Steffen Winterfeldt 2012-03-05 14:26:14 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
parent 03e22a58ce
commit e7b54cfadf
5 changed files with 16 additions and 903 deletions

@ -1,885 +0,0 @@
From d1bfb91537771093bfdb2d3beceddcbf8035977a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Chang <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 12:38:00 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] add basic grub2 module
add basic grub2 module.
src/Core/ | 213 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/ | 5 +
update-bootloader | 36 ++-------
3 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/Core/
Index: perl-Bootloader-0.5.22/src/Core/
--- /dev/null
+++ perl-Bootloader-0.5.22/src/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+# Bootloader configuration base library
+=head1 NAME
+Bootlader::Core::GRUB2 - library for blank configuration
+=head1 PREFACE
+This package is the GRUB2 library of the bootloader configuration
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+use Bootloader::Core::GRUB2;
+C<< $obj_ref = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->new (); >>
+C<< $unix_dev = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->GrubDev2UnixDev ($grub_dev); >>
+C<< $files_ref = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->ListFiles (); >>
+C<< $status = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->ParseLines (\%files, $avoid_reading_device_map); >>
+C<< $files_ref = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->CreateLines (); >>
+C<< $settings_ref = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->GetSettings (); >>
+C<< $status = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->SetSettings (\%settings); >>
+C<< $status = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->InitializeBootloader (); >>
+=over 2
+package Bootloader::Core::GRUB2;
+use strict;
+use Bootloader::Core;
+our @ISA = ('Bootloader::Core');
+use Bootloader::Path;
+use Data::Dumper;
+#module interface
+sub GetKernelDevice {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $orig = shift;
+ my $device = $orig;
+ unless (defined ($self->{"udevmap"}))
+ {
+ $self->l_warning("GRUB2::GetKernelDevice: Udev mapping is not set");
+ return $orig;
+ }
+ $device = $self->{"udevmap"}->{$device}
+ if defined ($self->{"udevmap"}->{$device});
+ $self->l_milestone("GRUB2::GetKernelDevice: From $orig to $device");
+ return $device;
+C<< $unix_dev = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->GrubDev2UnixDev ($grub_dev); >>
+Translates the GRUB2 device (eg. '(hd0,1)') to UNIX device (eg. '/dev/hda1').
+As argument takes the GRUB2 device, returns the UNIX device (both strings)
+or argument if translate fail.
+# string GrubDev2UnixDev (string grub_dev)
+sub GrubDev2UnixDev {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dev = shift;
+ unless ($dev) {
+ $self->l_error ("GRUB2::GrubDev2UnixDev: Empty device to translate");
+ return $dev;
+ }
+ if ($dev !~ /^\(.*\)$/) {
+ $self->l_warning ("GRUB2::GrubDev2UnixDev: Not translating device $dev");
+ return $dev;
+ }
+ my $original = $dev;
+ my $partition = undef;
+ # Check if $dev consists of something like (hd0,1), thus a grub device
+ # TODO: warns once detect (hd0,0) as GRUB2 partition is one based
+ if ($dev =~ /\(([^,]+),([^,]+)\)/) {
+ $dev = $1;
+ # GRUB2 device partition is now one based (eg, (hd0,1) = /dev/sda1)
+ $partition = $2;
+ }
+ elsif ($dev =~ /\(([^,]+)\)/) {
+ $dev = $1;
+ }
+ my $match_found = 0;
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::GrubDev2UnixDev: device_map: ".$self->{"device_map"});
+ while ((my $unix, my $fw) = each (%{$self->{"device_map"}})) {
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::GrubDev2UnixDev: device_map: $unix <-> $fw.");
+ }
+ while ((my $unix, my $fw) = each (%{$self->{"device_map"}})) {
+ if ($dev eq $fw) {
+ $dev = $unix;
+ $match_found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($match_found == 0) {
+ $self->l_error ("GRUB2::GrubDev2UnixDev: did not find a match for $dev in the device map");
+ return $original;
+ }
+ # resolve symlinks.....
