Thu Apr 30 05:41:41 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com

- updated to 1.7032
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-cpanminus/Changes

  1.7032  2015-04-29 18:51:36 PDT
        - Prefer to use cpanmetadb's package history API for pinning versions. Note that it only
          works against versions since April 2012. You can set `--metacpan` to still prefer MetaCPAN
          API search, and can use `--cascade-search` to fallback to MetaCPAN after CPAN MetaDB as well.

Thu Apr 23 05:09:26 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com

- updated to 1.7031
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-cpanminus/Changes

  1.7031  2015-04-22 14:13:37 PDT
     [Bug Fixes]
        - Fixed a rare case where circular dependencies in cpanfile prevents satisfying modules from
          being installed. (#452)
        - Stop reporting perl versions by default if running under certain CI related env vars.

Mon Apr 20 06:21:47 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com

- updated to 1.7030
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-cpanminus/Changes

  1.7030  2015-04-19 14:15:34 CEST
        - Same as 1.7029
  1.7029  2015-04-19 00:15:32 CEST
     [New Features]
        - Consider root cpanfile's requirement when following dependencies with --installdeps (#363)
        - Added back --metacpan option
        - Bump Module::Metadata to 1.000027
        - Bump CPAN::Meta::Check to 0.011
        - Bump CPAN::Meta::YAML to 0.014
        - Bump Parse::PMFile to 0.36

Sun Apr 19 06:49:24 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com

- updated to 1.7028
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-cpanminus/Changes

  1.7028  2015-04-17 19:22:59 CEST
        - Keep the mirror index file as absolute (skaji) #438
        - Updated the documentation about HTTPS cert warnings #441

Wed Apr 15 14:12:16 UTC 2015 - coolo@suse.com

- updated to 1.7027
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-cpanminus/Changes

  1.7027  2015-02-14 12:14:13 PST
        - Use provides as provided in META.json and do not scan packages as PAUSE does. #435
  1.7026  2015-02-13 17:11:38 PST
        - Respect provides in META file before loading from Parse::PMFile
  1.7025  2015-02-07 07:58:21 CET
        - Bump Parse::PMFile to 0.35
        - Bump CPAN::Meta::Check to 0.020
        - Bump CPAN::Meta::Requirements to 2.132
        - Bump HTTP::Tiny to 0.054
        - Bump Module::Metadata to 1.000026
        - Bump version.pm to 0.9912
  1.7024  2015-01-12 13:31:19 PST
     [New Features]
        - Includes vendor lib and arch path to search for core modules, when installing self-contained
          lib by default. This behavior can be turned off with --exclude-vendor (tartansandal) #426
  1.7023  2015-01-05 07:59:52 JST
        - Bump Parse::PMFile to 0.34
        - Bump CPAN::Meta::Requirements to 2.131
        - Bump HTTP::Tiny to 0.53
        - Bump Module::Metadata to 1.000025
        - Bump local::lib to 2.000015
  1.7022  2014-12-12 16:41:47 PST
        - Enabled unsafe option to parse version with PMFile to avoid segfaults and weird errors
  1.7021  2014-12-11 21:42:36 PST
        - Bump Parse::PMFile to 0.32
        - Bump HTTP::Tiny to 0.052
  1.7020  2014-12-08 17:53:18 PST
        - Bump Parse::PMFile to 0.31
  1.7019  2014-12-04 12:51:41 PST
        - Bump Parse::PMFile to 0.30
  1.7018  2014-11-25 14:08:41 PST
        - bump $VERSION correctly in cpanm executable
  1.7017  2014-11-25 14:00:40 PST
        - Bump fatpacked CPAN::Meta and HTTP::Tiny
        - Added documentation for -M and --from in man page
  1.7016  2014-11-16 11:46:32 PST
     [New Features]
        - Added -M and --from to set --mirror and --mirror-only at the same time while
          overriding previously set mirrors (sri) #175, #417
        - cpanmin.us is now available under HTTPS (marcus)
  1.7015  2014-11-14 13:14:07 PST
        - Bump Parse::PMFile to 0.29
        - Bump CPAN::Meta::Requirements to 2.129
  1.7014  2014-10-07 20:52:58 PDT
        - Bump Parse::PMFile to 0.28
  1.7013  2014-10-06 23:52:14 PDT
        - Update bundled JSON::PP to fix issues with JSON parsing on older perl 5.8
  1.7012  2014-09-26 19:28:25 PDT
        - Upgrade CPAN::Meta and HTTP::Tiny in fatpack
        - Skip @INC on dev directory when running from git checkout when to search
          for an installed module
  1.7011  2014-09-22 15:08:22 JST
        - Same as 1.7010. Make it a non-trial release.
  1.7010  2014-09-17 18:27:53 JST
        - Use Parse::PMFile rather than our own fork (charsbar) #409
  1.7009  2014-09-10 01:43:45 PDT
     [Bug Fixes]
        - Fix fatpacked executable to include Parse::CPAN::Meta
  1.7008  2014-09-10 01:19:04 PDT
        - Show **** instead of *password* when masking passwords
        - Internal code refactoring
  1.7007  2014-09-09 09:25:46 PDT
        - Make sure MetaCPAN search looks up the dist by right author #405
        - Ignore Module::Build artifacts in _build when indexing modules metadata
  1.7006  2014-09-05 15:44:15 PDT
     [Bug Fixes]
        - Work around MetaCPAN bugs in numifying dev release versions (#367, #377)
        - Bump bootstrapping MakeMaker version recent enough to support MYMETA
     [Incompatible Changes]
        - Removed undocumented --metacpan option that was only for testing purposes
  1.7005  2014-09-05 05:04:06 PDT
     [Bug Fixes]
        - Do not index common directories such as t, xt or inc in install.json
        - Support tarball extraction on HP-UX 11 (Brian Wightman)
        - Update Parse::PMFile to 0.19 equivalent (charsbar)
        - Fixed various documentation (syohex, Graham Ollis)
        - Mask passwords when failing to download a module (andyjones)
        - Don't find directories when searching for executables (haarg)
        - Only assume Module::Build configure prereq when there's no config prereq (haarg)
        - Upgrade fatpacked modules to the latest

