit gtk to the DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 14 15:58:42 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 5bb8c74 improved lxde patterns, created lxde_laptop patter to provide some laptop utilities 1c1b519 added lxde_laptop patter into dvd (no additional space required) 0118b3f move sax2-gui from live cd to save space ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 10 06:53:52 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com - save the original spec file, so that autobuild does not remove the important comments ;( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 8 10:12:48 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 505b6b3 moving knode, kcron and ksystemlog out of the default install 1987df9 add gnome-disk-utility (bnc#554954) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 28 08:55:30 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 26e7f97 put lxde on dvd - let's see how large it is ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 25 12:11:35 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com 93eff17 added lxde patterns 1a1ca32 Switch to the new at-spi2 stack by default ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 21 14:31:40 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com b9a7c66 add susehelp to the kde basics (bnc#541820) fdefc61 do not require but recommend opensuse branding (bnc#564730) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 20 08:11:15 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com - update version to 11.3 34c4417 move samba out of livecd patterns e56c82c adding meanwhile plugin (bnc#549711) b537a95 add xorg-x11-driver-video-unichrome to X11 suggestion list 588d38c take out preload for now 6346418 This reverts commit fb883332c54fbf0e5fc805c0cc779524221c1dda, readding update_test ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 30 08:41:55 UTC 2009 - coolo@novell.com 1383d75 no longer recommend xgl pattern for kde - it requires gnome (bnc#550875) 34c4417 move samba out of livecd patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 23 19:45:29 UTC 2009 - coolo@novell.com fb88333 take down update_tests 93f469e fix up ipw-firmware 27aeba0 add kiwi-templates e80f252 do not require a flavor (bnc#547900) 1065957 recommend kernel-syms for kernel development (bnc#548933) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 13 14:10:42 UTC 2009 - coolo@novell.com 989b341 ggreeter is gone (bnc#543759) 76f825b add samba to the default installation 7468384 add alacarte to the livecd default too 65f7a88 yast2-gtk-pkg is no more ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 2 18:11:38 UTC 2009 - coolo@novell.com 5c7650e require the patterns packages 9dc8da1 games_opt is not needed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 1 14:19:55 UTC 2009 - coolo@novell.com 2e37890 bnc#542936 - add webpin yast module 84eae4d add firefox kde4 integration c1cae84 ufraw-gimp was renamed to gimp-ufraw b3c3106 cleanup dead and renamed packages 4b7f5b9 trying with everything required 63d6898 libusb-devel is now compat-devel c2e3b20 removed more dropped packages b62dcf9 another round of dropped packages 16a84a3 done with dropped packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 28 16:42:09 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com 5cb7c95... add gwibber to DVD d7f6916... change from lsb to lsb-release by default (bnc#537378) e1cf9f1... adding smolt 9a0bd24... adding btrfsprogs 356ac46... adding gnome-packagekit to XFCE cc964c8... add lsof to live cd 3da4dae... remove beagle-firefox from GNOME default (bnc#533783) 846e43a... merge KDE4-BASIS-OPT back into KDE4-BASIS d6c64cb... qlogic-firmware is now kernel-firmware d96f273... move vpn plugins to the default install (bnc#533580) c23700e... leave out file conflicts with kernel-firmware for now cdf4380... try texlive on x86_64 again 102879c... adding polkit-gnome (bnc#538897) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 7 12:49:16 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com d6de7da... xdm is not provided, hardcode xorg-x11 3d4a20a... add droid fonts to default install d7bdcea... add specific icon themes for ooo 1af1874... fix minimal autoyast installation 69e0d1b... trying to install the update test by default ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 28 10:24:48 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com 05f6fb8... merge kde4_office_opt back into kde4_office only suggest the kde3 quickstarter 87a6457... put the update_test on cds too (bnc#533154) 36479d4... pull in kdebase4-openSUSE-pulseaudio-conflict 4ba63a6... take out the pluseaudio block package, may exist better solution 6699349... live without banshee for the moment d939c19... put more vpn on the dvd (bnc#533580) c724b4c... cups-autoconf should be replaced by udev-configure-printer (bnc#532838#10) b9702b4... xdm for xfce ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 20 10:47:30 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com a99362e... patch from Beineri to put more kde apps into default selection 20064f3... 3 PA tools no longer needed (bnc#529059) 3c0a04d... monsoon is gone, transmission is default (bnc#530416) 0d46f55... try compcache on the live cd c683570... harmonize the dvd default install with the live cd (patch by Binner) ec139ac... tex is too large for x86_64 (at least for now) affbf98... list polkit explicitly ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 18 14:17:13 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com d4f0912... ksmolt on kde4 7215e19... move exiftool out of default installation (bnc#529052) 0fb8e24... move yast2-qt off the gnome live cd (bnc#529046) 92ae5c0... NM should have much better support for umts now without using umtsmon (bnc#529050) 06f971f... sumf is not maintained and not ported to qt4 8414914... extra kernel is no more 1e08776... sax is no longer required to have a working X 670269c... put kinternet on the DVD for those that need it (bnc#527549) 06b0f5a... no need to list kernel-*-base explicitly - especially when it will go away a91ceb7... remove some libraries 4161f12... switch to xine backend for phonon 96c9f5a... take out pulseaudio for testing dc8ff1e... move gstreamer plugins to gnome now that KDE uses xine backend 4f16b18... recommend esound-daemon for KDE d21633f... if only kde4 is selected, it conflicts with pulseaudio f89c698... do not put laptop pattern on live cds, but take the network ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 4 12:36:19 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com 1be4e81... add pavucontrol for bnc#522801 54f3fbb... removing gsynaptics for bnc#523500 70bc3a4... make kde3 depdency suggested not required b95d000... put xdg-users-dir in default selection 949873b... drop -pae and take -desktop on all archs 48380d2... trying something: switch nscd to unscd switch syslog-ng to rsyslog 8881eca... bug509829 - include xdg-user-dirs-gtk in GNOME 06beee8... add kde internet stuff e7ff730... on 64bit require kernel-desktop 7ecc5b9... only kernel-desktop on x86_64 de09c63... patch from KDE team (bug#526987) 2da8d35... take out xen_server for now and hide koffice2 13bb9fd... kdebase3-devel is not needed anymore ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 21 08:27:45 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com 593cff4... add mc 9eb74c6... bootchart is not interesting for most a7c9ecb... moving krecord to suggested and going from pinentry-qt ot -qt4 2269c3a... replacing dropped kde3 apps (bnc#513833) d03eb1e... adding qt-creator 3ddaf3b... moving command-not-found to live cd, fixing krecord a4dd766... adding yakuake 3e8c4e5... bnc#521180 e3d1df0... don't put libqt4 dependencies into enhanced-basis c5f2520... move X11 dependencies out of enhanced-basis 98d34b9... suseRegister isn't required for suse adeeb40... we don't need no registration ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 26 09:48:55 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com 7329423... adding video drivers and server 4009508... not that too many care for s390 opensuse, but it should stay without x11 3f1da14... give it a requires too 3573c91... fixing patterns 57b4822... the package is back e541659... give me display 3df2261... push changes from vuntz 2c10c7f... ignore amarok for now 522f40b... replace pae with legacy on the DVD 0229227... xfce is still broken 2587e91... readd it fe5c487... the patterns conflict, so don't require them e977ab1... Revert "- replace pae with legacy on the DVD" 6c26bfa... readd amarok ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 5 10:47:15 CEST 2009 - coolo@suse.de - follow package names ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 22 10:48:09 CEST 2009 - coolo@suse.de - remove manuals pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 21 15:41:50 CEST 2009 - coolo@suse.de - fix xfce pattern and clean up some left overs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 21 08:26:09 CEST 2009 - coolo@suse.de - fix name of digikam ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 15 10:10:44 CEST 2009 - coolo@suse.de - update XFCE pattern (bnc#493549) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 9 12:27:08 CEST 2009 - coolo@suse.de - remove all KDE3 patterns - clean up some package names (follow renames) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 31 13:24:04 CEST 2009 - coolo@suse.de ca0d789... do not install ufraw by default (bnc#298969) 86242bb... use kde4-konversation 7e45fe1... hide kde3 10a7a3b... go for kde4 b90facf... adding wireless helpers 2fb5e5f... no beagle on kde4 bd2b801... leave out more of it for the time being 47490c5... need these dc18426... trying to get new livecds 1e33bbd... back to real life 9d63d25... readd office ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 5 19:46:34 CET 2009 - coolo@suse.de - adding python-devel to DEVEL-Python (bnc#456496) - add more packages to devel-kde to allow building kde from svn - require gdm for xfce - checking who complains if zip is no longer installed - daring something * drop compiz from livecd-kdee4 * replace amarok with kde4-amarok * replace digikam with kde4-digikam * block OpenOffice-kde * adding umtsmon - some ps3 moves ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 2 19:40:12 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - office didn't make it for ppc (bnc#449711) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 2 16:47:37 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - fix typo ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 2 14:42:13 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - require more of KDE3 explicitly ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 1 14:09:15 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - do not recommend boost-doc - boost-devel eats for two ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 30 21:58:28 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - require NM-kde to make the solver pick the "right" NM-client ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 29 15:07:41 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - several workarounds for generic provides messing standard installs (bnc#450161) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 28 13:44:56 