+ $dev = $self->GetKernelDevice($dev);
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::GrubDev2UnixDev: Kernel device is $dev");
+ if (defined ($partition)) {
+ my $finded = undef;
+ foreach my $dev_ref (@{$self->{"partitions"}}) {
+ if ( $dev_ref->[1] eq $dev
+ && $dev_ref->[2] == $partition) {
+ $dev = $dev_ref->[0];
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::GrubDev2UnixDev: Translated $original to $dev");
+ $finded = 1;;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $finded){
+ return $dev;
+ }
+ #no partition found so return $dev with partition
+ $self->l_warning ("GRUB2::GrubDev2UnixDev: No partition found for $dev with $partition.");
+ return $dev.$partition;
+ }
+ $dev = $self->Member2MD ($dev);
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::GrubDev2UnixDev: Translated GRUB2->UNIX: $original to $dev");
+ return $dev;
+C<< $grub_dev = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->UnixDev2GrubDev ($unix_dev); >>
+Translates the UNIX device (eg. '/dev/hda1') to GRUB2 device (eg. '(hd0,1)').
+As argument takes the UNIX device, returns the GRUB2 device (both strings).
+# Pattern for grub device specification. Please note that this does not work
+# with BSD labeled disks which use things like "hd0,b"
+# The pattern matches disk or floppy or network or cd
+my $grubdev_pattern = "(?:hd\\d+(?:,\\d+)?|fd\\d+|nd|cd)";
+# string UnixDev2GrubDev (string unix_dev)
+sub UnixDev2GrubDev {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dev = shift;
+ my $g_dev;
+ local $_;
+ if ($dev eq "") {
+ $self->l_error ("GRUB2::UnixDev2GrubDev: Empty device to translate");
+ return ""; # return an error
+ }
+ # TODO: check whether listed grubdev valid for grub2 ?
+ # Seems to be a grub device already
+ if ($dev =~ /^\(${grubdev_pattern}\)$/) {
+ $self->l_warning ("GRUB2::UnixDev2GrubDev: Not translating device $dev");
+ return $dev;
+ }
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::UnixDev2GrubDev: Translating $dev ...");
+ # remove parenthesis to be able to handle entries like "(/dev/sda1)" which
+ # might be there by error
+ $dev =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/;
+ # This gives me the devicename, whether $dev is the device or a link!
+ # This works for udev (kernel) devices only, devicemapper doesn't
+ # need to be changed here
+ my $original = $dev;
+ my $kernel_dev = $self->GetKernelDevice($dev);
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::UnixDev2GrubDev: kernel device: $kernel_dev");
+ my $partition = undef;
+ if ($kernel_dev =~ m#/dev/md\d+#) {
+ my @members = @{$self->MD2Members ($kernel_dev) || []};
+ # FIXME! This only works for mirroring (Raid1)
+ $kernel_dev = $self->GetKernelDevice($members[0] || $kernel_dev );
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::UnixDev2GrubDev: First device of MDRaid: $original -> $kernel_dev");
+ }
+ # print all entries of - for debugging
+ if ($self->{device_map}) {
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::UnixDev2UnixDev: device_map:");
+ for (sort keys %{$self->{device_map}}) {
+ $self->l_milestone ("unix device: $_ <==> grub device: $self->{device_map}{$_}");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->l_warning ("GRUB2::UnixDev2GrubDev: empty device_map");
+ }
+ # fetch the underlying device (sda1 --> sda)
+ for (@{$self->{partitions}}) {
+ if ($_->[0] eq $kernel_dev) {
+ $kernel_dev = $_->[1];
+ # grub2 device is one based
+ $partition = $_->[2];
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::UnixDev2GrubDev: dev base part: $_->[0] $_->[1] $_->[2]");
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ for (sort keys %{$self->{device_map}}) {
+ if ($kernel_dev eq $self->GetKernelDevice($_)) {
+ $g_dev = $self->{device_map}{$_};
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO: Is the fallback work for grub2 ???