Wed Jun 25 11:25:40 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com

- fix one more require

Mon Jun 23 14:30:19 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com

- fix provides/obsoletes of cpanm

Tue Jun 17 06:35:21 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com

- borrow fedora's solution to unpack the fat script into its dependencies

Sun Jun  8 10:08:03 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com

- updated to 1.7004
  * Set HOME to a writable directory for tests.
    Thanks to David Suárez for the bug report. (Closes: #750341)
  * Fixes "--uninstall mentioned twice on man page"
    (Closes: #741302)
  * Many other changes in 2 years

Sun Apr 01 15:16:57 UTC 2012 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.5010:
  * implemented --test-only option #40
- changes from 1.5009:
  * fixed a bug where URL containing ~ (childe) fails to install #134
  * fixed a bug where install.json contains bogus data when you specify dist paths
- changes from 1.5008:
  * fixed a bug where `cpanm Foo` doesn't properly activate local::lib during
  * installs when you don't have write permissions #143
  * improved the warning message when you don't have write permisisons #145

Thu Dec 22 01:11:02 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.5007:
  * fixed to change directory when installing from multiple local directories
  * stop setting AUTOMATED_TESTING (again!) and set PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT in
    testing (#138)
  * offer opening the build.log with PAGER when --prompt is enabled
  * documentation added for --skip-installed option

- changes from 1.5006:
  * updated cpanmetadb URL to point to cpanmetadb.plackperl.org

Wed Nov 09 07:45:05 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.5004:
  * include version of the main module instead of distribution version in
- changes from 1.5003:
  * use ExtUtils::Install to install meta files and let --sudo run it with sudo

Tue Oct 18 13:17:07 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.5002 (cumulated):
  * make sure to include non-core perl modules in -L that are installed in
    'perl' by mistake
  * ensure all module names use :: instead of dashes because of EUMM NAME
  * added EXPERIMENTAL --metacpan support
  * support MYMETA.json with spec 2.0
  * added EXPERIMENTAL --mirror-index, --skip-satisfied and --cascade-search
  * installs MYMETA.json and install.json into $ARCH/.meta library path
  * use Cwd::chdir to update CWD environment variable
  * fix ExtUtils::ParseXS issue with -L
  * fix CoreList bootstrap issue with perl < 5.8.9 when using -L
  * dump more descriptive error message when configure failed with
    --installdeps #111
  * upgraded many fatlib embedded modules
  * support --no-quiet
  * removed ugly @INC dumping hack for -L. This causes modules that has
    conditional deps such as Any::Moose not to pull down necessary
    requirements; this is a known issue and will be addressed later
  * support special _ for -l and -L argument to respect local::lib defaults
  * use Cwd::chdir to change PWD
  * unbreak -L with newer ExtUtils::ParseXS installed
  * changed the path to save metadata information
  * removed Dist::Metadata use, but instead use Module::Metadata to get
  * removed the ugly DumpedINC hack for -L
  * added experimental --skip-configure
  * delay load Module::Build bootstrap so that -L won't auto-intall the latest