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - put the pullin-flash and pullin-mp3 also on livecd - put the pullin-mswebfnt on all media ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 28 13:20:34 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - vym is kdissert for KDE4 (says Uwe) - bnc#446088 - openjdk-plugin (and tons of others) not installed with kde 4.1 - use openjdk-plugin explicitly and not generic "java-plugin" - fix syntax in MULTIMEDIA - make amarok1 default again (bnc#449422) - readding games to x86_64 cds (bnc#449832) - disable fbset (bnc#304995) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 24 16:45:17 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - add avahi explicitly to all desktops (bnc#446017) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 24 12:04:02 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - libusb-compat-devel -> libusb-devel (bnc#447572) - kerneloops not installed by default for now ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 20 14:17:44 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - back to NM-kde3 - move biosdevname out of the default install ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 10 16:27:54 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - give NM-kde4 another beta ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 10 13:39:06 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - do not autorequire the devel-tcl pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 9 14:04:50 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - split out the patterns only available on ftp (bnc#432508) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 9 13:08:59 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - require something in tabletpc (bnc#437162) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 9 12:33:11 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - moving some packages out of minimal+x ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 9 12:32:01 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - fix build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 6 22:58:36 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - several packages added for bugs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 2 20:51:03 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - split out non_oss pattern as we have a new setup now ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 2 20:26:02 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - sort out pam (again) - adding Policykit-kde to kde3 desktop (bnc#440829) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 2 09:29:36 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - install liberation-fonts ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 28 17:23:03 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - fixed long standing bug 388570 - make kerneloops default ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 28 13:40:08 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - move java-plugin out of non-oss - install the pullin packages with non-oss - make packages required in non-oss-java ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 28 11:25:32 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - hopefully sort out the pam-xx packages (only for DVD) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 28 11:12:31 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - remove yast2-wagon ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 27 10:11:54 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - install smolt by default for the desktops ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 16 13:14:56 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - back to NetworkManager-kde for KDE4-BASIS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 16 09:34:41 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - drop gstreamer-0_10-pulse from patterns (bcn#435943) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 15 10:36:29 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - cleanup for Beta3 - switch from kpowesave to powerdevil on KDE4 (bnc#434753) - added yast2-wagon to YAST_BASIS - suggest sblim-sfcb and cim-schema in YAST_BASIS - created TablePC pattern - make sure to not have required packages in patterns, that are available online-only: DEVEL-CELL, DEVEL-Rails, DEVEL-Ruby, DEVEL-WEB, DEVEL-YaST, LAMP and VOIP (bnc#431865, bnc#432508, bnc#427691) - added createrepo to REST-DVD (bnc#432164) - added accerciser to DEVEL-GNOME ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 9 18:00:50 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - added sbl and espeak to REST-CD to make LiveCD more accessible (bnc#391327) - ttf-arphic-uming to REST-DVD (bnc#431280) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 9 17:50:02 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - moving lsb from suggested to recommended in X11-OPT (bnc#423075) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 9 17:46:07 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - switch to NetworkManager-kde4 in KDE4-BASIS - cleanup XGL/GNOME-XGL patterns - added rsync and smartmontools to LiveCD (bnc#419201) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 6 12:06:13 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - add some cyrus-sasl-* plugins to ENHANCED-BASIS (bnc#430895) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 6 11:48:08 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - improved KDE patterns (bnc#432365) - remove unwanted KDE4 apps from "KDE3 Desktop Environment" (bnc#432368) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 30 14:24:58 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - pre Beta2 cleanup - added split kernel - added PolicyKit and polkit-default-privs to BASIS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 29 12:11:39 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - KDE pattern update from Stephan Binner (bnc#430500) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 26 16:22:38 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - added xorg-x11-driver-video-radeonhd ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 26 16:12:38 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - added polkit-default-privs to GNOME-BASIS and KDE4-BASIS (bnc#430161) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 26 16:05:53 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - added atl2-kmp-* to REST-DVD (bnc#420039) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 26 16:03:05 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - added skanlite to KDE4-IMAGE-OPT (bnc#422555) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 26 16:01:23 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - added xorg-x11-xauth to X11 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 26 15:57:31 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - added iwl5000-ucode (bnc#426500) - make sure to use yast2-qt for all installations ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 26 15:07:39 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - replace gnome-cups-manager with system-config-printer in GNOME-BASIS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 23 11:01:14 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - rpcbind moved from ENHANCED-BASIS to BASIS, to enable minimal NFS installation - pulseaudio added to KDE4-BASIS and KDE3-BASIS - removed openSUSE-release-dvd from BASIS, only openSUSE-release has to be in the patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 18 18:20:11 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - fix typo in BASIS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 18 16:25:22 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - openSUSE-release got renamed again. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 18 15:51:13 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - switch to openSUSE-build-key ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 17 17:07:29 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - FATE #304494: System Instrumentation (CIM Enablement), adding smis-providers to REST-DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 17 09:41:41 CEST 2008 - aj@suse.de - Remove dropped package fast-user-switch-applet. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 16 14:02:56 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - adding scout and command-not-found to ENHANCED-BASIS (bnc#424707) - adding XFCE-Office pattern, to always install OpenOffice-gnome in case XFCE and OFFICE are selected (bnc#254454) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 16 13:56:05 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - added simple-ccsm-kde to KDE4-XGL and KDE3-XGL (bnc#426316) - replace kdebluetooth with kdebluetooth4 in KDE4-Utilities (bnc#422601) - replace powersave with pm-profiler in ENHANCED-BASIS (bnc#417998) - move to kde4-amarok on KDE4-Multimedia (bnc#421870) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 12 12:33:55 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - remove dropped packages: lineak_kde, perl-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel, perl-XML-XQL, perl-XML-Generator, python-curl, gspcav-kmp-default, gspcav-kmp-pae, resapplet - made various virtual provides implicit - take care of package renames - added man-pages-posix to enhanced_base - replace portmap with rpcbind - remove gail-devel, provided by gtk2-devel from DEVEL-GNOME - remove dropped kyum from KDE3-DESKTOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 10 13:50:43 CEST 2008 - aj@suse.de - Remove dropped packages resmgr, hal-resmgr and yast2-support. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 1 15:59:36 CEST 2008 - aj@suse.de - Remove agfa-fonts. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 20 23:16:53 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - add back technical_writing [bnc#418571] - add desktop-data-openSUSE-extra-gnome to GNOME-BASIS-OPT [bnc#394406] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 4 22:27:42 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - remove dropped package gail-doc from DEVEL-GNOME - remove unknown package itk-devel from DEVEL-Tcl - remove unknown packages java-1_6_0-openjdk-alsa and java-1_6_0-openjdk-jdbc from NON-OSS-JAVA - remove dropped package yast2-storage-evms from YAST_BASIS - remove unknown package xfce4-dict from XFCE - remove dropped package php5-ncurses from DEVEL-Web - remove dropped packages uvcvideo-KMP-* from REST-DVD - remove packages myldapklient, klipsi and kpsion from KDE3-DESKTOP - remove dropped package kde4-kmilo from KDE4-LAPTOP - remove packages kde4-kmobiletools and kde4-korn from KDE4-BASIS - remove packages kde4-kworldclock and kde4-kpilot from KDE4-Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 4 22:03:12 CEST 2008 - cthiel@suse.de - XFCE pattern fixes (bnc#404447) - take out the games from the kde x86_64 live - moving some koffice and NON-OSS stuff to the online repo - moving some TeX packages to the online repo - removing duplicate gconf2-branding-openSUSE from GNOME-BASIS (bnc#412442) - removing xgl from XGL pattern - switch from sun to openjdk - removing quite some patterns from the DVD for now - adding laptop-mode-tools to LAPTOP (fate#303035) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 1 11:50:11 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - install biosdevname by default ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 30 21:00:57 CEST 2008 - aj@suse.de - Fix last change to c/c++ devel pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 30 11:41:03 CEST 2008 - aj@suse.de - Add xfce packages (bnc#404447) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 30 10:02:29 CEST 2008 - aj@suse.de - Add dejagnu and expect to c/c++ devel pattern (bnc#403368). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 26 11:29:18 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - share mechanism with sled - adding biosdevname ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 23 10:55:45 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - drop unsupport pattern packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 10 12:40:29 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - banshee-1 plugins are free of the mono-devel dep again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jun 8 10:00:15 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - requiring acroread on ppc is not a good idea, reverting the last change for non-oss pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 5 09:20:34 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - always require something in patterns, otherwise they get autoselected and this is suprising (bnc#392989) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 4 12:01:13 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - put alsa firmware on live cd (bnc#396109) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 4 10:21:00 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - make promo dvd an own pattern package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 4 09:36:32 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - don't require thinkreader support ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 3 16:53:22 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - do not put update-test on DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 28 11:31:13 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - dropped kst for wallpapers ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 27 11:15:51 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - replace #ifdef with #if defined (bnc#394623) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 26 14:05:30 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - use gdm for xfce (bnc#393956) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 26 09:22:00 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - scsi was split ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 22 07:08:07 CEST 2008 - aj@suse.de - Remove perl-MP3-Info from perl-devel since it's non-existing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 21 13:27:10 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - adding icons again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 18 12:04:11 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - rename the internal name of kde cd to kde4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 13 12:12:06 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - final round of bug fixes for beta3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat May 10 21:39:05 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - adding "KDE3 User Guide" to the KDE3 pattern (bnc#388663) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat May 10 21:24:53 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - fixing typos ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 8 11:49:52 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - call lint tool to avoid broken factory patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 6 13:14:49 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - fixing typo and adding yast dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 4 20:59:27 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - use xchat under GNOME ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 4 20:53:54 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - Install banshee-1 by default in GNOME (bnc#384845) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Apr 27 18:21:40 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - fix bug putting yast2-qt on GNOME (bnc#381688) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 25 17:00:02 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - removing gnome2-SuSE, adding kernel-syms, renamed control-center2-devel ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 23 19:20:33 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - updated icons ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 19 11:54:44 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - several bug fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 17 10:19:32 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - downgrading apparmor to allow install ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 16 15:24:40 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - redoing ordering of patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 15 17:22:59 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - removing dropped packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 14 18:10:29 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - adding Policykit-kde and gnome-packagekit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 12 08:55:31 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - icon changes by Duncan ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Apr 6 12:51:09 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - sorting out dropped/renamed packages - take kde4-opensuse-updater ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 1 14:35:20 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - sorting out dropped/renamed packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 1 13:40:36 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de - moving x11 dependencies out of enhanced_base ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 28 10:49:41 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - feedback from the KDE team ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 27 19:58:56 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - adding tons of packages after feedback on opensuse-factory ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 20 09:42:28 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - readding compiz to kde cd ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 20 08:35:21 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - rework package, so I can build patterns out of SVN ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 20 08:03:58 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - adding PolicyKit-gnome to the GNMOE desktop (bnc#372514) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 19 15:55:39 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - include libcompizconfig in pattern that installs compiz (bnc #371550) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 18 14:42:46 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - remove dropped packages, flag i586 only packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 18 07:21:38 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - wesnoth(-data) is too big for the DVD ;( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 16 08:16:05 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - I almost forgot: non-oss is back on DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 16 07:36:12 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - renamed package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 15 08:28:04 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - dropped package removed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 14 11:34:29 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - take gnome branding openSUSE in the patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 13 21:22:33 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - another case of permissions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 12 20:01:42 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - check arch specific CD setup ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 11 17:41:43 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - updating patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 10 09:34:01 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - actually doing svn up before submitpac ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 7 11:58:12 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - as a direct consequence of the discussion on the pattern concept between software management group: reduce heavily the use of requirements to packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 6 20:33:27 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - only take gnome games on i386 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 2 17:23:53 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - do not rely on file permissions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 29 12:57:58 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - remove xgl from kde cd till we have compiz-kde4 in factory - adding games to gnome and kde cd ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 28 14:04:44 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - adding xorg driver for virtualbox speed (#365562) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 19 11:25:46 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - add yast2 requires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 17 18:10:24 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - virtualbox renamed to virtualbox-ose ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 17 18:04:06 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - xen_server should bring its kernel (bnc#362028) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 17 14:54:20 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - move more of the unknown packages to suggests - include not otherwise excluded suggests ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 15 17:52:53 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - remove several dropped packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 6 08:47:15 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - adding yast2-qt to the GNOME CD again (gtk horribly broken) - removing xsane/gimp from the GNOME CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 5 21:23:05 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - switch to kde4 for the CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 5 17:15:32 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - several updates from the KDE team to the KDE4 patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 5 14:14:54 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - libzypp-devel is a good candidate for Devel-yast ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 4 16:59:41 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - Rodrigo wants pulseaudio in a default GNOME install ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 