+ # fallback if translation has failed - this is good enough for many cases
+ # FIXME: this is nonsense - we should return an error
+ if (!$g_dev) {
+ $self->l_warning("GRUB2::UnixDev2GrubDev: Unknown device/partition, using fallback");
+ $g_dev = "hd0";
+ $partition = undef;
+ if (
+ $original =~ m#^/dev/(?:vx|das|[ehpsvx])d[a-z]{1,2}(\d+)$# ||
+ $original =~ m#^/dev/\S+\-part(\d+)$# ||
+ $original =~ m#^/dev(?:/[^/]+){1,2}p(\d+)$#
+ ) {
+ $partition = $1 - 1;
+ $partition = 0 if $partition < 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $partition) {
+ $g_dev = "($g_dev,$partition)";
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::UnixDev2GrubDev: Translated UNIX partition -> GRUB2 device: $original to $g_dev");
+ }
+ else {
+ $g_dev = "($g_dev)";
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::UnixDev2GrubDev: Translated UNIX device -> GRUB2 device: $original to $g_dev");
+ }
+ return $g_dev;
+C<< $obj_ref = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->new (); >>
+Creates an instance of the Bootloader::Core::GRUB2 class.
+sub new {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = shift;
+ my $loader = $self->SUPER::new ($old);
+ bless ($loader);
+ $loader->l_milestone ("GRUB2::new: Created GRUB2 instance");
+ return $loader;
+sub IsDisc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $disc = shift;
+ my $ret = undef;
+ foreach my $dev (keys %{$self->{"device_map"}}) {
+ if ( $self->GetKernelDevice($disc) eq $self->GetKernelDevice($dev) ){
+ $ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+C<< $files_ref = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->ListFiles (); >>
+Returns the list of the configuration files of the bootloader
+Returns undef on fail
+# list<string> ListFiles ()
+sub ListFiles {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return [ Bootloader::Path::Grub2_devicemap(),
+ Bootloader::Path::Grub2_installdevice() ];
+C<< $status = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->ParseLines (\%files, $avoid_reading_device_map); >>
+Parses the contents of all files and stores the settings in the
+internal structures. As first argument, it takes a hash reference, where
+keys are file names and values are references to lists, each
+member is one line of the file. As second argument, it takes a
+boolean flag that, if set to a true value, causes it to skip
+updating the internal device_map information. Returns undef on
+fail, defined nonzero value on success.
+# void ParseLines (map<string,list<string>>, boolean)
+sub ParseLines {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %files = %{+shift};
+ my $avoid_reading_device_map = shift;
+ #first set the device map - other parsing uses it
+ my @device_map = @{$files{Bootloader::Path::Grub2_devicemap()} || []};
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: input from :\n'" .
+ join("'\n' ", @device_map) . "'");
+ my %devmap = ();
+ foreach my $dm_entry (@device_map)
+ {
+ if ($dm_entry =~ /^\s*\(([^\s#]+)\)\s+(\S+)\s*$/)
+ {
+ #multipath handling, multipath need real device, because multipath
+ # device have broken geometry (bnc #448110)
+ if (defined $self->{"multipath"} && defined $self->{"multipath"}->{$self->GetKernelDevice($2)}){
+ $devmap{ $self->{"multipath"}->{$self->GetKernelDevice($2)} } = $1;
+ } else {
+ $devmap{$2} = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: avoided_reading device map.") if ($avoid_reading_device_map );
+ $self->{"device_map"} = \%devmap if (! $avoid_reading_device_map);
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: device_map: ".$self->{"device_map"});
+ while ((my $unix, my $fw) = each (%{$self->{"device_map"}})) {
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: device_map: $unix <-> $fw.");
+ }
+ my %glob;
+ my $glob_ref = \%glob;
+ if (not exists $self->{"mountpoints"}{'/'})
+ {
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: Mount points doesn't have '/', skipped parsing grub2 config");
+ } else {
+ # FIXME: Need to figure our a better way to get the
+ # device, otherwise user may break setup if they
+ # call install script directly
+ my @devices = @{$files{Bootloader::Path::Grub2_installdevice()} || []};
+ # FIXME: still incomplete for MD and dmraid devs
+ # translate device array to the various boot_* flags else set boot_custom
+ # in glob_ref accordingly
+ my ($boot_dev,) = $self->SplitDevPath ("/boot");
+ my ($root_dev,) = $self->SplitDevPath ("/");
+ my $extended_dev = $self->GetExtendedPartition($boot_dev) || "";
+ # mbr_dev is the first bios device
+ my $mbr_dev = $self->GrubDev2UnixDev("(hd0)");
+ foreach my $dev (@devices) {
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: checking boot device $dev");
+ #Quick fix for activate and generic_mbr regression ..