Sun May 22 22:24:40 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.4007:
  * incompatible changes:
    + remove LWP from Makefile.PL dependencies, since due to the split it
      brings in many dependencies such as HTTP::Daemon and HTTP::Parser (which
      requires a C compiler)
    + HTTP::Tiny is embedded as a last resort anyway, and if Makefile.PL is
      executed via some CPAN client (CPAN.pm, CPANPLUS or cpanminus) it means your
      client is already configured to be able to fetch files over HTTP

Tue May 17 08:06:50 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.4006:
  * proper fix for the -l option installing the same modules

Wed May 11 21:43:30 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.4005:
  * -l should now correctly locate installed modules to skip reinstalling
    (regression in 1.4004)
  * ignore Module::CoreList loading errors with -L on perl < 5.8.9
  * fixed --prompt in combination with --quest RT:66602
  * fixed a broken Bundle:: module installation

Fri Mar 11 00:23:09 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.4004:
  * Incompatible Changes:
    + fixed the issue where `ssh host cpanm Module` waits on input forever. As
      a side effect of fixing this bug, cpanm reads modules from STDIN only if
      there's no module arguments given. Options such as -L or --scandeps
      continue to work. #86
  * fixed a long standing bug where newer versions of bundled modules such as
    LWP could be loaded when combined with -L or -l, which causes API
  * fixed the use of gunzip (cho45)

- changes from 1.4003:
  * fixed a weird bug that -L fails to bootstrap Module::Build when an old
    version such as 0.28 is installed 
  * do not show help if it reads args from STDIN and nothing is supplied
  * stripped down the `cpanm` executable size for 20% by stripping POD for
    fatpacked dependencies :)

- changes from 1.4002:
  * display configure errors in --scandeps so that configure_requires can be
    manually satisfied

Wed Mar 09 00:00:11 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.4001:
  * fixed a workaround code for META.yml being JSON

Tue Mar 08 11:26:03 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.4000:
  * changed the verbosity level of -q to be actually *so* useful and
    recommended now
  * added a new option --no-man-pages to skip man page generation and
  * added new --scandeps and --format option that scans module dependency tree
    before actually installing a module
  * support Bundle:: modules
  * added new --save-dists option

- changes from 1.30_02 to 1.30_13:
  * fix for the use of Module::CoreList for perl with versions ending in 0,
    such as 5.13.10
  * do not attempt to upgrade Module::Build if you have the version that comes
    with perl
  * support Bundle:: modules #81
  * fixed a bug where META.yml is being fetched for no reason; this reduces the
    HTTP GET calls a lot and should speed up the build process
  * falls back to search.cpan.org/meta service when (and only when) META.yml is
    not included or unparsable; now it can handle distributions like
    AnyEvent::HTTP or ancient packages better
  * makes the wget/curl execution safer
  * support archives where tar list begins with ./ like Image::Magick #80
  * fix SIGNATURE testing for Module::Build 0.38 or later
  * implemented EXPERIMENTAL --scandeps command and --format option
  * implemented EXPERIMENTAL --save-tarballs option
  * show (undef) in the version output instead of ()
  * changed how it special cases Module::Build load path in -L mode; it's much
    more reliable and support 0.38 with the new CPAN::Meta dependencies
  * changed the verbosity level of -q|--quiet so that it prints only necessary
    information (instead of nothing, which is not really useful)
  * shows the number of distribution in the end of the session
  * renamed the option to --man-pages and --no-man-pages
  * disable the man page generation by default only if -L is in use
  * skip the man page generation by default; you can enable it with --pod2man
  * fixed the way it reduces @INC in the tests when -L is in use, so the tests
    that call $^X with -I can keep those library paths. i.e. Test::More
  * support minor case where blib/* is manually added via -I (e.g. FCGI.pm)
  * fixed a bug the modules are not loaded from blib in test_harness with -L
  * fixed a bug where tests are loading modules from your site_perl even when
    -L is used
  * fixed a bug -L will install non-core modules again and again for each run

Thu Mar 03 20:01:13 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.3000:
  * improved the dependencies detection when -L is in use so the core modules
    that have been upgraded inside can be correctly be detected, using

Thu Feb 17 01:33:58 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.2001 (no user-visible changes)

Mon Jan 31 12:52:29 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 1.008:
  * fixed glitches due to the deletion of Module::Metadata::Version

- changes from 1.007:
  * fixed installation documents

Mon Dec 27 22:39:15 CET 2010 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- initial version (1.1006)