3 17:19:55 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - kde_ patterns should be obsolete ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 3 16:18:33 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - make sure kde subpatterns freshen the right version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 3 11:19:14 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - don't include non-oss on the DVD (#357987) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 1 20:29:47 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - don't be too eager in 32bit packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 31 18:41:13 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - remove more non-existant packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 31 11:21:34 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - removed dropped packages - replace renamed packages - move some more packages to suggests ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 30 21:24:44 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - warn about missing packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 29 15:55:28 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - copy kde patterns into kde3 and kde4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 27 09:37:42 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - also include the KDE yast on the CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 25 16:01:20 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - move gimp off the CDs - default to sun java 1.6 - move yast2-qt off the GNOME CD (for installed system) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 21 15:30:05 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - some fixes to get closer to automated kiwi builds ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 21 14:02:12 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - list also recommends as required ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 19 16:44:36 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - reenable packages that were broken for alpha1 - remove dvd5, dvd9 and cd - they weren't used on 10.3 - let the pattern package require the packages required and recommended to make kiwi mbuilds easier ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 15 21:21:12 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - several fixes and hot fixes to get alpha1 installable ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 20 19:07:58 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - yast2-bluetooth is not provided by anything ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 19 21:37:51 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - xml -> technical_writing ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 19 17:07:16 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - some fixes for dropped packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 5 09:47:17 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - include 32bit pam modules ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 5 08:55:29 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - slim down default install of both the CDs and the DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 4 18:32:08 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - remove some packages without use in the hope to find out if they are still in use ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 27 13:09:02 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - adding libicu to the pattern, so that zypper will also work ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 26 17:58:33 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - /lib/cpp breaks our patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 21 16:40:56 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - random cleanup in dropped and split packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 12 15:16:07 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - rename xml to technical_writing (#332935) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 9 17:45:24 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - adding subversion for yasties (#340575) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 7 11:20:36 CET 2007 - coolo@suse.de - also add bluez-gnome to gnome default (#226137) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 11 11:02:03 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - install gnome-keyring-pam by default (#332596) - don't let sw_management_kde and sw_management_gnome conflict (#279644) - add bluez-gnome to gnome_laptop (#299100) - remove gtk-engines and gdk-pixbuf from default (#330731) - add gsynaptics to gnome laptop (#330757) - not installing autoyast by default (#308684) - degrade yast2-theme-openSUSE to a recommend (#331549) - adding 3ddiag to default X11 (#331559) - adding resapplet to gnome laptop (#328455) - degrade gimp to a recommend (#331540) - misc cleanup ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 26 14:40:45 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - fix missing icons (#216557) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 25 16:37:03 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - readding some DEVEL-Perl suggests to the DVD (#327939) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 25 11:34:14 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - move cabextract to the CD set (#327524) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 24 21:26:49 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - really remove update_test pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 24 19:20:02 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - really remove update_test ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 24 16:07:41 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added bcm43xx-fwcutter to REST-CD (#327506) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 24 12:24:05 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - do not show arcad_eval on x86_64 (#248873) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 20 13:38:07 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - suggest libsmbios-bin on laptops ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 20 12:14:47 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - improve KDE Devel pattern after feedback from dirk ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 20 09:32:14 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - remove translations from DVD patterns for english only installations (#326425) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 20 09:30:44 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - exclude the update_test pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 19 17:11:40 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - only require libspe on power in DEVEL-Cell ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 19 11:10:56 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - fixing problems reported by coolo ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 19 07:49:46 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - adding deltarpm to the CDs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 18 14:07:54 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added squashfs to REST-DVD, to support kiwi image generation ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 18 11:57:55 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - don't install classpath-webplugin (#325912) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 14 15:51:28 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added antivir-gui to NON-OSS as requested PM ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 14 15:40:31 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added missing icons to patterns (#216557) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 14 11:48:34 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added more aufs to REST-DVD - added opera to REST-DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 13 18:02:32 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added irqbalance to ENHANCED-BASIS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 13 16:48:08 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added aufs and aufs-kmps to REST-DVD - recommended pattern devel-cell in rest_dvd ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 12 16:38:57 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - move numactl from ENHANCED-BASIS-OPT to ENHANCED-BASIS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 12 14:25:49 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - readded wesnoth to REST-DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 11 10:02:03 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - adding ipw3945d, -kmps and ipw-firmware to REST-CD (#307429) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 11 09:50:03 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - adding fluendo mp3 to NON-OSS pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 10 16:31:33 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added intlclock to GNOME-BASIS (#304676) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 5 21:06:22 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added lukemftp to ENHANCED-BASIS (#307925) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 4 14:55:10 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - removed gnomebaker from GNOME-BASIS and added brasero instead (#302492) - removed gnome_games from rest_cd_gnome/requires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 3 16:39:56 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added kdebase4-workspace to KDE4-BASIS (#307054) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 3 16:37:27 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added mouseemu to ENHANCED-BASIS on power (#303737) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 3 13:50:03 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - moved resmgr from ENHANCED-BASIS to BASIS (#307095) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 3 11:52:01 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added mdadm to ENHANCED-BASIS (#306749) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 30 11:57:18 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added virtualbox + virtualbox-kmp to REST-DVD (#306071) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 28 13:50:53 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added libgail-gnome to GNOME-BASIS (#302205) - move yast2-bootloader from YAST2-BASIS to YAST_INSTALL_WF (#292435) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 27 19:05:08 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add more packages to yast2 devel pattern (#304645). - suspend is i386/x86-64 only (#304756). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 27 16:34:55 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - install resmgr by default (#304695) - install psmisc by default (#304694) - install gconf-editor by default (#304663) - readd gnome-games to GNOME CD (#304662) - install man by default (#304687) - added yast2-fingerprint-reader to YAST_BASIS (#304686) - sw_management pattern recommended in base and enhanced_base pattern (#304307) - install audit by default (#304207) - kpartx and dmraid to ENHANCED-BASIS (#303857) - seamonkey* packages to REST-DVD (#304221) - moved x11-tools from X11-OPT to X11 (#302566) - added p54-kmp-default to REST-CD (#300798) - added atmel-firmware to REST-CD (#298726) - added lessons4lizards_en to REST-DVD (#302465) - added alsa-plugins to ENHANCED-BASIS (#302569) - moved memtest86+ from REST-DVD to REST-CD (#304219) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 23 18:49:44 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added adaptec-firmware, qlogic-firmware and mpt-firmware to REST-CD (#298726) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 23 15:08:36 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - removed squashfs, since it's moving into the kernel packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 22 16:52:04 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added hylafax, hylafax-client and capi4hylafax to REST-DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 22 15:53:27 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added iwlwifi-kmp-* to REST-DVD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 22 14:54:34 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - removed xfce4-panel-plugins from XFCE and readded xfce4-panel-plugin-* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 22 08:29:35 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added strace to ENHANCED-BASIS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 21 17:58:20 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - removed dropped initial from rest-dvd - moved kio_beagle, beagle-firefox, kdebase3-beagle and kerry to KDE-BASIS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 21 12:09:22 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - moved lvm2 to REST-CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 21 11:37:21 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added bundle-lang-common-en to REST-CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 21 11:22:07 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - moved lvm2 to ENHANCED-BASIS (#301382) - removed nautilus-cd-burner and added gnomebaker to GNOME-BASIS pattern (#269051) - added ggreeter to GNOME-BASIS (#302026) - addded gnome-commander to GNOME-BASIS (#301664) - added freeglut to X11 (#301647) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 17 11:32:12 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added opensuse-codecs-installer to KDE & GNOME Multimedia ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 17 11:26:06 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added yast2-add-on-creator to rest_dvd (#301047) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 16 16:25:10 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added yast2-python-bindings to rest_dvd (#301029) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 16 14:09:28 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - added squashfs + kmp to rest_cd (#300942) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 16 13:42:19 CEST 2007 - cthiel@suse.de - adding kexec-tools, kdump-helpers and yast2-kdump to rest_dvd ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 15 16:15:08 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - adding kinternet back to the medium ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 15 15:58:26 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - tomcat5 -> tomcat55 in devel_java - make dvd5 and dvd9 alike ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 15 08:53:52 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - don't install manuals by patterns, but by provides on locales (#296873) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 15 08:35:24 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - don't install kmilo by default (#298508) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 14 13:37:21 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - move kdegraphics3-scan from CD to DVD only - adding cups from DVD only to CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 14 11:25:40 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - adding some packages that are installed by hardware dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 14 10:32:25 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - hostap is dropped ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 13 13:42:54 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - include ntfs-3g by default ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Aug 12 16:37:52 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - remove dropped packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Aug 11 22:41:23 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - fix file list ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 10 22:35:35 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - move cups-autoconf into DVD enhanced_basis ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 10 09:39:04 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - split rest_cd into kde and gnome to simplify configs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 8 13:19:50 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - adding a rest_dvd pattern for dvd5 - dropping yast2-power-management ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 7 18:40:46 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - voip-server is no more - asterix is dropped ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 6 19:10:04 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - replace kdenetwork3-vnc with kde4-krfb/kde4-krdc (#297684) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 6 07:32:39 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - move latex2html-pngicons, sensors off the GNOME CD - move ed to be recommended on DVD - let's try what or who needs ed - remove all games from the GNOME CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Aug 5 09:38:59 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - move smpppd off the CD - extend the base patterns - rename curl-devel and libpurple-devel - readd nautilus-open-terminal to GNOME - move exiftool off the CD - readd numlockx to the CD - track DVD packages from bug reports ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 1 12:05:13 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - hide helix-banshee to avoid a conflict ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 1 07:49:08 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - move nautilus-open-terminal and alacarte off the CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 31 19:52:57 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - shuffle around more GNOME bits ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 31 15:46:32 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - split out gtk1 stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 31 08:28:04 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - need to split out more GNOME patterns to fit on CD (e.g. inkscape, dia) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 30 23:10:26 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - split GNOME multimedia for OSS medium and replace gaim with pidgin ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 30 22:40:54 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - yast2-registration should be on the media in any case ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 30 22:05:04 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - adding a rest_cd pattern to track invisible dependencies needed on the CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 30 20:56:48 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - also add recommends to the opt patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 30 16:53:42 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - move packages on CD back out of opt ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 27 21:55:30 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - split several patterns into the required packages and optionals not on CD (now) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 27 14:48:24 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - include apparmor on CDs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 27 14:31:14 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de - Add fonts_opt pattern - Remove obvious dependencies from enhanced_base - Document some decisions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 26 09:22:02 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Make files in GAMES pattern recommended. - Add enhanced_base_opt pattern. - Add GNOME-cd and KDE-cd packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 20 17:07:24 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Use amarok-yaup instead of amarok-xine (#293531). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 17 09:47:01 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add libgcc42 to basis. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 10 13:12:56 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Adjust KDE4 patterns as suggested by Stephan Binner. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 10 09:16:04 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add atftp to File Server (#288154). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 5 19:52:04 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Remove dmraid, multipath-tools from default install. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 4 17:43:56 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Remove limal-bootloater. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 2 18:45:54 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Remove freetype from fonts pattern (#283827). - Add perl-TermReadLine-Gnu to Enhance-Basis (#285827). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 2 18:26:11 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Move some packages from required to recommended as suggested by Lars Vogdt for the 1 CD installs. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 30 09:10:45 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Remove lvm2, mdadm from install, YaST will install if needed. - Add office pattern, add splitted OpenOffice_org packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 29 08:44:44 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add xournal to GNOME-LAPTOP (#288160). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 28 09:17:34 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add vm-install and virt-manager to XEN pattern (#286987). - Require xkeyboard-config in X11 (#285001). - Require hal-resmgr in enhanced basis (#285057), add setserial as recommended. - Make some packages only recommended in GNOME Imaging (#285251). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 14 08:19:57 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add KDE4 Basis pattern (#283896). - Cleanup devel-qt4 pattern (#283889). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 11 14:27:24 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - nfs-utils -> nfs-client for basis. - nfs-utils -> nfs-kernel-server for NFS Server pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 9 16:00:50 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add Cell Development pattern (#273697). - Remove 915resolution from X11 pattern (#266362). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 8 13:09:01 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Make X11 pattern smaller (#266362). - Add linux-atm-lib to ENHANCED_BASE (#225781). - Add banshee-plugins-DAAP for GNOME (#273896). - Add metacity-devel andlibgnomekbd-devel for DEVEL-GNOME (#278972, #278973). - Add xfce4-volstatus to XFCE (#279080). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 30 14:06:05 CEST 2007 - lrupp@suse.de - remove dropped package kdepim3-networkstatus ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 28 13:34:42 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add yast2-mcs-manager to XFCE pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 15 20:04:58 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Remove evms packages from default installs. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 14 13:17:44 CEST 2007 - lrupp@suse.de - move deleted package yast2-mail-aliases to Prc ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 11 10:48:06 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add yast2-metapackage-handler to YaST2 pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 10 22:04:35 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - remove evms-gui from X11 pattern (#266362). - remove mozilla-xulrunner181 from X11 pattern (#266362). - remove libqt4 from X11 pattern, it should come in via dependencies (#266362). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 10 14:43:34 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Make freetype only recommended (#273170). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 2 13:33:30 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add cracklib-dict-large as recommended. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 2 11:44:52 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Readd initviocons, it's needed elsewhere. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 2 10:24:59 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add kde4 games. - Remove yast2-powertweak. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 1 15:33:39 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Make jfs and xfs as suggested only. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 28 19:04:10 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Some fixes for bug 269774: * Install initviocons on powerpc only. * Remove tpctl from laptop, hwinfo should add the require. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 24 16:49:07 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - alsa-32bit -> libasound2-32bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 19 11:27:08 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Rework opensuse-updater patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 17 16:57:45 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add finger to default install (#224873). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 16 12:00:58 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add licenses to BASIS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 16 09:48:50 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add mrtg to Network Admin pattern (#264670). - Obsolete/provide zmd patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 13 22:59:03 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Disable zmd patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 11 08:44:43 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add dasher, seahorse for GNOME (#262024). - Add yast2-ftp-server. - Remove wireless packages that yast should install as needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 10 15:50:13 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add nspluginwrapper for Firefox. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 5 09:46:50 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add nss-mdns-32bit for Firefox (#249686). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 30 10:24:24 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add xfce-mcs-plugins to XFCE pattern (#258845). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 29 15:45:15 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Remove packages from RPM development environment that are not installed anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 26 12:58:33 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add filters to default install (#257038). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 22 11:37:20 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add opensuse-updater-gnome. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 16 16:59:34 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add yast2-control-center binary modules to desktops (#254137). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 16 10:11:17 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Install multimedia for KDE (#253022). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 21 11:47:39 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Do not install zmd by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 16 10:27:34 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add gnome_yast (#245411, #245988). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 16 09:34:45 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Fix some GNOME and KDE patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 15 08:52:34 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Remove yast2-theme* from minimal install. - pkgconfig->pkg-config. Remove duplicates. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 14 16:20:35 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Really install OOo with GNOME (#245408). - Install banshee with GNOME (#245407). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 14 10:05:28 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add mtools to CONSOLE (#244591). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 12 19:36:28 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Move create_patterns.sh to patterns package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 12 13:26:26 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Remove gtk-sharp packages (#244537). - Remove hal-gnome from gnome_basis (#244417). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 9 18:19:07 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Fix build problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 9 11:54:00 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Build patterns package separately. - Do not build as root. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 8 17:45:02 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Move ia32el to NON-OSS (#243590). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 8 17:29:55 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Localization update. - Build as root, patterns_utf8 needs to access its mo files. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 6 13:38:27 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Enhance XFCE pattern (#224558). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 1 09:08:48 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add ncftp to CONSOLE (#224692). - Add grepmail, links to CONSOLE (#239564). - Add black-box, WindowMaker to X11 (#212529). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 31 15:50:41 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Version 10.3. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 26 10:09:45 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Remove redundancies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 25 13:41:14 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Split GNOME into smaller patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 25 11:53:33 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Follow package renames. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 25 09:08:20 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add separate multimedia pattern (by Lars Vogdt). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 23 10:47:50 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Further minimization of BASIS pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 19 10:35:37 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Use weak dependencies for non-oss pattern. - Enhance patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 18 14:18:23 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Split base system into minimal base and enhanced base. - Start providing a YaST pattern for installation workflow. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 18 08:45:41 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add some python GNOME packages (#235922). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 17 15:52:16 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Use smaller KDE patterns. - Add compiz-kde, enable KDE XGL pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 17 13:33:52 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add separate update test pattern (#220798). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 17 11:49:18 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Add vino to GNOME Desktop pattern (#225382). - Make 32-bit pattern visible (#224863). - Remove build from kernel pattern, it's in the base devel pattern (#227045). - Do not install ash by default (#222905). - Fix typo in patterns (#224373). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 12 13:12:21 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Update localization. - Add SLED pattern names. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 29 10:47:39 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add xsane for GNOME desktop, sane-frontends for X11 (#224411). - Fix some pattern dependencies, especially to not install gnome base system if XGL is selected under KDE (#224412). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 28 10:35:28 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Install opensuse sw_management tools as well. - i18n update (km). - Install xgl pattern for KDE as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 27 16:15:41 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - i18n update. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 26 22:09:58 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove pdfs of manuals. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 26 10:22:26 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add manuals (#223187). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 24 15:34:46 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Require java-1_4_2-gcj-compat-32bit for OOo (#223440). - Fix mail server pattern syntax (#223497). - Fix typo in kde pattern (#220277). - Add wesnoth to games pattern (#223573). - Fixes for devel patterns, especially devel-kde (#223594). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 23 14:35:21 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix xfce pattern requires (#223438). - Install pmtools only on supported archs (#223186). - Add libzypp-zmd-backend to zmd pattern (#223323). - Translation update. - Add mozilla-xulrunner181 to X11 pattern (#223437). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 21 08:29:36 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Install fast-user-switch-applet by default on GNOME (#222878). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 20 19:22:21 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Translation update. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 17 20:20:14 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Translation update. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 17 18:19:22 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix bugs in patterns (#221824). - Remove dropped libopensync-plugin-synce package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 17 14:37:56 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add deskbar-applet for GNOME (#216067). - Add pkgconfig to X11 pattern. - Localization update. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 15 21:18:31 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Localization update. - Only install asterix-zaptel on i386 and x86-64 (#221288). - Add some more packages to mail server (#221247). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 15 15:27:28 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add qtcurve-gtk2-32bit to KDE pattern (#221234). - Fix XGL patterns. - Add kdetoys3 to kde desktop pattern (#220892). - Add yast2-storage-evms to yast2 basis (#220425). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 14 18:47:02 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix XGL pattern visibility (#220852). - Change names of package management patterns (#220741). - Install yast2-samba-server by default with yast-basis pattern (#212388). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 14 10:41:26 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Further rework of software management patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 14 09:52:47 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add liferea and pan to GNOME desktop pattern (#220275). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 13 19:28:00 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add tcl devel pattern (#220427). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 13 15:50:04 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove/rename some java packages. - Rework software management patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 13 12:13:13 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Make gnome-media only recommended. - Remove compiz-gnome from KDE pattern (#220291). - Add VOIP server and client patterns (#220241). - Add iftop to Network-Admin. - Remove electricfence from devel-c. - Add pin to sw management patterns (#220292). - Add more packages to console pattern (#220292). - Readd Desktop Effects pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 12 17:59:00 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove gnome-doc-utils from gnome_basis (#220263). - Move some gnome packages around in the GNOME patterns (#220259). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 12 14:22:13 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Localization update. - Add gnome-mount to GNOME-BASIS (#215392). - Recommend NON-OSS, NON-OSS-Java for KDE and GNOME desktops (#219711). - Add nano to console tools (#215652). - Enhance imaging patterns. - Remove libopensync-plugin-kdepim from GNOME-DESKTOP pattern (#220202). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 9 15:11:52 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Move kdeedu3 to KDE-Desktop pattern (#219361). - Add manufacturer-PPDs to Base pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 8 18:18:45 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add RealPlayer to KDE patterns. - Add some 32-bit patterns for RealPlayer to patterns (#219009). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 8 09:40:10 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove banshee-subpackages from patterns, the package itself has the recommends now. - translation update. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 7 23:24:40 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Install java-plugin by default on i586 (#216499). - Remove kernel-xen again (#217934). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 7 20:59:54 CET 2006 - lrupp@suse.de - fix missing ":" in DEVEL-Kernel ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 7 16:53:33 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add alsa-32bit for x86-64 (#218739). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 7 16:19:12 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Install compiz-gnome under KDE as well. - Fix require of software management pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 7 13:47:22 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Handle banshee/helix-banshee better (#206954). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 7 12:00:27 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Further package for kernel-devel (#217999). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 7 10:17:09 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add packages to kernel-devel (#217999). - Add yast2-sudo to yast2 basis pattern. - Add pinentry-qt, pinentry-gtk2 to patterns (#217373). - Recommend AppArmor instead of using supplements. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 6 17:09:20 CET 2006 - cthiel@suse.de - Add dockutils to LAPTOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 6 15:05:16 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Translation update. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 5 00:04:12 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Translation updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 2 20:08:08 CET 2006 - cthiel@suse.de - Add totem-plugin to GNOME-DESKTOP and GNOME-Multimedia (#217457) - Add cups-drivers and gutenprint to BASIS, gutenprint to PRINT_SERVER (#217321) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 1 15:25:17 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix description of misc server pattern (#216556). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 31 17:41:20 CET 2006 - cthiel@suse.de - Add nautilus-sendto to GNOME-BASE (#216106) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 31 16:17:43 CET 2006 - cthiel@suse.de - Add gnome-doc-utils-devel to DEVEL-GNOME ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 31 16:12:50 CET 2006 - cthiel@suse.de - Add vte-devel to DEVEL-GNOME - Add intltool to DEVEL-GNOME (#216592) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 31 16:05:46 CET 2006 - cthiel@suse.de - Add alacarte to GNOME-DESKTOP (#216065) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 30 20:25:55 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add nfs-server to fileserver pattern (#215648). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 30 17:11:20 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix sw_management patterns. - Add kernel-xen to XEN pattern (#208380) - Fix some description. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 30 11:54:13 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix enhances of sw_management pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 30 11:05:29 CET 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add software management patterns. - Reorder patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Oct 28 16:44:49 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove kernel again. - Add glibc-locale-32bit to BASE pattern (#215910). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 27 14:35:00 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add kernel to BASIS (#215644). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 27 10:22:40 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Changes to GNOME patterns: * Install totem (#215431). * Install gstreamer plugins (#215427). * Install banshee-plugins-extra (#215426). - Add hal-resmgr to base pattern (#215396). - Add defines for s390. - localisation update. - Add kpowersave again to KDE pattern. - Rework Network admin pattern and add to CDs (#215653). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 26 15:26:37 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Replace kdepim3-sync with kitchensync. - Install sync packages by default for GNOME and KDE (#215252). - Install compiz and friends by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 25 10:59:55 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - i18n update. - Remove some empty lines that confused the parser (Bug #214877). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 24 20:47:13 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - One more typo... - Disable kpowersave for now. - localization update. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 24 19:53:55 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add freshens for gnome_games. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 24 18:40:48 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix one more typo. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 24 18:35:23 CEST 2006 - lrupp@suse.de - fix typo in remote-desktop pattern - remove two dropped packages from lamp-pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 24 13:45:55 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Better group patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 24 10:43:03 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Cleanup display. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 24 10:04:59 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix GNOME pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 24 07:53:44 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Use opensync instead of multisync. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 23 15:43:25 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Rework GNOME and KDE patterns to reduce list of patterns significantly. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 22 16:56:35 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add opensuse-update to kde-basis. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 20 16:53:05 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Make separate zmd pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 20 11:08:18 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove / Merge patterns with just one package. - i18n update. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 16 18:59:24 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Xfce is not on CD media. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 13 18:18:08 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix broken requires. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 13 10:28:58 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix requires on basis-devel (#212192). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 12 10:56:56 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove kpowersave from default install for now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 12 10:31:07 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add qtcurve packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 12 09:14:47 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Make imaging patterns hidden. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 11 14:50:04 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add xorg-x11-libXext to X11 pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 11 14:34:47 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Make Evolution recommended (#211175). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 9 20:57:06 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add hplip to BASIS (#210984). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 9 09:43:56 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Handle some more i386/x86-64 only packages. - Add hotkey-setup to LAPTOP (#210879). - Translation update. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 8 08:42:57 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add xdg-utils to X11 (#210884). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 6 14:40:50 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add orca, gnopernicus (bug #208686). - Adjust kde-games. - localization update. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 5 13:12:32 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix GNOME-Multimedia pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 5 10:45:13 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add synergy to X11 pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 4 09:08:22 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add gnucash to GNOME-Office (#209719). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 4 07:02:16 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove devel-java from CDs. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 3 23:46:35 CEST 2006 - lrupp@suse.de - fix typo in DEVEL-Java pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 3 13:26:01 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Update to 1.018 patterns. - Improve i18n handling. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 1 15:42:33 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Rename BASIS-DEVEL to BASIS-DEVEL. - Add DEVEL-RPM-Build-Environment Pattern (#209368). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 30 16:42:40 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add various IDEs. - Fix various bugreports about missing patterns (207916, 208384, 208676). - Merge KDE-HELP to KDE-Basis. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 30 15:06:40 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add remote_desktop and devel_java patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 29 18:06:14 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add first support for extends/includes, use it in graphics pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 29 15:33:38 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - translation updates - some packages added to patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 25 05:26:48 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Enable subpackages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 24 16:15:24 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove dropped packages. - Rename packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 24 11:48:08 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix bugs in patterns. - Disable subpackages for now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 23 19:33:42 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Create subpackages for different media. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 22 17:19:46 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add further development patterns: * Ruby * Ruby on Rails * YaST * Web * Python * Perl - Rename SDK patterns to devel. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 22 14:05:40 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Update translations. - Rework various patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 20 17:11:15 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Translation updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 20 12:18:25 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix typo in kde pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 19 14:48:36 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Adjust for package rename. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 18 11:09:34 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Update et, sv. - Enhance GAMES, NETWORK-ADMIN patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 13 15:48:16 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add kdebase3-beagle to KDE-BASIS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 12 14:07:33 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix Non-OSS pattern. - Add cups to BASIS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 11 17:09:52 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add network-admin pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 11 09:58:05 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add non-OSS pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 8 16:42:30 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add further GNOME/KDE patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 8 10:34:07 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Update translations, add further languages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 7 15:42:48 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Further refine KDE and GNOME patterns. - Refine BASE pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 6 22:22:07 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add GAMES. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 6 15:45:33 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Splitup new patterns from base. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 6 09:58:03 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add gnome development. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 4 09:23:08 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix order of patterns. - Make laptop patterns visible. - Fix some bugs. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 4 07:58:56 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - qt->libqt4. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 1 11:18:03 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Abort if errors occur in patterns. - Split GNOME Patterns - thanks Gary Ekker! - Add GNOME/KDE Laptop patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 30 14:50:22 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add xml pattern. - Add xfce pattern. - Add console pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 30 13:24:26 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add fonts pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 28 17:21:11 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Further cleanup of files. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 28 16:15:43 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix translations for some languages. Thanks to Jyri Palokangas for noticing. - Do not emit untranslated strings. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 28 15:36:06 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix bash script. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 28 09:17:28 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Move pattern creation logic from spec file to new bash script. - Fix gettext configure. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Aug 26 08:23:59 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix spec file. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 25 17:44:33 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add pam-config. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 24 17:41:34 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add icons. - Fix spec file. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 24 15:58:43 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Enhance patterns, fix imaging patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 24 14:30:49 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Fix description of patterns - thanks Stephan Binner. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 21 17:04:27 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add role "not yet classified" to clean up. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 21 14:18:12 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add further patterns. - Fix KDE patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 17 16:46:53 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Enhance KDE-Office. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 17 11:11:06 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Enhance KDE patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 16 15:04:08 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add kdenetwork3 packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 16 13:42:53 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add KDE subpatterns for testing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 15 19:59:58 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Use pattern-openSUSE as packagename for po files. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 10 14:06:53 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove suggests apparmor from base to workaround Bug 198095. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 9 08:55:02 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove wrong icons for now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 8 19:56:32 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Remove kdenetwork3-vnc from kde pattern. - reorder imaging patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 1 17:02:37 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Changes for X.Org 7.1 - Add dhcp and dns server pattern. - fix kde imaging pattern. - Add first devel patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 31 11:12:19 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add imaging pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 30 09:56:17 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add beagle. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 27 16:43:01 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Cleanup theming. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 26 15:13:20 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add and remove packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 17 16:51:25 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - suse-release -> openSUSE-release. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 17 10:49:06 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Add NetworkManager packages to KDE/GNOME packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 17 10:15:07 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Adjust patterns. - Change naming for openSUSE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 12 13:08:48 CEST 2006 - aj@suse.de - Initial Pattern for openSUSE. This is just a really basic list to get us started and test that everything works.