+ # TODO: Need figure out better handling of them
+ if ($dev eq "activate") {
+ $glob_ref->{"activate"} = "true";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($dev eq "generic_mbr") {
+ $glob_ref->{"generic_mbr"} = "true";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($dev eq $mbr_dev) {
+ $glob_ref->{"boot_mbr"} = "true";
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: detected boot_mbr");
+ if (defined $self->{"md_arrays"}
+ and ((scalar keys %{$self->{"md_arrays"}}) > 0)){
+ if (defined $glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"}
+ and $glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"} ne "" ){
+ $glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"} = $glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"}.",".$dev;
+ } else {
+ $glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"} =$dev;
+ }
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: detected boot_md_mbr ".$glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"});
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($dev eq $root_dev) {
+ $glob_ref->{"boot_root"} = "true";
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: detected boot_root");
+ }
+ elsif ($dev eq $boot_dev) {
+ $glob_ref->{"boot_boot"} = "true";
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: detected boot_boot");
+ }
+ elsif ($dev eq $extended_dev) {
+ $glob_ref->{"boot_extended"} = "true";
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: detected boot_extended");
+ }
+ elsif ($self->IsDisc($dev)
+ and defined $self->{"md_arrays"}
+ and ((scalar keys %{$self->{"md_arrays"}}) > 0)){
+ if (defined $glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"} and $glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"} ne "" ){
+ $glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"} = $glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"}.",".$dev;
+ } else {
+ $glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"} =$dev;
+ }
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: detected boot_md_mbr ".$glob_ref->{"boot_md_mbr"});
+ }
+ else {
+ $glob_ref->{"boot_custom"} = $dev;
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::Parselines: set boot_custom");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{"global"} = $glob_ref;
+ return 1;
+sub CreateGrubInstalldevLines() {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # process /etc/grub.conf
+ my %glob = %{$self->{"global"}};
+ my @grub2_installdev = ();
+ my %s1_devices = ();
+ # md_discs stores grub discs which should be synchronized (needed for correct stage2 location)
+ my $md_discs = {};
+ {
+ my $dev;
+ my $flag;
+ # boot_custom => "selectdevice:Custom Boot Partition::"
+ $dev = delete($glob{"boot_custom"});
+ $s1_devices{$dev} = 1 if (defined $dev and $dev ne "");
+ # boot_mbr => "bool:Boot from Master Boot Record:false",
+ $flag = delete $glob{"boot_mbr"};
+ if (defined $flag and $flag eq "true") {
+ # if /boot mountpoint exists add($disk(/boot) else add disk(/)
+ # mbr_dev is the first bios device
+ $dev = $self->GrubDev2UnixDev("(hd0)");
+ $s1_devices{$dev} = 1 if defined $dev;
+ }
+ # boot_md_mbr synchronize mbr of disc in md raid
+ #(it is little tricky as md raid synchronize only partitions)
+ $flag = delete $glob{"boot_md_mbr"};
+ if (defined $flag and $flag ne "") {
+ my @discs = split(/,/,$flag);
+ chomp @discs;
+ foreach my $mbr_disc (@discs){
+ $s1_devices{$mbr_disc} = 1;
+ my $gdev = $self->UnixDev2GrubDev($mbr_disc);
+ $md_discs->{$gdev} = substr($gdev,1,-1);
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::CreateGrubInstalldevLines: md_mbr device: $gdev ");
+ }
+ }
+ # boot_root => "bool:Boot from Root Partition:true",
+ $flag = delete $glob{"boot_root"};
+ if (defined $flag and $flag eq "true") {
+ # add partition(/)
+ ($dev,) = $self->SplitDevPath ("/");
+ $s1_devices{$dev} = 1 if defined $dev;
+ }
+ # boot_boot => "bool:Boot from Boot Partition:true",
+ $flag = delete $glob{"boot_boot"};
+ if (defined $flag and $flag eq "true") {
+ # add partition(/boot)
+ ($dev,) = $self->SplitDevPath ("/boot");
+ $s1_devices{$dev} = 1 if defined $dev;
+ }
+ # boot_extended => "bool:Boot from Extended Partition:true",
+ $flag = delete $glob{"boot_extended"};
+ if (defined $flag and $flag eq "true") {
+ # add partition(extended)
+ $dev = $self->GetExtendedPartition($self->SplitDevPath("/boot"));
+ $s1_devices{$dev} = 1 if defined $dev;
+ }
+ # convert any raid1 device entry into multiple member entries
+ foreach my $s1dev (keys %s1_devices)
+ {
+ if ($s1dev =~ m:/dev/md\d+:) {
+ delete $s1_devices{$s1dev};
+ # Please note all non-mirror raids are silently deleted here
+ my @members = @{$self->MD2Members($s1dev) || []};
+ map { $s1_devices{$_} = 1; } @members;
+ }
+ }
+ # FIXME: convert all impossible configurations to some viable
+ # fallback:
+ # boot from primary xfs -> mbr
+ # boot from extended -> set generic_mbr
+ # other options ???
+ }
+ $self->l_milestone ("GRUB2::CreateGrubInstalldevLines: found s1_devices: "
+ . join(",",keys %s1_devices));
+ if (scalar (keys (%s1_devices)) > 0)
+ {
+ foreach my $new_dev (keys (%s1_devices))
+ {
+ push @grub2_installdev, $new_dev;
+ }
+ }
+ my $activate = delete $glob{"activate"};
+ if (defined $activate and $activate eq "true") {
+ push @grub2_installdev, "activate";
+ }
+ my $generic_mbr = delete $glob{"generic_mbr"};
+ if (defined $generic_mbr and $generic_mbr eq "true") {
+ push @grub2_installdev, "generic_mbr";
+ }
+ return \@grub2_installdev;
+C<< $files_ref = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->CreateLines (); >>
+creates contents of all files from the internal structures.
+Returns a hash reference in the same format as argument of
+ParseLines on success, or undef on fail.
+# map<string,list<string>> CreateLines ()
+sub CreateLines {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # first create /etc/default/grub_installdevice
+ my $grub2_installdev = $self->CreateGrubInstalldevLines();
+ # TODO: as we know the grub2-install also create device map
+ # I skipped creating them by yast ..
+ # now process the device map
+ ## my %glob = %{$self->{"global"}};
+ ## my @device_map = ();
+ ## while ((my $unix, my $fw) = each (%{$self->{"device_map"}}))
+ ## {
+ ## my $line = "($fw)\t$unix";
+ ## push @device_map, $line;
+ ## }
+ return {
+ Bootloader::Path::Grub2_installdevice() => $grub2_installdev,
+ ## Bootloader::Path::Grub2_devicemap() => \@device_map,
+ }
+C<< $settings_ref = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->GetSettings (); >>
+returns the complete settings in a hash. Does not read the settings
+from the system, but returns internal structures.
+# map<string,any> GetSettings ()
+sub GetSettings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ret = $self->SUPER::GetSettings ();
+ return $ret;
+C<< $status = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->SetSettings (\%settings); >>
+Stores the settings in the given parameter to the internal
+structures. Does not touch the system.
+Returns undef on fail, defined nonzero value on success.
+# void SetSettings (map<string,any> settings)
+sub SetSettings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %settings = %{+shift};
+ return $self->SUPER::SetSettings (\%settings);
+C<< $status = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->UpdateBootloader (); >>
+Updates the settings in the system. Backs original configuration files
+up and replaces them with the ones with the '.new' suffix. Also performs
+operations needed to make the change effect (run '/sbin/elilo').
+Returns undef on fail, defined nonzero value on success.
+# boolean UpdateBootloader ()
+sub UpdateBootloader {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $avoid_init = shift;
+ # backup the config file
+ # it really did nothing for now
+ my $ret = $self->SUPER::UpdateBootloader ();
+ return undef unless defined $ret;
+ if (! $avoid_init)
+ {
+ return $self->InitializeBootloader ();
+ }
+ return 0 == $self->RunCommand (
+ "/usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg",
+ "/var/log/YaST2/y2log_bootloader"
+ );
+C<< $status = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->InitializeBootloader (); >>
+Initializes the firmware to boot the bootloader.
+Returns undef on fail, defined nonzero value otherwise
+# boolean InitializeBootloader ()
+sub InitializeBootloader {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = Bootloader::Path::Grub2_installdevice();
+ my $files_ref = $self->ReadFiles ([$file,]);
+ if (! defined ($files_ref))
+ {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my @devices = @{$files_ref->{$file} || []};
+ # Hmm .. grub2-install must has been run before
+ # any grub2-mkconfig ...
+ # TODO: foreach .. looks awkward .. need clearify
+ foreach my $dev (@devices) {
+ if ($dev eq "activate" or $dev eq "generic_mbr") {
+ next;
+ }
+ my $ret = $self->RunCommand (
+ # TODO: Use --force is for installing on BS
+ # the tradeoff is we can't capture errors
+ # only patch grub2 package is possible way
+ # to get around this problem
+ "/usr/sbin/grub2-install --force $dev",
+ "/var/log/YaST2/y2log_bootloader"
+ );
+ return 0 if (0 != $ret);
+ }
+ return 0 == $self->RunCommand (
+ "/usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg",
+ "/var/log/YaST2/y2log_bootloader"
+ );
+# Local variables:
+# mode: perl
+# mode: font-lock
+# mode: auto-fill
+# fill-column: 78
+# End:
Index: perl-Bootloader-0.5.22/src/
--- perl-Bootloader-0.5.22.orig/src/
+++ perl-Bootloader-0.5.22/src/
@@ -132,6 +132,11 @@ sub SetLoaderType {
require Bootloader::Core::GRUB;
$loader = Bootloader::Core::GRUB->new ($loader);
+ elsif ($bootloader eq "grub2")
+ {
+ require Bootloader::Core::GRUB2;
+ $loader = Bootloader::Core::GRUB2->new ($loader);
+ }
elsif ($bootloader eq "lilo")
require Bootloader::Core::LILO;
Index: perl-Bootloader-0.5.22/update-bootloader
--- perl-Bootloader-0.5.22.orig/update-bootloader
+++ perl-Bootloader-0.5.22/update-bootloader
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ sub GetProduct {
if ( -f '/usr/bin/zypper' ){
my $zypper_out = qx{zypper --terse tos -l};
if ($zypper_out =~ m/^labelLong\s*(\S.*\S)\s*\nlabelShort\s*(\S.*\S)[\s\n]*$/){
- return $1 if ($1 ne "" && $loader eq "grub");
+ return $1 if ($1 ne "" && ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "grub2"));
return $2 if ($2 ne "");
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ sub GetProduct {
# Second try: Is there a usable /etc/SuSE-release?
# This should really not be used anymore, as the syntax changed
# no 'SP1' in the output.
- if (open(RELEASE, "</etc/SuSE-release") && $loader eq "grub") {
+ if (open(RELEASE, "</etc/SuSE-release") && ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "grub2")) {
# first line is sufficient
$namever = <RELEASE>;
@@ -212,26 +212,6 @@ if (Bootloader::Tools::GetBootloader() e
exit 0;
-if (Bootloader::Tools::GetBootloader() eq "grub2")
- open (LOG, ">>$logname");
- print LOG ("grub2 bootloader, let grub2-mkconfig handle everything\n");
- close LOG;
- if (! -d '/boot/grub2' ) {
- open (LOG, ">>$logname");
- print LOG ("grub2: Run grub2-install first!\n");
- close LOG;
- exit 1;
- }
- system ("cp /boot/grub2/grub.cfg /boot/grub2/grub.cfg.old");
- system ("/usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg >>$logname 2>&1");
- exit 0;
if ($opt_image and $opt_image !~ m;^/;) {
$opt_image = getcwd . '/' . $opt_image
@@ -273,7 +253,7 @@ if (defined $oper{add}) {
unless ($opt_name) {
if ($opt_xen and $opt_previous) {
- if ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "lilo") {
+ if ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "lilo" || $loader eq "grub2") {
$opt_name = "Previous Xen";
$add_product = 1;
@@ -282,7 +262,7 @@ if (defined $oper{add}) {
elsif ($opt_xen) {
- if ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "lilo") {
+ if ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "lilo" || $loader eq "grub2") {
$opt_name = "Xen";
$add_product = 1;
@@ -291,7 +271,7 @@ if (defined $oper{add}) {
elsif ($opt_previous) {
- if ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "lilo") {
+ if ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "lilo" || $loader eq "grub2") {
$opt_name = "Previous Kernel";
$add_product = 1;
@@ -335,7 +315,7 @@ if (defined $oper{add}) {
($opt_name =~ /-bigsmp/) ||
($opt_name =~ /-pae/)) {
- if ($loader eq "grub") {
+ if ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "grub2") {
$opt_name =~ s/-[^-]*$//;
$opt_failsafe = "Failsafe -- " . GetProduct() . " - " . $opt_name;
$opt_name = GetProduct() . " - " . $opt_name;
@@ -347,7 +327,7 @@ if (defined $oper{add}) {
# Naming scheme for all xen kernels, thus xen and xenpae
elsif ($opt_xen) {
- if ($loader eq "grub") {
+ if ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "grub2") {
my $version = $opt_name;
$version =~ s/-xen.*$//;
@@ -368,7 +348,7 @@ if (defined $oper{add}) {
$flavor = ucfirst ($flavor);
# Create long labels for grub
- if ($loader eq "grub") {
+ if ($loader eq "grub" || $loader eq "grub2") {
my $version = $opt_name;
$version =~ s/-[^-]*$//;
Index: perl-Bootloader-0.5.22/src/
--- perl-Bootloader-0.5.22.orig/src/
+++ perl-Bootloader-0.5.22/src/
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ C<< $path = Bootloader::Path::Zipl_conf(
C<< $path = Bootloader::Path::Zipl_zipl(); >>
+C<< $path = Bootloader::Path::Grub2_devicemap(); >>
+C<< $path = Bootloader::Path::Grub2_installdevice(); >>
=over 2
@@ -242,4 +246,28 @@ sub Zipl_zipl {
return Prefix($value);
+C<< $path = Bootloader::Path::Grub2_devicemap(); >>
+Gets path for grub2 configuration file
+sub Grub2_devicemap {
+ my $value = "/boot/grub2/";
+ return Prefix($value);
+C<< $path = Bootloader::Path::Grub2_installdevice(); >>
+Gets path for grub2 configuration file grub_installdevice.
+sub Grub2_installdevice {
+ my $value = "/etc/default/grub_installdevice";
+ return Prefix($value);

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:2df41e30999cf4ba00bdcab7e2f1e7e2e557f413bf3b47d9d90169cb3c9ac260
size 147940

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:df412d5727f56bd645f26ca73b0e222534172050ce63b081339aac295b902c54
size 149756

@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
Wed Feb 15 09:16:19 UTC 2012 -
- add-basic-grub2-module.patch : add basic grub2 support
Wed Dec 14 11:06:44 UTC 2011 -
- fix license to be in format
------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Fri Oct 14 09:31:40 CEST 2011 - Fri Oct 14 09:31:40 CEST 2011 -

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# #
# spec file for package perl-Bootloader # spec file for package perl-Bootloader
# #
# Copyright (c) 2011 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # Copyright (c) 2012 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# #
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via # Please submit bugfixes or comments via
# #
Name: perl-Bootloader Name: perl-Bootloader
Version: 0.5.22 Version: 0.6.0
Release: 0 Release: 0
Requires: perl-base = %{perl_version} Requires: perl-base = %{perl_version}
Requires: e2fsprogs Requires: e2fsprogs
Recommends: perl-gettext Recommends: perl-gettext
Summary: Library for Configuring Boot Loaders Summary: Library for Configuring Boot Loaders
License: GPL-2.0+ License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Group: System/Boot Group: System/Boot
Source: perl-Bootloader-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source: perl-Bootloader-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source1: update-bootloader Source1: update-bootloader
Source2: bootloader_entry Source2: bootloader_entry
Source3: boot.readme Source3: boot.readme
Patch: add-basic-grub2-module.patch
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildRequires: perl BuildRequires: perl
Conflicts: multipath-tools < 0.4.8-40.25.1 Conflicts: multipath-tools < 0.4.8-40.25.1
@ -37,9 +37,17 @@ Conflicts: multipath-tools < 0.4.8-40.25.1
%description %description
Perl modules for configuring various boot loaders. Perl modules for configuring various boot loaders.
Jiri Srain <>
Joachim Plack <>
Alexander Osthof <>
Josef Reidinger <>
%prep %prep
%setup -q %setup -q
%patch -p1
rm -rf perl-Bootloader-testsuite rm -rf perl-Bootloader-testsuite
mkdir -p lib mkdir -p lib
mv src lib/Bootloader mv src lib/Bootloader